3,716 research outputs found

    Return-Map Cryptanalysis Revisited

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    As a powerful cryptanalysis tool, the method of return-map attacks can be used to extract secret messages masked by chaos in secure communication schemes. Recently, a simple defensive mechanism was presented to enhance the security of chaotic parameter modulation schemes against return-map attacks. Two techniques are combined in the proposed defensive mechanism: multistep parameter modulation and alternative driving of two different transmitter variables. This paper re-studies the security of this proposed defensive mechanism against return-map attacks, and points out that the security was much over-estimated in the original publication for both ciphertext-only attack and known/chosen-plaintext attacks. It is found that a deterministic relationship exists between the shape of the return map and the modulated parameter, and that such a relationship can be used to dramatically enhance return-map attacks thereby making them quite easy to break the defensive mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Three-body decays: structure, decay mechanism and fragment properties

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    We discuss the three-body decay mechanisms of many-body resonances. R-matrix sequential description is compared with full Faddeev computation. The role of the angular momentum and boson symmetries is also studied. As an illustration we show the computed α\alpha-particle energy distribution after the decay of 12C(1^+) resonance at 12.7 MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the workshop "Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems" 200

    Bayesian estimation of species divergence times using correlated quantitative characters

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    Discrete morphological data have been widely used to study species evolution, but the use of quantitative (or continuous) morphological characters is less common. Here, we implement a Bayesian method to estimate species divergence times using quantitative characters. Quantitative character evolution is modelled using Brownian diffusion with character correlation and character variation within populations. Through simulations, we demonstrate that ignoring the population variation (or population “noise”) and the correlation among characters leads to biased estimates of divergence times and rate, especially if the correlation and population noise are high. We apply our new method to the analysis of quantitative characters (cranium landmarks) and molecular data from carnivoran mammals. Our results show that time estimates are affected by whether the correlations and population noise are accounted for or ignored in the analysis. The estimates are also affected by the type of data analysed, with analyses of morphological characters only, molecular data only, or a combination of both; showing noticeable differences among the time estimates. Rate variation of morphological characters among the carnivoran species appears to be very high, with Bayesian model selection indicating that the independent-rates model fits the morphological data better than the autocorrelated-rates model. We suggest that using morphological continuous characters, together with molecular data, can bring a new perspective to the study of species evolution. Our new model is implemented in the MCMCtree computer program for Bayesian inference of divergence times

    A Minimal Inflation Scenario

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    We elaborate on a minimal inflation scenario based entirely on the general properties of supersymmetry breaking in supergravity models. We identify the inflaton as the scalar component of the Goldstino superfield. We write plausible candidates for the effective action describing this chiral superfield. In particular the theory depends (apart from parameters of O(1)) on a single free parameter: the scale of supersymmetry breaking. This can be fixed using the amplitude of CMB cosmological perturbations and we therefore obtain the scale of supersymmetry breaking to be 10^{12-14} GeV. The model also incorporates explicit R-symmetry breaking in order to satisfy the slow roll conditions. In our model the eta-problem is solved without extra fine-tuning. We try to obtain as much information as possible in a model independent way using general symmetry properties of the theory's effective action, this leads to a new proposal on how to exit the inflationary phase and reheat the Universe.Comment: matches published version (typo corrected

    Kahler Anomalies in Supergravity and Flux Vacua

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    We review the subject of Kahler anomalies in gauged supergravity, emphasizing that field equations are inconsistent when the Kahler potential is non-invariant under gauge transformations or when there are elementary Fayet-Iliopoulos couplings. Flux vacua solutions of string theory with gauged U(1) shift symmetries appear to avoid this problem. The covariant Kahler anomalies involve tensors which are composite functions of the scalars as well as the gauge field strength and space-time curvature tensors. Anomaly cancellation conditions will be discussed in a sequel to this paper.Comment: 29 pages; v2: revised presentation, section on Fayet-Iliopoulos couplings cut, effects of gauginos on anomalies included, references adde

    Electroweak precision constraints on the Lee-Wick Standard Model

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    We perform an analysis of the electroweak precision observables in the Lee-Wick Standard Model. The most stringent restrictions come from the S and T parameters that receive important tree level and one loop contributions. In general the model predicts a large positive S and a negative T. To reproduce the electroweak data, if all the Lee-Wick masses are of the same order, the Lee-Wick scale is of order 5 TeV. We show that it is possible to find some regions in the parameter space with a fermionic state as light as 2.4-3.5 TeV, at the price of rising all the other masses to be larger than 5-8 TeV. To obtain a light Higgs with such heavy resonances a fine-tuning of order a few per cent, at least, is needed. We also propose a simple extension of the model including a fourth generation of Standard Model fermions with their Lee-Wick partners. We show that in this case it is possible to pass the electroweak constraints with Lee-Wick fermionic masses of order 0.4-1.5 TeV and Lee-Wick gauge masses of order 3 TeV.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    One-loop effects in a self-dual planar noncommutative theory

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    We study the UV properties, and derive the explicit form of the one-loop effective action, for a noncommutative complex scalar field theory in 2+1 dimensions with a Grosse-Wulkenhaar term, at the self-dual point. We also consider quantum effects around non-trivial minima of the classical action which appear when the potential allows for the spontaneous breaking of the U(1) symmetry. For those solutions, we show that the one-loop correction to the vacuum energy is a function of a special combination of the amplitude of the classical solution and the coupling constant.Comment: Version to appear in JHE

    On Supergroups with Odd Clifford Parameters and Supersymmetry with Modified Leibniz Rule

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    We investigate supergroups with Grassmann parameters replaced by odd Clifford parameters. The connection with non-anticommutative supersymmetry is discussed. A Berezin-like calculus for odd Clifford variables is introduced. Fermionic covariant derivatives for supergroups with odd Clifford variables are derived. Applications to supersymmetric quantum mechanics are made. Deformations of the original supersymmetric theories are encountered when the fermionic covariant derivatives do not obey the graded Leibniz property. The simplest non-trivial example is given by the N=2 SQM with a real (1,2,1)(1,2,1) multiplet and a cubic potential. The action is real. Depending on the overall sign ("Euclidean" or "Lorentzian") of the deformation, a Bender-Boettcher pseudo-hermitian hamiltonian is encountered when solving the equation of motion of the auxiliary field. A possible connection of our framework with the Drinfeld twist deformation of supersymmetry is pointed out.Comment: Final version to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A; 20 page