83 research outputs found

    Las aguas terrestres en Canarias: dominio público, derecho transitorio y comunidades de aguas.

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    In this Final Degree Project, we analyze Canary continental water regime, the issues of implementing the National system on The Islands and their consequences. We see how those issues of National system enforcement in Canary Islands led island territory water control to special legal regime. It was due to absence of surface water (state-owned declared by the Law of 1866) in the Islands, which using regime was doing by proprietaries of underground water. This water is managed by water communities as privately owned goods and out of any regulatory framework that include them with in one of the figures already foreseen for this purpose, which is why were recognized as “Canary Islands communities”. This legal anomaly was initially resolved by the 1956 Lay of Water Communities, which maintained their name but granted them legal personality. Thus, the absence of public waters on the islands, and the particularities of the water communities and heredamientos, managed by private individuals as owner, led to the creation of a transitional water regime. This, unlike the State regime, respected the pre-existing rights of the former holders, guaranteeing their use and exploitation of the now demanial waters, albeit subject to control by the Administration.En el presente trabajo estudiaremos el agua terrestre en Canarias, las dificultades que supuso implementar el régimen nacional en las islas y las consecuencias de ello. Veremos cómo las dificultades en la aplicación del régimen estatal en Canarias en todo el proceso regulatorio de aguas, orientó la regulación de las aguas insulares hacia un régimen especial. Esto debido en parte a la ausencia de aguas superficiales (ya declaradas como públicas en las Ley de Aguas de 1866) en las Islas, cuyo régimen de explotación se orientaba al aprovechamiento, por parte de particulares, de las aguas subterráneas alumbradas. Aguas, gestionadas por una serie de comunidades de aguas de manera privativa y que no se encontraban dentro de un marco regulatorio que las incluyera dentro de una de las figuras ya previstas con este fin, particularidad por la que se les reconocería como “comunidades canarias”. Esta anomalía jurídica quedó resuelta en un principio por la Ley de comunidades de aguas de 1956, que mantenía su denominación si bien les otorgaba personalidad jurídica. Así, la ausencia de aguas públicas insulares unido a las particularidades de las comunidades de aguas y heredamientos, gestionados por particulares en calidad de titulares, conllevó a la creación de un régimen transitorio de aguas. Este, a diferencia del régimen estatal, respetaba los derechos preexistentes de los antiguos titulares, garantizando el uso y aprovechamiento que venían haciendo de las aguas ahora demaniales, si bien sujetos a un control por parte de la Administración

    El control interno como aliado estratégico en la superintendencia de transporte

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    Con base en los instrumentos aplicados para la recolección de información valiosa en la investigación sobre la percepción que tienen los funcionarios sobre las importancia de las actividades que adelanta la oficina de control interno, se puede establecer que ésta cumple con las funciones asignadas en cada uno de sus roles, sin embargo, se evidencia que la alta dirección y la misma oficina no se encuentran articuladas para generar resultados que construyan y fortalezcan el Sistema de Control Interno de la Superintendencia de Transporte, desde el control preventivo, planteado en el MIPG. Teniendo en cuenta el análisis de los resultados obtenidos en la investigación, se recomienda a la Superintendencia de Transporte la actualización del Modelo Integrado de Planeación y Gestión en cada una de sus dimensiones, para que contribuyan al cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos de la Superintendencia, la mejora continua y los compromisos adquiridos para la satisfacción de sus usuarios.Universidad Libre -- Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables -- Especialización en Auditoria de Control Interno y AseguramientoBased on the instruments applied for the collection of valuable information in the investigation on the perception that officials have about the importance of the activities carried out by the internal control office, it can be established that it fulfills the functions assigned in each of the their roles, however, it is evident that senior management and the office itself are not articulated to generate results that build and strengthen the Internal Control System of the Superintendency of Transportation, from preventive control, proposed in the MIPG. Taking into account the analysis of the results obtained in the investigation, it is recommended that the Superintendence of Transportation update the Integrated Model of Planning and Management in each of its dimensions, so that they contribute to the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of the Superintendence, the continuous improvement and the commitments acquired for the satisfaction of its users

    Colegio Pablo Neruda IED : plan de movilidad escolar

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    Se definió como una de las estrategias a nivel nacional el Plan Estratégico de Seguridad Vial y a nivel distrital se consideró para la población escolar el Plan de Movilidad Escolar. A continuación, se presenta un normograma describiendo las normas que sustentan el Plan de Movilidad Escolar y los datos de accidentalidad del presente año en el Distrito Capital

    Increased aridity drives post‐fire recovery of Mediterranean forests towards open shrublands

