77 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Beras Hitam Terhadap Komposisi Proksimat dan Daya Terima Butter Cookies

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    Cookies are a type of wheat-based snack that has a crispy texture, taste and different shapes so popular to the public. To reduce grain imports, researchers want to substitute local foodstuffs of black rice flour to make butter cookies. Black rice has many nutrients compared to other rice. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of substitution of black rice flour on the proximate composition and the acceptability of butter cookies. This study used complete randomization with 4 substitution treatment of black rice flour 0%, 25%, 30% and 35%. The data of proximate composition test and the acceptability of black rice flour substitution butter cookies were analyzed using one way anova test and DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). The proximate composition test is the effect of substitution of black rice flour from water content, ash, fat, protein and crude fiber in butter cookies products. The result of acceptance test of butter cookies from 4 treatments 2 is that there is substitution effect 0%, 25%, 30%, 35% black rice flour to the acceptability of butter cookies of color, aroma, texture, taste and overall. The study of proximate composition and acceptability showed significant influence on each substitution and foodstuffs in the manufacture of butter cookies. Further research is needed on how to manufacture butter cookies so that water content, protein, fat, crude fiber and carbohydrate does not exceed Indonesia National Standard

    Kadar Lemak Dan Kecepatan Leleh Es Krim Susu Kacang Mete (Anacardium Occidentale) Dengan Penambahan Tepung Sorgum

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    Sorghum flour has potential as an additive in food processing, one of which is ice cream. Sorghum has the potential to be added in the manufacture of ice cream because sorghum contains insoluble fiber or crude fiber and dietary fiber. This research is an experimental study that aims to determine the fat content and melting speed of cashew nut milk ice cream with the addition of sorghum flour. The research design carried out was a completely randomized design (CRD) with the addition of sorghum flour with 4 different variations, referring to the research of Putri, et al (2014) namely 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% of ICM (Ice Cream Mix) or the total weight of the ingredients. The fat content of the ice cream was analyzed using the modified Soxhlet method which resulted in the highest fat content in the addition of 0.2% sorghum flour, namely 4.85%, which means that it does not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), which is at least 5%.Criscio et al (2011) by calculating the melting weight of ice cream every 5 minutes, the results obtained the lowest melting speed of ice cream with the addition of 0.2% sorghum flour, which is 1.46 grams/minute.There was a significant effect on the fat content of cashew nut milk ice cream with the addition of sorghum flour (p = 0.00) and no significant effect on the melting speed of cashew nut milk ice cream with the addition of sorghum flour

    Pengaruh Perbandingan Susu Beras Dan Susu Kedelai Terhadap Kadar Lemak Dan Laju Leleh Es Krim

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    Ice cream is a snack category and is often consumed. Not a few people who can not eat ice cream because they suffer from lactose intolerance. Soy milk and rice milk are alternative raw materials for ice cream to replace cow's milk. Soy milk was chosen because of its high nutritional content. While rice milk was chosen because it is the best low allergen milk. This study aimed to determine the effect of the ratio of soy milk and rice milk on the fat content and melting rate of ice cream. This research was conducted by making ice cream with ratios of soy milk and rice milk, then testing the fat content using Soxhlet Modification methods and melting rate of ice cream using the Di Criscio methods. The results of fat content and melting rate were analyzed by Anova test and Kruskal wallis test. The results of this study found the highest fat content in ice cream with a ratio of soy milk and rice milk 50%:50%, is 4.70% and the lowest at 0%:100% is 3.53% (p=0.006). The highest melting rate was found in ice cream with a ratio of soy milk and rice milk 50%:50% is 0,75 g/min and the lowest at 0%:100% (p<0.05) is 0,21 g/min. The conclusion is that there are differences in the effect of soy milk and rice milk on the fat content and melting rate of ice cream (p<0.05)

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Ampas Tahu Pada Egg Roll Terhadap Kadar Protein Dan Daya Terima

