33 research outputs found
Asuhan Keperawatan Jiwa Pada Ny.S Dengan Gangguan Persepsi Sensori Halusinasi Pendengaran di Ruang Srikandi Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakarta
Background: The high incidence of hallucinations in Surakarta Regional Mental Hospital during the month of February 2014 until February 2015 into a sequence number one with the number of 4,021 patients attract writers to do the soul of nursing care in patients with disorders of sensory perception: Hallucinations.
Objective: Writer want to know, understand and can apply the nursing care to clients with impaired sensory perception: Hallucinations includes assessment, diagnosis, intervention, implementation and evaluation of nursing.
Results: Writer wish after nursing care for 3x24 hours, patients can recognize hallucinations she experienced, can control the hallucinations with 4 ways, rebuke, conversing with others, doing the activity schedule, and drug therapy can run properly.
Conclusion: Cooperation between the health team and the client or the client's family is indispensable for the success of the client's nursing care, therapeutic communication can encourage more cooperative clients, family is very important role in caring for clients with impaired sensory perception: Hallucinations.
Keywords: sensory perception, auditory hallucination
Asuhan Keperawatan Jiwa pada Nn. S dengan Perubahan Persepsi Sensori Halusinasi Pendengaran di Ruang Sumbodro Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakarta
Kesehatan jiwa bukan hanya tidak ada gangguan jiwa, melainkan mengandung berbagai karakteristik yang positif yang menggambarkan keselarasan dan keseimbangan kejiwaan yang mencerminkan kedewasaan kepribadiannya. Pada tahun 2012, 450 juta orang diseluruh dunia menderita gangguan mental, dan sepertiganya tinggal di negara berkembang, sebanyak 8 dari 10 penderita gangguan mental itu tidak mendapatkan perawatan. Memperoleh gambaran nyata tentang penerapan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien gangguan jiwa dengan masalah utama halusinasi. Setelah dilakukan asuhan
keperawatan pada klien didapatkan hasil klien mampu berinteraksi dengan orang lain sehingga tidak terjadi perilaku kekerasan. Klien mampu membina hubungan saling percaya, klien mampu menyebutkan penyebab halusinasi, klien mampu menerapkan apa yang diajarkan perawat untuk mengusir halusinasi.
Kesimpulan : Kerjasama antara tim kesehatan pada klien sangat diperlukan untuk keberhasilan asuhan keperawatan pada klien, komunikasi terapeutik dapat mendorong klien untuk lebih kooperatif, klien lebih memilih melakukan kegiatan yang positif untuk mengatasi halusinasi yang dialaminya
Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Dengan Tingkat Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living (IADL) Lansia Dengan Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Penumping
Anxiety in the elderly is caused by difficulty sleeping / resting, nervous / anxious, often shaking, disappointed, and worried, often feel worried when there is a small problem, anxiety during activity, often aloof and easily anxious / fearful, and feel uncomfortable. Anxiety and depression can affect the decline in cognitive function which can then worsen the daily activities, nutrition, and ability to work especially in the elderly. This study aims to examine the presence or absence of anxiety level relationship with the level of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) elderly with hypertension in Penumping Puskesmas. This research is descriptive research with cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all elderly people suffering from hypertension in Puskesmas Penumping with 62 people, 54 research samples obtained by quota sampling technique. The data were collected used questioner and analyzed using Spearman Rank test. Result of research dperoleh value of significance (p) equal to 0,001, hence decision of test was H0 rejected. Research conclusion was there is anxiety level relation with level of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) in elderly who have hypertension in Penumping Public Health Center, that was the higher level of anxiety of elderly, hence lower level of IADL
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan pada Penderita TBC di Puskesmas Baki Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Background : Tuberculosis is a disease that attacks productive age, namely 15-49 years who are more susceptible to TB disease. TB is one of the second health problems with a high prevalence rate worldwide. TB disease can cause anxiety because of the lack of good transactions with families and even the surrounding community. Treatment is relatively long, an obstacle in daily activities because TB sufferers are very susceptible to infection, and cannot accept the disease suffered by TB sufferers. Anxiety is a feeling of worry that is felt in an unclear way, the feelings and emotions that are felt have no specific object. Health education is a form of health promotion that aims to increase knowledge and action behavior in TB sufferers so as to reduce anxiety