5 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler English Club Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Speaking Skill Siswa Kelas V SD IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta

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    English has a very important role in the mastery of communication science and interact directly with the global world. With this reality SD Nur Hidah IT English Club activities to improve the ability in English. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the extracurricular activities of English Club in SD IT Nur Hidayah. This research is a qualitative research with phenomenology design. Data collection techniques with interview observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques using the concept of miles and Huberman. The validity of the data is measured using technical and source triangulation. The result of the research shows that the concept of implementation is: 1) planning in the form of learning implementation plan (RPP), 2) implementation of the implementation of RPP, and 3) evaluation in the form of assessment. This activity has the benefits of 1) supporting the value of school accreditation, 2) school development activities, 2) improving student achievement in English, 3) a means of channeling the talents of students in the field of English. There are inhibiting factors in the implementation 1) the sense of the heart of students who are still unstable elementary school, 2) The concentration of students who are volatile, 3) lack of motivation when learnin

    Analysis Of The Impact Of Playing Online Games On Social Interaction And Learning Achievement Of Grade V Elementary School Students

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    This study aims to determine the impact of playing online games on social interaction and learning achievement of class V students. The subjects of the study were 30 students in grade V of SD N 01 Plosorejo and samples using saturated sampling techniques. Data collection uses observation and questionnaires. The validity of the data in this study uses validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests and prerequisite tests. Data analysis techniques use regression analysis. The results showed that in the social interaction questionnaire students had an average of 70.33 while the average score of student learning achievement was 75. The questionnaire data is then tested using regression analysis with an output test of x against y. In the test output x against y_1 a sig value is obtained. 0.012 while the output test x against y_2 obtained a sig value. 0.718. Based on the results of the output test if sig. 0.05 then it is declared ho accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an impact of playing online games on student social interaction and there is no impact of playing online games on student learning achievement

    Problematika Guru Kelas Rendah Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Sekolah Alam Pada Pembelajaran Di SD Muhammadiyah Alam Surya Mentari

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    This study aims to describe: (1) the concept of the natural school curriculum, (2) implementation of the natural school curriculum in low-grade learning, (3) the problems developed by low-grade teachers and solutions for implementing the natural school curriculum in learning at SD Muhammadiyah Alam Surya Mentari. This study using a descriptive qualitative method, with the research subjects being deputy principal, head of the curriculum, and low-grade teachers. Data techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data was tested using source triangulation and technical triangulation. Data analysis techniques included data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions / verification. The results of the study show that: (1) the concept of the natural curriculum, that is: akhlaqul karimah, logic, leadership and entrepreneur, and art, (2) implementation of the natural school curriculum in low-grade learning there is using the learning strategy with nature, mother language, and outbound; confronting students with problems that exist around; doing learning with playing; not required students to wearing uniforms; and not giving homework. (3) the problems of low-grade teachers are that they must integrating 3 curriculum in learning; difficulty for conditioning student; facing the different character of student; facing the low student independence; making learning activities in accordance with student cognitive; and giving understanding to students parents about school activity. Solutions to overcome the problems encountered is confirming the basic competencies that match the 3 curriculum; doing stretching before learning; facilitating the characteristics of student; using teaching materials that are accordance with student cognitive that is learning with playing; and maintaining communication with student parents

    Analisis Pengelolaan Peserta Didik Kelas Rendah Untuk Mengoptimalkan Proses Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Dasar Se-Surakarta

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    The researcher aims to examine (a) the problems of the teacher in managing students in class, (b) the teacher's efforts in implementing preventive actions so that problems do not occur in learning, (c) the teacher's effort in carrying out repressive actions if there are problems in learning in the classroom and (d) how the teacher's efforts to modify behavior learners. The method in this study uses a qualitative approach by taking a sample of 10 public schools and 10 private schools in Surakarta, the source of data that is low grade teachers include classes 1,2 and 3 as well as low grade students as well. Data search is done by interviews and observations as primary data sources and documentation as secondary data sources. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing, while for the validity of the data the researchers used a dependability test, confirmability was carried out with supervisors and triangulation of resources with school principals, teachers and students of low-grade public and private schools in Surakarta. The results of the study show that in state schools there are more problems in their classrooms, while in preventive, repressive and modification efforts the behavior is done more by private schools so that it can be said the problems that occur in private schools can be controlled appropriately. The conclusion of this study is the teacher's problem in managing students, namely the behavioral and emotional problems that are problems of students who disturb friends, make noise, students often play in class, cry, fight with friends and close themselves. for learning difficulties, namely impaired concentration of learning, lazy learning, difficulty reading, writing and arithmetic. Preventive efforts carried out are the presence of marching, seating arrangements, prayer before learning, ice breaking, giving motivation and class agreement. The repressive effort made by the teacher is to give advice, reprimand and carry out punishment. Behavior modification given to students is to do reinforcement in the form of positive reinforcement and through modelin

    Efektivitas Model PBL Berbantuan Media Padi Terhadap Konsentrasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Learning models can affect student learning outcomes and concentration. Various kinds of learning models, one of the many is Problem Based Learning assisted by PADI media. The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of application of Problem Based Learning assisted by PADI media on learning outcomes and learning concentration in the mathematics content of students from grade III elementary school. The type of research used is quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The population of this study were all students of class III at SDN Mantingan 2. The sample of this study was 30 students of class III. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data collection techniques include tests, observation sheets, documentation. The instrument prerequisite test technique uses validity and reliability tests to assess how good the test is. The data analysis technique used is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and the Harley homogeneity test. And hypothesis testing includes the T test and effectiveness test. In the study it was proven that the Problem Based Learning model assisted by board diagram media (PADI media) wass effective for concentration and learning outcomes in mathematics material for third grade students at SDN Mantingan 2. This was evidenced by the results of the effectiveness test, namely the laerning outcomes obtained were 0,5434 < 1 and concentration 0,8738 < 1. This is also supported by increased concentration and learning outcomes in the mathematics content after the implementation of Problem Based Learning assisted by PADI medi