15 research outputs found

    Relokasi Peternakan Aulia Farm Kabupaten Magetan Dengan Pendekatan Integrated Farming System

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    In Indonesia, fine arts have developed and improved very well with some of the most influential arts and famous artists emerging to produce famous works to foreign countries. One of the cities in Indonesia that experienced a good development in the field of fine arts is Surakarta city. However, this city has not been able to provide the containers and infrastructure needed to supports the existing activities so that its development is still lagging far with other cities in Indonesia such as Bandung, Jakarta, Bali and Yogyakarta. The presence of Surakarta Art Center can be used as a stimulus and solution for the city of Surakarta to provide a good container for artists, communities and government in developing the fine arts in a better condition. The design process is done with several stages, start from literature studies, observasi until analyze the data that has produced the results of a design concept in accordance with the purpose. Carrying the concept of sustainable architecture on the design is expected to be the Center of Visual Arts Surakarta become an object of education, tourism, and creations that are able to integrate with nature so as to create a building of art with a sustainable environmen

    Solo Design Center Sebagai Pusat Kegiatan Desain Di Kota Solo

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    Solo Design Center For Design Activity Center in the city of Solo is an integrated design service center building in which there are university-level design schools while in tow with supporting facilities such as exhibition centers and retail which is a new specific centers especially in the city of Solo. Based on the problems faced, the author will design and designing buildings Solo Design Center as a facility that facilitate the activities of design, especially for the people of Solo and the surrounding areas as the media supporting the process of creation, appreciation and education of visually and functionally so that also can be enjoyed by the community. To achieve these objectives, the targets to be achieved is to get the concept of Solo Design Center with the formulation of the idea of planning, site concept, the concept of space, the concept of architectural appearance, the concept of structure, the concept of interior / conditioning space and the concept of utility as a place to accommodate and talents , creativity and ideas in the field of design and also can be enjoyed by people of Solo and the surrounding areas. In line with the ideas and the author, with the passage of time may Solo Design Center can be useful and beneficial for the younger generation and the public, especially the city of Solo Raya. Keywords: solo; design; center; hu

    Asrama Khusus Isolasi Pasien Covid-19 di Kota Salatiga dengan Pendekatan Konsep Therapeutic Environment

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    Since January 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) has declared global emergency for the Covid-19 pandemic that attacks human respiratory system. The spread of corona virus is relatively fast and massively throughout the world. Increasing number of the spread Covid-19 virus in Indonesia has resulted in the need for isolation rooms and Covid-19 health facilities to increase. In Salatiga City on April 13, there were 186 people confirmed positive Covid-19, 24 suspects, and 243 close contacts. Meanwhile, the availability of negative pressure isolation rooms with WHO standards in Salatiga City is still minimal, compared to the number of patients. The Salatiga City Government faces the worst challenge in dealing with the unstable condition of the Covid-19 pandemic. Isolation Dormitory for Covid-19 Patient is expected to be a solution in overcoming these problems through the design of WHOstandard room with an environmental therapeutic concept approach that plays a role in improving patient's psychological condition. The dormitory was built considering the location, structure, and utility of the building. Not only designed to respond emergency conditions, but it will also be prepared to switch functions so it doesn't get neglected after the pandemic

    Art Gallery Kerajinan Kayu Jati Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biomorfik Di Kabupaten Ngawi

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    The growth of wooden handicrafts in Indonesia is a traditional art form which is a cultural wealth as its foundation. Wood crafting means the manufacture of wood-based goods through human craftsmanship, a good wood material is teak. The advantage of teak wood is that it has natural substances that are anti-termite. It is different with wood handicrafts in Ngawi, wood crafts are also the jujugan for foreign tourists crossing Ngawi. For example, the wooden handicraft sales centers in the Kedunggalar area, which are around the Soeryo and Banjarejo Monument, often receive guests from abroad who are interested in this craft. The design of this teak wood craft art gallery is intended to be a teak wood craft center, learning center, and tourism center. Ngawi Regency is a well-known teak producing district so that the design of teak wood crafts art gallery is deemed suitable to support the economy of Ngawi Regency. Keyword: art gallery, kerajinan kayu jati, pusat wisata

    Karanganyar Bird Park

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    Tourism is a variety of activities as entertainment from busy human activities and related to psychological needs. Karanganyar is one of the cities in Indonesia which has abundant natural and cultural tourism potential and has a lot of visitor interest. Karanganyar has enormous potential in the field of tourism. The presence of bird park karanganyar is expected to provide a choice of new tourism places with natural wealth of karanganyar and native Indonesian birds as the main object of tourism. Bird park carries the main concept as an area that presents tourist attractions, education or education and Indonesian bird conservation. Carrying the concept of sustainable architecture in the process of planning and designing the region, bird park is expected to be a tourist place that is able to integrate with nature, so as to create an area with a sustainable environment. Keywords : Bird Park, Sustainable Architecture, Karanganyar, Tourism

