14 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Taping Pada Punggung Atas Terhadap Arus Puncak Ekspirasi Penderita Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis (PPOK)

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    Background: COPD as a combination of small airway disease and progressive parenchymal destruction with almost similar symptoms such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, bronchiectasis, and bronchiolitis. Basic Health Research in 2013 recorded 3.7 percent of Indonesia's population suffered from COPD. This is related to the results of previous research which states that there is a link between PPOK patients with smoking habit and passive smoking exposure in Indonesia, where the higher prevalence of smoking will be higher the risk of COPD (Kusumawardani et al, 2017). A preliminary survey at the Central Institute of Surakarta Community Lung Health obtained data of 960 visits of COPD patients undergoing therapy at the Physiotherapy clinic in 2017. The perceived complaints were shortness of breath and decreased peak expiratory currents (APE). APE is one of the indicators of lung function that can diagnose COPD through Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) examiner. Objective: To determine the effect of taping on the upper back to peak expiratory flow of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Research Method: quasi-experimental with pre-test approach and post test with control group design consisting of treatment group and control group. Population is patient of COPD treatment at clinic of Physiotherapy BBKPM Surakarta and sample of research is 12 respondents. This research uses purposive sampling technique. The measuring instrument using Peak Flow Meters. Data analysis: Using Wilcoxon test for influence test and Mann Withney test for different effect test. Result: After Mann Withney test obtained p-value equal to 0,03 where result from group of treatment better than control group. Conclusion: There is an effect of taping on the upper back to the peak expiratory flow of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

    Pengaruh Deep Breathing Exercise Terhadap Nilai Arus Puncak Ekspirasi Pada Penderita Asma Bronkhial

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    Asma merupakan gangguan inflamasi kronik pada saluran napas yang melibatkan banyak sel dan elemennya. Inflamasi ini berhubungan dengan hiperresponsivitas saluran pernapasan terhadap berbagai stimulasi, yang menyebabkan kekambuhan sesak napas (mengi), kesulitan bernapas, dada terasa sesak, dan batuk, cenderung pada malam hari dan atau dini hari. Sumbatan saluran napas ini bersifat reversible, baik dengan atau tanpa pengobatan. Berbagai faktor yang dapat menimbulkan serangan asma antara lain jenis kelamin, genetik, obesitas, olah raga berlebihan, infeksi, alergen, perubahan suhu, pajanan iritan asap rokok, dan faktor lingkungan. Pemberian terapi untuk pasien asma bronkhial yang dipilih yaitu deep breathing exercise adalah latihan pernafasan dengan teknik bernapas secara perlahan dan dalam menggunakan otot diafragma sehingga memungkinkan abdomen terangkat perlahan dan dada mengembang penuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh deep breathing exercise terhadap nilai arus puncak ekspirasi pada penderita asma bronkhial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi experimental design, dengan pendekatan pre test and post test two groups design. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 10 orang, cara pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan mengambil seluruh anggota populasi sebagai sampel. Data yang diperoleh tidak berdistribusi normal, uji statistik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon untuk mengetahui perbedaan niali APE pre dan post pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Pada kelompok kontrol nilai p=0,042 atau p<0,05 hasilnya signifikan, pada kelompok perlakuan deep breathing exercise nilai p=0,043 atau p<0,05 hasilnya signifikan. Uji Mann Whitney untuk mengetahui beda pengaruh kedua kelompok diperoleh nilai p= 0,012 atau nilai p < 0,05 sehingga Ha diterima yang berarti ada perbedaan pengaruh deep breathing exercise terhadap nilai arus puncak ekspirasi pada penderita asma bronkhial. Semoga penelitian ini dapat berlanjut dan dapat berguna bagi peneliti, tenaga medis ataupun masyarakat umum

    The Effect Of Core Stability Exercise To Improve Leg Muscle Strength And Performance Men’s Volleyball Athletes Age 18-25 In Surakarta

