176 research outputs found

    Particles, waves and trajectories: 210 years after Young's experiment

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    14 pags.; 4 figs. PACS 03.65.Ge Solutions of wave equations: bound states; 75.10.Jm Quantized spin modelsMermin's "shut up and calculate!" somehow summarizes the most widely accepted view on quantum mechanics. This conception has led to a rather constraining way to think and understand the quantum world. Nonetheless, a closer look at the principles and formal body of this theory shows that, beyond longstanding prejudices, there is still room enough for alternative tools. This is the case, for example, of Bohmian mechanics. As it is discussed here, there is nothing contradictory or wrong with this hydrodynamical representation, which enhances the dynamical role of the quantum phase to the detriment (to some extent) of the probability density. The possibility to describe the evolution of quantum systems in terms of trajectories or streamlines is just a direct consequence of the fact that Bohmian mechanics (quantum hydrodynamics) is just a way to recast quantum mechanics in the more general language of the theory of characteristics. Misconceptions concerning Bohmian mechanics typically come from the fact that many times it is taken out of context and considered as an alternative theory to quantum mechanics, which is not the case. On the contrary, an appropriate contextualization shows that Bohmian mechanics constitutes a serious and useful representation of quantum mechanics, at the same level as any other quantum picture, such as Schrödinger's, Heisenberg's, Dirac's, or Feynman's, for instance. To illustrate its versatility, two phenomena will be briefly considered, namely dissipation and light interference. Published under licence by IOP Publishing LtdFinancial support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under Project FIS2011-29596-C02-01 and a “Ramón y Cajal” Research Fellowship, and from the COST Action MP1006 (Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics) is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Investigating puzzling aspects of the quantum theory by means of its hydrodynamic formulation

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    13 págs.; 4 figs.© 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Bohmian mechanics, a hydrodynamic formulation of the quantum theory, constitutes a useful tool to understand the role of the phase as the mechanism responsible for the dynamical evolution displayed by quantum systems. This role is analyzed and discussed here in the context of quantum interference, considering to this end two well-known scenarios, namely Young’s two-slit experiment and Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment. A numerical implementation of the first scenario is used to show how interference in a coherent superposition of two counter-propagating wave packets can be seen and explained in terms of an effective model consisting of a single wave packet scattered off an attractive hard wall. The outcomes from this model are then applied to the analysis of Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment, also recreated by means of a reliable realistic simulation. Both examples illustrate quite well how the Bohmian formulation helps to explain in a natural way (and therefore to demystify) aspects of the quantum theory typically regarded as paradoxical. In other words, they show that a proper understanding of quantum phase dynamics immediately removes any trace of unnecessary artificial wave-particle arguments.The author acknowledges support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under Project No. FIS2011-29596-C02-01 as well as a “Ramón y Cajal” Research Fellowship with Ref. RYC-2010-05768Peer Reviewe

    Quantumness beyond quantum mechanics

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    Bohmian mechanics allows us to understand quantum systems in the light of other quantum traits than the well-known ones (coherence, diffraction, interference, tunneling, discreteness, entanglement, etc.). Here the discussion focusses precisely on two of these interesting aspects, which arise when quantum mechanics is though within this theoretical framework: the non-crossing property, which allows for distinguishability without erasing interference patterns, and the possibility to define quantum probability tubes, along which the probability remains constant all the way. Furthermore, taking into account this hydrodynamic-like description as a link, it is also shown how this knowledge (concepts and ideas) can be straightforwardly transferred to other fields of physics (for example, the transmission of light along waveguides).Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; based on a talk at the Conference "Emergent Quantum Mechanics" / 5th Heinz von Foerster Congress (Vienna, Nov 11-13, 2011

    What dynamics can be expected for mixed states in two-slit experiments?

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    13 págs.; 3 figs.© 2015 Elsevier Inc. Weak-measurement-based experiments (Kocsis etal., 2011) have shown that, at least for pure states, the average evolution of independent photons in Young's two-slit experiment is in compliance with the trajectories prescribed by the Bohmian formulation of quantum mechanics. But, what happens if the same experiment is repeated assuming that the wave function associated with each particle is different, i.e., in the case of mixed (incoherent) states? This question is investigated here by means of two alternative numerical simulations of Young's experiment, purposely devised to be easily implemented and tested in the laboratory. Contrary to what could be expected a priori, it is found that even for conditions of maximal mixedness or incoherence (total lack of interference fringes), experimental data will render a puzzling and challenging outcome: the average particle trajectories will still display features analogous to those for pure states, i.e., independently of how mixedness arises, the associated dynamics is influenced by both slits at the same time. Physically this simply means that weak measurements are not able to discriminate how mixedness arises in the experiment, since they only provide information about the averaged system dynamics.Support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under Project Nos. FIS2011- 29596-C02-01 (AS) and FIS2012-35583 (AL), and a ‘‘Ramón y Cajal’’ Research Fellowship with Ref. RYC-2010-05768 (AS) is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Full quantum mechanical analysis of atomic three-grating Mach-Zehnder interferometry

