18 research outputs found

    Museum of Art and Culture Southeast Asia

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    Art and culture is a heritage of various countries and undergoes many changes according to the present life. Art and culture in a country is a must to preserve. One of the proper ways to preserve art and culture is by making place such as museums. Southeast Asia is part of Asia's abundant continent of natural produce and has many cultural arts. If the art and culture of Southeast Asia is not preserved, it will disappear by itself, therefore the existence of the Museum of Art and Culture Souhteast Asia is an appropriate place for preserving culture and art in Southeast Asia. The first step in designing a museum is approach and case study either by literature study or field survey. This museum will be designed with the approach of Indian architecture, as a country that influences the culture and art in Southeast Asia. The architecture of India was chosen with some consideration and has a significant role for Southeast Asia. The architecture of India chosen is Colonial India, because of several reviews of many museums in India and in Indonesia that use the type of Colonial architecture and this is precisely the attraction of the museum

    Solo Futsal Academy (Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontemporer)

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    Solo Futsal Academy is an educational institution that educates futsal athletes and professional futsal referees to compete in national and international level and equipped with adequate supporting facilities. The procurement of an academy is devoted to the Surakarta masses, in general with the goal of the younger generation. This national-grade futsal training facility will be built on Jalan Pakel, Banjarsari Sub-district, Solo City with an area of ± 5 hectares. Besides the main facilities such as indoor and outdoor futsal field, there are supporting facilities such as swimming pool, fitness facility, dormitory and futsal education. This is created so that the coaching is taught to get the same facilities with what is in the academies - national futsal academy. The entire facility is imbued with dynamic themes and concepts of approach with Contemporary Architecture in the hope of giving the impression of spirit, elegance, strength in every space created. The existence of this academy may be able to nurture, train, and bring up talented young seeds, professionals in the field of futsal and can boast Indonesian National Team, especially athletes from Surakarta. Keyword : Academy, Contemporary, Futsa

    Redesain Arena Pacuan Kuda Nyi Ageng Serang Ngargotirto Kabupaten Sragen Sebagai Wahana Rekreasi dan Edukasi dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Bioklimatik

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    The existence of the Nyi Ageng Racetrack Serang Ngargotirto Sragen regency has great potential in improving ketangakasan in the field of equestrian sports, increasing regional income from the tourism sector, and can become a means of recreation and education for the general public. It can be a reference in the Redesign of the Race Arena Nyi Ageng Serang Ngargotirto Sragen Regency. So it can produce a racetrack that can accommodate all the activities of visitors, and have alignment with the surrounding environment. Redesign of the Nyi Ageng Race Horse Race Serang Ngargotirto Sragen regency is an effort to redesign the horse-riding sporting event in Ngargotirto, Sumberlawang Sragen regency as a recreational and educational vehicle to celebrate the grieving sport, resulting in improvements in appearance or function with the approach of Architecture Bioklimatik

    Kendal X-Sport Centre

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    Extreme sports is a sport activity that is currently much loved by young people. Today, young people in Kendal Regency choose extreme sports as their hobbies because this activity is not an ordinary sport but is more varied in tricks and skills in it which have a high level of danger and injury risk done for adrenaline satisfaction by conquering fear. alone. These activities tend to often involve speed, height, high-level physical activity, and very special equipment and actions that require courage. Of the many sports enthusiasts, various communities were born but their development was not matched by existing facilities where the playground for this sport relied solely on public places and makeshift. Precisely in Kendal Regency there are no facilities available for this extreme sport. Thus the design of "Kendal X-Sport Center" can provide facilities with facilities that accommodate the morning of this extreme sports enthusiast. The existence of Kendal X-Sport Center can also be used as a suggestion for learning, practicing and competing. From the above problems then conducted research to identify opportunities for the establishment of X-Sport Center in Kendal Regency. The study was conducted by looking at existing phenomena and occur from the development of existing extreme sports. The research method is qualitative, that is descriptive and comparative. Descriptive to explain the problem, while comparative is used as an existing reference so that it can be used as a design reference. Based on the analysis that has been done, it is known that there are many places that should not be used as a place to practice and the rapid development of this sport. Therefore Kendal Regency is considered to need extreme sports facilities that can accommodate and facilitate these activities. With the existence of the Kendal X-Sport Center, it can support all extreme sports activities that are in accordance with national standards. Keywords: Extreme Sports, Facilities, X-Sport Centr

    Perancangan Aquatic Center Di Boyolali Dengan Pendekatan Naturally Ventilated Building

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    Aquatic Center is a facility or place to carry out activities related to water, in which case it is more relaxing or recreational as well as water activities and is supported by related supporting facilities therein. Aquatic center can be used as an integrated area or sports and recreation center related to aquatic. In the Solo Raya area, there is no aquatic center that has national or international standard facilities, although there are quite a lot of swimming pools or waterboom rides in Solo Raya, even though they are not of national or international standard. The choice of location in Boyolali is also based on the abundant water sources in the Boyolali area, the existence of these springs is widely used as a tourist attraction for baths scattered in Boyolali Regency. Access to the planned location is a strategic location, adjacent to the Colomadu toll gate and Boyolali toll gate. Planning and designing of the Aquatic Center with the Naturally Ventilated Building approach aims to create a building by maximizing natural ventilation, applying natural ventilation to a building will impact the spaces inside being integrated with the outside environment, indirectly reducing the use of electrical energy in its operations

