21 research outputs found

    CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) INDUSTRI EKSTRAKTIF DI INDONESIA (Studi Kasus CSR PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia pada Masyarakat Minas di Provinsi Riau)

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    Corporate social responsilibity (CSR) has become a concept and practice that is growing in the industry today. Especially for industries engaged in the extractive sectors such as PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI). CPI is the company's exploration and production of crude oil in Indonesia, one of which operates in the region of Minas, Riau Province. Sensitivity to the needs of the community, local development efforts and the creation of self-reliance makes companies do CSR to use the term social investment (SI). Social investment is executed on three main focus, which is a basic human need, education and vocational training and economic development. Besides attention on other areas, such as art and local culture, environmental protection and natural disastrous response. Social investment is done by the principle of partnership and equality in the mentality and build community capacity to progress and develop with the compan

    SIKAP POLITIK PERS TERHADAP PEMERINTAHAN KOALISI Analisis Isi Pemberitaan Pers Nasional atas Pemerintahan Koalisi Pascapemilihan Umum 2009 pada Harian Kompas, Media Indonesia, dan Republika Periode 1 November 2009�30 April 2010

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    There are many research projects which have been conducted under the topic of media and politics, yet very little is concerned with the oppositional coverage of the media over the government. The main focus in the relation is to weight the embodiment of press� democractic function with its watchdog role. This issue becomes more compelling to study due to the fact that the low political opposition in the parliament, severe public trust over the ruling elites, and the rampant corruption among government officials in this country. Therefore, it is highly needed to analyze how critical are the press towards the government amids those political ills. This research analyzes how oppositional are the national press towards the coalition government established after the 2009 election. The results of content analysis of 610 editorials and headline news from Media Indonesia, Republika, and Kompas show that the three national leading newspapers are quite oppositional towards the coalition government. Editorials proved to be more oppositioal than headline news. Furthermore, media autonomy in expressing their political opinion is high in editorial, but low in headline news. The most opposed political actor is the president, and the most opposed political institution is the government itself. The concept of oppositional coverage needs to be developed into an extensive research, either on time and the scope of the media under investigation


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    Grand Pasundan Convention Hotel as a business engaged in the service, using a suitable approach to achieve customer satisfaction is the Relationship Marketing in order to achieve the loyalty of customers. Method of marketing services to the customer by the hotel Grand Pasundan Hotel Bandung Convention, namely to do with the sales communication, setting pricing strategies, relationship marketing, and with good service. The purpose of this study is to get a picture of the implementation Relationship Marketing is done Grand Pasundan Convention Hotel Bandung. Of these objectives, the researchers examined several aspects of planning, implementation, evaluation to Relationship Marketing at the hotel. In this study, researchers used a case study. Researchers choose the type of case study research because they want to get the depth of relationship marketing studies are carried on at the Grand Pasundan Convention Hotel Bandung to prove the corresponding phenomena that exist between theory riel in field conditions. The results showed implication of application of the concept of relationship marketing at the Grand Pasundan is essentially a commitment of hotel management, is a fundamental factor in the successful implementation of relationship marketing. One of the application of relationship marketing is the view that the consumer is a profit center. There are five stages in the process of floating relationship marketing at the Grand Pasundan Hotel with the customer awareness, exploration, expansion, commitment and dissolutio

    Pengelolaan Komunikasi Bencana oleh Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman

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    Learning from Merapi eruption in 2010, as government agencies engaged in disaster areas, BPBD (Regional Disaster Reduction Agency) has organized a series ofefforts to reduce the event ofdisaster risk in accordance with Law No. 24 of 2007. This study aimed to identify and evaluate the management of disaster communications, especially in the pre- and post- disaster phases in Merapi eruption 2010. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach by case study method ofdata collection techniques through interviews and documentary study. Overall, the management of disaster communications in BP BD Sleman district has done well. Improvements of disaster preparedness, early warning systems and disaster mitigation have been stated in the preparation of contingency plan 2012 in order to reduce the disaster risk However, there are still many shortcomings, especially in the stage of monitoring and evaluation of the program planning measurement. This requires improvements in both application of contingency plan 2012 or in the work program agenda by BPBD Sleman district in the context ofdisaster risk reduction


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    New media in general has been used by public relations pratitioners in the organization.The use of the new media based on the type can be categorized be of use that scheduled and not scheduled. Based on a survey on public relations practitioners in profit and non profit organization in Yogyakarta, not found a significant difference the use of website organization�s, facebook, email, and yahoo either scheduled and not scheduled. Differences scheduled use and not scheduled found on the use of twitter, and google. But differences were more strengthen use are not scheduled. The use of that scheduled and not scheduled have consequences on the optimizing the use of new media.The use of new media scheduled could be considered more optimal than not scheduled.The use of that scheduled also better adapted for the benefit of two way communication that connects organization and the public

    Pengelolaan Konten Website Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta sebagai Media Pelayanan Publik

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    As one of governmental institutions that had a commitment in developing a governmental website as public service facility, the Government of Yogyakarta City was demanded to be able to manage their website content as an effort to implement a quality public service. This research was aimed to identify and evaluate the Government of Yogyakarta City�s efforts in managing its website content. Overall, the Government of Yogyakarta City website content management had been conducted well. However, from a public service perspective, the service which delivered by the Government of Yogyakarta City had some disadvantages. Even it�s not maximum yet, transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, and also accountability aspects had emerged in the website content management of the Government of Yogyakarta City as public service media