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    17 págs.; 6 figs.© 2014 Elsevier Inc. Atomic three-grating Mach-Zehnder interferometry constitutes an important tool to probe fundamental aspects of the quantum theory. There is, however, a remarkable gap in the literature between the oversimplified models and robust numerical simulations considered to describe the corresponding experiments. Consequently, the former usually lead to paradoxical scenarios, such as the wave-particle dual behavior of atoms, while the latter make difficult the data analysis in simple terms. Here these issues are tackled by means of a simple grating working model consisting of evenly-spaced Gaussian slits. As is shown, this model suffices to explore and explain such experiments both analytically and numerically, giving a good account of the full atomic journey inside the interferometer, and hence contributing to make less mystic the physics involved. More specifically, it provides a clear and unambiguous picture of the wavefront splitting that takes place inside the interferometer, illustrating how the momentum along each emerging diffraction order is well defined even though the wave function itself still displays a rather complex shape. To this end, the local transverse momentum is also introduced in this context as a reliable analytical tool. The splitting, apart from being a key issue to understand atomic Mach-Zehnder interferometry, also demonstrates at a fundamental level how wave and particle aspects are always present in the experiment, without incurring in any contradiction or interpretive paradox. On the other hand, at a practical level, the generality and versatility of the model and methodology presented, makes them suitable to attack analogous problems in a simple manner after a convenient tuning.Support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under Project No. FIS2011-29596-C02-01 (AS) as well as a ‘‘Ramón y Cajal’’ Research Fellowship with Ref. RYC-2010-05768 (AS), and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia under Projects Nos. OI171005 (MB), OI171028 (MD), and III45016 (MB, MD) is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Quantum–Classical Entropy Analysis for Nonlinearly-Coupled Continuous-Variable Bipartite Systems

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    The correspondence principle plays a fundamental role in quantum mechanics, which naturally leads us to inquire whether it is possible to find or determine close classical analogs of quantum states in phase space—a common meeting point to both classical and quantum density statistical descriptors. Here, this issue is tackled by investigating the behavior of classical analogs arising upon the removal of all interference traits displayed by the Wigner distribution functions associated with a given pure quantum state. Accordingly, the dynamical evolution of the linear and von Neumann entropies is numerically computed for a continuous-variable bipartite system, and compared with the corresponding classical counterparts, in the case of two quartic oscillators nonlinearly coupled under regular and chaos conditions. Three quantum states for the full system are considered: a Gaussian state, a cat state, and a Bell-type state. By comparing the quantum and classical entropy values, and particularly their trends, it is shown that, instead of entanglement production, such entropies rather provide us with information on the system (either quantum or classical) delocalization. This gradual loss of information translates into an increase in both the quantum and the classical realms, directly connected to the increase in the correlations between both parties’ degrees of freedom which, in the quantum case, is commonly related to the production of entanglement

    Loss of coherence in double-slit diffraction experiments

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    7 págs.; 3 figs.; PACS numberssd: 03.65.Yz, 03.65.Ta, 03.75.DgThe effects of incoherence and decoherence in a double-slit experiment are studied using both optical and quantum-phenomenological models. The results are compared with experimental data obtained with cold neutrons. ©2005 American Physical SocietyThis work was supported in part by MCyT Spaind under Contracts No. BFM2000-347 and No. BQU2003-8212. A.S.S. gratefully acknowledges partial support from the Consejería de Educación y Cultura of the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.Peer Reviewe

    Coherence loss and revivals in atomic interferometry: A quantum-recoil analysis

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    The coherence effects induced by external photons coupled to matter waves inside a MachZehnder three-grating interferometer are analyzed. Alternatively to atomphoton entanglement scenarios, the model considered here only relies on the atomic wavefunction and the momentum shift induced in it by the photon scattering events. A functional dependence is thus found between the observables, namely the fringe visibility and the phase shift, and the transversal momentum transfer distribution. Good quantitative agreement is found when comparing the results obtained from our model with the experimental data. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.MD, MB and DA acknowledge support from the Ministry of Science of Serbia under Projects OI171005, OI171028 and III45016. ASS acknowledges support from the Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad (Spain) under Projects FIS2010-22082 and FIS2010-29596-C02-01, as well as for a “Ram´on y Cajal” Research Fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Transmission properties in waveguides: An optical streamline analysis

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    A novel approach to study transmission through waveguides in terms of optical streamlines is presented. This theoretical framework combines the computational performance of beam propagation methods with the possibility to monitor the passage of light through the guiding medium by means of these sampler paths. In this way, not only the optical flow along the waveguide can be followed in detail, but also a fair estimate of the transmitted light (intensity) can be accounted for by counting streamline arrivals with starting points statistically distributed according to the input pulse. Furthermore, this approach allows to elucidate the mechanism leading to energy losses, namely a vortical dynamics, which can be advantageously exploited in optimal waveguide design.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure