17 research outputs found

    The comparative study of nursing pads by electrospun cellulose acetate, polyethylene oxide and thermoplastic polyurethane nanofibers

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    This study summarizes the general information about nursing pads and novel electrospun nanofiber mats as potential component for nursing pads. It also compares electrospun thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), cellulose acetate (CA) and polyethylene oxide (PEO) nanofibers with a polypropylene conventional disposable nursing pad (NP) in terms of hydrophilicity, breathability, air permeability and swelling properties. Nanofiber mats prepared by the electrospinning method have unique properties such as smooth surface, high specific surface area and high porosity with fine pores which will lead to improved wicking properties. These properties make nanofibers potential component for disposable nursing pads. Mean diameters of produced nanofibers were 284.39, 609.70 and 219.30 nm for CA, TPU and PEO, respectively. Water contact angle measurement revealed that these nanofibers show good wettability properties better than commercial nonwoven nursing mat and air permeability results revealed that these nanofibrous mats have considerably adequate permeability. Besides, water vapor permeability results showed these nanofibers still show good breathability despite their compact structure. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Electrospun nanofiber membranes for adsorption of dye molecules from textile wastewater

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    The nanofiber membranes prepared by the electrospinning method have unique properties such as high specific surface area and high porosity with fine pores. These properties led electrospun nanofiber membranes to use for the removal of dye molecules from textile wastewater. In this study, a hydrophobic Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) and a hydrophilic Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) were selected for producing electrospun nanofibers and their sorption capacities were investigated. The largest sorption capacity reached to maximum 88.31 mg/g, belong to BTCA cross-linked PVA membranes due to hydrophilic character of PVA. Contrary to expectation, hydrophobic character of TPU was dominant and incorporation of CD to the TPU nanofibers did not affect the sorption of the TPU membranes, and showed very low adsorption capacity (14.48 mg/g). © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Cellulose acetate and polyvinylidene fluoride nanofiber mats for N95 respirators

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    Nanofibrous media have a low basis weight, high permeability and small pore size that make them appropriate for a wide range of filtration applications, particularly for smaller particles. In contrast to electrostatic filter media, nanofibers' filtration efficiencies depend on the mechanical filtration mechanism and do not degrade with time. In this study, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) requirements for the N95 particulate filtering half mask were achieved using electrospun cellulose acetate (CA) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanofiber coated polypropylene spunbond layers. Specifically, 16 and 15% (w/v), and 14, 12 and 10% (w/w) polymer concentrations were selected for CA nanofibers and PVDF nanofibers, respectively, to adjust the nanofiber diameters. The diameters of CA and PVDF nanofibers were decreased with decreasing polymer concentration for both CA (319.02 to 264.02 nm) and PVDF (236.50 to 142.59 nm) nanofibers. The thickness of the electrospun 16CA, 15CA and 14PVDF, 12PVDF, 10PVDF mats was adjusted by varying the collection period (15 min, 30 min, 60 min). The effects of electrospun CA and PVDF nanofiber diameter on the pore size and the thickness of the mats were compared in terms of filtration performance. 16CA with a nanofiber diameter of 319.02 nm had the largest first bubble point of 26.5 µm and mean flow pore size of 5.71 µm at 15 min with a thickness of 0.019 mm. The smallest first bubble point and mean flow pore values and the smallest pore size were achieved with the finest nanofibers of 10PVDF. Filtration performances were given as initial penetration and air flow resistance (ΔP). 16CA-60 min and 15CA-30 min mats both met the NIOSH requirements with their bulky structure. For PVDF, thinner nanofibers with smaller pores were produced compared to the CA nanofibers, and the NIOSH requirements were only achieved using double-layered, face-to-face 10PVDF-15 min nanofiber mats with the penetration of 1.85% and ΔP of 33.87 mmH2O. © The Author(s) 2019

    Tailoring the Porosity and Breathability of Nanofiber Webs with Mesh Size of the Deposition Material

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    Nano and micro-pores of the electrospun webs present good moisture vapor transmission rate, while it maintains resistance to pressured air and resistance to liquid for some type of clothing. Laminating a nanofiber web to any textile structure could improve the desired resistance to air permeability with providing excellent breathability. In the present study, hydrophobic thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and hydrophilic poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofiber webs were produced onto three different chromium sieve wires and then laminated to an interlining fabric and compared in means of pore size, breathability, and air permeability. Mesh count of the wires affected the pore size and smallest pore size are belong to 90 mesh wire. The water vapor permeability of the samples varied between 80% and 90% as well as providing relatively low air permeability values. With increasing nanofiber amount, air permeability decreased dramatically

    Development and characterization of naproxen-loaded poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers crosslinked with polycarboxylic acids