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    Recent observations suggest that repeated fires could drive Mediterranean forests to shrublands, hosting flammable vegetation that regrows quickly after fire. This feedback supposedly favours shrubland persistence and may be strengthened in the future by predicted increased aridity. An assessment was made of how fires and aridity in combination modulated the dynamics of Mediterranean ecosystems and whether the feedback could be strong enough to maintain shrubland as an alternative stable state to forest. A model was developed for vegetation dynamics, including stochastic fires and different plant fire‐responses. Parameters were calibrated using observational data from a period up to 100 yr ago, from 77 sites with and without fires in Southeast Spain and Southern France. The forest state was resilient to the separate impact of fires and increased aridity. However, water stress could convert forests into open shrublands by hampering post‐fire recovery, with a possible tipping point at intermediate aridity. Projected increases in aridity may reduce the resilience of Mediterranean forests against fires and drive post‐fire ecosystem dynamics toward open shrubland. The main effect of increased aridity is the limitation of post‐fire recovery. Including plant fire‐responses is thus fundamental when modelling the fate of Mediterranean‐type vegetation under climate‐change scenarios

    First report of the ectomycorrhizal status of boletes on the Northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico determined using isotopic methods

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    Despite their prominent role for tree growth, few studies have examined the occurrence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in lowland, seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF). Although fruiting bodies of boletes have been observed in a dry tropical forest on the Northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, their occurrence is rare and their mycorrhizal status is uncertain. To determine the trophic status (mycorrhizal vs. saprotrophic) of these boletes, fruiting bodies were collected and isotopically compared to known saprotrophic fungi, foliage, and soil from the same site. Mean δ15N and δ13C values differed significantly between boletes and saprotrophic fungi, with boletes 8.0‰ enriched and 2.5‰ depleted in 15N and 13C, respectively relative to saprotrophic fungi. Foliage was depleted in 13C relative to both boletes and saprotrophic fungi. Foliar δ15N values, on the other hand, were similar to saprotrophic fungi, yet were considerably lower relative to bolete fruiting bodies. Results from this study provide the first isotopic evidence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in lowland SDTF and emphasize the need for further research to better understand the diversity and ecological importance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in these forested ecosystems

    Highlights From the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society 2022

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    With more than 6000 attendees between in-person and virtual offerings, the American Epilepsy Society Meeting 2022 in Nashville, felt as busy as in prepandemic times. An ever-growing number of physicians, scientists, and allied health professionals gathered to learn a variety of topics about epilepsy. The program was carefully tailored to meet the needs of professionals with different interests and career stages. This article summarizes the different symposia presented at the meeting. Basic science lectures addressed the primary elements of seizure generation and pathophysiology of epilepsy in different disease states. Scientists congregated to learn about anti-seizure medications, mechanisms of action, and new tools to treat epilepsy including surgery and neurostimulation. Some symposia were also dedicated to discuss epilepsy comorbidities and practical issues regarding epilepsy care. An increasing number of patient advocates discussing their stories were intertwined within scientific activities. Many smaller group sessions targeted more specific topics to encourage member participation, including Special Interest Groups, Investigator, and Skills Workshops. Special lectures included the renown Hoyer and Lombroso, an ILAE/IBE joint session, a spotlight on the impact of Dobbs v. Jackson on reproductive health in epilepsy, and a joint session with the NAEC on coding and reimbursement policies. The hot topics symposium was focused on traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic epilepsy. A balanced collaboration with the industry allowed presentations of the latest pharmaceutical and engineering advances in satellite symposia

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    ESPRESSO at VLT. On-sky performance and first results

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    Context. ESPRESSO is the new high-resolution spectrograph of ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT). It was designed for ultra-high radial-velocity (RV) precision and extreme spectral fidelity with the aim of performing exoplanet research and fundamental astrophysical experiments with unprecedented precision and accuracy. It is able to observe with any of the four Unit Telescopes (UTs) of the VLT at a spectral resolving power of 140 000 or 190 000 over the 378.2 to 788.7 nm wavelength range; it can also observe with all four UTs together, turning the VLT into a 16 m diameter equivalent telescope in terms of collecting area while still providing a resolving power of 70 000. Aims: We provide a general description of the ESPRESSO instrument, report on its on-sky performance, and present our Guaranteed Time Observation (GTO) program along with its first results. Methods: ESPRESSO was installed on the Paranal Observatory in fall 2017. Commissioning (on-sky testing) was conducted between December 2017 and September 2018. The instrument saw its official start of operations on October 1, 2018, but improvements to the instrument and recommissioning runs were conducted until July 2019. Results: The measured overall optical throughput of ESPRESSO at 550 nm and a seeing of 0.65″ exceeds the 10% mark under nominal astroclimatic conditions. We demonstrate an RV precision of better than 25 cm s-1 during a single night and 50 cm s-1 over several months. These values being limited by photon noise and stellar jitter shows that the performance is compatible with an instrumental precision of 10 cm s-1. No difference has been measured across the UTs, neither in throughput nor RV precision. Conclusions: The combination of the large collecting telescope area with the efficiency and the exquisite spectral fidelity of ESPRESSO opens a new parameter space in RV measurements, the study of planetary atmospheres, fundamental constants, stellar characterization, and many other fields. Based on GTOs collected at the European Southern Observatory under ESO program(s) 1102.C-0744, 1102.C-0958 and 1104.C-0350 by the ESPRESSO Consortium

