3 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Kepuasan Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Negeri Dengan Rumah Sakit Swasta Di Daerah Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT THE DIFFERENCE OF PATIENTS’ SASTISFACTION IN PUBLIC HOSPITALS AND IN PRIVATE HOSPITALS IN SURAKARTA AREA Widia Andrilia J 500120100 Background: Simply, satisfaction is an effort of meeting the patients’ needs. The patients will be satisfied if the performance of a health service is appropriate or more than the patients’ expectation. The measure of the success of service implementation is determined by the level of satisfaction of the service receiver. Objective: To know the difference of patients’ satisfaction in public hospitals and in private hospitals in Surakarta area. Metode: This research was an analytic observational research with a cross sectional approach thorough the approach model of point time using purposive sampling. The samples consisted of 51 inpatients in the public hospitals and 51 inpatients in the private hospitals. The results of the research: Based of the kolmogorov smirmov test, it was known that the level of satisfaction of the inpatients in the public hospitals was as much as 108.08, meanwhile, the level of satisfaction of the inpatients in the private hospitals was as much as 111.94. And, it was obtained the value of p=0.048 (p<0.05). Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the level of satisfaction of the patients in the public hospitals and the level of satisfaction of the patients in the private hospitals in Surakarta area. Keywords: Difference of patients’ satisfaction in the public hospitals and in the private hospitals in Surakarta are

    Hubungan Perilaku Ibu Terhadap Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat (PHBS) Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Boloh Kecamatan Toroh Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Background: The incidence of diarrhea worldwide is still quite high. Villagers Boloh not all apply PHBS and annually increased diarrheal disease that attacks all age groups. This study aims to know the relation of PHBS with the incidence of diarrhea in infants. Methods: This study is observational analytic research using cross sectional design that is carried on 21 December 2015 in the Boloh Community Health Center Sub-district Toroh District Grobogan. The study population was all the mothers who have children aged 2 months - 5 years amounted to 50 people. While sampling used Probability Sample with Cluster Random Sampling technique. Results: This study analyzed using Chi-square test and get the results (x2) = 3,004 with p-value = 0.083. Conclusions: There was no relation between mothers behavior about Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) With the Incidence of Diarrhea In Infant and Toddler In The Boloh Community Health Center Sub-district Toroh District Grobogan. Essay. Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Kontrasepsi dengan Metode Pemilihan Kontrasepsi Hormonal dan Non Hormonal di Desa Ngalian Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Background: The family planning program as one of the programs to control the population through birth arrangement. Contraceptive ideal is contraceptive efficiently, safe, cheap, esthetic, can afford, does not require motivation continuously, and minimum side effects. Several factors that to be considered including status of health, side effects, the consequences of failure or an unwanted pregnancy. Objectives: The main objective is to analyze relationship between the level of mother’s knowledge about contraception with optionalcontraseptive method’s hormonal and non hormonal. Methods: Observational research analytic with the approach cross sectional by means of research of variable dependent and independent in one time. This research will analyze the relationship between mother’s knowledge about contraception with optional contraseptive method’s hormonal and non hormonal in Ngalian village Wonosobo. The technique sampling uses simple random sampling. Results: Analysis chi-square value p = 0,037 ( p < 0,050 ) can then be concluded that there are relationship between the level of mother’s knowledge about contraception with the optional contraseptive method’s hormonal and non hormonal. Conclusion: There are relationship between the level of mother’s knowledge about contraception with optional contraseptive method’s hormonal and non hormonal in Ngalian village Wonosobo