44,594 research outputs found

    Restricting SLE(8/3) to an annulus

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    We study the probability that chordal SLE8/3\text{SLE}_{8/3} in the unit disk from exp(ix)\exp(ix) to 1 avoids the disk of radius qq centered at zero. We find the initial/boundary-value problem satisfied by this probability as a function of xx and a=lnqa=\ln q, and show that asymptotically as qq tends to one this probability decays like exp(cx/(1q))\exp(-cx/(1-q)) with c=5π/8c=5\pi/8 for x[0,π]x\in[0,\pi]. We also give a representation of this probability as a functional of a Legendre process.Comment: 28 pages, corrected proof of asymptotic dependenc

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    Letter from Ireland

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    Letter from Ireland is the first in a series of correspondence which our Editors hope to present regularly from foreign lands. A group of corresponding editors has been contacted to supply news and information thought to be of interest to our readers. We are happy to begin the new year with this Irish contribution

    A Researcher’s Privilege: Does any Hope Remain?

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    Letter to the Editor ...

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