37 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Gedung Hotel 4 Lantai + 1 Basement Dengan Prinsip Daktail Parsial Di Surakarta

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    Perencanaan struktur gedung harus direncanakan sesuai dengan standar pedoman perencanaan gedung yang telah ditetapkan. Agar faktor kekuatan dan keamanan gedung dapat tercapai dan tidak terjadi keruntuhan pada gedung yang direncanakan. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perencanaan gedung hotel 4 lantai + 1 basement di daerah Surakarta ini dengan mengacu pada Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton Untuk Bangunan Gedung (SNI 03-2847-2002). Gedung ini direncanakan dibangun di Surakarta (wilayah gempa 3) yang terdiri dari tanah keras dengan sistem daktail parsial dengan nilai faktor daktilitas (μ) = 3 dan faktor reduksi gempa (R) = 4,8. Perencanaan struktur gedung mencakup struktur atas dan struktur bawah. Struktur atas mencakup perencanaan atap (kuda-kuda) dan beton bertulang ( plat lantai, tangga, balok dan kolom), sedangkan struktur bawah mencakup struktur pondasi. Dalam menganalisis struktur gedung digunakan program komputer “SAP 2000 v.14” agar dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat dalam perhitungan. Sedangkan penggambaran menggunakan program AutoCAD v.2007. Mutu beton dan mutu baja untuk beton bertulang adalah fc’ = 25 MPa, Tulangan utama fy = 400 MPa dan tulangan geser fy = 240 MPa. Sedangkan untuk kuda-kuda baja digunakan mutu baja Bj 41 dangan tegangan leleh = 250 MPa dan tegangan dasar 166,66 MPa. Pondasi menggunakan pondasi tiang pancang dengan kedalaman mencapai 35 meter

    Analisis Variasi Metode Perawatan Pada High Volume Fly Ash Concretemutu Tinggi Terhadap Sifat Mekanisnya

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    Concrete care is a process that aims to keep the concrete is not too rapid loss of water, keeping moisture or concrete. This research was conducted at high volume fly ash concrete with concrete quality planned f'c 45 MPa, using a mix design method of ACI, the value of the planned slump 10 ± 2 cm. Tests conducted in this study is the compressive strength, tensile strength sides and water uptake. Prior to testing, concrete treated by immersion for 28 days and 56 days, was treated in a manner flush and in closed sacks for 14 days. Results of testing the compressive strength of concrete at 28 days and 56 days with treatment soaked, high-volume fly ash concrete compressive strength value of 31.61 MPa 28 days and 58.32 MPa age of 56 days, higher than the normal concrete (without fly ash) is aged 28 days to 31.05 MPa and 50.20 MPa. At high volume fly ash concrete aged 28 days and 56 days with care watered compressive strength value of 20.85 MPa 28 days and 45.48 MPa age of 56 days, and in the care of closed sack compressive strength value of 25.57 MPa age 28 day and 47.28 MPa age of 56 days. Testing the tensile strength divided on concrete High Volume Fly Ash age of 56 days with treatment soaked ie 11.793 MPa higher than normal concrete (without fly ash) amounted to 10.889 MPa, benton High Volume Fly Ash curing flush amounted to 9.022 MPa, curing lid sacks 8.148 MPa. And of testing the water uptake in normal concrete (without fly ash) 2.833%, concrete HVFA of 2.790%, 3.575% flush with the care and treatment of closed sacks 3.135%. The compressive strength and tensile strength sides of high volume fly ash concrete soaked care is higher than in the treatment of flushing and closed sack. And the absorption of high volume fly ash concrete with deep soaking treatment at less than the watered treatments and closed the sac

    Analysis Of Mechanical Properties Of Concrete SCC High Quality With The Use Of Technology High Volume Fly Ash Concrete

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    The use of concrete as a building material of construction is very commonly used both for residential structures, buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructure. The use of vibrators for compacting structure with dense reinforcement can not guarantee produce good concrete. Concrete SCC (self compacting concrete) is one of the alternatives to overcome the problem of heavy harness itself to be able to flow to fill the room without any compaction process. The addition of 50% fly ash as a cement substitute material can improve the mechanical properties of concrete. With that tends to form spherical granules and tiny fly ash in addition to functioning as a filler (filler) also have a pozzolan properties that can be applied to the PPC. This study aims to determine the mechanical properties of SCC concrete which include compressive strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and water absorption of concrete. Compressive strength testing is done at the age of 14,28 and 56 days with 4 specimen in each age testing. While testing the flexural strength (3 specimen), modulus of elasticity (2 specimen) and water absorption of concrete (3 specimen) is performed at the age of 56 days. Before testing the test piece be treated by soaking in the soaking tub for a day prior to the tests / test specimens are dry. Based on test results obtained greatest compressive strength value at each testing age was 40.89 MPa at 14 days, 49.89 MPa at 28 days and 59.56 MPa at the age of 56 days. The flexural strength 6.60 MPa, elasticity modulus 56 588 MPa and water absorption of 1.85%. From the test results show that the compressive strength of concrete strength with the addition of 50% use of fly ash as cement substitutes can improve the strength of concrete from 14 days to 56 days. Keywords: Concrete SCC, the mechanical properties of concrete HVF