    ESPRESSO@VLT -- On-sky performance and first results

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    ESPRESSO is the new high-resolution spectrograph of ESO's Very-Large Telescope (VLT). It was designed for ultra-high radial-velocity precision and extreme spectral fidelity with the aim of performing exoplanet research and fundamental astrophysical experiments with unprecedented precision and accuracy. It is able to observe with any of the four Unit Telescopes (UT) of the VLT at a spectral resolving power of 140,000 or 190,000 over the 378.2 to 788.7 nm wavelength range, or with all UTs together, turning the VLT into a 16-m diameter equivalent telescope in terms of collecting area, while still providing a resolving power of 70,000. We provide a general description of the ESPRESSO instrument, report on the actual on-sky performance, and present our Guaranteed-Time Observation (GTO) program with its first results. ESPRESSO was installed on the Paranal Observatory in fall 2017. Commissioning (on-sky testing) was conducted between December 2017 and September 2018. The instrument saw its official start of operations on October 1st, 2018, but improvements to the instrument and re-commissioning runs were conducted until July 2019. The measured overall optical throughput of ESPRESSO at 550 nm and a seeing of 0.65 arcsec exceeds the 10% mark under nominal astro-climatic conditions. We demonstrate a radial-velocity precision of better than 25 cm/s during one night and 50 cm/s over several months. These values being limited by photon noise and stellar jitter show that the performanceis compatible with an instrumental precision of 10 cm/s. No difference has been measured across the UTs neither in throughput nor RV precision. The combination of the large collecting telescope area with the efficiency and the exquisite spectral fidelity of ESPRESSO opens a new parameter space in RV measurements, the study of planetary atmospheres, fundamental constants, stellar characterisation and many other fields.Comment: 26 pages, 28 figure

    Precariedad, exclusión social y diversidad funcional (discapacidad): lógicas y efectos subjetivos del sufrimiento social contemporáneo (II). Innovación docente en Filosofía

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    El PIMCD "Precariedad, exclusión social y diversidad funcional (discapacidad): lógicas y efectos subjetivos del sufrimiento social contemporáneo (II). Innovación docente en Filosofía" se ocupa de conceptos generalmente eludidos por la tradición teórica (contando como núcleos aglutinantes los de la precariedad laboral, la exclusión social y diversidad funcional o discapacidad), cuyo análisis propicia nuevas prácticas en la enseñanza universitaria de filosofía, adoptando como meta principal el aprendizaje centrado en el estudiantado, el diseño de nuevas herramientas de enseñanza y el fomento de una universidad inclusiva. El proyecto cuenta con 26 docentes de la UCM y otros 28 docentes de otras 17 universidades españolas (UV, UNED, UGR, UNIZAR, UAH, UC3M, UCA, UNIOVI, ULL, EHU/UPV, UA, UAM, Deusto, IFS/CSIC, UCJC, URJC y Univ. Pontificia de Comillas), que permitirán dotar a las actividades programadas de un alcance idóneo para consolidar la adquisición de competencias argumentativas y dialécticas por parte de lxs estudiantes implicados en el marco de los seminarios previstos. Se integrarán en el PIMCD, aparte de PDI, al menos 26 estudiantes de máster y doctorado de la Facultad de Filosofía, a lxs que acompañarán durante el desarrollo del PIMCD 4 Alumni de la Facultad de Filosofía de la UCM, actualmente investigadores post-doc y profesorxs de IES, cuya experiencia será beneficiosa para su introducción en la investigación. Asimismo, el equipo cuenta con el apoyo de varixs profesorxs asociadxs, que en algunos casos son también profesores de IES. Varixs docentes externos a la UCM participantes en el PIMCD poseen una dilatada experiencia en la coordinación de proyectos de innovación de otras universidades, lo que redundará en beneficio de las actividades a desarrollar. La coordinadora y otrxs miembros del PIMCD pertenecen a la Red de Innovación Docente en Filosofia (RIEF), puesta en marcha desde la Universitat de València (http://rief.blogs.uv.es/encuentros-de-la-rief/), a la que mantendremos informada de las actividades realizadas en el proyecto. Asimismo, lxs 6 miembros del PAS permitirán difundir debidamente las actividades realizadas en el PIMCD entre lxs estudiantes Erasmus IN del curso 2019/20 en la Facultad de Filosofía, de la misma manera que orientar en las tareas de maquetación y edición que puedan ser necesarias de cara a la publicación de lxs resultados del PIMCD y en las tareas de pesquisa bibliográfica necesarias para el desarrollo de los objetivos propuestos. Han manifestado su interés en los resultados derivados del PIMCD editoriales especializadas en la difusión de investigaciones predoctorales como Ápeiron y CTK E-Books