57 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Akademik Smk Sinar Permata Bangsa Sragen Berbasis Website

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    Increasing of information technology in this era has already finished developing very fast, many facilities has begin that saved to fill all they need, one of them is website which is used in the education world that has a function as data process (data basic) web basic. Sinar Permata Bangsa Sragen vocational high school is a new builded school, as far as needs academic application to ease the process which is correlated with the school academic. Creating this academic application begins with spot interview of the teacher and the students in Sinar Permata Bangsa vocational high school, then continued with the necessaries analysis of system and design system. This academic application is designed using PHP programme language and MySQL as database. The research produce an academic application based website that used to make easier the process of data related to academic especially for the teacher and the students in Sinar Permata Bangsa Sragen vocational high school. The teacher and the students can see the schedule and the score that can be spoting downloaded

    Rancang Bangun Website Dan E-Learning Di Tpq Al-Fadhillah

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    Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA/TPQ) merupakan pendidikan non-formal yang termasuk dalam jenis keagamaan yang menjadikan Al-Qur’an sebagai materi utamanya, serta membimbing mereka menjadi muslim yang taat beragama.Salah satu TPQ yang ada di Kartasura yaitu TPQ Al-Fadhillah merupakan salah satu TPQ yang membutuhkan website sekaligus e-learning. Kegunaan website pada TPQ Al-Fadhillah yaitu agar mudah dalam berkomunikasi serta mencari dan mendapat informasi. Sedangkan e-learningsebagai solusi untuk memberikan suasana pembelajaran yang berbeda dan menarik sertaproses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih mudah dalam menyampaikan materi-materi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memberikan cara belajar baru dan mengenal teknologi kepada santri khususnya TPQ Al-Fadhillah.Rancang bangun website sederhana dilengkapi dengan PHP dan MySQL, Microsoft Windows 7, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Mozilla Firefox untuk menampilkan hasil sistemnya, serta Macromedia Flash untuk membuat tampilan menjadi lebih menarik. Adanya situs website dan e-learning pada TPQ Al-Fadhillah diharapkan dapat membantu dan memudahkan pengurus dalam mengelola TPQ Al-Fadhillah, baik dari data pengajar,santri, jadwal pelajaran, dan materi pelajarannya serta e-learning yang dapat membantu proses belajar mengajarnya

    Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Pada Anak Balita

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    Bayi dan anak-anak di bawah lima tahun adalah kelompok yang rentan terhadap berbagai penyakit karena kekebalan tubuh mereka belum terbangun sempurna. Sebagian besar penyakit anak tidak berbahaya dan hanya menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan sementara. Beberapa jenis lainnya sangat berbahaya, bahkan mengancam jiwa. Penyakit pada anak memiliki indikasi yang beragam dan gejala yang muncul hampir memiliki kemiripan. Hal ini menyebabkan tenaga medis, bahkan masyarakat awam kesulitan untuk mengenali jenis penyakit yang diderita. Tanpa pengetahuan yang baik dapat menyebabkan penanganan yang salah terhadap suatu penyakit, bisa jadi semakin parah atau bahkan dapat menyebabkkan kematian jika terlambat tertolong. Sistem pakar secara umum adalah sistem yang berusaha mengadopsi pengetahuan manusia ke komputer, agar komputer dapat menyelesaikan masalah seperti yang biasa dilakukan oleh para ahli. Aplikasi sistem pakar ini dirancang menggunakan metode Dempstershafer, dan bahasa pemrogaman PHP dan MySQL sebagai basis datanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menghasilkan aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa penyakit pada anak balita yang mempunyai keluaran berupa beberapa kemungkinan penyakit yang diderita pasien dengan tingkat kepercayaan dituliskan menggunakan presentase. Diharapkan dengan dibuatnya sistem pakar ini akan membantu dokter spesialias anak dan masyarakat dalam mendiagnosa penyakit pada anak balita.

    Aplikasi Pendaftaran dan Pemilihan Pengurus OSIS SMK Sudirman 1 Wonogiri Berbasis Website

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    OSIS ( organization school students inter ) is a unit of or group of cooperation among the students who play an important role for schools in achieving a common purpose. OSIS is an organization students who are inside and in the school environment. One SMK ( Vocational High School ) in Sudirman is SMK 1 Wonogiri requiring registration applications and electoral committee OSIS this, for assisting the organisers in regard to prepare elections. Enrollment application of the registration and the selection of office-holders OSIS made by using a programming language they framework open source by the use of the concept of mvc ( of models view of a controller ) supported by codeigniter to adjust library to be called on to in application , and use mysql database. In its testing phase , to give to the assessment in Vocational Sudirman 1 Wonogiri with respondents from the committee , students and a candidate with demonstrating this application directly and give an assessment of respondents through kuisioner already made. Registration application and selection of the expected OSIS that can help the OSIS in managing student data and candidates , to facilitate students in the selection of candidates , and can help candidates in registration and examination through a system that has been made

    Sistem Informasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Isyarat Berbasis Web

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    ABK or difable Deaf is a person who usually experiences communication barries with others. Yet, in the world of education, some of them who have high spirit to continue of his education up to college. In this era of increasing of sophisticated technology, it helps them in improving the ability or competence in communicating with others and tries to get information around the world. It is necessary to get information system of Sign Language learning for difable and for people to understand the mean of conversation intent with the difable. This information system is in the form of website Sign Language learning website is built by using XAMPP, PHP, sublime text 3, and MySQL. This study used quantitative research methods in the form of questionnaires and interviews, observation methods, and literature study. In this study, it was obtained that the percentage of user scoring was 58,54%. Keywords : Difable, Sign Language, PH

    Aplikasi Antrian Pendaftaran Pasien Berbasis Desktop(Studi Kasus Di Puskesmas Karanggede)

