107 research outputs found

    European Works Councils Experiences

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    In September, 2011 there was 15th anniversary of the implementation of the first EU directive creating European Works Councils (EWCs). This is also the year when the new version of the directive was put in force, i.e. Directive 2009/38/EC. EWCs are a form of indirect employee participation on European level which guarantees workers the right to information and consultation. The employees' representatives of all undertakings of transnational company were given the opportunity to voice their opinion about the decisions to be made by central management of the company. In this article three major topics are discussed: the role of European Works Councils in EU countries, the range of these institutions of employee participation on European level and changes in EWCs' functioning introduced by the new EWC directive. The main aim of the paper is to present diverse patterns of these institutions as well as to attempt the evaluation of EWCs effectiveness and their influence on the system of industrial relations in Europe.We wrześniu 2011 r. minęła 15 rocznica wejścia w życie pierwszej unijnej dyrektywy powołującej Europejskie Rady Zakładowe (ERZ). W tym roku także zaczęła obowiązywać nowa wersja tej regulacji, tzn. dyrektywa 2009/38/EC. ERZ są formą reprezentacyjnej partycypacji pracowniczej na poziomie europejskim, która gwarantuje pracownikom prawo do informacji i konsultacji. Reprezentanci załogi otrzymali możliwość wyrażania swoich opinii o projektowanych decyzjach centralnego kierownictwa przedsiębiorstwa transnarodowego, które odnoszą się do pracowników we wszystkich zakładach tego przedsiębiorstwa. Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się trzech głównych obszarach: roli Europejskich Rad Zakładowych w krajach UE, zasięgu tych instytucji partycypacji na poziomie europejskim i zmianach w funkcjonowaniu ERZ spowodowanych wprowadzeniem nowej dyrektywy. Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie różnych rodzajów tych instytucji oraz próba oceny efektywności ERZ i ich wpływu na system stosunków przemysłowych w Europie

    On the spectral properties of translation operators in one-dimensional tubes

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    Abstract. We study the spectral properties of some group of unitary operators in the Hilbert space of square Lebesgue integrable holomorphic functions on a one-dimensional tube (see formula be the Hilbert space of all functions which are holomorphic and square integrable in D with the standard inner product. We define the group of unitary operators (1) This is called the group of translation operators. The aim of this paper is to present some of its spectral properties. We shall use the following notations. Let B be the σ-algebra of Borel subsets of R and let m denote the Lebesgue measure on B. If m j , j = 1, 2, are two measures on B, we write m 1 m 2 to mean that m 1 is absolutely continuous with respect to m 2 . Let f denote the Fourier transform of f ∈ L 2 (R) ([6], p. 17). For t ∈ R we define w(t) = J e −4πty dy and let B J = {t ∈ R : w(t) < ∞}. An easy computation shows that we have three possibilities: B J = R, B J = R + or B J = R − . Let L 2 (R, w) be the Hilbert space of all measurable functions g on

    Validation of the pressure wave model in the aspect of special structures endurance

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    The article presents results of the research on the validation of impact wave in the aspect of special structures’ endurance. Impact waves have been examined according to numerical and analytical methods. In order to verify the results obtained, a workstation for experimental research had been prepared. Before conducting the experiment, approximate pressure value had been checked empirically. The pressure had been measured using sensors for free wave measurements. The topic of the paper is empirical examination of the phenomenon of explosion in the aspect of the free wave pressure. Due to a difficulty of the issue, it was necessary to conduct complex examination of the phenomenon for various charges. The paper examines cases of spherical charge explosions with a balanced mass of 1 kg TNT