262 research outputs found

    Addendum to: Solar neutrino oscillation parameters after first KamLAND results

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    In a previous paper [1], we presented a three-flavour oscillation analysis of the solar neutrino measurements and of the first data from the KamLAND experiment, in terms of the relevant mass-mixing parameters (delta m^2, theta_12, theta_13). The analysis, performed by including the terrestrial neutrino constraints coming from the CHOOZ (reactor), KEK-to-Kamioka (K2K, accelerator) and Super-Kamiokande (SK, atmospheric) experiments, provided a stringent upper limit on theta_13, namely, sin^2(theta_13)<0.05 at 3 sigma. We reexamine such upper bound in the light of a recent (although preliminary) reanalysis of atmospheric neutrino data performed by the SK collaboration, which seems to shift the preferred value of the largest neutrino square mass difference Delta m^2 downwards. By taking the results of the SK official reanalysis at face value, and by repeating the analysis in [1] with such a new input, we find that the upper bound on theta_{13} is somewhat relaxed: sin^2(theta_13)<0.067 at 3 sigma. Related phenomenological issues are briefly discussed

    Solar Neutrinos (with a tribute to John. N. Bahcall)

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    John N. Bahcall championed solar neutrino physics for many years. Thanks to his pioneering and long-lasting contributions, this field of research has not only reached maturity, but has also opened a new window on physics beyond the standard electroweak model through the phenomenon of neutrino flavor oscillations. We briefly outline some recent accomplishments in the field, and also discuss a couple of issues that do not seem to fit in the ``standard picture,'' namely, the chemical controversy at the solar surface, and possible implications of recent gallium radioactive source experiments

    Neutrino mass and mixing parameters: A short review

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    We present a brief review of the current status of neutrino mass and mixing parameters, based on a comprehensive phenomenological analysis of neutrino oscillation and non-oscillation searches, within the standard three-neutrino mixing framework

    A phenomenological outlook on three-flavor atmospheric neutrino oscillations

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    The recent observations of atmospheric nu events from the Super-Kamiokande experiment are compatible with three-flavor neutrino oscillations, occurring dominantly in the nu_mu<--->nu_tau channel and subdominantly in the nu_mu<--->nu_e channel. We present an updated analysis of the three-flavor mass-mixing parameters consistent with the present phenomenology, including the latest 45 kTy data sample from Super-Kamiokande. A comparison with our previous results, based on 33 kTy data, shows that the oscillation evidence is strengthened, and that the neutrino mass-mixing parameters are constrained in smaller ranges

    Neutrino Oscillations: A Global Analysis

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    We review the status of the neutrino oscillation physics (as of June 2003), with a particular emphasis on the present knowledge of the neutrino mass-mixing parameters in a three generation approach. We consider first the nu_mu-->nu_tau flavor transitions of atmospheric neutrinos. It is found that standard oscillations provide the best description of the SK+K2K data, and that the associated mass-mixing parameters are determined at 1 sigma (and dof=1) as: Delta m^2=(2.6 +-0.4) x 10^-3 eV^2 and sin^2(2theta)=1.00+0.00-0.05. Such indications, presently dominated by SK, could be strengthened by further K2K data. Then we analyze the energy spectrum of reactor neutrino events recently observed at KamLAND and combine them with solar and terrestrial neutrino data. We find that the solution to the solar neutrino problem at large mixing angle (LMA) is basically split into two sub-regions, that we denote as LMA-I and LMA-II. The LMA-I solution, characterized by lower values of the squared neutrino mass gap, is favored by the global data fit. Finally, we briefly illustrate how prospective data from the SNO and KamLAND can increase our confidence in the occurrence of standard matter effects in the Sun, which are starting to emerge from current data

    Earth regeneration effect in solar neutrino oscillations: an analytic approach

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    We present a simple and accurate method for computing analytically the regeneration probability of solar neutrinos in the Earth. We apply this method to the calculation of several solar model independent quantities than can be measured by the SuperKamiokande and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiments