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    Introduction: The nutritional problem in Indonesia at this time are overnutrition and malutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition in Indonesia reaches 13,9%, cause of malnutrition is a lack of energy an protein. Protein content in tofu pulp is high enough that is 23,39%, however utilization of tofu is not optimal and can pollute the environment. Egg roll manufacture products industry has been widely spread in Indonesia. The utilization of tofu pulp powder as a substitution of egg roll can help to reduce malutrition and help egg roll manufacture products industry as a modification of making egg roll. Objective: the objective of this research is to know the effect of tofu pulp powder substitution on egg roll towards protein content and sensory acceptence. Research Method: The type of research is experimental. The research design is randomized complete block design those are three treatments and one control with two repetitions. The amount of substitutions in tofu pulp are 0%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Protein content is obtained by using micro Kejldahl and sensory acceptence is obtained by a test with 30 panelists. Statictics test by using Anova than continued by Duncan test. Result: The result from Anova showed that p value of the egg roll sensory acceptences towards color 0,01, aroma 0,37, taste 0,03, texture 0,95, and totality 0,47. Conclusion: There is a difference or effect of tofu pulp powder substitution in tofu egg roll towards protein content, color, and taste, however there is no effect on aroma, texture, and on the whole. Suggestion: Further research about the production of egg roll by using tofu pulp powder substitution could also be conducted to get the right color, aroma, taste, texture and totality of egg roll, also regard the process or the way of processing tofu pulp powder in order to eliminate unpleasant smell and a bitter taste


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    Introduction: Kepok putih banana is a seasonal fruit which has a relatively short shelf life so it is necessary to extend the shelf life. kepok putih banana contains vitamin c that is 20,4 mg, however the utilization of kepok putih banana still limited. To increase the content of vitamin c in egg roll, it can use kepok putih banana powder substituted with wheat flour. Objective: The objective of this study is to know vitamin c content and sensory acceptance of egg roll made of kepok putih banana powder substitution. Research Method: The type of research is experimental. The research design is randomized complete block design those are three treatments and one control with two repetitions. The amount of kepok putih banana powder substitutions are 0%, 15%, 30%, and 45%. Vitamin c content is obtained by using titrimetric method and sensory acceptence is obtained by a test with 30 panelists. Statictics test by using Anova than continued by Duncan test. Result: The result from Anova showed that p value of vitamin c content is 0,114. The result from Anova showed that p value of egg roll sensory acceptence towards color 0,54, aroma 0,037, taste 0,034, texture 0,65, and totality 0,25 Conclusion: There is a difference or effect in eggroll by using kepok putih banana powder substituiton towards aroma and taste, however there is no effect on vitamin c, color, texture, and on the whole. Suggestion: Further research could also be conducted by adding kepok putih banana powder to other products, this is done for the food utilization

    Perbedaan Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Food Safety Berdasarkan Kepemilikan Balita Di Desa Berjo Kecamatan Ngargoyoso Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Food safety is blessed by the consumption of a person and is related to human health, so that if it is not fulfilled it will have potential to cause serious health problems. Families who have toddlers or baby are in recession experiencing food poisoning. The level of knowledge of mothers greatly influences food safety measures. The good knowledge will affect mother’s behaviour. This research is aimed to understand the differences of food safety knowledge and practices based on ownership of toddlers in the regency Berjo, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar. This research is using cross sectional research design, as much as 88 subject are obtained by simple random sampling technique. Data of ownership of toddlers, mothers educatoin, knowledge and food safety practices are obtained by filling questionnaire. Analysis using chi-square statistic test to identify the relation and using independent T-test to analyze the difference. Research shows as much as 64,7% of respondents with good knowledge came from respondents with good practices and 13,6% respondents with lack of knowledge came from respondents with good practices of food safety. Bivariat test results showed there is no association between ownership of toddlers with the knowledge (p=0.622) and practices of food safety (p=0.437). There is association between the knowledge and practices of food safety (p=0.005) and there is no difference about the knowledge (p=0.402) and practices of food safety (p=0.474) based on toddler ownership. There is no difference about food safety knowledge and practices based on ownership of toddlers in the regency Berjo, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar. Key words : knowledge, practices, food safety, toddler ownershi

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Keamanan Pangan dengan Perilaku Pedagang Kaki Lima di Taman Kota Mojosongo Surakarta

