9 research outputs found

    Periosteal Chondroma of the Femur: a Case Report

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    DergiPark: 420844tmsjAims: Periosteal chondroma is a rare and benign cartilage tumor seen mostly in long bones and in patients under30 years of age. In this case report, it is aimed to present a 16-year-old female patient with a periosteal chondroma inthe distal femur.Case Report: A 16-year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital with the history of pain in her distal partof right thigh. A superficial cortical erosion with well-defined borders without any relation to the intramedullaryarea was seen in magnetic resonance imaging. The lesion was regarded as periosteal chondroma and marginal excisionwas performed.Conclusion: This case report shows the importance of the differential diagnosis in cortical lesions. Periostealchondroma may be considered when a patient has a history of long term pain in adolescent age grou

    Non-operative treatment in children and adolescents with atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation

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    Amaç: Atlantoaksiyel rotator subluksasyon (AARS) çocuk ve adolesanlarda baş-boyun hareketlerinde kısıtlılık ve tortikollisle kendini gösteren, genellikle tanıda güçlük yaşanan ve beraberinde potansiyel riskler barındıran bir durumdur. Bu çalışmada cerrahi dışı yöntemlerle tedavi edilen 12 AARS olgusunun retrospektif analizi sunulmaktadır. Hastalar ve yöntem: AARS nedeni ile cerrahi dışı yöntemlerle tedavi edilen, ortalama yaşı 11,5 olan 12 hasta travma ve üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu öyküsü, ek yaralanmalar, radyolojik bulgular, semptomların süresi, mentooksipital traksiyonun miktarı ve süresi ile tedavinin klinik sonuçları açısından değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Olguların 8’inde travmatik AARS saptanırken, 4 olguda subluksasyonların ardında travmatik bir neden bulunamadı. Olguların 10’unda Fielding ve Hawkins’e göre tip I, 2’sinde ise tip II subluksasyonlar saptandı. Tüm olgular yatak başı mentooksipital traksiyonla tedavi edildi. Traksiyonda kullanılan ortalama ağırlık 1,8 kg iken, ortalama traksiyon süresi 3,75 kg olarak hesaplandı. Olgular traksiyonla elde edilen klinik düzelmenin ardından 3 hafta Philadelphia boyunlukla takip edildi. Altıncı ay kontrollerde hiçbir olguda baş-boyun hareketlerinde kısıtlılık ve ağrı saptanmadı. Sonuçlar: Atlantoaksiyel eklem, baş rotasyonunun çoğundan sorumlu olan karmaşık bir yapıdır. Çocuk ve adolesanlarda boyun ağrısı ve torticollis ayırıcı tanısında atlantoaksiyel eklem patolojileri ve AARS mutlaka düşünülmeli ve ekarte edilmelidir. Tanıda gecikme yaşanan olguların tedavisinde cerrahi dışı yöntemlerle başarı şansı düşüktür.Objective: Atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation (AARS) is an uncommon lesion seen mainly in children and adolescents. A retrospective analysis of 12 patients with AARS treated non-operatively is presented in this study. Material and Methods: Twelve patients with AARS who were treated non-operatively were evaluated retrospectively in terms of recent trauma and respiratory tract infection history, accompanying injuries, radiological findings, duration of symptoms, amount and duration of traction and clinical results of the treatment. Results: Traumatic AARS was present in 8 patients. No evidence of trauma was found in 4 patients. Type I subluxations in 10 and type II subluxations in 2 patients were found according to the Fielding and Hawkins classification. All patients were treated using bed-side mentooccipital tractions. The mean duration of bed-side mentooccipital traction was 3,75 days and the mean amount of load was 1.8 kg. All patients were kept in Philadelphia collars for additional 3 weeks after the clinical recovery. No limitations and pain in head movements were present in any patient at the sixth month follow-up examinations. Conclusion: Paediatric patients with neck pain and torticollis should be investigated concerning trauma and recent respiratory tract infection history in order to avoid any delay in diagnosis of a possible AARS

    A Case Report: Radiofrequency Ablation For Osteoid Osteoma

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    DergiPark: 379035tmsjAims: Osteoid osteomas are benign bone-forming tumors which usually occur in long bones of young males. Its most significant finding is severe pain caused by nidus, increasing during nights. The application of radiofrequency ablation is becoming a widespread treatment method. In this case presentation, the aim is to discuss the application of radiofrequency ablation with its different aspects Case Report: Fourteen-year-old male patient had a history of left knee pain for 3 years. After his consultation at Trakya University Orthopaedics and Traumatology Outpatient Clinic, it was confirmed that the pain increases during night and it is localized in left thigh. According to these symptoms, radiological examinations performed to the patient. Taking radiology tests results into consideration, the patient was diagnosed with osteoid osteoma and treated by radiofrequency ablation. Conclusion: Osteoid osteoma is a surgical bone lesion but in late period radiofrequency ablation replaces open surgery because it has a lower risk of relapse, faster recovery, shorter hospitalization time and faster ambulation

    Evaluation of Thoracolumbar Injuries in Trakya University School of Medicine According to Aospine Classification System

