25 research outputs found

    Surgical resection and reconstruction after resection of tumors involving the sacropelvic region

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    Objectives Surgical management of the tumors in the sacropelvic region is a challenging field of spine surgery because of the complex local anatomy and biomechanics. Recent development in anesthesia and intensive care has allowed us to perform extended surgeries focused on the en bloc resection of sacropelvic tumors. Various techniques for the resection and for the reconstruction were published in the last decade. Methods Sacropelvic tumor resection techniques and methods for the biomechanical and soft-tissue reconstruction are reviewed in this paper. Results Literature data is based on case reports and case-series. Several different techniques were developed for the lumbopelvic stabilization after sacropelvic tumor resection according to three different reconstruction principles (spinopelvic fixation, posterior pelvic ring fixation, anterior spinal column fixation); however, long term follow up data and comparative studies of the different techniques are still missing. Soft-tissue reconstruction can be performed according to an algorithm depending on the surgical approach, but relatively high complication rates are reported with all reconstruction strategies. The clinical outcome of such surgeries should ideally be evaluated in three dimensions; surgical-, oncological-, and functional outcomes. The last, and most important step of the presurgical planning procedure is a careful presentation of the surgical goals and risks to the patient, who must provide a fully informed consent before surgery can proceed. Discussion Sacropelvic tumors are rare conditions. In the last decade, growing evidence was published on resection and reconstruction techniques for these tumors; however, experience at most medical centers is limited by the low case-number. Formation of international expert groups and initiation of multicenter studies is strongly encouraged to produce a high level of evidence in this special field of spine surgery

    Surgical treatment of primary malignant tumors of the sacrum

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    Objectives The objective of the authors was to provide an up-to-date review about the epidemiology, diagnosis and surgical management of the malignant primary sacral tumors. Methods A PubMed search was conducted using a combination of the following items: (("Spinal Neoplasms"[Mesh]) AND "Sacrum"[Mesh]) NOT ("Metastasis" OR "Metastases" OR "Benign"). The literature review and the author's own surgical experiences were used to assess the current treatment strategies of the malignant sacral tumors. Results Twenty case series were identified, which studies discuss in detail the surgical strategies, the postoperative complications, the functional and onclolgic outcome, the recurrence free and the disease specific survival of this rare patient category. Discussion Sacral tumors are rare pathologies. Their management generates a complex medical problem, as they usually are diagnosed in advanced stages with extended dimensions involving the sacral nerves and surrounding organs. The evaluation and complex treatment of these rare tumors require a multidisciplinary approach, optimally at institutions with comprehensive care and experience. Although conventional oncologic therapeutic methods should be used as neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapies in certain histological types, en bloc resection with wide surgical margins is essential for long-term local oncologic control. This is often technically difficult to achieve, as just a few centers in the world perform sacral tumor surgeries on a regular basis, and have enough wide experience. Therefore international cooperation and organization of multicenter tumor registries are essential to develop evidence based treatment protocols

    Paradigmaváltás a csontmetasztázisok sebészetében. II. Gerincmetasztázisok kezelése

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    The incidence of spinal metastases is constantly growing, but due to the advancements in oncologic treatment methods, the survival and the quality of life of the patients are persistently improving. Choosing the optimal treatment method is essential, and several factors should be considered: type of the primary tumor, segmental stability, the symptoms caused by the metastasis and the general condition of the patient. Using modern radiotherapeutic methods combined with minimally invasive surgical techniques (minimally invasive stabilization, separation surgery) in the majority of patients permits adequate local control with low complication rate. In our review, we describe the state-of-the-art, modern spinal metastasis treatment options based on the recently published evidence. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(8): 297-302

    Genetic variants of interleukin 1B and 6 are associated with clinical outcome of surgically treated lumbar degenerative disc disease

