815 research outputs found

    The Impacts of Structural and Psychological Empowerment on Burnout:A Research on Staff Nurses in Turkish State Hospitals

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    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the level of perceived structural and psychological empowerment and the level of burnout among nurses in health service organizations. Data for the present study were taken from the survey of state hospital nurses. This study employs a series of multiple regression analyses in order to address the effect of the level of empowerment on the level of burnout—as well as the effect of the level of each dimension of structural empowerment and psychological empowerment on the each dimension of burnout. The results indicate that nurses who perceive higher level psychological empowerment and lower level structural empowerment and burnout. In addition to the effect of empowerment or the dimensions of empowerment, it was found that various background factors influence the level of burnout perceived by nurses in the workplace.Keywords: Structural Empowerment; Psychological Empowerment; Burnout; Nurses; State Hospital; Turke

    15. yüzyıl klasik Türk şiirinin poetikası

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Klasik Türk şiirinde poetikanın, klasik Türk şiiri poetikasında XV. yüzyılın yerini tespit etmek; bu bağlamda dönemin şairlerinin poetik yorum ve söylemlerini gün yüzüne çıkarmak ve ortaya çıkan veriler arasındaki benzer ya da farklı yönleri belirlemek amacıyla başladığımız "XV. Yüzyıl Klasik Türk Şiirinin Poetikası" konulu çalışma, klasik Türk şiirinin bu alandaki zenginliğini de göstermiştir. Bu amaçla XV. asırda sanatı ve eserleri ile öne çıkmış Abdülvâsi Çelebi, Adlî, Ahmet Paşa, Avnî, Bedr-i Dilşad, Cem Sultan, Hamdullah Hamdî, Mihrî Hâtun, Necâtî Bey, Şeyhî ve Tâcî-zâde Cafer Çelebi olmak üzere 11 şairin divan ve mesnevileri incelenmiştir. Bu suretle şairlerin şiir sanatına ve klasik Türk şiirine yönelik tavır ve düşünceleri tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerden hareketle önce başlıklar sonra da tez oluşturulmuştur. Öncelikle giriş bölümünde poetikanın tarifi, kapsamı, tarihi ve Türk edebiyatındaki örnekleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Hazırlamış olduğumuz tez, bu kısımdan sonra dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde yüzyılın siyasi, sosyal, kültürel ve edebî durumlarını; ardından örneklem olarak seçtiğimiz şairlerin hayatını, sanatını, eserlerini tanıtıcı bilgiler paylaşılmıştır. İkinci, üçüncü ve dördüncü bölümlerde; eserlerini incelediğimiz şairlerin sırasıyla "şiir", "şair" ve "çevre" bağlamında ifade ettiği düşünce ve değerlendirmeleri ilgili alt başlıklarla birlikte gösterilmiştir. Bu bölümlerde yüzyıl şairlerinin ifade ve yorumlarından yola çıkarak XV. yüzyıl klasik Türk şiirinin poetikasına dair bazı genel yargılara varılmaya çalışılmıştır. Neticede şairlerin ifadeleri arasında yer bulan poetik değerde pek çok kullanıma ya da yargıya ulaşılmıştır. Dolayısıyla XV. yüzyıl, klasik Türk şiirinin poetikasının da oluşmaya başladığı, bu açıdan diğer yüzyıllarla mukayese edilebilecek zenginliğe sahip olduğu bir dönemdir.In this study our aim was to define the status of poetics in classical Turkish poetry and to define the status of XVth century in classical Turkish poetry poetics; to reveal the poetic interpretations and discourses of the poets of the period as well as to identify similar or divergent aspects between the revealed data. Our study titled as "Poetics of XVth Century Classical Turkish Poetry" showed the substantiality of classical Turkish poetry in this field. For this purpose, divans and mesnevis of the 11 prominent poets of the XVth century; namely Abdülvâsi Çelebi, Adlî, Ahmet Pasha, Avnî, Bedr-i Dilşad, Cem Sultan, Hamdullah Hamdî, Mihrî Hâtun, Necâtî Bey, Şeyhî and Tâcî-zâde Cafer Çelebi were analyzed. Thus, the attitudes and ideas of the poets towards poetry and Divan poetry were determined. Based on the data obtained, the titles and then the thesis were created. First of all, in the introduction section the definition, scope, history and examples of poetics in the Turkish literature are emphasized. After the introduction section, the thesis consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, the political, social, cultural and literal situations of the century; as well as the information about the life, arts and works of selected poets were given. In the second, third and fourth chapters; the thoughts and evaluations of the poets regarding "poem", "poet" and "environment" are given respectively within the related subtitles. In these chapters, based on the expressions and interpretations of the poets of the century, we tried to reach some general judgements about the poetics of XVth century classical Turkish poetry. As a result, we reached many poetic values or judgments among the statements of poets. Therefore, XVth century is a period in which poetics of divan poetry began to occur and from this aspect this period owns comparable richness with respect to other centuries