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    DergiPark: 700170tmsjAims: This study aims to classify the thoracolumbar spinal injuries that were treated in Trakya University School of Medicineaccording to the recent Thoracolumbar AOSpine injury score and crosscheck the classified data with categorical modifiers suchas gender, trauma type and treatment type. Methods: AOSpine Classification System was used to classify thoracolumbar spinalinjuries. Classes were compared with patients’ gender, age, trauma energy and treatment type. Pearson Chi-Squared test and Shapiro-Wilk test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The total number of patients was 248. One hundred fifty-two (61.3%)were male and 96 (38.7%) were female. One hundred and three (86.6%) patients had high-energy trauma and 16 (13.4%) patientshad low-energy trauma in a total of 119 operated patients. Relationship between treatment type and AOSpine Classification System statistically significant. There was also a significant difference between trauma energy and AOSpine Classification Systemtypes. Conclusion: As a conclusion, gender and trauma energy were found to have a relationship and higher energy traumas weremost likely to cause spinal fractures. In addition, AOSpine classification system may be one of the confounding factors regardingthe choice of treatment. Keywords: Classification, spine, injur

    Torticollis Secondary to a Posterior Fossa Tumor: a Case Report

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    DergiPark: 584648tmsjAims: Torticollis secondary to a posterior fossa tumor is a rare condition that is mostly seen in pediatric patients. In this casereport, it is aimed to present a 23-month-old male patient with a posterior fossa tumor that presents the symptoms of torticollis.Case Report: A 23-month-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with a history of a restricted range of motion in hisneck and leaning to his left side while sitting. Physical examination of the patient revealed acute onset of atlantoaxial rotatorysubluxation findings therefore, the initial diagnosis was Grisel’s Syndrome. Later, a cranial magnetic resonance imaging revealeda mass which was seen in the posterior fossa. The mass was considered as the cause of the torticollis. Conclusion: This case reportshows the importance of the differential diagnosis of torticollis. Posterior fossa tumors should not be overlooked while searchingfor the cause of torticollis. Keywords: Torticollis, posterior fossa tumors, infratentorial neoplasm

    The Evaluation of Patients With Multiple Level Spinal Fractures Admitted to a Single Institution: a Retrospective Study

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    DergiPark: 421248tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the data of the patients who are diagnosed with multiple level spinal fracturesand to find out the most common level of fractures. Furthermore, this data will be examined regarding patients’age, gender, fracture type, cause of the injury, and type of the treatment in order to get a baseline data to improvefuture outcomes.Methods: The data of 42 patients who were diagnosed with multiple spinal fractures in Trakya University Facultyof Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology in between 2012 and 2017 was analyzed retrospectively.In order to understand the incidence of multiple spinal fractures in both genders, type of the treatment and cause ofthe injury, descriptive analysis as arithmetic mean ± standard deviation, number and percentages, median (mini¬-mum-maximum) were used.Results: There were 42 patients including 32 (76.2%) men and 10 (23.8%) women with a mean age of 41 years.The most common level of injury was T12 (17.5%). The incidence of T11-L1 fractures is 62.1%. 20 (47.6%) of thefractures were caused by motor vehicle accidents. 26 patients were treated surgically and 13 patients had conservativetreatment.Conclusion: Multiple level spinal fracture is a very important clinical problem. It is seen mostly in men andmiddle-aged population. Thoracolumbar transition (T11-L2) is the most affected region due to the biomechanicsof vertebral column. The most common causes of the multiple spinal fractures are motor vehicle accidents and falls.Management of multiple level spinal fractures are based on surgical or conservative treatment modalities. Choosingthe correct treatment option for a patient with multiple level spinal fractures depends on several factor

    What Is Your Diagnosis?

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    DergiPark: 379011tmsj[Abstract Not Available

    The Evaluation of Musculoskeletal System Tumors and Tumor Like Lesions in Thrace Region

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    DergiPark: 478352tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the data belonging to patients who were diagnosed with benign or malignant soft tissue and bone tumors and tumor-like lesions evaluated by musculoskeletal tumor study group of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine in between January 2013 and June 2017 and the relationship between the frequency of benign, malignant bone and soft tissue tumors and tumor-like lesions, with the patients’ age and gender. Methods: The data of 687 patients who were evaluated by the musculoskeletal tumor study group of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine between January 2013- June 2017 were analyzed retrospectively. All of the data was analyzed by using SPSS. Chi-square analysis was used to obtain categorical data in order to point out the distribution of age and gender of patients with musculoskeletal system tumors and tumor-like lesions. Results: The number of patients over the period from January 2013 to June 2017 was 687. The number of patients who were evaluated by biopsy and acquired histopathologic confirmation of their condition was 341. The mean of patients’ ages was 44.3±21.4 (4-92). Among 341 patients, 106 (47.1%) patients were female and 119 (52.9%) patients were male. The mean of females’ ages was 43.7±20.4 (4-92). The mean of males’ ages was 44.7±22.4 (5-90). Conclusion: Benign bone and soft tissue tumors were more common than malignant tumors. Benign bone tumors were predominantly seen in young adults. Our results was consistent with the literature however due to some patients who did not need a pathological sampling, our sample size was smaller than intended. With better archived information, more consistent results could be obtained in further studies