44 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Konformitas Dengan Perilaku Membolos

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    Truant behavior is behavior that violates norms leave school without a good reason and no permission to the school. One of the factors that influence the behavior of ditching that conformity. This study aims to determine the relationship between conformity with the truant behavior, level of conformity, level truant behavior and the effective contribution of conformity to the behavior of truant. Researchers used quantitative methods to achieve the objectives of this research. Subjects used in this study is a class XI student of vocational schools (SMK) Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar totaling 88 students. The results of the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.589 with sig. (One-tailed) = 0,000; p <0.01 indicates no significant positive relationship between conformity with truant behavior. Based on the results of analysis variables truant behavior has the empirical mean (RE) of 74.60 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 100, which means ditching the behavior of research subjects is low. Variable conformity has the empirical mean (RE) of 68.25 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 75 which means conformity of research subjects classified as moderate. The effective contribution of conformity by 34.7% against the truant behavior

    Strategi Coping Stres Pada Penderita Lupus

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    AbstractThe purpose of this research is to gain an understanding of stress coping strategies with lupus. This study used a qualitative method with informants totaling 6 informants consists of three main informants and informant support 3. Key informants are people with lupus aged teens, early adulthood and middle age. Then the informant is the closest supporters of the main informant who accompanied during the main informant suffered from lupus. Data were obtained by interview and observation. Based on the results of the study indicate that the all the informant experiencing stressful conditions, such as difficulty concentrating, lazy activity, desperate, anxious, angry, silent, closed, self-esteem, decreased memory, denial, fear, weakness and headache Coping conducted informant adolescents and adults showed differences, adolescent informants tend to use emotional focused coping while adult informants did to two coping that is problem focused coping and emotional focused coping. There are factors that affect informants Coping With a factor of education and social support factors that focus on the emotional. Key word : coping, stress, lupus patient

    Hubungan Antara Stres Akademik dengan Minat Berorganisasi Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    The purpose of this research is to find: 1) Relations between stress academic with interest organize students of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. 2) A contribution effective academic stress with their respective interest students of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. 3) A level academic stress students of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. 4) The level of interest students of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. Hypothesis proposed is “Is a negative relationship between stress academic with interest organize students of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University”. The population of the research is students semester seven , five and three of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University, active follow the organization and are still active college, amounting to 100 people. The total sample used in this study as much as 80 people with used technique the sample purposive sampling. Engineering data collection in this research using methods the quantitative approach with a measure scale academic stress and scale of interest organize. Analysis techniques the data used the research is a product moment of person. According to the analysis obtained correlation value of rxy= 0,268 with sig. = 0,008; (p < 0,01), it means hypothesis submitted by researchers rejected or in other words we have a positive relationship very significant academic between stress with interest organize. The higher academic stress the higher interest organize students of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. On the contrary the lower academic stress and the lower interest organize students of psychology faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University. Effective contribution (SE) academic stress of 72 %. There are still 92.8 % other variables that can influence the interests of organization outside the variable of academic stress. The level of academic stress is moderate and the level of interest in organizing is high

    Dinamika Perilaku Cyberbullying Pada Remaja

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    The purpose of this research is to understand and describe the dynamics of cyberbullying behavior in adolescents. The method in this study is qualitative phenomenology that technique of the data collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Data were obtained from 5 informants with criteria adolescents aged 18-23 years, using a smartphone, have a personal social media account, more than one time posting photos and giving negative comments to friends on social media, also ready to be a informant research proved by informed consent. The results of this study showing that the reason the perpetrator cyberbullying because they feel betrayed, avenge the heartache because of friend, take a revenge, and peer group influence. Intensity of cyberbullying behavior more than once, that are 1 informant twice, 1 informant 3 times, and 3 other informants claimed to have done the behavior several times. The forms of cyberbullying behaviors include outing, harassment, impersonation, flaming, and denigration. Perpetrators provide threatening sentences, insults, labeling, and abusive expressions directly using chat or direct massage or indirectly through insta stories in social media instagram. Some abusive expressions given by the perpetrator to the victim using the local language, that is Java language. The impact of cyberbullying behavior that the perpetrators get for themselves is the feeling of satisfaction but there is 1 informant who has feelings of guilt to the victim. Another impact is that in the environment around the perpetrator gets the label as an oppressor, ostracized others, and is critical to defend herself for cyberbullying behavior

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Terhadap Iklim Sekolah Dengan Etos Kerja Pada Santri Tahfidzul Qur'an

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    This research aims to know the level of perception of school climate, to know the level of work ethic and to know the effective contribution of the perception of school climate against work ethic. Researchers use quantitative methods to achieve the objectives of this research. The subject used in this research are the students of Class XI high school boarding schools Tahfidzul Qur'an (PPTQ) Ibnu Abbas Klaten. The result of the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.448 with the sig (2-tailed) = 0.000, p<0.01 shows there was a very significant positive relationships between the perception of school climate against work ethic at with students Tahfidzul Qur'an. Based on the results of the analysis variables work ethic have the empirical mean (RE) of 88,26 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 77.5 which means the work ethic of research subject is high . The variable perception of school climate has the empirical mean (RE) of 75.58 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 70 which means perception of school climate the subject of . The effective contributions perception of climate school 44,8 % of work ethic

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Terhadap Penerapan Hukuman Dengan Motivasi Belajar Santri Pondok Pesantrenal-Muayyad Surakarta