    Perencanaan Gedung Hotel 4 Lantai & 1 Basement Dengan Sistem Daktail Parsial Di Wilayah Gempa 4

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    Perencanaan struktur adalah bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu struktur yang stabil, kuat, awet dan memenuhi tujuan-tujuan seperti ekonomi dan kemudahan pelaksanaan. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perencanaan gedung hotel 4 lantai (1 basement) dengan mengacu pada Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk bangunan gedung (SNI 03-2847-2002). Perencanaan ini dibatasi pada perencanaan struktur dari gedung, yaitu struktur atap (kuda-kuda) dan beton bertulang (plat lantai, tangga, balok, kolom, dan perencanaan pondasi). Perencanaan pembebanan untuk gedung menggunakan Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia Untuk Gedung (PPIUG) 1983. Analisis perhitungan struktur gedung menggunakan bantuan “SAP 2000” non linear dengan tujuan mempercepat perhitungan. Sedangkan penggambaran menggunakan program Autocad 2008. Analisis beban gempa menggunakan metode statik ekivalen dengan Pedoman Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Rumah dan Gedung SNI-1726-2002. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan struktur rangka atap baja mengacu pada PPBBUG 1987 serta SNI 03-1729-2002. Mutu bahan untuk penulangan struktur beton bertulang dengan kuat tekan (f’c) = 25 MPa, fy plat = 240 MPa, fy balok = fy kolom = fy pondasi = 400 MPa, sedangkan untuk profil kuda-kuda baja menggunakan mutu baja Bj 37 (σijin = 1600 kgcm2). Hasil yang diperoleh pada perencanaan struktur gedung adalah sebagai berikut : Stuktur rangka kuda-kuda baja menggunakan profil 45.45.5, 40.40.4 dan 35.35.6, dengan alat sambung Las dan pelat buhul 10 mm. Ketebalan plat atap 10 cm dengan tulangan pokok D10 dan tulangan bagi D8. Ketebalan plat lantai 12 cm dengan tulangan pokok D10 dan tulangan bagi D8. Ketebalan Plat tangga dan bordes 15 cm dengan tulangan pokok D14 dan tulangan bagi D8. Balok induk menggunakan dimensi 400/600, dan kolom rencana menggunakan dimensi 600/600. Dimensi pondasi tiang pancang 300/300 mm dengan tulangan pokok D22 dan tulangan geser 2 dp 6, plat poer (2,5x2,5) m2 setebal 0,71 m dengan tulangan pokok D25 dan tulangan bagi D16, sedangkan dimensi sloof 650/1300 menggunakan tulangan pokok D25 dan tulangan geser 2 dp 12

    Analisa Sifat Mekanis Beton Mutu Tinggi dengan Pemakaian Fly Ash lebih dari 50% Sebagai Pengganti Semen dan Superplasticizer

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    Concrete is main construction material. So now a lot of research is conducted to improve the quality of concrete in order to achieve a better quality of the concrete. The use of fly ash as a partially cement substitute on materials is one of the innovations that are efficient in reducing the use of cement. Moreover the use fly ash reduce waste material and environmental pollution resulting from coal power plant combustion and reduce the cost of production of the manufacture of concrete. In this research the strenght design of high volume fly ash concrete is 45 MPa. In with variation of fly ash 0%, 50%, 60% and 70%, in addition the water binder ratio is 0,35 and 0,4 % sika viscocrete 1003 was used to achieved the workability design. For compressive strenght, test after curing for 28 dan 56 days. The dimension of specimen is 15 cm in diameter and 30 cm in high. As well as for splitting tensile strenght by the age 56 days was tested after curing with specimen like specimen to testing compresive strength, also the specimen diameter 10 cm and height 5 cm was used for water absorption test. The result show that the slump value is ± 10 cm. Then at 28 days tested and obtained the highest compressive strength value of 25 MPa, then at the age of 56 days highest compressive strength values obtained of 47 MPa. The Value of maximum splitting tensile strength is 12 MPa and lowest water absorption value is amounting to 2.462%. The compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of concrete that is using variations 50% of fly ash produce the same concrete with using 100% of cement. The compressive strength and splitting tensile strength decreased with increasing variation of fly ash is more than 50% which is at 60% and 70%. Absorption capacity in concrete using fly ash was lower than the concrete using 100% of cement and the value decline rapidly with variations of fly ash used