    Perancangan Resort Pada Kawasan Wisata Kebun Teh Jamus Di Kabupaten Ngawi

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    Ngawi Regency is located at the western end of East Java Province which is directly adjacent to Central Java Province. Its existence is well known for its natural, historical and cultural tourism. Ngawi Regency has a plan to develop natural tourism, one of the tours in the Ngawi Regency area is the Jamus Tea Garden Tour which has mountainous natural scenery with cold air temperatures and is far from pollution. The specialty of the Jamus Tea Garden is not only in terms of natural scenery and the environment, but also provides educational facilities. Visitors get more insight and knowledge about the history of tea, types of tea and see firsthand the process of making instant tea or ready-to-drink tea directly at the factory which is not far from the tea garden because it is still in the same area as the Jamus Tea Garden. The drawback of Jamus Tea Plantation Tour is lodging facilities such as villas or hotels. The purpose of this study is to provide a view of the importance of an inn in a mountainous tourist location in order to take advantage of existing conditions or existing views. The process of designing a villa or resort building refers to data and facts in the field to produce ideas or concepts of tropical and modern buildings or can be said to be different from the buildings around the site. These accommodation facilities are expected to last for a long time over time

    Edu-Sportorium Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Islam

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    Established since 1981 Surakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMS) still does not have a single building that is suitable for graduation performances. Sports Building (GOR) UMS which is commonly used for graduation events cannot accommodate so many graduates. Even the committee must serve the teratak to increase the capacity of the building. Besides that GOR has been used for various types of Student Activity Units (UKM) Sports, one of which is UKM Basket. In addition, UKM GOR UMS also functions as an exhibition place and public lecture or an event from student organizations. Based on the Muhammadiyah PP Decree Number 218 / Kep / 1.0 / B / 2017, regarding the establishment of houses and the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress in 2020, the Central Java PWM was designated as the host and Surakarta City as the venue for the organizer. UMS through its Chancellor, Sofyan Anif, plans to build a building to accommodate activities that can be estimated at 7,500-8,500 people. The city of Surakarta recently issued an issue about MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions). It is proven that the more intense the development of more and more hotels. But unfortunately the City of Surakrta does not have a separate cap for the MICE event. The small building designated for the MICE event is a building that integrates with the Hotel. The facility is also a shared facility with the hotel. The purpose of planning and designing the UMS Edu-Sportorium building is to accommodate graduation events, UKM Sports, Congress and MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions) that exist on the UMS campus itself and Surakarta in general. The selected location is on Edupark UMS land. The land area is ± 5.3 ha. The land is divided into 2 regions, namely the Karanganyar and Surakarta regions. The majority of sites enter the Surakarta area. So the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) which is the Surakarta RTRW. For the city of Surakarta the Basic Building Coefficient (KDB) is a maximum of 85% and the Basic Green Coefficient (KDH) is at least 10%. According to the Surakarta RTRW, this information can be entered into a Green Open Space (RTH), but can be used with other functions. In accordance with UMS Edu-Sportorium UMS is obtained at ± 3.7 ha, the maximum is ± 4.5 ha and for KDH a minimum of ± 0.5 ha. When compared to the general KDB: KDH, 60:40 then the number of offers is ± 3.2: 2.1 ha. The UMS Edu-Sportorium building uses the Islamic Architecture approach, which uses the architecture contained in Islam (Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah) such as: Qibla, cleanliness, natural preservation, simplicity, functional and so on. This building is expected to be able to use the lesson building, a model for similar buildings


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    Bus station is a transportation infrastructure that functions to raise and lower passengers and goods, so the existence of a terminal is considered important for every city. The bus station which is the topic of discussion in this research is bus station of Pilangsari. Bus station of Pilangsari is located in Pilangsari village, Ngrampal sub-district, Sragen district, Central Java province. The low public interest in using the terminal, the remote location of the terminal, and less than optimal terminal services have caused this terminal to not operate optimally. Efforts need to be made to improve the operation of the Bus station of Pilangsari, namely by relocating the terminal location from a remote place to a strategic place and then adding public open spaces and train stations in it. The existence of public open space aims to invite the public into the bus station area, so that the bus station area can live and be able to provide an attraction for the bus station itself. While the existence of the train station aims to improve services for the community in using the bus station. The application of this concept is expected to be able to improve the operation of the bus station of Pilangsari

    Perancangan Hunian Vertikal Darul Amudiyi Littadrib Wal Ittihad Surakarta

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    Indonesia which is still classified as a developing country, of course has increased. Based on data reported by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The population growth rate of the province of Central Java increased, from 2000-2010 to 0.37, and in 2010-2016 it reached 0.79. Increasing population expenditure, the government needs to increase the needs of urban life. So from the increasing demographics, it can be optimized to support the improvement of cities or countries. The concept of vertical housing Darul Amudiyi Litadrib Wal Ittihad "is a building that becomes a new foundation in the field of vertical occupancy which can only be used as a forum for business training and the making of Islamic characters for its residents in accordance with the concept of Islamic Architecture. The concept of DALWI is expected to be able to create a forum for empowerment and settlements that can shape character, improve Islamic understanding and build community economics in Surakarta. Keywords: economy, empowerment, Islamic architecture, Surakarta