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    Background Successfully surgically treating degenerative disc diseases can be challenging to the spine surgeons, the long-term outcome relies on both the physical and mental status of the patient before and after treatment. Numerous studies underlined the role of inflammatory cytokines – like interleukin 1B and 6 – in the development of chronic diseases such as failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) and major depressive disorder (MDD) which alter the outcome after spinal surgery. Our aim was to evaluate the associations of IL6 and IL1B gene polymorphisms with the long-term outcome of degenerative lumbar spine surgeries. Methods An international genetical database (GENODISC) was combined with our institute’s clinical database to create a large pool with long term follow up data. Altogether 431 patient’s data were analysed. Patient reported outcome measures and surgical outcome was investigated in association with IL1B and IL6 SNPs with the help of ‘SNPassoc’ R genome wide association package. Results Interleukin 1B variants analysis confirmed association with improvement of pain after surgery on individual SNP level and on haplotype level, moreover relationship with patient reported outcome and preoperative level of depression was found on individual SNP level. IL6 variants were associated with preoperative depression, somatization and with subsequent surgery. Conclusion Understanding the complexity of spinal surgery patients’ long-term well-being is crucial in effectively treating chronic debilitating somatic diseases and the associated mental illnesses. Further studies should investigate more comprehensively the linkage of chronic physical and mental illnesses focusing on their simultaneous treatment

    Complicated Postoperative Flat Back Deformity Correction With the Aid of Virtual and 3D Printed Anatomical Models: Case Report

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    Introduction: The number of patients with iatrogenic spinal deformities is increasing due to the increase in instrumented spinal surgeries globally. Correcting a deformity could be challenging due to the complex anatomical and geometrical irregularities caused by previous surgeries and spine degeneration. Virtual and 3D printed models have the potential to illuminate the unique and complex anatomical-geometrical problems found in these patients. Case Presentation: We present a case report with 6-months follow-up (FU) of a 71 year old female patient with severe sagittal and coronal malalignment due to repetitive discectomy, decompression, laminectomy, and stabilization surgeries over the last 39 years. The patient suffered from severe low back pain (VAS = 9, ODI = 80). Deformity correction by performing asymmetric 3-column pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) and stabilization were decided as the required surgical treatment. To better understand the complex anatomical condition, a patient-specific virtual geometry was defined by segmentation based on the preoperative CT. The geometrical accuracy was tested using the Dice Similarity Index (DSI). A complex 3D virtual plan was created for the surgery from the segmented geometry in addition to a 3D printed model. Discussion: The segmentation process provided a highly accurate geometry (L1 to S2) with a DSI value of 0.92. The virtual model was shared in the internal clinical database in 3DPDF format. The printed physical model was used in the preoperative planning phase, patient education/communication and during the surgery. The surgery was performed successfully, and no complications were registered. The measured change in the sagittal vertical axis was 7 cm, in the coronal plane the distance between the C7 plumb line and the central sacral vertical line was reduced by 4 cm. A 30° correction was achieved for the lumbar lordosis due to the PSO at the L4 vertebra. The patient ODI was reduced to 20 points at the 6-months FU. Conclusions: The printed physical model was considered advantageous by the surgical team in the pre-surgical phase and during the surgery as well. The model was able to simplify the geometrical problems and potentially improve the outcome of the surgery by preventing complications and reducing surgical time

    A D-vitamin metabolizmusa humán hepatocellularis carcinomában és az azt körülvevő tumormentes májszövetben