levels. Objective : To determine whether there is an effect of health education on anxiety levels for tuberculosis sufferers at the Baki Health Center, Sukoharjo Regency. Method : Quantitative method of One Group Pretest-Postsest Design. The research sample consisted of 30 TB sufferers who had registered at the Baki Health Center in Sukoharjo Regency. The sampling method was purposive sampling of total sampling. The analysis is the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. In collecting data using the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) research instrument, the number of questions was 14 items. Results : The results of this study showed that before the intervention in the form of health education was given, the highest level of anxiety was mild anxiety by 20 respondents (66.7%), moderate anxiety by 10 respondents (33.3%). The highest score is 27, the lowest is 14, and the average is 18.93. After being given a health education intervention, 20 respondents (66.7%) were not anxious, 7 respondents (23.3%) had mild anxiety, 3 were moderately anxious (10.0%). The highest value is 22, the lowest value is 2 and the average is 11.60. The p-value is 0.001 based on the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. In conclusion, there are differences in anxiety levels both before and after health education is given
Background : Elderly is a condition characterized by the inability to maintain balance against physiological stress conditions. Stress experienced by the elderly can affect their life because it can cause loss of appetite, talk too much or even withdraw, and many other symptoms. Stress in the elderly can have a negative impact, for example dizziness, high blood pressure, irritability, sadness, difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite, unable to sleep or smoking continuously. Purpose : Knowing the stress level of the elderly in Gumpang Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency. Method : This study uses a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The sample from this study was 87 elderly respondents in Gumpang Village. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used univariate analysis and data collection using a research instrument in the form of a Depression Anxiety Stress Scale questionnaire with a total of 14 question items. Results : The results showed that the stress level of most respondents 71 respondents had moderate stress levels (40.7%), 6 respondents had mild stress levels (6.9%) and 10 respondents had high-stress levels (11, 5%). Conclusion: Regarding the elderly in Gumpang Village Posyandu, this study, found that the majority suffer from moderate stress levels with the characteristics most respondents being female, aged 60-70 years who are not working, and the last level of education is elementary school
Hubungan Tingkat Activity of Daily Living (ADL) dengan Kualitas Tidur Pada Lansia Di Kelurahan Karangasem Kecamatan Laweyan Surakarta
Aging process (aging process) is a process in life that can not be avoided and will be experienced by every individual. The effects of the aging process can lead to various health status problems. The aging process experienced by the elderly causes the limitation of elderly movement. Daily activities or Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and rest both go hand in hand therefore if an activity is disturbed will affect the period of rest so that will cause the occurrence of sleep disorders. This study aims to determine the relationship between Activity of Daily Living (ADL) level and sleep quality in the elderly in KarangAsem Village KecamatanLaweyan Surakarta. This research is descriptive correlative research with cross sectional approach. The study population was 737 elderly people living in the village of KarangAsem district Laweyan. Sample of research as many as 88 elderly obtained by simple random sampling technique.Data collection using questionnaire, while data analysis using Chi Square test.2count 9.653 and p-value of 0.008 so H0 rejected.Chi Square test results obtained value The conclusion of the study is Activity Of Daily Living (ADL) level of elderly mostly assisted, elderly sleep quality is mostly good, and there is relation of Activity Of Daily Living (ADL) dependency level with elderly sleep quality in Karangasem Village Laweyan Surakarta Subdistrict where the better the Activity Of Daily Living (ADL) level of elderly hence the better quality of elderly slee
Gambaran Merokok Pada Penderita Hipertensi di Puskesmas Baki Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is a condition in which blood vessels have been constantly lifting pressure. Blood pressure is created by the force of pushing blood against the walls of blood vessels (arteries) as pumped by the heart. The higher the pressure the harder the heart has to pump. As a result, blood volume increases which will eventually increase blood pressure. ACE plays a very important physiological role in regulating blood pressure. This can happen because someone has bad lifestyle habits. Smoking is one of the factors that degenerate hypertension, where a person smokes as much as two cigarettes, the systolic and diastolic pressure will increase by about 10 mmHg. Tobacco as one of the ingredients of cigarettes has a large enough effect in increasing blood pressure because it can cause constriction of blood vessels. This research is a descriptive quantitative research method that is a research method conducted with the main objective to make a picture or description of a situation objectively that has to do with the problem under study. The sampling technique uses a quota sampling technique. The number of respondents in this study were 88 respondents. While the research instrument used a smoking habit questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using univariate analysis. The average age of respondents is 58-60 years, with male sex, suffering from majority hypertension 2 years, the highest number suffering from hypertension is moderate hypertension with 47 respondents and hypertension sufferers with smoking habits of 32 respondents
Upaya Peningkatan Intoleransi Aktivitas Pada Pasien Stroke
Stroke is a brain functional disturbance and global focal sudden and acute underway more thand 24 haours due to interruption of cerebral blood flow stroke in general can lead to disability and the problem in the world. Pressure sores and contractures is a comlication that can occur in patients stroke. Exerxise Range Of Motion (ROM) in one of rehabilitation programs. The author’s purpose is apply the action Range Of Motion (ROM) in increasing intolerance activities in Ny. S stroke, the author was able to perform the assesment at Ny. S with post stroke, the author was able to compile intervention in Ny. S with post stroke. The author was able to perform implementations Ny. S with post stroke, the author wad able to do an evaluation Ny. S with post stroke. Descriptive method that the fact-finding correct interpretation, the method for the imagination of the situation on patients and collecting and truthfully, through case is studied. This case study using the method nursing proses and then of data collection observation, interview the patient and family, and an interview with the midwife. Results after taught Range of Motion (ROM) passive in stroke patients showed that no increase of exercise Range of Motion (ROM) of the motor skills of stroke patients, data in ROM exercises get before that examination of muscle-strength in the upper extremities get the results right section 5 (+), the upper limb portion left 3 (-), lower limb right section 5 (+) exstremity left section 3 (-). The results showed there is an increase in musclestrength in the left upper limb, with the results of the examination of musclestrength the results indicate the right side of the upper extremity 5 (+), the upper limb left part 4 (-), lower limb parts right 5 (+), lower extremity left section 3 (-). conclusion the data shows that workouts Range of Motion (ROM) is active can improve Range of Motion in the elbow stroke patients. This study is recomended to do further research using this type of exercise others to improve movement in stroke patients vulnerable
Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Kategori Hipertensi Pada Lansia Di Desa Purworejo Kabupaten Magetan
Hypertension occurs because arterial blood pressure increases and systolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure is greater than or equal to 90 mmHg (WHO, 2013). Elderly aged ≥60 years will experience an increase in blood pressure due to low physical fitness levels in the components of cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and respiration. Regular physical activity is beneficial for maintaining an ideal body weight and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Lack of physical activity has a greater chance for a person to suffer from hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the relationship between physical activity and hypertension category in the elderly in Purworejo Village, Magetan Regency. This study uses a quantitative research design using observational analytical research methods, namely research designed to determine whether there is a relationship between variables. This study uses the Cross Sectional method where the independent and dependent variables are only measured or observed once (Nursalam, 2015). The sample of this study came from 35 hypertensive patients aged ≥60 years in Purworejo Village. The sampling technique used total sampling. While the research instrument related to physical activity was obtained through the PASE questionnaire and hypertension data was obtained from the Sphygmomanometer examination. The results of the calculation of the Spearman 'Rho correlation test obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.614 with a significance value (p-value) of 0.000. So it can be concluded that the test decision is that H0 is rejected, meaning that there is a relationship between physical activity and the hypertension category in the elderly in Purworejo Village, Magetan Regency, the better the physical activity, the lower the hypertension category