5 research outputs found

    Hypertriglyceridaemia kezelese plazmaferezissel.

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    The authors present the case of a 38-year-old woman with severe hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute recurrent pancreatitis (triglyceride 16 761 mg/dl, 189.4 mmol/l). According to the knowledge of the authors, such a high triglyceride has not been previously reported in Hungarian and international scientific literature. The patient received conventional treatment (fluid replacement, analgesic, antibiotics, discontinuation of oral intake) and plasmapheresis too. After two sessions of plasmapheresis with one month interval the clinical and laboratory parameters greatly improved. Severe hypertriglyceridemia (triglyceride level more than 1000 mg/dl, approximately 11.3 mmol/l) is an independent risk factor for acute pancreatitis. Plasmapheresis seems to be safe and effective to rapidly decrease triglyceride levels and to remove the causative agent for pancreatitis in a patient with severe hypertriglyceridemia. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(30), 1203-1206

    Diabeteses nők cardiovascularis kockázata

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    A közlemény az 1-es típusú, a gestatiós, és a 2-es típusú diabeteses nôk cardiovascularis kockázatát foglalja össze. A témában eddig megjelent vizsgálati eredmények számos cardiovascularis kockázati tényezôt igazoltak, amelyek a diabeteses nôk és férfiak közti cardiovascularis kockázati különbséget okozhatják. Már a diabetes diagnózisának felállításakor figyelni kell e betegek kardioprotektív étrendjére, a cardiovascularis kockázati tényezôik felmérésére, illetve célértékre történô kezelésükre

    Beneficial effect of moderate white wine consumption on insulin sensitivity in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    The effect of moderate alcohol consumption on insulin sensitivity is actually a topic of intense research nowadays. In this study we investigated the effect of moderate consumption of white wine in subjects with metabolic syndrome. Thirty-two patients with metabolic syndrome participated in this prospective, randomised, double-blind study. The subjects received either Müller-Thurgau (n=14) or Pintes (n=18) sort of wine for 4 weeks. Male and female subjects consumed 300 ml wine (30 g alcohol) and 200 ml wine (20 g alcohol) per day, respectively. Clinical and laboratory parameters were determined before and after the period of wine consumption. The HOMA-IR showed a significant decrease upon the consumption of both sorts of wine as compared to the baseline (Müller-Thurgau group: 1.85±2.1 vs. 1.06±0.6; P=0.03; Pintes group: 2.28±2.04 vs. 1.08±0.6; P=0.002). Four weeks of wine consumption lead to significant decreased of ALT (alanine aminotransferase; Müller-Thurgau group: P=0.003; Pintes group: P=0.002) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase; Müller-Thurgau group: P=0.003; Pintes group: P=0.02). Epidermal growth factor (EGF) levels increased significantly in both groups (Müller-Thurgau group: P=0.004; Pintes group: P=0.001). The plasma reducing capacity increased significantly upon the consumption of both sorts of wine (Müller-Thurgau group: P=0.002; Pintes group: P=0.001). In patients consuming Müller-Thurgau there was a significant decrease of total cholesterol (5.4±1.4 vs. 4.9±1.2 mmol l−1; P=0.006) and LDL-cholesterol (3.9±1.1 vs. 3.6±1.2 mmol l−1; P=0.04) levels. In the Pintes group we found no significant difference either in total cholesterol (5.1±0.6 vs. 5.0±0.7 mmol l−1; P=0.25) or LDL-cholesterol (3.6±0.6 vs. 3.6±0.6 mmol l−1; P=0.5) concentrations. The results of our study confirm that moderate consumption of white wine increases insulin sensitivity and EGF levels in persons with metabolic syndrome