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    The National Poisoning Information Center reports 69.2% in 2020. The high cases of food poisoning in Indonesia are partly due to poor hygiene and sanitation practices among food handlers. Street vendors in Indonesia generally sell food in unsanitary places with simple serving techniques and equipment. Factors contributing to poor hygiene and sanitation practices include insufficient food safety knowledge and no food safety training for street vendors. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and food safety behavior among street vendors in Taman Kota Mojosongo, Surakarta. This cross-sectional survey was carried out in March - April 2023 at Taman Kota Mojosongo Surakarta. The subjects in this study were 40 street vendors who sell food and beverages selected by random sampling. Data on food safety knowledge was collected using a knowledge questionnaire containing 19 questions with a reliability value of 0.836 and behavioral data was collected using a checklist containing 15 statement items. Statistical analysis using descriptive test and Rank Spearman test. The characteristics of the majority of respondents are female (62.5%), are adults (52.5%) with an age range of 18-25 years, last education is high school (47.5%) and the food or beverage products sold are different. Respondents who had good food safety knowledge had more good behavior (73.9%) then respondents who had less food safety knowledge had good behavior (64.7%). The results of statistical analysis using the Rank Spearman test obtained a value of p = 0.659 (p> 0.05). The conclusion of this study shows that there is no relationship between knowledge of food safety and the behavior of street vendors in Taman Kota Mojosongo, Surakarta. It is estimated that the government is holding food safety training for street vendors at Taman Kota Mojosongo, Surakarta

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Biji Kecipir (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus L.) Sebagai Substitusi Tepung Beras Dalam Pembuatan Kue Apem Terhadap Kadar Protein Dan Daya Terima

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    THE IMPACT OF USING WINGED BEAN FLOUR (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) AS A SUBSTITUTION OF RICE FLOUR IN MAKING APEM CAKE TO THE CONCENTRATION OF PROTEIN AND RECEPTIVITY Introduction : The highest nutrients content of apem cake is carbohydrate (39,55 %), because of the main ingredient for making apem cake is rice flour. Winged bean contain high protein that is 33,3-38.3% in the old seed, however utilization of winged bean plants still limited and not yet optimized. To increase nutrients content especially protein in the apem cake can using winged bean flour that substituted with rice flour. Purpose : This research aims to know the protein content and receptivity of apem cake that making from substitution of winged bean flour. Research methods : The kind of research is experiment. The planning of research is using random complete plan have three treatments and one control with two times repeatition. The substitution of winged bean flour are 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Protein content getting from using semimicro Kjeldahl methods and receptivity getting from joy test of 30 panelists. The statistic test with Anova to continued Duncan test. Result : The result of Anova indicate that value of p value protein content is 0,023. The result of Anova indicate that value of p value receptivity in apem cake of colour is 0,712 ; 0,437 of flavor ; 0,015 of taste ; 0,975 of texture , and overall 0,202. Conclusion : There is difference or an influence from apem cake with substitution of winged bean flour from protein content and taste, however isn’t influence on colour, flavor, texture, and whole. Suggestion : On furthermore research about making apem cake with subtitution of receptivity it should using panelists that aggregate of more than 30 people if using consumer and to attention of process or the winged bean flour process so that to cause the loss of special flavor in peanut (beany flavor) and beany after taste. Keywords : winged bean flour, protein content, receptivity, apem cake Bibliography : 60 : 1985-201

    Kadar Lemak Dan Serat Tidak Terlarut Pada Mi Basah Dengan Substitusi Tepung Garut (Maranta Arundinacea L.) Dan Tepung Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus Radiatus L.)

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    Diversification of food based on local food ingredients aims to create a variety of staple foods and to reduce the dependence of the Indonesian people on one type of food, especially wheat and noodles. This study aims to determine the effect of arrowroot flour and mung bean flour substitution on fat and insoluble fiber content in the manufacture of wet noodles. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design, with a ratio of arrowroot flour : mung bean flour : wheat flour (P1 = 40% : 0% : 60%), (P2 = 40% : 10% : 50%), (P3 = 40% : 15% : 45%), (P4 = 40% : 20% : 40%). Analysis of fat content using the Soxhlet extraction method and insoluble fiber content using the multienzyme method. OneWay Anova test to determine the effect on insoluble fiber content in wet noodles and the Kruskal – Wallis test to determine the effect of fat content on wet noodles. The results showed that there was an effect of substitution of arrowroot flour and mung bean flour in wet noodles on insoluble fiber content with a significance value (p<0.01) and fat content with a significant value (p<0.04). The best treatment was P1 with a low fat content of 1.85% because it was in accordance with SNI 01-2987-1992 maximum wet noodles 7% and insoluble fiber content of 4.44%, in SNI 01-2987-1992 wet noodles did not regulates the levels of insoluble fiber
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