22 research outputs found


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    Research of tourism atraction theatre Calonarang tetekan in Puri ABSTRACT Agung Kerambitan (Royal Palace Kerambitan) in Tabanan Bali to identify as well as analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats factor faced in Puri Agung Wisata management. It�s also aimed to evaluate and formulate the best and the compatible implementation and the environmental changes in tourism industry. Start research was done October 1 2009 until Junuary 2012. The evaluation on the marketing strategies of Puri Agung Kerambitan was done under derscriptive analisys method. The methods of data collection applied in this research were observation, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies. The data analisys method uses the SWOT (Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analisys which used to identify the internal factors (Strengths & Weaknesess) and the external factor (Opportunities & Threats) of the company. Befode the indentification the falidity and realiability test were done to determine whether the data ws valid and reliable. The result of the analisys were described in the SWOT quadrant of the company�s growth and applicable strategy alternatives can be elaborated. Based on the result, it shows that the position of Puri Agung Kerambitan, Tabanan is in the quadrant I A, having suggests that the company apply the agresive marketing strategy (Growth Oriented Strategy) to maintain its position in company tourism attraction can the competition of the tourism industries attraction in Tabanan, or Bali area

    PERSEPSI TENTANG DANA BERGULIR, ETOS KERJA DAN PENGELOLAAN USAHA EKONOMI PRODUKTIF (Studi Tentang Anggota Kelompok Penerima PNPM-MP Di Desa Bangunsari Kecamatan Pageruyung Kabupaten Kendal)

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    Numerous empowerment programs for poverty alleviation have currently been carried out. One of which is PNPM-MP launched in 2007. During its implementation, the program has faced both success and failure which among others is caused by how the actors or the beneficiaries of the fund behave towards the fund in terms of how they perceive the UEP PNPM-MP revolving fund. Therefore, those who know well whether or not the program succeed are the actors (members of the fund beneficiary groups) themselves. The study focuses on the group members� perception towards the revolving fund for PNPM-MP productive economic business. The study is aimed at analyzing the knowledge and assessment by the group members towards the fun


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    Indonesia is a beautiful country with excessively nature potentials, but also with its natural disasters. Disasters can be predict and avoid but it would give a great impact which is tending to destroy aspects of live. Tourism relying on nature has high sensitivity on disasters, marine tourism and coastal area is threaten by tsunami, mountainous area is threaten by volcano and even land area is threaten by many kind of disasters. This research is trying to address tourist attraction development after disaster implemented by the community which some of them are the victim of the disaster. This research has three main purposes. First, it will explain about the ongoing potential activities implemented by the community in their effort to develop tourist attraction of Jelajah Kinahrejo as a tourist attraction. second, it try to explain the participation and management mechanism of Jelajah Kinahrejo by the community. third, it tries to explain about the sustainability of Jelajah Kinahrejo as a tourist attraction from economy, environment and social aspect. those purposes would be compiled to get illustration of tourism condition in Kinahrejo after Merapi eruption 2010. This research used qualitative descriptive method to give picture on the field condition based in observation and interview with informant. Data gathering was implemented in the tourist object of Jelajah Kinahrejo. supporting data for the observation and interview is photos to clarify the condition in the field. this research was with the informants assumed have knowledge on kinahrejo, the disaster and Jelajah Kinahrejo as a tourist attraction. Local people knowledge is the key of this research. This community-based tourist attraction development is an effort from Kinahrejo community to gain prosperity, social welfare and good environmental. The process is always related with the management and participation mechanism from the people who join Kinahrejo community. Jelajah Kinahrejo tourist attraction appears as resurrection after disaster which later develop as new source of livelihood for the society


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    This research was intended to analyze of tourists� push and pull factors to shop in factory outlet at Bandung. Moreover, the objectives of this research are: (1) to analyze the profile and perception of domestic tourists toward push and pull factor


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    Lapindo mudflow has became one of the huge disasters in Indonesia after Tsunami 2004. It has not only broken of assets and livelihood of people living around the area mudflow but also caused negative impacts on public health. The condition of water, soil and air have polluted by Lapindo mudflow as it has caused various diseases to many residents who lived around the area. The community have not abled to get adequate health care because they lost their economic resources. Besides, among them passed away because they as the middle and lower economic community was not able to pay expensive medical expenses. In response to the tragic situation, local people have a unique way to cope with that disaster. They formed the financial coping strategy regards to health issue namely Jimpitan. The emergence of Jimpitan community which meet the people�s right to good health care is a positive action in the midst of vulnerable people and assets of the compensation process that never completed. Jimpitan encourages healthy community of indigenous rural communities for mutual assistance to each other and work together to become a medium for the village of East Besuki especially for a healthy Jimpitan community to increase their understanding and knowledge of health. However, they have some limitations to deal with their problems. This study aims to analyze how the limitations of the community based on social security protection in befriend health of Lapindo mudflow victims in one side, and what the cause of the limitations of the community in the village of East Besuki in other side. To address those problems, Durkeim�s and Komter�s theory of community based social security as well as Uphoff�s institutional theory became a key concept in analyzing the findings in the field in accordance with the problems that we studied. This study is focused on one site area at the East Besuki village, Jabon subdistrict, Sidoarjo regency. Some informants in this study are that all parties involved in the process of community based social security in health financing Lapindo mudflow victims. The study used a qualitative approach to analyze how institutional constraints within the community based social security and what might cause limitations in this community based social security. This study reveals that the limitations of social assurance in health financing are caused by two factors namely internal and external factors. Internal factors include healthy Jimpitan management which is limited due to lack of public knowledge, differences of perceptions and motivations in participation Jimpitan healthy as well as busy in the management of compensation society and fading of trust in the community. The external factors that cause limitations of community based social security institutions are due to the rivalry between the community based social security program and conflict of interest between East Besuki village leaders


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    The study aims to describe the consistency between policy and implementation of educational program at General High School strata funded by APBD (Regional Budget) of 2007 and 2008. On the other hand, it also intends to explore the factors contributing to process in stating the priority scale of educational project. The study uses qualitative-descriptive method to describe the existing phenomena with the use of natural setting. Primary and secondary data collected through interviews, documentation and observation are used. The findings of the study suggest that the policy and implementation of educational program, when related to the achieved priority scale implemented in programs, are found not optimal or inconsistent. The factors contributing to process in stating the priority scale of educational program, among others, are rampant conflict of interests among the involved parties during the decision making for policies. The study concludes that educational policies prioritizing on expanding and equal distribution of quality educational service access for community elements in Poso District likely have not been optimally implemented. Particularly at General High School strata up to the period of 2005-2009, some sub-districts are found not to have sufficient educational infrastructures