    Evaluasi Pengendalian Waktu Dan Biaya Menggunakan Metode Pert(Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Ruang Kuliah Iain Pontianak)

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    Success in the process of project completion should be kept in 3 constraint, there are: in accordance with determined specifications, according to the specified time, and according to the specified cost. To achieve substantial and ideal construction then needed a good structured management so that projects can be completed on time and on schedule. This research aimed to analyze the time which is most effective and efficient, also the completion probability project of Pontianak IAIN Lecture Hall Building construction, Kalimantan Barat and compare between implementation in the field with calculation using PERT method (Project Evaluation Review Technique). This research is included quantitative research, the type of data that obtained is not only collected and arranged but also data analysis. The data obtained by conducting interviews and project data. Analysis methods which used is PERT (Project Evaluation Review Technique) method by the reason that the level of uncertainty is enormous and time schedule planning is more important than costs planning. PERT method is used to obtain time analysis, effective and efficient cost using PERT diagram. The results that is obtained from this final assignment in the form of Trial and Error I with 66 days of crashing time from normal day which is 77 days and have a critical time of 57 days with generating critical cost of Rp 13,668,720,557.68 with the successful probability 11 days faster from critical time is 76,11%, whereas Trial and Error II with 63 days of crashing time 14 days faster from normal day has a critical 57 days by generating critical cost of Rp 21,234,955,108.36 with the successful probability 6 days faster from critical time is 73,89% and Trial and Error III in the its execution late 7 days of schedules have critical time 82 days with generating critical cost of Rp 24,547,837,367.39 and fine penalty cost of Rp 166,095,363.74 with the successful probability 2 days slower from critical time is 56,36%

    Pengaruh Variasi Perawatan Beton Terhadap Sifat Mekanik High Volume Fly Ash Concrete Untuk Memproduksi Beton Kuat Tekan Normal

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    concrete is not too fast to lose water. In this research, High Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) concrete is done by several variations of treatment that is by soaked, watered, and covered by wet sack, with the quality of concrete that is planned is f'c 22,5 Mpa, using a mix design method of ACI. Tests conducted are tests of compressive strength and water absorption. The result showed that the average compressive strength value of normal concrete with treatment was soaked at 18.26 MPa at 28 days and 20.24 MPa at age 56 days, higher than HVFA concrete with variation of treatment. The mean compressive strength value of HVFA concrete with soaked treatment was 14.58 MPa aged 28 days and 17.27 MPa aged 56 days, higher than HVFA concrete with watered treatment of only 9.34 MPa age 28 days and 11.89 MPa age 56 days, while HVFA concrete with treatment closed sack of 12.88 MPa age 28 days and 15.99 MPa age 56 days. The result of water absorbtion test on concrete object of age 56 day was found percentage of normal concrete water absorbed by 2,869%, water absorption of HVFA concrete with 2,479% soak treatment, 2.73% watering treatment and 2,603% covered treatment sack. The compressive strength value of HVFA concrete with treatment was soaked higher than the watered and covered treatment of the sack. And the absorption capacity of HVFA concrete with treatment in the soak is lower than the treatment of watered and covered sacks

    Analisis Sifat Mekanis Beton Mutu Tinggi dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi High Volume Fly Ash Concrete

