28 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Inventory Batik Berbasis Web Pada Cv Ratnamaya Batik

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    CV. Ratnamaya Batik is a business engaged in the production of batik cloth. Inventory control in CV. Ratnamaya Batik is still done manually using the Microsoft Excel program, starting from recording incoming goods, ordering goods to the sales department, processing incoming and outgoing goods by the warehouse department, to making reports, it is possible that errors will occur when entering data or searching for data. which gets lost at some point during the process. Purpose research is sconducted to design a web-based inventory information system or inventory. The features designed include the management of goods data, supplier data, production data and reports of incoming goods, outgoing goods, and production goods. The model for developing an inventory information system uses the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) process, namely the waterfall method. Implementation of the system created using the PHP programming language (Hypertext Preprocessor), Laravel Framework version 8, and MySQL database. The final stage of the system being tested is using Black-Box Testing and SUS (System Usability Scale). The results of the blackbox test found that the system can run along with the features and functions correctly and as expected. The SUS test obtained an average score of 73, which means that it is acceptable, which indicates that the system made is suitable for use in CV. Ratnamaya Batik

    Sistem Informasi Surat Pertanggung Jawaban Dinas Komunikasi Dan Informatika Kabupaten Karanganyar Berbasis Web

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    One form of report is in the form of a Letter of Accountability (SPJ) a result of the realization of technical and special activities or the use of funds for agency purposes. SPJ is very important to be used by government agencies, companies or other fields that uphold financial transparency. At the Karanganyar Communication and Information Office, there is already an application for making SPJ. However, the application is still in the form of a Microsoft Excel-based program. Therefore it is necessary to develop a system at DISKOMINFO Karanganyar. In order to make SPJ easier and reduce mistakes made by SPJ makers. In developing this system, the system will be developed based on a website using the Laravel framework. Laravel framework was chosen because it follows the MVC (Model View Controller) structure. MVC is an application method by separating data from the view based on application components, such as: data manipulation, controller, and user interface. The result of developing this system is a website that can be used for making SPJ at DISKOMINFO Karanganyar. The results of testing the system using blackbox stated that the system functions were running according to obtain valid results. Meanwhile, the SUS (System Usability Scale) test got a score of 76 which was included in the good value category. So that the system can be used properly, and according to needs

    Sistem Informasi Kasir Pada Bengkel Body Repair Mobil “A.B.P Garage” Berbasis Website

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    The use of technology in the company not only supports business processes but is also very important for company revenue. Business owners always pay attention to existing technological developments in order to increase their business success. Therefore, many companies want to apply technology in every aspect of their business processes. Car body repair workshop "A.B.P Garage" is a business engaged in the automotive sector. Until now, this workshop transaction system still uses the manual payment method written using a sales record book. The workshop does not yet have a report of income or sales per period. The website-based cashier information system is expected to optimize the transaction process at the A.B.P Garage workshop. The method used in making this system is the waterfall method. This research uses observational research methods and literature review. This application is created using PHP and MySQL which is connected to PHPMyAdmin with XAMPP as a web server and uses Visual Studio Code as a programming framework, the system built can generate sales reports. The results obtained after black box testing are the system can run according to the expected function. The second test is testing the SUS questionnaire with 30 respondents and getting an average value of 76.16, which means the system is feasible to use. The benefit for the owner is the ease of recording transaction data and managing report recaps


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    The library is an institution that manages literacy works and aims to increase reading interest and broaden horizons. One of the institutions that actively manages libraries is the Surakarta Branch Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) where there are fourteen commissariats, each of which has an active library managing conventional administration. However, there are several obstacles such as the loss of several books due to poor data management so that their lending history is not tracked, data redundancy, and the scope of book lending that only reaches certain groups. The development of a computed library administration system aims to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the administrative process. In addition, the dissemination of book information is also widespread and can be reached by all students, both members and non-members of IMM throughout Surakarta. The system development uses the waterfall method, MySQL database, Code Igniter framework and PHP programming language. Based on the results of the black box testing and user acceptance testing, the library information system of the "Perpustakaan Merah" IMM Surakarta City Branch is able to run properly according to its function