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: Az 1,25-dihidroxi-D3-vitamin tumorellenes hatása hepatocellularis carcinomában már részben ismert. Célkitűzés: Az 1,25-dihidroxi-D3-vitamint inaktiváló CYP24A1-mRNS- és fehérjeexpresszió, az aktiváló CYP27B1- és a VDR-mRNS-expresszió mértékének összehasonlítása humán hepatocellularis carcinomában és az azt körülvevő tumormentes májszövetben. Módszer: 13 beteg friss fagyasztott májszövetmintáját a CYP24A1-mRNS- és fehérje-, 36 beteg paraffinba ágyazott májszövetmintáját használtuk a VDR- és a CYP27B1-mRNS-expresszió kimutatására. Az mRNS-expressziót RT-PCR-rel, a fehérjét immunhisztokémiai vizsgálatokkal mértük. Eredmények: A hepatocellularis carcinomaminták többségében kimutatható volt a CYP24A1-mRNS-expresszió, míg a nem tumoros májszövetminták egyikében sem. A CYP27B1- és VDR-expresszió szignifikánsan alacsonyabb hepatocellularis carcinomában a tumormentes májszövethez képest (p<0,05). A CYP24A1-mRNS-expressziót fehérjeszintézis követi. Következtetések: A CYP24A1 inaktiváló enzim jelenléte, az aktiváló CYP27B1 és a VDR csökkent expressziója humán hepatocellularis carcinomában a D-vitamin csökkent helyi aktivitására enged következtetni, mint egy menekülő mechanizmus a tumor részéről a D-vitamin antitumorhatása ellen. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(48), 1910–1918. | Abstract Introduction: 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3 mediates antitumor effects in hepatocellular carcinoma. Aim: We examined mRNA and protein expression differences in 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3-inactivating CYP24A1, mRNA of activating CYP27B1 enzymes, and that of VDR between human hepatocellular carcinoma and surrounding non-tumorous liver. Methods: Snap-frozen tissues from 13 patients were studied for mRNA and protein expression of CYP24A1. Paraffin-embedded tissues from 36 patients were used to study mRNA of VDR and CYP27B1. mRNA expression was measured by RT-PCR, CYP24A1 protein was detected by immunohistochemistry. Results: Expression of VDR and CYP27B1 was significantly lower in hepatocellular carcinoma compared with non-tumorous liver (p<0.05). The majority of the HCC samples expressed CYP24A1 mRNA, but neither of the non-tumorous liver. The gene activation was followed by CYP24A1 protein synthesis. Conclusions: The presence of CYP24A1 mRNA and the reduced expression of VDR and CYP27B1 mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma samples indicate decreased bioavailability of 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3, providing an escape mechanism from the anti-tumor effect. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(48), 1910–1918

    A génexpresszió változásai és patogenetikai jelentőségük fibrosus dysplasiás és nem fibrosus dysplasiás nők csontszövetében = Changes of gene expression and its role in pathogenesis in fibrous and non-fibrous dysplastic bone tissues in women