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    Karanggede Public Health Centre is an public health service located in Boyolali. As a Public Health Centre in a village, this public service implemented manual queue system (written documentation and announcement by the officer). This system caused various problems those are name missannouncing by the officer, the inequivalence of queue cards amount and the amount of the patient, and the long duration of the patients to take the queue cards. This research aims at creating queue application to overcome those problems. Method which is used in this research is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This application is build by the use of VB 6.0 programming language and MySQL database. The result of Blackbox testing shows that all the functions of the system run well. In line with this result the result of the questionnaires given to 15 persons shows the average score 67.8%. In conclusion, this application can operate the queue system well, effectively, and efficiently

    Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Kelistrikan Bangunan Residensial Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Electric power is one of the important products that affect the needs of human life, so that electricity supply services need to pay attention to quality and reliability. Currently, the use of electric power is not uncommon to use electricity perfectly and efficiently, people are less aware of saving electricity because control is not carried out directly to control the electricity used. Based on this thought, a tool has been designed that can monitor electricity consumption directly and show the cost of using electricity. This power consumption monitor works when the source power supply supplies voltage to the network to power the PZEM-004T sensor, LCD screen, and NodeMCU equipped with the esp8266 WiFi module. Then the electrical value that is read by the PZEM-004T sensor is sent to the microcontroller, on the microcontroller the electricity is converted into a price in rupiah and displayed on the LCD screen. Over time, it has become easier and faster to access everything via the Internet, from information to making ends meet. Based on the data above, the authors got the idea to make a tool that can monitor electrical power, the system can be connected to the internet. Several previous tools may have been made, but the author develops them by adding power monitoring using the Esp8266 Wi-Fi module. The author also completes it with a smartphone application that allows users to easily access the application anytime and anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. The tool uses a number of components including the PZEM 004t sensor, NodeMCU WiFi module, adapter, and I2C LCD screen with power monitoring capabilities. In addition, the application used to monitor remotely uses the blynk application

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode C4.5, Gini Index, dan Naive Bayes pada Pemasaran Karung PT. Sumber Bengawan Plasindo

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    PT. Sumber Bengawan Plasindo or also known as PT SBP is a company which engaged with the production and distribution of plastic sack located in Karanganyar district, Central Java. The sack production of PT SBP is not only distributed domestically, but have reached the overseas markets stretching from Southeast Asia, Europe to South America. Therefore, PT SBP definitely has a lot of transactional data, which is very beneficial if the data are analysed. Thus, the researcher wants to help the company in making the decision to maximize the performance of the company to distribute the products both being interested and un-interested by the costumers by using C4.5 method, Gini Index, and Naive Bayes. The attributes that are used in data mining process consist of marketing attribute, price, LPK display name and PCS/bale. Through data mining process, the daily production amount will be used as strategic source to decide the marketing strategy of the company. Seen from the accuracy, precision and recall methodC4.5 and Gini Index have same percentage and been higher than naïve bayes method that the percentage of the accuracy is 96, 36%, while its precision is 97, 66%, and recall is 92, 59%. Thus can be concluded that C4.5 method and Gini Index is classified as a better method to this study. The variable which influencesto this study is price variable, then the result from C4.5 method, Gini Index, and naïve bayes in which the demanded product by the costumers is the product of motif sac

    Prototipe Otomatis Pengaduk Pengolahan Gula Kelapa Bubuk Menggunakan Motor Pg 28 Berbasis Arduino Nano

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    The processed coconut sugar is usually still in printed sugar form. Processing into powdered coconut sugar is still very rare, the development of powdered coconut sugar processing technology is one way to be able to produce good quality product quality standards. The automatic mixer technology for powdered coconut sugar can also maintain the quality of the color, aroma, and texture of coconut sugar which is the main focus of this research. The technology of automatic stirring powdered coconut sugar becomes a prototype which is to be developed and applied directly to help the community. Generally, people still use the coconut sugar cooking method manually using energy. This tool can help people who are still stirring coconut sugar for hours. The features in the automatic mixer made this time are based on Arduino nano with a PG 28 motor rotating device. The motor used has a very large torque so that it can rotate the blades of the stirrer with the coconut sugar in the form of printed sugar. Arduino can automatically control the speed and rotating time of the stirring motor as well as monitoring the temperature in the stirring pan. The sensor used to control the temperature in the pan uses the ds18b20 temperature sensor. This mixer also has a stove that can heat the sugar in the stirring pan. This tool is equipped with a vacuum pump which is used to suck the air in the stirring pan. This tool also has a viscous meter sensor that is connected to the Arduino nano so that it can control the texture of the coconut sugar itself

    Prototype Kursi Roda Dengan Penggerak Roda Omnidirectional Berbasis Arduino

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    Wheelchairs are tools that are used by people who have difficulty walking on legs, whether caused by disease, injury, or disability, it be mobilized with a manual like being pushed by others, moved by hand, or by using the wheel electrically actuated electric motor. The purpose of making this omnidirectional wheelchair prototype to develop a model of the wheelchair and makes the wheelchair user to be comfortable when using them. As well as how to use easily by directing the joystick lever to move the wheelchair. The joystick is also used for addition and subtraction speed, by pressing the center of the joystick. For speed is set at 1 to 10 but when it begins starting at a rate of 5. In this omnidirectional wheelchair prototype are the main components such as joysticks, arduino, driver motors, dc motors, and omnidirectional wheels with 4-wheel drive configuration. There are some movements as a result on prototype wheelchair testing, they are moving oblique, sideways, forward, backward and turning. It can be oncluded that the use of the wheel omnidirectinal affect free movement in all directions. Keywords: Omnidirectional Wheel, Prototype, Wheelchairs