6 research outputs found

    Effects of aerobic exercise associated with abdominal microcurrent: a preliminary study

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    To analyze the short- and long-term effects of microcurrent used with aerobic exercise on abdominal fat (visceral and subcutaneous). Methods: Forty-two female students from a university population were randomly assigned into five group: intervention group (IG) 1 (n=9), IG2 (n=9), IG3 (n=7), IG4 (n=8), and placebo group (PG) (n=9). An intervention program of 10 sessions encompassing microcurrent and aerobic exercise (performed with a cycloergometer) was applied in all groups, with slightly differences between them. In IG1 and IG2, microcurrent with transcutaneous electrodes was applied, with different frequency values; 30-minute exercise on the cycloergometer was subsequently performed. IG3 used the same protocol as IG1 but with different electrodes (percutaneous), while in IG4 the microcurrent was applied simultaneously with the cycloergometer exercise. Finally, the PG used the IG1 protocol but with the microcurrent device switched off. All groups were evaluated through ultrasound and abdominal perimeter measurement for visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat assessment; through calipers for skinfolds measurement; through bioimpedance to evaluate weight, fat mass percentage, and muscular mass; and through blood analyses to measure cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose levels. After intervention sessions, visceral fat decreased significantly in IG1 compared with the PG. Subcutaneous fat was reduced significantly in all groups compared with the PG. After 4 weeks, almost all results were maintained. The addition of microcurrent to aerobic exercise may reduce fat more than does aerobic exercise alone

    A influência da electrolipólise associada ao exercício físico na atividade metabólica

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    O excesso de gordura abdominal associa-se a patologias cardiometabólicas. A microcorrente poderá ser coadjuvante ao exercício aeróbio na estimulação da lipólise, prevenindo riscos de saúde. O exercício físico aeróbio constitui uma modalidade capaz de diminuir o tecido adiposo, por estimular a lipólise através da elevação do nível de catecolaminas, resultantes do aumento da actividade do sistema nervoso simpático. O tipo de exercício físico mais adequado para consumo predominante de lípidos é o exercício aeróbio prolongado e de intensidade moderada. No entanto, na prática de exercício físico as fontes lipídicas são globais o que sustenta a utilidade de procedimentos que promovam o gasto de gordura localizada na região abdominal. A electrolipólise, que pode ser realizada pela aplicação de microcorrente de baixa frequência, poderá ser usada com este intuito, uma vez que a activação do sistema nervoso simpático, juntamente com a alteração da polaridade da membrana celular dos adipócitos e o aumento do fluxo sanguíneo, parecem ser os responsáveis pela promoção da lipólise e aumento do metabolismo local. Para além destes mecanismos, a microcorrente favorece a degradação de triglicerídeos ao promover a activação das enzimas triglicerídeo lípase e lípase hormono-sensível. Após a hidrólise de triglicerídeos torna-se fulcral o exercício físico para que os ácidos gordos em circulação sejam utilizados como fonte de energia. Porém não existe evidência científica que comprove os efeitos da electrolipólise associada ao exercício físico bem como consenso nos parâmetros que devem ser utilizados para electrolipólise, neste sentido vários estudos tem sido realizados no âmbito da linha de investigação de sistema tegumentar e metabólico da ESTSP

    Pediatric Cataracts: A Retrospective Study of 12 Years (2004 - 2016)

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    Introduction: Cataracts are a major cause of preventable childhood blindness. Visual prognosis of these patients depends on a prompt therapeutic approach. Understanding pediatric cataracts epidemiology is of great importance for the implementation of programs of primary prevention and early diagnosis. Material and Methods: We reviewed the clinical cases of pediatric cataracts diagnosed in the last 12 years at Hospital Pedro Hispano, in Porto. Results: We identified 42 cases of pediatric cataracts with an equal gender distribution. The mean age at diagnosis was 6 years and 64.3% of patients had bilateral disease. Decreased visual acuity was the commonest presenting sign (36.8%) followed by leucocoria (26.3%). The etiology was unknown in 59.5% of cases and there was a slight predominance of nuclear type cataract (32.5%). Cataract was associated with systemic diseases in 23.8% of cases and with ocular abnormalities in 33.3% of cases. 47.6% of patients were treated surgically. Postoperative complications occurred in 35% of cases and posterior capsular opacification was the most common (25%). Discussion: The report of 42 cases is probably the result of the low prevalence of cataracts in this age. Although the limitations of our study include small sample size, the profile of children with cataracts in our hospital has characteristics relatively similar to those described in the literature. Conclusion: Given the high proportion of idiopathic pediatric cataracts, prevention of the disease remains a challenge worldwide

    Combination of Intravitreal Ranibizumab and Laser Photocoagulation for Aggressive Posterior Retinopathy of Prematurity

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    Purpose: To report on 2 cases of aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) treated with intravitreal ranibizumab (Lucentis®) and laser photocoagulation. Methods: Two premature females, born at 25 and 26 weeks’ gestation with a birth weight of 530 and 550 g, respectively, with aggressive posterior ROP received combined treatment with laser photocoagulation and intravitreal ranibizumab (0.3 mg [30 µl]) to each eye. Structural outcomes were evaluated by indirect ophthalmoscopy and documented by retinography. Results: An intravitreal injection was made at 34 weeks of postmenstrual age in the first case, followed by laser photocoagulation 1 week later. There was a partial regression of ROP with treatment. Five weeks later, neovascularization regrowth with bleeding in both eyes (intraretinal and subhyaloid) occurred and retreatment with combined therapy was performed. In the second case, single therapy with laser photocoagulation was made at 34 weeks of postmenstrual age. In spite of the confluent photocoagulation in the avascular area, progression to 4A ROP stage occurred 1 week later. Both eyes were retreated 1 week later with intravitreal ranibizumab and laser photocoagulation. Treatment resulted in ROP regression in both cases. There were no signs of systemic or ocular adverse side effects. Conclusion: The cases presented show that combination therapy of indirect laser photocoagulation and intravitreal ranibizumab can be effective in the management of aggressive posterior ROP. Further investigation on anti-VEGF safety in premature infants is necessary . Additional studies are needed to define the role of anti-VEGF in ROP treatment