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    Concrete technology over time increasingly experiencing growth, this is done to improve the quality of the concrete is to obtain a high strength and durability. This study aimed to obtain a high quality concrete by using fly ash as a cement material to replace up to 50% (high volume fly ash concrete). This research was conducted by examining the development of compressive strength of concrete high volome fly ash at the age of 14 days, 28 days and 56 days, testing the flexural strength of concrete high volome fly ash at the age of 56 days, to test the value of the modulus of elasticity of concrete high volome fly ash at the age of 56 days and test the water absorption value volome high fly ash concrete at the age of 56 days, as well as a comparison that is testing without a mixture of fly ash concrete (normal concrete). Both mixtures using fas low that using superplasticizer 1 % to achieve good workability upon mixing. The planned strength of concrete is 45 MPa using ACI with a slump value of ± 10 cm. From this study showed that the compressive strength of normal concrete and concrete HVFA respectively at the age of 14 days amounted to: 37.9 MPa and 28.8 MPa, at 28 days amounted to: 39.9 MPa and 39.4 MPa, and at the age of 56 days amounted to: 41.6 MPa and 42.5 MPa. The test results for the flexural strength of normal concrete and concrete HVFA each is 8.8 MPa and 8.6 MPa. Results of testing the modulus of elasticity of concrete for normal concrete and concrete HVFA each is 34108 MPa and 37 726 MPa. The test results of water absorption of concrete for normal concrete water absorption up to 1.745% and for concrete HVFA water absorption up to 1,431%. From these data indicate compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete HVFA has a value which is comparable to normal concrete, the modulus of elasticity of concrete HVFA larger than normal concrete and concrete water catchment HVFA smaller than normal concrete

    Analisis Kualitas Genteng Beton Ringan SCC Dengan Bahan Tambah Styrofoam Sebagai Subtitusi Sebagian Agregat Halus Menggunakan Superplasticizer

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    The background of this research is the research about the use of styrofoam which has been widely used in light brick research so this research tries its effectiveness into concrete tile with the aim of improving the properties and characteristics of concrete tile, in this experiment conducted experiments of making lightweight concrete Styrofoam concrete with SCC method. The objective of this research is to know the nature of wet concrete mixture of lightweight styrofoam-SCC tile, knowing the mechanical properties of SCC light concrete roof tile according to SNI 0096-2007, knowing the proportion of sand and cement mixture ideal for making Styrofoam-SCC concrete mix. This research was conducted in Building Materials Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The research design assessed the values of light concrete roof tile properties of SCC - Styrofoam as substitution of some fine aggregates with reference to SNI 0096-2007. Variation of material composition used is 1 PC: 3 PS; 1 PC: 3.5 PS; 1 PC: 4 PS; with the addition of styrofoam of 30% in lieu of a portion of the fine aggregate volume. Testing of concrete tile is done at the age of 28 days. The results of the research of the wetted fresh concrete tile properties of SCC - styrofoam are able to mix well and improve the workabiliy, the mechanical properties of concrete tile according to SNI 0096-2007: meet the testing of visible properties but the bottom of the rough concrete styrofoam roof tile, has not fulfilled the uniform measure test because with SCC method and without static molds making varying sizes, the flexural load testing of Styrofoam concrete averaging a maximum of 2.3 KN fulfills the requirements of SNI 0096-2007 with a minimum limit of 2 KN, the results of water absorption tests of all variations of concrete roof tile meet the requirements of <10%, the test results water seepage of all variations of concrete roof tile meet the requirements, the results of heat absorption test all variations of concrete roof tile has not fulfilled the requirement of 75% absorb heat. The proportion of the optimal mixture of sand and cement mixture for SCC Styrofoam is 1 PC: 4 PS

    Analisis Kuat Tekan Dan Serapan Air Paving Block Segi Enam Dengan Pemakaian Abu Sekam Padi Sebagai Pengganti Pasir

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    Concrete is one of the most widely used structural materials in the field of construction, since many concrete have advantages such as high compressive strength and easily available material. Paving blocks are one of the non structural infrastructure components used as ground cover. With the increasing need for paving blocks, new innovations are needed to obtain high quality paving. In this research is intended to know the effect of rice husk ash variation as a sand substitute against compressive strength and water absorption. paving block making using fine sand aggregate with rice husk ash variation as sand substitute 0%, 10%, 15%. Which aims to determine whether the effect of rice husk ash is good enough as a sand substitute and how optimal is the ash of rice husk as a good sand substitute for compressive strength, and water absorption. In this study using cube test object measuring 6 x 6 x 6 cm. Paving test was conducted after 7 days. From the results of this study showed 0% results of 69.44 kg / cm2, 10% of 26.04 kg / cm2, and 15% of 13.89 kg / cm2. For water absorption showed 8.141% yield of 0% paving mixture, 22.340% of 10% using rice husk ash as sand substitute, and 18.776% of 15% rice husk ash as sand substitute. This research can be concluded that mixture of paving ash of rice husk as a sand substitute does not meet the requirement of compressive strength and water absorption because rice husk ash character as sand substitute can not fulfill the required SNI 03-0691-1996. Keywords: Paving Block, Rice Husk Ash, Strong Press and Water Absorptio