37 research outputs found

    İyi Bir Kalitatif Kanıt Sentezi Nasıl Yazılmalı?

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    İyi bir kalitatif derleme, ilgili fenomen ve araştırma sorusu için var olan tüm kanıtların sentezlenerek okuyucuya sunulduğu bulunmaz bir kaynaktır. Çok kapsamlı bir literatür taramasının yapılması ve yazarın önyargısının daha düşük olması nedeniyle sistematik derlemeler altın standart olarak kabul edilmektedir. Son yıllarda nitel araştırmanın özellikle politika ve uygulamayı etkileme gücünün daha fazla farkına varılması ile nitel araştırmanın sistematik derlemeleri olarak da bilinen nitel kanıt sentezlerine olan ihtiyaç daha fazla hissedilmeye başlanmıştır. Nitel kanıt sentezleri kanıt yönünden güçlü olmasıyla beraber, araştırma yöntemi uygun olarak tasarlanmadığında ve raporlanmadığında yanlılık riskini artırır. Niteliksel kanıt sentezleri metodolojik olarak geleneksel sistematik derlemelerden farklılıklar gösterir. Bu makalede iyi bir kalitatif kanıt sentezi yazımı ile ilgili bilgiler literatür doğrultusunda paylaşılmaktadır

    Impact of training giving to peadiatric nurses by interactive workshops against to problems during lactation period

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    Aim:  The study has been conducted in order to determine the impact of training which giving to peadiatric nurses by interactive workshops against to problems during lactation period.Methods:  This study, which is an experimental type in which pre-test/ post-test measurements were taken, was carried out in a state hospital in Samsun in October 2014. Before the training, the nurses accepted the presentation invitation. Evaluation of participants’ knowledge on the subject was performed via a Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) prepared by the researchers in relation with the literature. The study was conducted by 33 volunteer nurses working in the pediatric departments of a state hospital in the conference hall. MCQ, consisting of 24 questions, was answered by the participants before and after the interactive workshop. Analyses were performed using commercial software (IBM SPSS Statistics 20, SPSS Inc. An IBM Corp., Armonk, NY)Findings:  Nurses (n= 33) who work in pediatric units participated in the study. The  average age of nurses who participated to study is  36.30 ± 6.47 (min=21 max=48).  There was a significant improvement in mean test score after the lecture when compared with pre-lecture score (Mean =23.66, SD=0.54 vs. Mean=12.24, SD=4.11, z= -5.021 p = 0.000)Conclusions: Lecture based interactive workshop on the problems faced during lactation period helps to improve nurses’ knowledge. It also helps in overcoming deficiencies in nurses training

    Koronavirüs Sosyal Mesafe Tutum Ölçeği’nin Psikometrik Özellikleri: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma, Koronavirüs Sosyal Mesafe Tutum Ölçeği’nin (KSMTÖ) Türkçe kültürel adaptasyonunun, geçerlik ve güvenirliğinin yapılması amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yöntem: Metodolojik ve tanımlayıcı tipte yapılan bu çalışmaya 277 katılımcı dahil edilmiştir. Araştırma verileri Haziran-Temmuz 2021 tarihleri arasında tanıtıcı bilgi formu ve KSMTÖ ile toplanmıştır. Faktör analizi, Cronbach Alfa katsayısı ve madde-toplam puan analizi hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Ölçek 14 madde ve iki alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Ölçek, toplam varyansın %47,069’unu açıklamaktadır. Yapı geçerliği sonucunda ölçek maddelerinin faktör yükleri 0,30'un üzerinde bulunmuştur. Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi sonucunda elde edilen uyum indeksleri χ²/sd 2,501; RMSEA 0,074; GFI 0,915; AGFI 0,875; CFI 0,921; SRMR 0,064 olarak elde edilmiştir. Ölçek alt boyutların Cronbach Alfa katsayısı sırası ile 0.709, 0.834 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç: KSMTÖ’nin, bireylerin sosyal mesafe uygulamasına ilişkin tutumlarını ölçmede geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğu görülmüştür

    Development of an oral anticoagulant-use attitude scale, and assessment of its validity and reliability

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    Conclusions: We found that the OACAs we developed had high reliability and validity