    Pengembangan Pusat Ekowisata Bambu Wulung di Desa Sudimara

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    Currently, people tend to like natural tourism products that are environmentally friendly and display local culture and social origin. As a response to the shift in public interest in tourism, new alternative tourist destinations are needed that can be started from the smallest unit of regional tourism, namely the development of tourist villages. The development of tourist villages must pay attention to environmental conditions so that they do not have negative impacts, such as inappropriate land conversion, lack of absorption areas, environmental damage, security problems to the loss of the village's original identity. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent the negative impacts of village development, one of which is through the concept of ecotourism. Ecotourism is a travel activity that is packaged by taking into account the preservation of nature. Sudimara Village, which is located in Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, has natural beauty and potential that can be developed into a tourist village, one of which is through bamboo wulung. However, not many people can manage wulung bamboo, this is very unfortunate considering the availability of wulung bamboo is easy to find. On this basis, the author proposes the concept of developing a wulung bamboo ecotourism center in Sudimara Village. The purpose of developing the wulung bamboo ecotourism center is to optimize natural resources in the form of wulung bamboo supported by the local potential of Sudimara Village with environmentally friendly characters and empowering local communities, thereby improving the standard of living of the people. The concept that will be used in this planning and design is ecological architecture, which is development that is made in harmony with nature and has the lowest impact on the environment. Keywords: Sudimara Village, Tourism Village, Ecotourism, Bamboo Wulung

    Edu-Excursion Park: Pusat Pengenalan dan Pelestarian Buah Belimbing sebagai Ikon Kota Depok

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    Since the inauguration of Depok as an administrative city, the development of Depok City has been rapid in both the government and the city development. Basically, Depok City is a buffer city for the capital, Jakarta. This makes the need for Jakarta's green open space a part of Depok City's responsibility to help fulfill it as a buffer city. However, the supply of green open space in Depok City is still considered minimal, with only 16.33% of the target of 30%. For this reason, planning and designing city parks is an important thing to do as a form of adding green open space. Besides the problems related to green open space, Depok is also still faced with an identity crisis. Since 2007, Depok City has an icon in the form of star fruit because at that time, starfruit was the highest yield in Depok City so that it has the potential to become a superior fruit. But over time, these icons have become less exposed and the government has begun to carry a new image, namely, friendly city. So that Edu-Excursion Park was designed which is a green open space in the form of a city park with a focus as a center for the introduction and preservation of star fruit as an icon of Depok City. Edu-Excurion Park is designed by applying several concepts from the friendly city aspect, namely, friendly to children, disabilities, the environment, and original products of the city. In this park, the main facilities will be provided in the form of Arts and Planning Gallery, Production Houses, and Food and Souvenir Centers whose role is to provide education related to the results of processed star fruit and authentic handicrafts in the city of Depok

    Redesain Pasar Klitikan Notoharjo Sebagai Pusat Perbelanjaan Barang Bekas Dikota Surakarta Pendekatan Pada Desain Arsitektur Hijau)

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    Traditional markets are trading sector has its own characteristics which the patterns of interaction between sellers and buyers, as well as play an important role in the developments in Indonesia's economy. Village of clover is one of 51 villages in Kota Surakarta.merupakan trade area one of which is the market Klitikan Notoharjo. container for street merchants selling various used goods. The market building is a building Klitikan Notoharjo categorized including new buildings paddock pemeriantah Surakarta city's new building since tahasiaonal un 2006. Since this building stood until now there has been no improvement since the building is still relatively new, but after a full evaluation author habitation in buildings Notoharjo Klitikan market, ternayata there are many or most of the things that should be on redesigning back. Penilis concept architectural emphasis emphasize on building market is Klitikan Notoharjo. The concept of 'green architecture' or green architecture becomes a topic of current interest, one of them because of the need to empower the potential of the site and save natural resources as a result of the depletion of non-renewable energy sources. Various thoughts and interpretations architect bermunculuan differently, each caused by contact with the professional conditions they face. The concept of 'green' can also be applied to the reduction of energy use (eg electrical energy), low energy and zero energy house building to maximize the cover of the building (building envelope). Use of renewable energy such as solar energy, water, biomass, and waste-to-energy also noteworthy

    Wonogiri Convention and Exhibition Center

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    Wonogiri Convention And Exhibition Center is a building that becomes a center for organizing activities to discuss common needs carried out by many people relating to conferences, meetings and exhibitions in Kabupaten Wonogiri which emphasize the Neo-Vernacular Architecture approach with a more advanced contemporary design, varied, flexible, and innovative. The success of Surakarta city is one of the cities of MICE which is expected to be spread to the surrounding areas, especially Kabupaten Wonogiri. Organizing conventions and exhibitions is expected to be a dynamic for industry and economic development. However, in Wonogiri district itself there are no facilities that are able to accommodate convention and exhibition activities comfortably. The potential of Kabupaten Wonogiri for the future prospects of the Wonogiri Convention And Exhibition Center is expected to be able to overcome the obstacles that exist for the development and progress of Kabupaten Wonogiri

    Rattan Factory di Desa Trangsan, Sukoharjo dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Organik

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    Indonesia is one of the largest producers and suppliers of rattan raw materials in the world. Rattan in Indonesia is exported in raw form so that at that time the price of rattan is very high. In 2011, the minister issued a regulation banning the export of raw rattan. Rattan that is exported must be in finished or semi-finished form. This situation was not readily accepted by the existing conditions in Indonesia. The abundant amount of rattan raw material is not supported by a large number of industries to accommodate rattan production in Indonesia. One area that produces a lot of rattan is Trangsan Village, Sukoharjo Regency, which is a rattan tourism village. The purpose of this basic writing program for architectural planning and design (DP3A) is to create a Rattan Factory which can help increase rattan production in Indonesia and improve the economy of the surrounding communities. Planning and designing the Rattan Factory as a rattan production area uses an Organic Architecture approach. The discussion method uses the primary, secondary data collection stage, and the data analysis stage, as well as formulating a design concept. The application of the concept of Organic Architecture is expected to increase the creativity and comfort of space users so that they can create products made from rattan which are marketable so that they can improve their economy