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    Background: In the sport of volleyball athlete must also have a physical condition and a good performance. Additionally leg power needed to do jump smash, block, as well as service. Core Stability Exercise plays an important role in lower extremity the stabilization and the transfer of energy from the lower extremities to the body. One of the exercises that can be done is exercise to increase leg muscle strength and performance. Objective: To determine the effect of Core Stability Exercise to improve leg muscle strength and performance men’s volleyball athletes age 18-25 in Surakarta. Methods: This study is a quasi experimental with pre and post test with control group design with a number of samples is 16 samples. Measuring instrument used is the Vertical Jump Test and One Minute Sit Up Test. Data were analyzed using wilcoxon test to test the influence. Results: There is Core Stability Exercise to improve leg muscle strength mens’s volleyball athletes are the results obtained z value -3.520 p value (asymp sig) 0.000. There is Core Stability Exercise to improve performance mens’s volleyball athletes are the results obtained z value -3.533 p value (Asymp sig) 0.000. Sig < 0,05. Conclusion: The Effect of Core Stability Exercise with a frequency of 3 times a week for 1 month was shown to significantly influence the effect of Core Stability Exercise to improve leg muscle strength and performance men’s volleyball athletes age 18-25 in Surakarta

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Pasien Dengan Pneumonia Di RS Paru Dr. Ario Wirawan Salatiga

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    Pneumonia is an inflammation (inflammation) in the lungs (alveoli) that can be caused due to microorganisms and non microorganisms. The presence of tightness, chest pain, decreased thoracic expansion, and pectoralis major muscle spasms and upper trapezius is a physiotherapy problem that we can provide interventions such as Infra Red (IR), Breathing Exercise, and Thoracic Expansion Exercise. To determine the benefits of physiotherapy management with IR (Infra Red) modalities, Breathing Exercise, and Thoracic Expansion Exercise on Pneumonia against stiffness, pain, chest, and decreased thoracic expansion. The development with appropriate therapy was the change of pain with VAS scale from 4,3 to 1,1, then after three therapeutics there is an increase in thoracic expansion of 1 cm, and the decrease of spasm in the auxiliary muscles. IR (Infra Red), Breathing Exercise, and Thoracic Expansion Exercise can reduce pain, spasm, increase thoracic expansion

    Pengaruh Latihan Continuous Running Terhadap Tingkat Kebugaran (Aerobik) Pada Siswa Sepak Bola Usia 15-18 Tahun Di Akademi Training Centre Kota Salatiga

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    Background: Aerobic Fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels in the use of oxygen and use it to become a force that can be used to daily activity. Aerobic fitness is one of physical components which is be basic of soccer player, Fitness aerobics has a very important role on the activity of the game of football, and this is in play, the player is required to have perfect physical condition to be able to always be a concentration in the play as well as persisting in long time, so it is important to be kept by every player to always be ready and consistent and stable on the pitch. Objective: To know the influence of Continous Running to the level of aerobic fitness of football student aged 15-18 years in Training Centre Academy Salatiga city. Methods: The research method used in this research is Quasi-experiment using pre and post-test with control group design of 30 respondent which are divided into 2 groups, namely treatment group and control group. Aerobic fitness is measured by using cooper test that is 2,4 Km running test before exercises and after respondent have done the continous running excercise as long as 6 week, data were analyzed by using the Willcoxon signed rank test to test the effect and to observe the differences between treatment group and control group to aerobic fitness level of football academy aged 15-18 year student using Mann Whitney test. Results: The researcher find the influence of Continous Running to aerobic fitness level of student aged 15-18 years after the Statistical test using Wilcoxon test showed a p-value of 0.001 in the treatment group and the control group getting the p-value of 0.238 and to know the difference of influence between treatment group and control group by using Mann Whitney test obtained p-value 0,000. Conclusion: There are the influence of Continous Running to aerobic fitness level of student aged 15-18 years

    Hubungan Hipertensi Dengan Penyakit Arteri Perifer Di Posyandu Lansia Kelurahan Pucangan Tinjauan Terhadap Nilai Ankle Brachial Index

