793 research outputs found

    Mean Field Limit for Coulomb-Type Flows

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    We establish the mean-field convergence for systems of points evolving along the gradient flow of their interaction energy when the interaction is the Coulomb potential or a super-coulombic Riesz potential, for the first time in arbitrary dimension. The proof is based on a modulated energy method using a Coulomb or Riesz distance, assumes that the solutions of the limiting equation are regular enough and exploits a weak-strong stability property for them. The method can handle the addition of a regular interaction kernel, and applies also to conservative and mixed flows. In the appendix, it is also adapted to prove the mean-field convergence of the solutions to Newton's law with Coulomb or Riesz interaction in the monokinetic case to solutions of an Euler-Poisson type system.Comment: Final version with expanded introduction, to appear in Duke Math Journal. 35 page

    Torsion order of smooth projective surfaces

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    To a smooth projective variety XX whose Chow group of 00-cycles is Q\mathbf Q-universally trivial one can associate its torsion index Tor(X)\mathrm{Tor}(X), the smallest multiple of the diagonal appearing in a cycle-theoretic decomposition \`a la Bloch-Srinivas. We show that Tor(X)\mathrm{Tor}(X) is the exponent of the torsion in the N\'eron-Severi-group of XX when XX is a surface over an algebraically closed field kk, up to a power of the exponential characteristic of kk.Comment: A few more minor changes in Colliot-Th\'el\`ene's appendi
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