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    The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship between the competence of using 21st century skills and readiness for change of primary and secondary school teachers working in public schools in Uşak. The research was designed in scanning model. The population of the research consists of 3972 teachers and 498 school administrators working in primary and secondary schools in Uşak, and the sample consists of 640 teachers and 82 school administrators. Convenience sampling was used in the selection of the sample. In order to collect data, “21st Century Teaching Skills Scale” developed by Orhan-Göksün (2016) and “School Readiness for Change Scale” developed by Helvacı (2015) were used. As a result of the research, according to the opinions of the teachers and school administrators, the competency of using 21st century skills of the teachers is at "high" level, according to the opinions of the teachers, the level of readiness for change is at the "high" level, and according to the opinions of the school administrators, the level of readiness for change of the teachers is at the "moderate" level. It has been determined that there is a positive and highly significant relationship between teachers' 21st century skills usage competencies and their readiness for change skill levels.  Article visualizations

    Relationship Between Counterproductive Behaviors and Islamic Work Ethics

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    The concept of “work” means mentally and physically exerting, endeavoring, and challenging to generate a business challenge and plays an important role in development and improvement of an individual and a society. Religion supports morality and plays an effective role in having a well-balanced life. It is also direct people to the right and virtuous behaviors. In Islamic faith, person is informed about positive, negative, right and wrong behaviors and positives are supported. People are responsible for their roles and behaviors not only in the sight of God, but also in front of all the people. The planned and intentional behaviors against the organizational norm and values are named as “Counterproductive Behaviors” and ordered as follows: favoritism, corruption, individualism, mobbing, absenteeism, alienation, social pressure… etc. In this study, the work ethic in terms of Islam and types of behaviors which impede productivity are considered. Scales from Abbas Ali (IWA-Islamic Work Ethic) and Bennett and Robinson (Workplace Deviance) have been implemented people working in public organizations in Turkey. Under the light of collected data and based on the analysis results on SPSS, the relationship between Islamic Work Ethic and Counterproductive Behaviors have been shown up and suggestions have been made to encourage future studies and project implementers. Keywords: Counterproductive behaviors, islamic work ethic, work, work ethic

    Rich vehicle routing: A data-driven heuristic application for a logistics company

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    Changing online shopping behaviors have resulted in the emergence of different product and services that aim high customer satisfaction. In this thesis, we develop an alternative approach to solve problem of a logistics company, which operates solely for e-commerce transactions, using an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) heuristic. To understand the nature of the distribution system and for the development of the solution procedure, we create, preprocess and analyze a dataset constructed from company’s database that is used for daily operations. The proposed solution provides a prioritization mechanism for the deliveries based on certain specifications related to deliveries. To evaluate the performance of the proposed ALNS, we perform computational experiments using scenarios with real-life instances extracted from the dataset. Our results show that, the proposed ALNS can produce solutions with high quality regarding customer satisfactio

    Teachers' opinions on the effectiveness of digital technology in the realization of cognitive objectives

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    Educational technologies are used as an effective tool in achieving educational objectives. In this research, it is aimed to examine teachers' opinions about the effectiveness level of digital technology in acquiring cognitive objectives. The research was conducted as the sequential explanatory mixed research design. “A questionnaire of technology beliefs for cognitive objectives” and semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers were applied. At the end of the research, it was concluded that teachers' views about the effectiveness of digital technologies in achieving cognitive objectives were generally high. Smart boards and Web 2.0 are thought the most effective tool by the teachers. Respectively computer, tablet pc, smartphone and Web 1.0 come next in that list. It has been seen that smart board and Web 2.0 technologies play an effective role in the acquisition of cognitive objectives by enabling the development of different parameters

    An Overview of the Effect of Covid-19 on Household Food Waste: How Does the Pandemic Affect Food Waste at the Household Level?

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    The COVID-19 outbreak created one of the largest pandemics globally, with the world health organization (WHO) declaring several measures, including restriction of movement to curtail the spread of the virus. Reducing food waste is critical to achieving healthy nutrition and sustainability in food systems. In this regard, private households have consistently been regarded as key actors in food waste generation. Hence, this study examined the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food waste in homes. A total of 1098 respondents were asked questions on how the pandemic affected their food preparation and consumption pattern, food purchasing and food waste. Compared with the situation before COVID19, there is a significant increase in kitchen spending and bread-making at home. Moreover, food waste generation and the frequency of eating out and food purchasing were reduced. Waste generation was higher in bakery products, left-over foods, and fruits and vegetables. Respondents suggested prudent meal preparation and consumption, increased awareness, and food purchasing restrictions as measures to reduce food waste. Overall, the pandemic has led to more stringent planning in household spendings and attitudinal changes regarding food preparation and consumption, resulting in a significant reduction in food waste and may have contributed to curtailing the spread of the COVID-19 virus

    Social Anxiety Disorder

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