    Gelişen ve Geliştiren Hemşire Olmak

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    Sürekli değişen ve gelişen dünyada hemşire, çok farklı eğitim düzeyine, kültüre, yaşa ve ekonomik duruma sahip bireylere hemşirelik bakımını sunar ve bu bakımı sunarken hemşirenin aldığı eğitim, profesyonel değerleri ve mesleki etik kodlar ona yardımcı olur. Bu bakım sürecinde hemşire ile sağlıklı ya da hasta birey karşılıklı etkileşim halindedir. Bu etkileşimden hemşire de bakım alan birey de farklı kazanımlar edinir.Hemşireler, kendilerini geliştirirlerse ki bu sürekli bir gelişimdir, bakım verdikleri bireyleri de aynı zamanda geliştirirler ve güven oluştururlar. Hemşire gerek sağlık bakımının sunumunda gerek sağlık eğitiminde bakım verdiği bireyi geliştirir. Kendi sağlığı ile ilgili bireyin sorumluluk almasını ve kendini bu konuda geliştirmesini sağlar

    Hygiene behaviour in university students in Turkey

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    Conclusions: Community-based awareness and education plans must initiated to improve regular hygiene practices at the level of university students in Turkey


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    Infections of the respiratory tract are the most common acute illness of childhood. Apart from the morbidity (and occasional mortality) attributable to respiratory infections, they also represent risk factors for asthma and possibly other chronic respiratory effects in later life. Children's exposure to harmful substances of tobacco smoke begins at prenatal period, if pregnant woman smokes after the delivery, it continues postnatally to be paced. Children are especially sensitive to the respiratory effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure. ETS exposure is an significant & avoidable risk factor for respiratory diseases among children. ETS is a wide-spread environmental pollutant that has been long linked with respiratory problems. In children of all ages ETS exposure has been found to be associated with increased respiratory symptoms such as wheeze and cough. The role ETS plays in the development of atopy is of great interest, as atopy is closely related to the development of childhood asthma. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is preventable. This review discusses primarily on impact of ETS on during the fetal period and infancy and childhood. This paper reviews of several articles between year 1992-2009 obtained from the internet; Pubmed and Medline

    Parent's knowledge and perceptions of the health effects of environmental hazards in Sakarya, Turkey

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge and perception of parents of high school students about the health effects of environmental hazards in Sakarya province of Turkey. Method: The cross-section study was conducted in May 2009 in which randomly assigned 362 parents answered a questionnaire inquiring about the sociodemographics and a list of environmental hazards such as tobacco smoking, sunlight exposure and skin cancer, global climate change, air pollution, noise exposure, smoking during pregnancy and low birth-weight, exposure to radon and lung cancer, reducing radon, air pollution and cardiovascular diseases, base station and childhood leukaemia, extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and brain tumour. The participants were also asked about water pollution, environmental tobacco smoke, air pollution, ozone depletion, exposure to radon gas, soil pollution, noise pollution, formaldehyde related with furniture, ground ozone and pesticides etc. SPSS 15 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Among the participants 226 (62.4%) were females, and 284(78.5%) were in the 31-45 age group. There were 246(68%) high school or university graduates. Of the participants, 357 (98.6%) knew that smoking was a health risk, but exposure to radon gas was not that prevalent (n=194; 53.6%). The most intimidating risk was claimed as unsafe water (n=311; 85.9%), while noise exposure was the least source of worry among the environmental risks (n=134; 37.0%). Conclusion: There is a necessity to inform the public about less-known but significant environmental risks such as radon gas and noise exposure which may cause health problems

    Psychometric properties of the hygiene inventory in a Turkish population

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    The HI23 was as psychometrically robust in Turkish population as in an Australian population. Testing in different populations, cultures and healthcare systems will further assist in reporting the HI23 usefulness

    The contributing factors to poor sleep experiences in according to the university students: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Sleep problems among university students are common; however, the contributing factors to poor sleep experiences are still unclear. The purpose of this study is to examine the contributing factors to poor sleep experiences in university students. Materials and Methods: The study was cross-sectional, and the students completed self-report, anonymous questionnaires provided during an in-class survey. This is a single center study. A descriptive survey was conducted randomly on 256 university students in Turkey. The instruments for data collection consisted of the demographic data, and the contributing factors to poor sleep. Results: The most frequent self-reported cause to poor sleep experiences in according to the university students were exposure psychological problems (67.2%), stress (64.8%), exposure to tobacco smoke in the sleeping room (63,7%), pain (62,9%), having family problems (62,5%), being patient (55,1%), air quality of the room (55,1%), strenuous physical activity (53,9%), fatigue (53,5%), sadness (53,1%), noise that caused by other people in the room (52.0%), room scents (sweat, perfume, humidity, naphthalene, etc.) (53.1%), depression (51, 6 %), anxiety, and tension (51, 1%). Conclusion: Students should be encouraged to solve psychological problems, to suitable stress-relieving measures, to follow sleep hygiene practice and adequate time management for academic and social activities