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    Motivation is needed in learning activities. Motivation is an encouragement to achieve learning success. It might be a boost of hope and ncouragement. One way to motivate by applying punishment, often used by teachers or parents. Motivation to learn can arise through punishment which is not excessive and applied at the right time. The purpose of this study is to determine relationship between perception of application of punishment with motivation to learn students islamic boarding school Al-Muayyad Surakarta. The method used is correlational study using a quantitative approach. Subjects used is students islamic boarding school Al-Muayyad Surakarta which amounted to 80 people and using purposive sampling technique. Measuring instruments used are learning motivation scale and perceptions of application punishment scale. The analysis method uses product moment correlation technique with SPSS (statistical product and service solution) 15.0 for windows program. Research result obtained the r value of 0.48; p = 0.000 (p <0.01), which shows the existence of very significant positive relationship between perception of application of punishment with motivation to learn which means that the higher perception of application of unishment with motivation to learn. Thus, conversely, the lower perception of application of punishment with motivation to learn based on the results of research known motivation to learn students islamic boarding school Al-Muayyad Surakarta is high. Motivation to learn to have the empirical mean (re) 129,57dan mean hypothetical (rh) 107,5. The effective contribution of the variable perception of application of punishment with motivation to learn by 23.04% and 76.96%, there are still other factors that influence the motivation to learn

    Sensation Seeking Pada Perempuan Pendaki Gunung

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    Various accidental phenomena of female climber often occur as extreme acts as a form of search gratification of sensation. This study aims to understand the search sensation in women mountaineers. This research was conducted in Surakarta city with the informant were 6 women who had climbed the mountain and less than 32 years old. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach with phenomenological research model, data collection using semi structured interview. This research resulted in an overview sensation seeking women mountaineers from the aspects and factors of sensation seeking. There are 2 criteria of mountain climbers that are beginner climber and professional climbers. There are 2 beginner climber informants and 4 professional climbing informants. Level of sensation in the results seen from the criteria of climbers are 2 informants beginner climber get the sensation seeking is tend to be low and 4 informants climber professionals get the sensation seeking tend to be high. Overview sensation seeking women mountaineers are challenged to make the climb and was happy when able to reach the top, gain new experiences, engage in activities that are less responsible, able to handle boredom when saturated with the state. However, in the aspect of behavior without bond tends to be less prominent because only 2 informants who do such behavior, ie said dirty and littering. The sensation seeking factor obtained by hereditary factor is indicated from his desire to get a challenge when climbing the mountain, indication of genetic factors in the form of close family that is mother, father, grandfather who is also a climber and environmental factors is indicated by the frequent of mountain climbing informers to be together with friends -her friend

    Dinamika Psikologis Korban Cyberbullying

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    The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the psychological dynamics of cyberbullying victims through forms of cyberbullying, the impact of cyerbullying and the way victims faces cyberbullying behavior. The method in this study is phenomenology qualitative while the data collection technique is conducted through interview, observation, and documentation. Data obtained from 5 informants with the criteria including adolescents aged 18-23, cyberbullying victims, social media users, and people who ever received cyberbullying more than once. Cyberbullying victims were identified using open questionnaires designed by researcher and willing to accept the informed consent. The result of this study showed that cyberbullying forms received by victims including flaming (online fights), harassment, denigration, exclusion and outing. The form of cyberbullying that received all of the victims is flaming. Cyberbullying has an impact on the victims such as self-closing, insecurity, feeling more sensitive, fear, friends diminished, sadness, insecurity, reduced access to social media, embarrassment, lack of confidence and in academic influences: lack of concentration. The way the victims overcomes cyberbullying by withdrawing from the environment, break the relationship with the perpetrators, shut herself, reduce uploads on social media accounts and re-telling the events experienced on trusted friends and also vent her emotions by crying. All of the victims received cyberbullying from the perpetrators with mostly of the languages that the perpetrators used are the Javanese language

    Hubungan Antara Konformitas Dengan Gaya Hidup Hedonisme

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    The hedonism lifestyle is the pattern of life of someone who always looked about pleasure, happiness and enjoyment as a primary goal. One of the factors that influence is the conformity of the group. This research aims to know the relationship between the conformity with the lifestyles of hedonism, the level of conformity, the level of hedonism lifestyle and how much influence conformity with the lifestyles of hedonism.This research using quantitative methods. The subject of the research used in this study are students of vocational secondary school XI (CMS) totalling 90 students.The results obtained correlation coefficients r of 0.063 and sig = 0.276; p> 0.05, which showed that there was no connection between the conformity with the lifestyles of hedonism. The effective contribution of the conformity of 0.39% against the hedonism lifestyle

    Perilaku Prososial Pada Mahasiswa

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    Prosocial behavior is something natural that comes out of the human self. This is because humans are social beings who have to interact with others and can’t live without others in the sense of helping each other, singing, helping, and equipping. The purpose of this study is to know and understand how the behavior of prosocial students, conducted on 40 active students and 40 non-active students in the Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Engineering. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. From the results of research that has been done the results of the form of prosocial behavior most often occurs is the behavior of help, the reason students are active and non-active conduct pro social behavior because social norms, students are active and inactive often conduct proosial behavior alone, the parties are often helped prosocial behavior on student activists and non-activists are people who are still in friendship with the student