3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tmperatur Udara TerhadapP Kinerja Tungku Tipe Downdraft

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    An alternative source of energy that can be recycled continuously is biomassa for examples husks from rice. Usually the rice husks can be converted in to other energy by using gasification method. So that, this research aims at getting to know the impacts of the burning air emperature upon the average burning temperature, the beginning of its flames and the active flames with the fuel produced by the husks from the rice. The downdraft gasifier was used in this experiment. Entering the temperature to the gasifierwerevariated at usual air (30 °C), 40 °C, 50 °C, and 60 °C. This research observed the burning temperature, first time flames and the effective flames time. The result of the research shows that the air temperature infuences to the burning temperature produced by gasification. The highest temperature is 560 °C on the air temperature 50 °C and the lowest is 511 °C on the temperature 30 °C. The air temperature gives impact toward the active time of flaming. The longest active flaming is on the temperature of 60 °C during 24 minutes and the shortest is on 30 °C during 20 minutes. The air temperature has impacts on the flaming in the fireplace. The fastest flaming is on the temperature of 60 °C during 5 minutes and the slowest flaming is on the temperature of 30 °C during 10 minutes. Keywords: gasification, husks, temperature, gasification downdraf

    Study Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Premium Dan Ethanol Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Motor Bensin Empat Langkah

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    Issues of fossil fuels which surfaced in recent years is the problem of depletion of fossil fuels and global warming. This time is considered very important to continue the efforts of observation and the development of alternative fuel technologies. With high levels of alcohol can be used directly on the machine , or can be mixed with a certain level in gasoline as fuel. Utilization of alcohol as a fuel substitute for gasoline , pertamax , pertalite or as a mixture of petrol is expected to reduce fuel consumption of petroleum. This study aims to determine the effect of using a mixture of gasoline and ethanol and the corresponding fuel type and to obtain engine performance 4 stroke petrol engine optimum exhaust emissions and determine the level of fuel consumption. The results of this study indicate that the fuel by using a variation of premium fuel or a mixture of premium variation and ethanol ( 5 % , 10 % , 15 % , 20 % ) there is a change of characteristics, namely an increase in power up to 7000 rpm rotation. At high rotation , the addition of ethanol is able to provide more torque compared to when using premium fuel. On the exhaust emissions are also the highest value of CO concentration on premium fuel and 20% ethanol. At 7000 RPM HC gas concentrations have decreased in all variations of the fuel was 286 ppm. And the smallest value HC concentration in the exhaust gas is at a premium fuel and 20% ethanol. At 7000 rpm at 155 ppm

    Perencanaan Pompa Sentrifugal Dengan Kapasitas 1,5 M3 / Menit

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    In this final project has been planned a pump types centrifugal. From the pump with capacity planning data / debit 1.5 m3/ min. 21m pump head based on the calculation on the ground and the pump rotation 1470 rpm. By using empirical equations can be determined The main parameters of the planning that is specific speed pumps, types impeller, pump drive power, shaft diameter, number of blades of the impeller and profiles impeller. Planning produces main dimensions pump ie pump with the open impeller type specific speed: 174rpm, pump drive power: 7333 KW, entry angle of the blade: 14.90, blade out of the blade: 200, The number of impeller blades: 6 pieces, inside diameter: 53mm, outside diameter: 198mm, shaft diameter: 18 mm and thickness of the blade:3 mm