3 research outputs found

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kasus Low Back Pain Myogenic e.c. Lumbar Strain di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul

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    Backgound: Pain at lumbar spine region commonly described as low back pain.. Pain at this region will cause muscle spasm that wil cause ROM restriction. In this case, myogenic low back pain described as back pain that only caused by muscle disorder without neurological disorder. Aims: To evaluate physical therapy management to pain, muscle spasm, improvement range of motion, and functional activity on low back pain myogenic e.c. lumbar strain. Result: After 7 times of physical therapy management. We found decresing of pain T1: mild pain to T7: no pain, muscle spasm T1: 100% to T7: 30%, flexion tunk range of motion T1: 2 cm to T7: 2,5 cm, right side flexion T1: -50 cm menjadi T7: -47 cm, left side flexion T1: 51 cm to T7: 48,5 cm, functional activity T1: -32% to T7: -30 %. Conclusion: Physical Therapy management with SWD, stretching, massage, core stability exercise can decrease pain, spasm, improve ROM, and enhance functional activity. Keywords: Lumbar strain, Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), massage, stetching, core stability exercise

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kondisi Pasca Operasi Fraktur Colles Dextra Di Rsud Dr Harjdono Ponorogo

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    Background: Colles fracture is transverse fracture of the distal radial shaft with dorsal angulation of the distal fragment. Objective: To determine the modalilities of physiotherapy with infra red and therapy exercise to decrease pain, increase ROM and increase muscle strength in the case of colles fracture dextra. Result: After therapy as much as six times in getting the result to the reduction of tenderness of T1 : 3,8 be T6 : 2,1 and the motion of the pain T1 : 4,1 be T6 : 2,3, an increase in range of motion active dextra wrist in the sagital and frontal T1 = S : 15°-0°-15° be T6 = S : 20°-0°-20° and T1 = F : 5°-0°-5° be T6 = F : 10°-0°-10°, whereas ROM passive dextra wrist in the sagital and frontal also increase the T1 = S : 20°-0°-15° be T6 = S : 25°-0°-20° and T1 = F : 5°-0°-10 be T6 = F : 10°-0°-10° and as well as an increase in muscle strength in dorsal flexion movement of T1 : 2+ be T6: 3-, palmar flexion of T1 : 2+ be T6 : 3-, while radial deviation and ulnar deviation there has not been an increase muscle strength. Conclusions: infrared can reduce pain because of they give the effect of relaxation on the condition of post colles fracture dextra, and therapeutic exercise can increase the strength muscle and improve the range of motion (ROM) on condition post colles fracture dextra

    Pengaruh Chest Therapy Terhadap Penurunan Respiratory Rate Pada Balita Dengan Bronkitis Di RS Triharsi Surakarta

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    Background: Bronchitis according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2005) is a common disease in communities marked by an inflammation of the bronchial tract. Acute bronchitis is most often strikes children under 5 years old. Second, chronic bronchitis is an infection of the bronchi that lasts at least three months in the year and repeated the following year. Chronic bronchitis is more common in adults over the age of 50 years. Physiotherapy has a role in helping symptoms of bronchitis by giving chest therapy. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of chest therapy to decrease respiratory rate against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta. Methods: The study was conducted with a quantitative approach kind of quasi experiment, with the approach of pre and post test design group to determine the effect of chest therapy to decrease respiratory rate against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta. Samples of 20 people were taken through Convenience sampling method, measurements of respiratory rate in a study using a test. Results: From the results of the comparative test to get the Wilcoxon test p <0.05, indicating the influence of therapy against respiratory rate chest against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta. Conclusion: There is the effect of chest therapy to decrease respiratory rate against bronchitis in infants with RS Triharsi Surakarta