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    A fibrosus dysplasia a csontok benignus, tumorszerű elváltozása, amelyre az örvényes lefutású kötőszöveti nyalábok és az érett-éretlen csontgerendák jellemzőek. A jelátvivő G-fehérje α-alegységét kódoló GNAS1 gén pontmutációja okozta fejlődési zavarról, az osteoblastok kóros differenciálódásáról van szó, amelynek következtében az érett csontszövet helyét rostos kötőszövet foglalja el. A szerzők célja a fibrosus és a nem fibrosus szövetben eltérően kifejeződő egyedi gének meghatározása volt, és leírni a közöttük lévő összefüggéseket multiparaméteres statisztikai analízisek segítségével. Módszer: Hat fibrosus dysplasiás és hét nem fibrosus dysplasiás nőbeteg csontmintáit vizsgálták. A hat fibrosus dysplasiás nőbeteg mintája magából a fibrosus elváltozásból származott, míg a hét nem fibrosus dysplasiás kontrollcsontmintát csípőprotézis-beültetés során, a combnyakból vették. A 118 kiválasztott gén expressziós különbségeit TaqMan-próbaalapú kvantitatív valós idejű PCR-technikával mérték. Eredmények: A Mann-Whitney-féle U-teszt 27 gén esetében mutatott szignifikánsan eltérő (p ≤ 0,05) expressziós különbséget a fibrosus dysplasiás és a nem fibrosus dysplasiás egyénekben. A fibrosus dysplasiás betegeknél kilenc gén kifejeződése szignifikánsan fokozott volt, további 18 gén esetén jelentős génkifejeződés-csökkenést mértek. Ezek a szignifikáns különbséggel szabályozódó gének elsősorban minor kollagén molekulákat, extracelluláris mátrixot bontó enzimeket, transzkripciós faktorokat, adhéziós molekulákat, növekedési faktorokat, gyulladást serkentő citokineket és lipidanyagcseréhez kapcsolt faktorokat kódolnak. A diszkriminanciaanalízis megmutatta, hogy a fibrosus dysplasiás és a nem fibrosus dysplasiás csontszövet megkülönböztethető részben a G-proteinhez kapcsolt számos gén, a BMP-kaszkád komponenseinek és az extracelluláris mátrixhoz kötődő molekulákat kódoló gének eltérő transzkripciós profilja alapján. Következtetések: A fibrosus dysplasiában szignifikánsan eltérő génkifejeződési mintázatok feltárása további segítséget adhat a csontszövet fibrosus átalakulásának és a kórfolyamat hátterének megismerésében. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 40, 1656–1665. | Fibrous dysplasia is an isolated skeletal disorder caused by a somatic activating mutation of GNAS1 gene with abnormal unmineralized matrix overproduction and extensive undifferentiated bone cell accumulation in fibro-osseous lesions. The aim of the investigation was to identify genes that are differently expressed in fibrous vs. non-fibrous human bone and to describe the relationships between these genes using multivariate data analysis. Materials and Methods: Six bone tissue samples from fibrous dysplastic female patients and 7 bone tissue samples from non-fibrous dysplastic women were examined. The 6 female fibrous samples were taken from the fibrous dysplastic lesion itself while the control samples of 7 non-fibrous dysplastic females were taken from the femoral neck during the hip replacement procedure. The expression differences of selected 118 genes were analyzed in TaqMan probe based quantitative real-time RT-PCR system. Results: The Mann-Whitney U test indicated significant differences in the expression of 27 genes of fibrous dysplasial and non fibrous dysplasial individuals (p ≤ 0.05). Nine genes were significantly up-regulated in fibrous dysplasial women compared to non fibrous dysplasial ones and eighteen genes showed a down-regulated pattern. These significantly altered genes coding for minor collagen molecules, extracellular matrix digesting enzymes, transcription factors, adhesion molecules, growth factors, pro-inflammatory cytokines and lipid metabolism-affected substrates. Canonical variety analysis demonstrated that fibrous dysplastic and non fibrous dysplastic bone tissues can be distinguished by the multiple expression profile analysis of numerous genes controlled via a G-protein coupled pathway and BMP cascade as well as genes coding for extracellular matrix composing molecules. Conclusions: The significantly altered gene expression profile observed in the fibrous dysplastic human bone tissue may provide further insight into the pathogenetic process of fibrous degeneration of bone. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 40, 1656–1665

    Effects of the lactase 13910 C/T and calcium-sensor receptor A986S G/T gene polymorphisms on the incidence and recurrence of colorectal cancer in Hungarian population

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    Background: Epidemiological studies suggested the chemopreventive role of higher calcium intake in colorectal carcinogenesis. We examined genetic polymorphisms that might influence calcium metabolism: lactase (LCT) gene 13910 C/T polymorphism causing lactose intolerance and calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) gene A986S polymorphism as a responsible factor for the altered cellular calcium sensation. Methods: 538 Hungarian subjects were studied: 278 patients with colorectal cancer and 260 healthy controls. Median follow-up was 17 months. After genotyping, the relationship between LCT 13910 C/T and CaSR A986S polymorphisms as well as tumor incidence/progression was investigated. Results: in patient with colorectal cancer, a significantly higher LCT CC frequency was associated with increased distant disease recurrence (OR = 4.04; 95% CI = 1.71-9.58; p = 0.006). The disease free survival calculated from distant recurrence was reduced for those with LCT CC genotype (log rank test p = 0.008). In case of CaSR A986S polymorphism, the homozygous SS genotype was more frequent in patients than in controls (OR = 4.01; 95% CI = 1.33-12.07; p = 0.014). The number of LCT C and CaSR S risk alleles were correlated with tumor incidence (p = 0.035). The CCSS genotype combination was found only in patients with CRC (p = 0.033). Conclusion: LCT 13910 C/T and CaSR A986S polymorphisms may have an impact on the progression and/or incidence of CRC

    Levelek a szerkesztőhöz = Letters to the editor

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    A csontpótló graftok alkalmazásáról: 1. T. Szerkesztôség! Örömmel olvastam Lazáry Áron dr. és mtsai cikkét a csontpótló graftok alkalmazásáról... 2. T. Szerkesztôség! Riskó Tibor professzor úr hozzászólását közleményünkhöz nemcsak azért tartjuk értékesnek..