3 research outputs found

    Beban Kerja dan Produktivitas Kerja Operator Traktor Tangan Pada Pembajakan Sawah ’Subak Ayo’ di Desa Babahan, Kecamatan Penebel, Kabupaten Tabanan Bali

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    Abstrak. Penelitian dengan metode survei, dari hasil penelitian diperoleh beban kerja objektif pekerja 1  dengan denyut nadi per menit pada pembajakan sawah datar, saat memindahkan traktor tangan dari sawah satu ke sawah yang lain dan miring masing-masing yaitu 111/menit, 123/menit dan 125/menit serta pekerja 2 dengan denyut nadi per menit pada pembajakan yang sama yaitu 114/menit, 120/menit dan 120/menit. Beban kerja subjektif pekerja 1 dengan keluhan sistem muskuloskeletal pada pembajakan sawah datar dari agak sakit 50% dan sakit 28,57%, pada saat memindahkan traktor tangan dari sawah satu ke sawah yang lain dengan prosen keluhan agak sakit5 3,57%, sakit 32,14% dan sakit 3,57%, dan pada sawah miring  dengan prosen keluhan agak sakit 60,71% dan sakit 50% serta pekerja pada pembajakan yang sama mempunyai keluhan muskoluskeletal masing-masing yaitu agak sakit 10,71% , 21,43%  dan agak sakit 25%. Produktivitas pekerja 1 dan pekerja 2 yaitu luas sawah per hari 10,45 are dengan penghasilan sebesar Rp.188,100 dan luas sawah 16,09 are dengan penghasilan sebesar Rp. 289,620 Productivity and Work Load of Hand Tractor Operator for Plowing Field of Subak Ayo’ in Babahan Village, Sub-district of Penebel, Tabanan BaliAbstract. This research was conducted by survey method. The results showed that operator’s objective load of operator 1 showed heartbeat per minutes when he plough flat and sloping land, when he moved his hand tractor from one part to other  fields were 111 heartbeats/minute, 123 heartbeat/minute and 125 heartbeat per minute respectively. Operator 2 working in the same works include 114 heartbeats/minute, 120 heartbeats/minute and 120 heartbeats/minute. Operator’s subjective load on operator 1 showed musculoskeletal system lamentation  on flat land  plough that were 50% less painful, and 28,57% painful when he moved the hand tractor on with percentage of lamentation were 53.57% less painful, 32.14 painful, and 3.57% very painful. On the other hand, he showed the percentage of lamentation on slopping land were 60.71 less painful, 50% painful. The research also found that the operators showed musculoskeletal system lamentation, that were 10.71% less painful and 21,43% painful and 25% very painful. Operator’s productivity of operator 1 and 2 per day was 0,11 hectare with income Rp. 188.100 and on 0,16 hectare, it generated income as high as Rp. 289,620


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    ABSTRACT Banana is the main product of a dry land farming at Gumbrih. The shelf life of fresh banana is very short and hence it is a great effort to find out how to preserve the banana for longer period. A method that can be applied is that by processing the fresh banana into processed foods, which has longer shelf life and easily to be modified into several products, which still retains the flavour of fresh banana. It was found that the knowledge of the local people (Gumrih villagers) on technology and banana processing was quite low and hence the recent program on course and practices of banana processing into dried banana (pisang sale) and banana powder (tepung pisang) is absolutely important. The activities were held at Desa Gumbrih, Kecamatan Pekutanan, Kabuapten Negara, on Friday, 16 September 2005, attended by 26 participants. Instead of course and practical works, the activities also have been conducted by active two-direction discussion between participants and tutor members. Since participants were curious to follow all the activities and we suggest that similar program is significant to be held on those banana producers around Bali and the short practical course would be more beneficial if it can be associated with marketing of the products. </em