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    Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogel nanofibers are a potential candidate for textile-based drug-release applications. Polycarboxylic acids 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) and citric acid (CA) are low-cost alternatives reported to easily crosslink electrospun PVA hydrogel. These can be directly added into the spinning solutions. One of the most efficient non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Naproxen (NAP), was selected as a model drug for this study. The release mechanisms of drug-loaded electrospun PVA nanofibers are based on the diffusion of the drugs through the swollen PVA fibrous matrix and the release due to partial dissolution of the matrix. Control over drug-release characteristics can be provided through partial crosslinking of the PVA fibrous matrix. © 2018, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. All rights reserved

    Preparation and characterization of naproxen-loaded electrospun thermoplastic polyurethane nanofibers as a drug delivery system

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    The design and production of drug-loaded nanofiber based materials produced by electrospinning is of interest for use in innovative drug delivery systems. In the present study, ultra-fine fiber mats of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) containing naproxen (NAP) were successfully prepared by electrospinning from 8 and 10% (w/w) TPU solutions. The amount of NAP in the solutions was 10 and 20% based on the weight of TPU. The collection period of the drug-loaded electrospun TPU fibers was 5, 10 and 20 h, and they were characterized by FTIR, DSC and TGA analysis. The morphology of the NAP-loaded electrospun TPU fiber mats was smooth, and the average diameters of these fibers varied between 523.66 and 723.50 nm. The release characteristics of these fiber mats were determined by the total immersion method in the phosphate buffer solution at 37°C. It was observed that the collection period in terms of the mat thickness played a major role in the release rate of NAP from the electrospun TPU mats. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Removal of Reactive Red 141 from Wastewater: A Study of Dye Adsorption Capability of Water-Stable Electrospun Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibers

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    The dye production and its use in textile and related industries resulted in discharge of dye to wastewater. Adsorption for color removal is known as equilibrium separation process, and the resultant decolorization is influenced by physicochemical factors such as adsorbent surface area. The nanofiber membranes prepared by the electrospinning method have controllable nanofiber diameter and pore size distribution (PSD) with a high surface area to volume or mass ratio. In this study, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanofibrous membranes were prepared by the electrospinning method at different collection times such as 3, 5 and 10 h and heat fixated at 130, 150 and 170°C for 10 min, and then, the adsorption capability of PVA nanofiber membranes for Reactive Red 141 from aqueous solution was investigated. In order to make PVA nanofibers stable to water, the nanofibrous membranes were chemically cross-linked by a polycarboxylic acid (1,2,3,4 butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA)). PVA nanofibrous membranes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, swelling tests and pore size analysis. The results indicated that BTCA crosslinking improved the thermal and water stability of the nanofibrous structure but has no significant effect on the pore sizes of the membranes. Adsorption of Reactive Red 141 was studied by the batch technique, and it was observed that PVA nanofibers removed approximately >80% of the dye. © 2019 Çigdem Akduman et al., published by Sciendo

    Investigation of thermal comfort properties of electrospun thermoplastic polyurethane fiber coated knitted fabrics for wind-resistant clothing

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    The integration of nanofibers into conventional fabrics may open up new opportunities such as improving the comfort performance and thermal management properties of outdoor clothing. Nanofibers are able to form a highly porous mesh and their large surface-to-volume ratio improves performance for many applications. This study shows the possible utility of the nanofiber coating on conventional knitted fabrics for improving the wind-resistance and breathability properties. It was seen that nanofiber coating did not cause a significant effect on water vapor and thermal resistance of electrospun thermoplastic polyurethane nanofiber coated cotton (CO), modal (CMD), viscose (CV), and lyocell (CLY) single jersey fabrics, while resistance to air permeability was increased with the increased nanofiber coating. High level of air resistance was achieved with 30 min of coating. In terms of comfort properties, the nanofiber coating proved to be advantageous due to its lower air permeability with its water vapor permeable structure. However, thermal insulation level of these fabrics was still low and fragile nanofiber layer needed to be protected. Therefore, a multi-layered fabric form was derived from combination of cotton and lyocell fabrics with a nanofiber layer. The results showed that nanofibers could be used to improve the wind-resistance and comfort properties of multi-layered knitted structures. © 2020 Society of Plastics Engineer

    Effects of β-cyclodextrin on selected properties of electrospun thermoplastic polyurethane nanofibres

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    Cyclodextrins are one of the most promising materials for the development of products with advanced properties due to inclusion complex formation ability with a wide variety of substances. More specifically, incorporation of cyclodextrins into electrospun nanofibrous materials is considered as potential candidates for functional textile applications. This study examines the electrospinning of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) nanofibres including β-cyclodextrin and investigates the effects of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) on resultant fibre properties. TPU/CD nanofibres were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, FTIR, TGA and DSC analysis. Additionally phenolphthalein absorption tests were applied. It was observed that the incorporation of β-CD increased the mean fibre diameter and heterogeneity of nanofibrous membranes. The effects of β-CD on the thermal properties of TPU membranes were shown. It was proven that β-CD within TPU nanostructure could be able to form inclusion complexes. TPU/CD nanofibres are believed to have good potentials for functional textile applications. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd