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    Pengaruh Faktor-faktor �Non Contraceptive� Terhadap Peningkatan Fertilitas (Studi Kasus di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Berdasarkan Analisa Data Hasil SDKI 2007)

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    One of the most important problem faced by Indonesia in carrying out development is a matter of demography. Population problem is an extremely important and complex, particularly for developing countries and has a large population. The general objective of national development is trying to reduce poverty and raise the level of community life. Goals and expectations will be difficult to realize in the development process is carried out, especially if the population problem is still not resolved properly. The main objective of this research is to provide demographic and socioeconomic profiles of respondents ever married women from Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2007. Information based on background characteristics of respondents in the survey is important in order to explain the findings presented in this report. This study begins by presenting background characteristics of respondents according to age, educational level, age of first marriage and area of residence. In addition, employment data are presented as measured with the field work respondents. The population in this study are: Elligible couple interviewed on IDHS Year 2007 in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The sample in this study were ever married women who are still married and aged 15-49 in West Nusa Tenggara Province which includes the 633 respondents who included as respondents in Indonesia Demographic Health Survey 2007. Fertility in this study were measured by the number of children ever born to each woman. Analysing the relationship between fertility and its proximate determinants, it is identified that age becomes the dominant variables that affect the fertility. The second variable is dominant over the age of fertility is the first marriage. Both of these variables have a profound impact caused by construction of a culture that is so thick in the province who said that a girl should be married in order not to be a "dedare toaq" or spinsters. Two variables that have no effect on fertility is the child's preferences variables and variables work. There were no mediating effect on the variables in the ideal number of children and child preference. In the ideal number of children variables, none of the independent variables influence, whereas the preference of the child variables, only some independent variables that influence. The R2 as a whole on fertility is 0.519. Thus, the contribution of the influence of all independent variables was 51.9%. Age becomes the dominant variables that affect its fertility. The second variable is dominant over the age of fertility is the first marriage. Two variables that have no effect on fertility is the child's preferences variables and variables work