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    Background: Hypertension is a conditional of blood pressure above normal circumstances, if not controlled in the long term can lead the stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and the main cause of chronical renal failure. Hypertension is a risk factor of cardiovascular disease which one of them is peripheral arterial disease. People with cardiovascular disease have a high prevalance of hypertension by 80%. For diagnosis using ankle brachial index assessment, as lower as the value of ankle brachial index as higher as the number of deaths with cardiovascular disease and including peripheral arterial disease. Purpose: To determine the relationship of hypertension with peripheral arterial disease in term of ankle brachial index. Method: This research is an observational research with cross sectional method. Technical sampling using quota sampling of 224 respondens. Primary data taken from the assessment status of hypertension and peripheral arterial disease using sphygmomanometer and stethoscope.the data status of hypertension strengthened with secondary data from medical record of responden. The data status of peripheral arterial disease is measure by ankle brachial index carried out after the break 5-30 minutes. Statistical testing using chi square test. Result: From 224 people, 38 (17,05%) people have status of hypertension with the value of ankle index occlusion, and 36 (16,15%) people have status of hypertension with the value of ankle brachial index calcification. After the chi square test showed the value p<0,002 which shows the relationship between variable of hypertension and ankle paripheral arterial disease. It mean individuals with hypertension has a risk 2,004 times odds peripheral arterial disease. Conclution: there is a relationship betwen hypertension and peripheral arterial disease which reviewed by a value of ankle brachial index

    Pengaruh Terapi Relaksasi Jacobson dan Mitchell untuk Menurunkan Sesak Napas pada Penderita Bronkitis Kronis

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    Background: The impact is frequent habit of smoking is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. One of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi which causes a narrowing of the respiratory tract so that the symptoms that often arise include shortness of breath. Therapies that can be done to reduce breathlessness one of them is Relaxation Jacobson and Relaxation Mitchell where relaxation is still very rarely used. The Objective of Research: To know effect of therapy Relaxation Jacobson and Mitchell to reduce shortness of breath in patients with chronic bronchitis as well as to know the effect difference both in reducing breathlessness in patients with chronic bronchitis. The Methods of research : The research kind in this research was Pre Experimental with design pre test and post test two group design. Technically the taking of the sample is purposive sampling with criterian insklusion and eksklusion. Measurement of the degree of breathlessness using parameter Borg Scale. Statistical analysis of treatment using a non-parametric test Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann Whitney test for differences in the effect of both. Results: Statistical analysis of the test results obtained influence Relaxation Jacobson in reducing breathlessness the value of (p = 0,001 0.05) which means there is no significant difference between both the relaxation therapy. Conclusion: Statistically, there are significant therapy Relaxation Jacobson and Mitchell to reduce shortness of breath in patients with chronic bronchitis but there was no significant difference between the two. Keywords: Shortness of breath, chronic bronchitis, Relaxation Jacobson, Relaxation Mitchell

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik Di Rskp Respira Yogyakarta

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    Background; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a permanent blockage of the respiratory tract caused by emphysema and chronic bronchitis. According to the American College of Chest Physicians / American Society, (2015) "COPD is defined as a group of lung diseases characterized by slowing the flow of air that is settled" (Irianto, 2014). Objective; Knowing the benefits of Nebulizer, Chest of therapy, and the mobilization of the thoracic cage to reduce breathlessness, sputum issued, and increase thoracic Expansion was driven in patients with COPD Results; After treatment for 6 times, showed the degree of breathlessness T1: 5 to T4: 2, margin expansion cage thorax from the axilla in T1: 2 cm into T4: 3 cm, of intercostalis IV on T1: 3 cm into T4: 3, 5 cm, of procesus xypoideus at T1: 2 cm into T4: 3.5 cm. T1 layout results sputum: sputum is located in the upper lobes of the right lung and the left anterior portion and the lower lobe of the right lung and the posterior part of the T4: sputum layout is still the same as in T1 but the sound produced Ronchi diminishing and virtually disappeared Conclusion; Award Nebulizer, Chest therapy and mobilization of the thoracic cage can reduce breathlessness, increase the expansion of the thoracic cage, and reducing sputum in COPD patients. Keyword; COPD, Nebulizer, Chest therapy, and the mobilization of the thoracic cag

    Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Daya Tahan Jantung dan Fleksibilitas Punggung pada Lansia di Posyandu Lansia Dong Biru Semarang

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    BACKGROUND: Entering the elderly will suffer setbacks physical changes, physical deterioration will be a decrease of muscle mass and flexibility. Changes also occur in the cardiovascular, marked by a change in the anatomy of the heart and blood, decrease in maximum heart rate, increased blood pressure, postural hypotension, changes in heart rate recovery after physical activity. Enough physical activity can help improve the flexibility of your back and be strong heart in pumping blood with just a little effort. PURPOSE: To determine the relationship of physical activity with the flexibility of the back of the elderly, to know physical activity with heart endurance in the elderly in Posyandu. RESEARCH DESIGN: Using a type of cross sectional observational method that aims to measure exposure and outcome at the same time. The population in this study are members of Posyandu "Ngudi Saras" Dongbiru Genuk District of Semarang, who met the inclusion criteria are aged> 55 years in both men and women, already a member posyandu minimum for 2 months, ambulate independently without tools, cooperative. Total sample of 45 people. Results were analyzed using Chi Square. RESULTS: The Chi Square test on the relationship between physical activity with the flexibility of showing the result of p = 0.000 (p <0.05) .Uji Chi Square on the relationship of physical activity with endurance janung shows the results of p = 0.000 (p <0.05) .On Chi square test obtained cell has a value of <5, the merger and test again with Exact Fixer. Exact Test Fixer also p value = 0.000 (p <0.05). From descriptive data, this suggests that there is a significant relationship between physical activity with the flexibility and durability of cardiac backs of the elderly. CONCLUSION: There is a relationship of physical activity with the flexibility back in the elderly, there is a relationship of physical activity with heart endurance in the elderly. Elderly who melakukkan regular physical activity has the flexibility and durability backs good heart. Keywords: Physical activity, flexibility, endurance and elderly hear

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Asma Bronkhial Di Rskp Respira Jogjakarta

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    Latar Belakang : asma bronkhial adalah gangguan pernafasan yang dapat menyebabkan sesak napas, gangguan pembersihan saluran pernafasan serta dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan fungsionalnya karena kekambuhannya. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan isioterapi dalam pembersihan jalan napas, mengembalikan pola pernapasan abnormal, meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional dengan modalitas chest physioterapi,breathing control, dan static cycle. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan terapi sebanyak 6 kali didapat penilaian pembersihan saluran napas hasil T1= sebelum terapi terdapat whezzing depan : upper lobus dextra, lateral lower lobus, medial lobus dextra, belakang: lower lobus dextra, lateral lower lobus, setelah terapi depan: upper lobus dextra, lateral lower lobus, belakang lower lobus dextra . Terdapat ronchi depan: lateral lower lobus, upper lobus dextra, belakang medial lobus dextra. Setelah terapi depan: medial lobus dextra, belakang: medial lobus dextra. T6= sebelum terapi terdapat whezzing depan: upper lobus sinistra , upper lobus dextra, belakang: upper lobus dextra. Setelah terapi depan: upper lobus dextra, belakang: upper lobus dextra. Tidak didapatkan ronchi. Penilaian sesak napas didapatkan hasil T1=nilai 3 (sedang ) menjadi T6= nilai 2 ( ringan ). Penilaian kemampuan fungsional hasilnya T1= memindahkan barang dan Pergi keluar rumah dengan nilai 2 menjadi T6= memindahkan barang dan Pergi keluar rumah dengan nilai. Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan chest physiotherapy dapat mengurangi retensi sputum, breathing control dapat mengembalikan pola pernafasan abnormal dan static cycle dapat meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional pasien