2 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]The Effency Analysis of Technique Courses Teaching with Scaffolding Learning Theory

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    [[abstract]]Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate an efficient teaching method implemented with Scaffolding Learning Theory for instructing technology theory & lab courses-- 「Microprocessor Interface Technique」 in Junior College. The teaching experiment was held after Scaffolding Learning Theory related literature reviewing and building up 「The experimental Teaching Materials for Microprocessor Interface Technique 」 by researcher. A teaching model set up with Scaffolding Learning Theory and practical suggestions were proposed to improve the weakness of traditional teaching methods for technology courses. There were four main stages in this study:the first research stage focused on related literature review of Scaffolding Learning Theory. The second research stage focused on editing experimental teaching materials and arranging teaching activities with Scaffolding Learning Theory. The third stage worked on implementing experimental teaching. The forth stage focused on teaching effectiveness analysis according to the experimental teaching result and proposing practical suggestion for technology courses teaching. The research structure and procedures were established certainly after related literature review and experts’ panel discussion. The experimental teaching material was designed by researcher and through experts’ evaluation to verify its availability for instruction. The experimental teaching program was implemented to the forth grade students of Electrical Engineering Department in S.J&S.M Technology Institute under Quasi-experiment design. It was evident that the result of this experimental research showed the significant difference in both academic achievement test and practical technique of Microprocessor Interface after the Multivariate Analysis of Variance. Also, the student’ achievement through teaching method implemented with Scaffolding Learning Theory were obviously superior to that of traditional teaching method, especially in the procedural & conceptual knowledge domain,in which high mental ability is necessarily needed, within declarative, procedural, conceptual knowledge domain。 To prompt the professional technique of students in Junior College, suggestions to improve teaching effectiveness were given to both the teachers cultivation administration department and teachers teaching technology courses as well as a teaching model with Scaffolding Learning Theory. Key words:Scaffolding Learning Theory, professional technique, teaching model, Quasi-experiment


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    [[abstract]]壹、本研究基於師資、課程、設備為影響工職教育之三大要素,而師資及課程都有 先進學者作過專論研究,惟獨設備欠缺一方,故本人欲對此一方向,盡一已之力, 期拋磚引玉,共同改進工職教育之缺失。 貳、本研究採取因變動有電子科儀器設備水準及智力成績,依變數有學生之學業成 就測驗成績,而採取變異數分析法,分析設備水準學生之學業成就之關連性。 參、本研究樣本取自台灣及台北市含有電子科之綜合中學或高工計廿校,公、私立 各十所,內計公立學生人數四一七人,私立計四二六人,合計八四三人,全部為應 屆高三學生。 肆、本研究採用之研究工具有(一)自編高工電子科成就測驗卷(二)借自師大附 中之歐迪斯智力測驗量表(三)高工電子科設備調查表。 伍、研究結論: (1)高工電子科設備水準與學生之學業成就有很大之關連性。 (2)公立高工,因在各客觀因素較整齊下,設備水準對學生之學業成就,達到顯著 之相關。 (3)私立學校在學業成就上比不上公立學校。 (4)私立學校設備水準對學生之學業成就,沒有顯著影響,但是從原始資料看出, 私校設備水準偏低,各方面教學因素需要輔導。 #2810822