378 research outputs found

    A genocídium-fogalom lehatárolásának vizsgálata a XXI. századi fegyveres konfliktusok eszkalációja kapcsán = Delimitation of the genocide-termine usage, according to the escalation of armed conflicts of the 21th century

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    Since almost 80 years, the first publication of the technical term: genocide, the validity of this notion starts turning continuos devalvation. Nowadays according to almost every armed conflict, the political actors gladly „shouts” genocide because of any kind of crimes against humanity. But the genocide contains much more different origins besides the other war or humanitarian crimes: the clear will to exterminate complete groups of people, nations, cultures or complete, other civilisation. For the scholar distinctions – very needed to clarify the origins and the definitions of the war crimes – and the real nature of the „degenerate warfare” of the XXI. Century

    "Miért piszkálnak?" : a köznevelésben megvalósuló bullying és a diákok védett tulajdonságainak kapcsolata a magyar intézményrendszerben

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    My paper approaches the issue of bullying from a new perspective. Scholarly literature usually examines this problem by the side of freedom of expression. My attention towards the discrimination-aspect of this topic was grabbed by a research from North-Carolina, where „bias-based bullying” was studied. Its result highlighted the significant presence of bullying, based on protected characteristics. Thanks to this, as a first step of my research, I reviewed the Hungarian and the international academic literature in order to disclose the notional background of bullying and cyberbullying. My aim was to establish the relation between discrimination and bullying, for that, it was indispensable to clarify the fundamental notions of bullying and cyberbullying. In parallel, the subject of my examination was the Hungarian public educational and discriminatory system of institutions, with special regard to the work of the Office of the Commissioner for Educational Rights and the Equal Treatment Authority. My goal was to find out whether the Hungarian system of institutions possess a specific organization that can act on its own authority and also guarantee effective protection for the victims of bullying. In 2011, the domestic presence of the problem was also confirmed by the research Tabby in Internet, however, the concerning legislative steps have not happened yet ever since. The prohibition of discrimination and the requirement of equal treatment is a general principle interfering all of our legal system and its predominance is a matter of governmental obligation. As a research question, I was thinking whether it is possible to build a relationship between bullying, based on protected traits and the domestic discriminatory system of institutions that provides protection against bullying and cyberbullying. My paper gives an alternative solution to this in the de lege ferenda proposal, that gives a textual suggestion to the modification of the law of equal treatment and the advancement of equal opportunity. This law amendment would make it possible for students in public education to turn to ETA in cases of bullying, moreover, in harmony with valid procedural law, the cases would reach the procedure of Constitutional Court. Thanks to this, even the Constitutional Court’s interpretation of domestic bullying and cyberbullying research would be accessible

    Cohesion and balance in a human resource allocation problem

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    Collaborative work appears between intelligent agents of different types. The problem discussed occurred when many construction workers were taken to Germany from Romania to work in construction projects. Managers have to make independent groups of workers from some categories, like carpenters, brick layers, etc. To discover their collaborative attitudes they use the scoring method, where every worker scores the others from different trades. The objectives are to form groups of workers with high compatibility value and to have a high compatibility value for the worst group, too. The problem becomes more interesting if software collaborative groups or specialized intelligent agents are involved. One has to prospect also the level of knowledge overlap between the trade groups of agents. This paper resumes to the problem of construction workers so as there is no overlap between the trades and the level of knowledge is not in the universe of discourse. We propose a Greedy and a genetic algorithm approach and we compare these methods

    Takarónövények alkalmazásának lehetőségei szőlőültetvényekben

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    A Tokaji Borvidék Szőlészeti és Borászati Kutatóintézet Szőlő-levél elektronikus folyóiratának 2. évfolyam 5. számában megjelent tudományos-ismeretterjesztő cikkben beszámolunk az ÖMKi és több partner-intézmény valamint vezető szőlőbirtokok együttműködésével elkezdett szőlősorköz-növényesítési kísérletekről. Bemutatjuk a szőlősorköz-növényzettel szemben támasztott elvárásokat. Összefoglaljuk a takarónövényzet használatának legfontosabb tudnivalóit, valamint ismertetjük, hogy milyen vizsgálatokat tervezünk elvégezni a kísérlet keretében

    Aspects of in situ, in vitro germination and mycorrhizal partners of Liparis loeselii

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    Our present work investigated asymbiotic in vitro and symbiotic in situ germination of the rare and protected terrestrial orchid, Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. as one of the possibilities for its conservation. Asymbiotic germination array was tested on four different asymbiotic media (different macroelement and organic nitrogen levels) in dark and light. Additionally the effect of cold-treatment was also investigated. In situ germination rate was moderate, protocorms was observed only in the close surroundings of adult L. loeselii individuals. The fungal partners of L. loeselii were identified by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). The ‘root segment technique’ was effective for isolation of only one species, Tulasnella (Epulorhiza), whereas using ‘in situ bating’ yielded isolates of both Tulasnella and Ceratobasidium (Rhizoctonia) species

    Early atherosclerosis and Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infection in the Coronary Arteries

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    In non-atheromatous segments of coronary arteries a sequence of preatherosclerotic changes was identified which consisted of medial thickening followed by intimal thickening. More recently, Chlamydia pneumoniae seropositivity was associated with enhanced intima-media thickness of arteries. In the present study the intimal and medial thickness of coronary artery of young adults were measured, and were correlated with the presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae antigens. Proximal and distal segments of the left anterior descending coronaries (LAD) obtained at autopsy from young adults (15-34 years) were studied. The thickness and cellular density of the intima and of the media without clear-cut atherosclerotic changes were measured by image analysis. The hypertrophy index was calculated as the ratio of cell density and the thickness of the respective layer. Atherosclerotic lesions occurring elsewhere in the same coronary were noted and graded by severity. The presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae verified by immunohistochemistry was correlated with the severity of lesions and with the hypertrophy index. In the proximal segments, atherosclerosis of LAD was associated with the widening of both the intima and the media of lesion free-sites. In the distal coronary segments the proportion of the intimal thickening had a significant association with atherosclerosis. Compared to non-infected arteries, Chlamydia pneumoniae infection was associated with higher hypertrophy index in the intima as well as in the media. The rate of Chlamydia pneumoniae positivity increased with the severity of lesions. As a conclusion: in the LAD coronary, the intimal thickening is the main preatherosclerotic change. Chlamydia pneumoniae may favour arterial wall hypertrophy and plays a role in lesion progression