    Effects of matter density variations on dominant oscillations in long baseline neutrino experiments

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    Variations around the average density and composition of the Earth mantle may affect long-baseline (anti)neutrino oscillations through matter effects. For baselines not exceeding a few thousand km, such effects are known to be very small, and can be practically regarded as fractional contributions to the theoretical uncertainties. We perturbatively derive compact expressions to evaluate such contributions in phenomenologically interesting scenarios with three or four neutrinos and a dominant mass scale

    Indications on neutrino oscillations parameters from initial K2K and current SK data

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    We briefly discuss the impact of initial data from the KEK-to-Kamioka (K2K) neutrino experiment on the nu_mu-->nu_tau oscillation parameters (m^2,tan^2 psi) currently indicated by the Super-Kamiokande (SK) atmospheric neutrino experiment. After showing the very good agreement between K2K and SK, we combine the two separate pieces of information. We find that the 99% C.L. range for m^2 allowed by SK only, m^2=[1.3, 5.6]x10^-3 eV^2, is reduced to [1.5, 4.8]x10^-3 eV^2 by including K2K data. By halving the uncertainties of the K2K total rate (with central value unchanged), the m^2 range would be ulteriorly reduced to [1.8, 4.0]x10^-3 eV^2. Such information appears to be already useful in planning (very) long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments

    Indications from Precision Electroweak Physics Confront Theoretical Bounds on the Mass of the Higgs Boson

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    An updated fit to the precision electroweak data and to the direct measurement of the top quark mass mtm_t provides significant constraints on mtm_t and on the Higgs boson mass MHM_H: mt/GeV=172±6m_t/\text{GeV}=172\pm 6 and log10(MH/GeV)=2.16±0.33\log_{10}(M_H/\text{GeV})=2.16\pm 0.33, with an error correlation ρ=0.5\rho=0.5. We integrate the (MH,mt)(M_H, m_t) probability distribution found in this analysis over various zones of the (MH,mt)(M_H, m_t) plane defined by one-sided experimental and theoretical bounds on the Higgs boson mass, both in the Standard Model and in its minimal supersymmetric extension. The comparison of the cumulative probabilities gives interesting information on the likelihood that the true value of MHM_H is compatible with different theoretical scenarios

    Neutrino mass hierarchy and precision physics with medium-baseline reactors: impact of energy-scale and flux-shape uncertainties

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    Nuclear reactors provide intense sources of electron antineutrinos, characterized by few-MeV energy E and unoscillated spectral shape Phi(E). High-statistics observations of reactor neutrino oscillations over medium-baseline distances L ~ O(50) km would provide unprecedented opportunities to probe both the long-wavelength mass-mixing parameters (delta m^2 and theta_12) and the short-wavelength ones (Delta m^2 and theta_13), together with the subtle interference effects associated to the neutrino mass hierarchy (either normal or inverted). In a given experimental setting - here taken as in the JUNO project for definiteness - the achievable hierarchy sensitivity and parameter accuracy depend not only on the accumulated statistics but also on systematic uncertainties, which include (but are not limited to) the mass-mixing priors and the normalizations of signals and backgrounds. We examine, in addition, the effect of introducing smooth deformations of the detector energy scale, E -> E'(E), and of the reactor flux shape, Phi(E) -> Phi'(E), within reasonable error bands inspired by state-of-the-art estimates. It turns out that energy-scale and flux-shape systematics can noticeably affect the performance of a JUNO-like experiment, both on the hierarchy discrimination and on precision oscillation physics. It is shown that a significant reduction of the assumed energy-scale and flux-shape uncertainties (by, say, a factor of two) would be highly beneficial to the physics program of medium-baseline reactor projects. Our results shed also some light on the role of the inverse-beta decay threshold, of geoneutrino backgrounds, and of matter effects in the analysis of future reactor oscillation data