53 research outputs found

    Technical Report: The effect of Input Parameters on Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The aim of this technical report is to investigate the effect of input parameters on the falsification of cyber-physical systems (CPSs)

    BDD-based supervisory control on extended finite automata

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    In this paper, we settle some problems that are encountered when modeling and synthesizing complex industrial systems by the supervisory control theory. First, modeling such huge systems with explicit state-transition models typically results in an intractable model. An alternative modeling approach is to use extended finite automata (EFAs), which is an augmentation of ordinary automata with variables. The main advantage of utilizing EFAs for modeling is that more compact models are obtained. The second problem concerns the ease to understand and implement the supervisor. To handle this problem, we represent the supervisor in a modular manner by extending the original EFAs by compact conditional expressions generated from the monolithic supervisor. In order to, potentially, be able to handle complex systems efficiently, the models are symbolically represented by binary decision diagrams (BDDs). All computations that are performed in this framework are based on BDD operations. The framework has been implemented in a supervisory control tool and applied to industrially relevant benchmark problems

    Modular specification of forbidden states for supervisory control

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    A method for solving the forbidden state problem in the Supervisory Control Theory framework is presented. In many real-world applications both the plant and specification is given as a set of interacting automata or processes. In this work, we enable specification of forbidden states within such a modular structure. The aim with the method is to make each forbidden modular state combination uncontrollable. It is then possible to use efficient modular synthesis algorithms for calculation of a modular supervisor where the forbidden states are removed

    Symbolic reachability computation using the disjunctive partitioning technique in Supervisory Control Theory

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    Supervisory Control Theory (SCT) is a model-based framework for automatically synthesizing a supervisor that minimally restricts the behavior of a plant such that a given specification is fulfilled. A problem, which prevents SCT from having a major breakthrough industrially, is that the supervisory synthesis often suffers from the state-space explosion problem. To alleviate this problem, a well-known strategy is to represent and explore the state-space symbolically by using Binary Decision Diagrams. Based on this principle, an efficient symbolic state-space traversal approach, depending on the disjunctive partitioning technique, is presented and the correctness of it is proved. Finally, the efficiency of the presented approach is demonstrated on a set of benchmark examples

    A symbolic approach for maximally permissive deadlock avoidance in complex resource allocation systems

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    To develop an efficient implementation of the maximally permissive deadlock avoidance policy (DAP) for complex resource allocation systems (RAS), a recent approach focuses on the identification of a set of critical states of the underlying RAS state-space, referred to as minimal boundary unsafe states. The availability of this information enables an expedient one-step-lookahead scheme that prevents the RAS from reaching outside its safe region. This paper presents a symbolic approach that provides those critical states. Furthermore, by taking advantage of certain structural properties regarding RAS safety, the presented method avoids the complete exploration of the underlying RAS state-space. Numerical experimentation demonstrates the efficiency of the approach for developing the maximally permissive DAP for complex RAS with large structure and state-spaces, and its potential advantage over similar approaches that employ more conventional representational and computational methods

    Modeling sequential resource allocation systems using Extended Finite Automata

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    Deadlock avoidance for resource allocation systems (RAS) is a well-established problem in the Discrete Event System (DES) literature. This paper is mainly concerned with modeling the class of Conjunctive / Disjunctive sequential resource allocation systems (C/D RAS) as finite automata extended with variables. The proposed modeling approach allows for modeling multiple instance execution, routing flexibility and failure handling. With an appropriate model of the system, a symbolic approach is then used to synthesize the optimal supervisor, in the least restrictive sense. Furthermore, a set of compact logical formulae can be extracted and attached to the original model, which results in a modular and comprehensible representation of the supervisor

    Practice of Industrial Control Logic Programming using Library Components

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    This chapter discusses Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming practice, particularly the use of library components, in the automotive industry. A study of program structure and use of library components at two European car manufacturers is presented. The main purpose of the study is to provide understanding of current PLC programming in industry

    Online support for shop-floor operators using body movements tracking

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    This paper presents results of experiments on the integration of human operators and automation in the context of assembly systems. Several experiments have been conducted to evaluate the use of augmented reality applications in order to provide dynamic work instructions and online feedback information to a shop-floor operator. Based on these results, an experimental platform has been developed so that the shop-floor operator and the automated system behave as a closed-loop system

    An SMT Based Compositional Algorithm to Solve a Conflict-Free Electric Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is the combinatorial optimization problem of designing routes for vehicles to visit customers in such a fashion that a cost function, typically the number of vehicles, or the total travelled distance is minimized. The problem finds applications in industrial scenarios, for example where Automated Guided Vehicles run through the plant to deliver components from the warehouse. This specific problem, henceforth called the Electric Conflict-Free Vehicle Routing Problem (CF-EVRP), involves constraints such as limited operating range of the vehicles, time windows on the delivery to the customers, and limited capacity on the number of vehicles the road segments can accommodate at the same time. Such a complex system results in a large model that cannot easily be solved to optimality in reasonable time. We therefore developed a compositional model that breaks down the problem into smaller and simpler sub-problems and provides sub-optimal, feasible solutions to the original problem. The algorithm exploits the strengths of SMT solvers, which proved in our previous work to be an efficient approach to deal with scheduling problems. Compared to a monolithic model for the CF-EVRP, written in the SMT standard language and solved using a state-of-the-art SMT solver the compositional model was found to be significantly faster

    Symbolic Computation of Nonblocking Control Function for Timed Discrete Event Systems

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    In this paper, we symbolically compute a minimally restrictive nonblocking supervisor for timed discrete event systems, in the supervisory control theory context. The method is based on Timed Extended Finite Automata, which is an augmentation of extended finite automata (EFAs) by incorporating discrete time into the model. EFAs are ordinary automaton extended with discrete variables, guard expressions and action functions. To tackle large problems all computations are based on binary decision diagrams (BDDs). The main feature of this approach is that the BDD-based fixed-point computations is not based on “tick” models that have been commonly used in this area, leading to better performance in many cases. As a case study, we effectively computed the minimally restrictive nonblocking supervisor for a well-known production cell
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