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    The development of information and communication technology was very rapidly pushing various educational institutions make use of e-learning systems to improve student achievement. Although many research results show that the learning using e-learning systems tend to be the same compared to the conventional or classical learning, but the benefits that can be obtained by elearning is in its flexibility. Through e-learning teaching materials can be accessed anytime and from anywhere, in addition to the material can be updated quickly by faculty from a variety of learning resources. The purpose of this study was to determine the \"On-line Learning Media Usage Influence (E-Learning) Toward Student Achievement in The Faculty of Social and Political Science, Gadjah Mada University. In this study the authors use simple paradigm of the relationship between two variables, the correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Studies that using this paradigm only examines the effect of the independent variable (X) with one dependent variable (Y). The populations in this study are all active students in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM 2010-2012, amounting to 1666 students. Sampling in this study is based on stratified random sampling. To determine the number of samples, the sampling technique using Slovin formula. From the above calculation formula samples obtained 94 active students in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM 2010-2012 were used as respondents. The results showed that the use of variable t value media Online learning (E- Learning) of 5.589 is greater than t table (α / 2, df94) 1,661, then the hypothesis is accepted, which meant a significant difference in the use of online learning media (e -learning) on student achievement Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Gadjah Mada. The coefficient of determination expressed by the values of R square of 0.241: this means that, 24.10% variable achievement of students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Gadjah Mada University can be explained by the variable use of media Online learning (E-Learning). That is, the statement said that the ability of the independent variables affecting student achievement by 24.10% while the rest (100% - 24.10% = 75.90%) is explained by other variables not included in this study

    Potret Publisitas Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    Publicity is an integral part in the effort to shape the image then building the reputation of an organization. Therefore it is important to create a good publicity as well as to always monitor and evaluate it regularly in order to make the organization gaining a better position in the eyes of the public. This study tended to describe the publicity of UGM, which covered the planning and implementation of the publicity planning to the being uploaded to the media, as well as the reflection over the publicity The method to data collection used in this descriptive study was in-depth interview. In general, it resulted that Bidang Humas as task force unit for public relation in UGM has conducted the publicity function which covered the planning and implementation of the planning. However Bidang Humas has not yet conduct a proper evaluation towards its activities, including in the matter of publicity. The evaluation on publicity which conducted by Bidang Humas UGM until now was in form of media monitoring by clipping the news articles in printed media which reporting the news on UGM. The organization structure of the internal Bidang Humas which in less ideal form became one of the reasons behind the inaccessibility of the evaluation. In the last three years, the number of news reporting on UGM in the printed media was decline. This study result could be used as an early warning for Bidang Humas to conduct more proper evaluation towards publicity of UGM, as well as to discover the potential in making the next policies

    Penggunaan Intranet dalam Proses Komunikasi Internal dan Implikasinya Bagi Organisasi Studi Kasus Penggunaan Intranet dalam Proses Komunikasi Internal dan Implikasinya Bagi Organisasi di Kementrian Perindustrian

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    This research departed from the phenomenon of the existence of the increase in the use of based communication technology the internet in this case the intranet in the organization of the public since almost for the last two decades. Nevertheless the study concerning the use of the intranet in the organization of the public often did not yet receive attention. This research will use the case study with the aim of getting the background that detail, intensive and deep concerning the use of the intranet in the process of internal communication and his implications in an organization. Moreover other consideration was the case of the use of information technology in this case the intranet in the organization of the public was the unique and interesting phenomenon because the organization of the public that in his management used the complicated bureaucracy system, was stratified, the complex was after wards pointed in a context of the environment that forced him to have to use communication technology as means of pushing the organization of the public became agiler. With this contradiction, the study concerning the use of the intranet and his implications towards the organization became interesting to be researched. The benefit of the intranet in the Ministry of the Industry began to aim this organization to the organization that more flexible and was open. Nevertheless the form of the bureaucratic organization continued to become the main part that adhered in the organization of the public. As the internal communication medium in the Ministry of the Industry, the intranet create the communication medium of one direction and two directions. The presence of the intranet brought a new practice in the Ministry of the Industry and without being released the intranet had implications in the practices of sharing knowledge that enabled an official to more understand of media knowledge and opened the concept thought as well as the capacity to know the problem of the organization. With the increase in knowledge then will increase also by competence of an official who will create satisfaction and active participation the official in overcoming various problems and the organization challenge. This condition will support the growth of empowerment of the official

    Manajemen Promosi Online Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara Barat (Studi Kasus Badan Promosi Pariwisata Daerah NTB dalam Mengelola Promosi Online Tahun 2013-2014)

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    Since 2010 West Nusa Tenggara Regional Tourism Promotion Board (BPPD NTB has been formed which is responsible towards tourism promotion activities in NTB. This organization has vigorously done tourism promotion, managed to bring in 1.1 million tourists in the last 2012. This succession is increased by targeting tourist arrivals about 2 million by the end of 2015. However, the using of cyberspace to maximize the promotion of tourism object is still below the expectation. On the one hand, tourism promotion budget for 2014 was reduced from the previous $ 7 billion to 2 billion. BPPD NTB actually has an online media campaign as the official tourism website, which is able to visit at www.lomboksumbawa.travel. But until now the website is not running well, so it is important to know how to manage it through other communication elements and other aspects. This research uses a case study method. It is known that the management of the website is very weak. It can be seen through the support, resource capacity, the value of usefulness, as well as assess the management of the communication element. The constraint faced is the lack of human resources and the lack of supervision in the control of a third party's performance in managing the website. These constraints caused by a lack of organizational readiness BPPD NTB in terms of human resources. In the first period of stewardship BPPD NTB has no executive element. Readiness of the website is also remind lack due to the focus of NTB's tourism promotion until mid-2014 is a direct promotion instead of online promotion through websites that have been made. In August 2014 online campaign has been worked again. The work forms are revitalization BPPD NTB official website located at www.bppdntb.com, as well as creating a Facebook fan page named BPPD NTB and presenting an application for android based smart phone named Holiday is Lombok Sumbawa