36 research outputs found
Waheed Syariah Resort Bandungan
Today, Indonesia’s tourism is increasing every year. Recorded during the period of 2013-2016 has increased Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of ± 1% every year. However, the increase in tourism is not offset by an increase in accommodation, especially syariah-based lodging. Bandungan district is one of the tourist destinations in Semarang regency. The number of tourist attractions in Bandungan is not balanced with the sharia accommodation that is being encouraged and attracted public interest, especially Muslims. In Bandungan, there are no other hotels, homestays, resorts, and inns that are sharia or based on Islamic law. So Waheed Syariah Resort Bandungan is designed to facilitate accommodation especially Muslims. Sharia Resort is a hotel located in the mountains, on the banks of the river, by the beach, or by the lake which has various facilities based on Islamic law. Facilities provided at sharia resorts for example restaurant facilities that sell halal food (not containing pork and dog) and followed the sharia principles (not providing alcoholic beverages, providing only halal food and providing various supporting facilities for worship such as Al-Qur’an as well as Qibla directions in each room)
Pengembangan Fasilitas Wisata Pada Kawasan Industri Seni Ukir Di Desa Mulyoharjo, Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara (Pendekatan Islami)
Desa Mulyoharjo terletak di Kabupaten Jepara yang merupakan salah
satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki lanskap budaya (cultural
landscape) dan sejarah (historical landscape) dengan nilai serta keragaman yang
tinggi, baik yang terkait dengan perjalanan kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, budaya
masyarakatnya. Disektor industri kerajinan meubel dan ukir Jepara, Kabupaten
Jepara sangat berpotensi untuk dijadikan salah satu tujuan daerah wisata
industri bagi para wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara serta diharapkan akan
menjadi “icon”nya Jepara sebagai Kota Ukir.Dalam islam seni patung di
haramkan karena patung sering di artikan berhala (barang yang di sembah).
Oleh sebab itu seni patung Mulyoharjo di arahkan menuju seni dekoratif islami
secara bertahab karena di desa tersebut mayoritas memeluk agama islam. Seni
patung yang di maksud adalah seni patung makhluk hidup selain tumbuh
tumbuhan. Dari berbagai lokasi desa Mulyoharjo yg paling berpontesi untuk di
kembangkan sebagai kawasan wisata industri. Karena Desa Mulyoharjo
merupakan salah satu wujud dan bentuk nyata industri kreatif yang
mengedepankan talenta, toleransi dan teknologi. Selain itu desa mulyoharjo
merupakan asal mula adanya ukiran di jepara. Kurang maksimalnya pewadahan
dan fasilitasnya dan kurang berkembang dalam bidang hasil indrustri, karena
kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan daya kreatifitas masyarakat mulyoharjo
sangat minim. Maka di perlukan suatu wadah dan strategi untuk pengembangan
kawasan wisata industri ukir dan patung mulyoharjo agar dapat berkembang dan
maju. Di harapkan adanya perancangan dan perencanaan ini dapat membuat
kawasan wisata industri seni ukir Desa Mulyoharjo yang mempunyai fasilitas
penunjang dan juga perencanaan dan perancangan ini dapat meningkatkan daya
kreatifitas serta karya – karya yang di hasilkan tidak melangar kaidah kaidah
Dasar Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Islamic Green Garden City di Purwosari, Kudus
Public space is a space that can accommodate the interests of the public or the general public, for example communicating with colleagues, meeting certain informal communities, taking walks, relaxing, seeing parks and greenery, just watching people pass by or observing the activities of people around the space, it could be just hanging out watching the hustle and bustle of the city while eating snacks and drinks that you bring yourself or buy from street vendors nearby. The purpose of this study is to design unused land that will be used as green open space based on the concept of Green City and Islamic architecture to make sugar factory idle land into a recreational and educational green open space, organize and add infrastructure to add to the beauty of the city and provide quality in the area to become an integrative and environmentally friendly environment. contextual. The method used in this research is observation by coming directly to the location for field surveys and data searching
Perencanaan Museum Batik Jawa Tengah di Kabupaten Sragen
Because in Sragen Regency there is no Batik Museum and there are a lot of batik craftsmen, so this is what underlies the creation of the Central Java Museum in Sragen Regency.
The Central Java Batik Museum in Sragen Regency can be used as an educational tool, the dissemination of information that can be used as a recreational-educative for the wider community with the aim of providing insight about socio-culture and others related to batik. The Batik Museum is expected to be a very important and potential alternative solution as a center for civilizing and introducing batik to the wider community.
Keywords: Sragen, Museum, Education, Benefits, Batik
Wisata Kuliner Kreatif Di Kecamatan Tambak Banyumas Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologi
Banyumas has a vision, which is to make Banyumas progressive, prosperous, and independent. Listed in one of the missions of Banyumas Regency, namely realizing economic independence by moving the populist industry, tourism and creative industries based on local resources. So to achieve economic independence, an effort is needed, namely the concentration of city products that can give characteristics to an area with a local-based tourism method. There are still few people from inside and outside the region who know the history and processing of Banyumas culinary specialties, especially duck satay. So that Creative Culinary Tourism can be developed into educational tourism, namely providing understanding and teaching about culinary knowledge to the community so that distinctive culinary delights can be preserved and continue to develop. The objectives in planning and designing Creative Culinary Tourism in Tambak District are: (1) Producing designs that can accommodate community activities in developing local culinary businesses. (2) Producing designs that can increase the interest in learning in the community. (3) Producing designs that can accommodate community activities and visitors using an ecological approach. Based on the descriptive analysis method that comes from literature, observations and descriptions, the planning and design of ecological architecture is described in 4 principles, namely: (1) Use of local materials. (2) Application of energy saving. (3) Management of future use by maximizing green open space. (4) Maximizing system utility functions. The ecological concept is presented in Creative Culinary Tourism to create architecture that is in harmony with the natural and cultural environment, so that architecture is able to raise local potential through the materials, shapes and structure of the building mass in this tourist area
Pemalang Qur'an Learning Center
Demanding knowledge is an activity that must be carried out for all Muslims, especially
in religious studies. Pemalang is a district in Central Java Province which is located in
an area along the northern coast (pantura) with limited quality of education (especially
Islam), infrastructure, economy, transportation and so on. The Pemalang Qur'an
Learning Center was designed as a center for learning the Qur'an at Pemalang which
has an important role in improving the quality of religiosity, especially in Qur'anic
learning; and in improving the quality of education for the people in Pemalang,
especially in terms of Islamic knowledge; considering there is no similar institution in
Pemalang District. The problem in this Final Project is how to design the Pemalang
Qur'an Learning Center which functions as the Qur’an education center in Pemalang
which accommodates Qur'anic learning which includes Tahsin, Tahfidz, Tilawah,
Calligraphy, Scientific Content of the Qur'an 's, Arabic, and the Gallery / Qur'an
Museum in Pemalang by emphasizing the concept of Islamic Architecture. The design
concept uses an Islamic Architecture approach that is in accordance with Muslim rules
and guidelines, namely the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The design process that is carried out
is determining the site or site to be built, evaluating the site, analyzing the site, and
making conceptual ideas / building design. The results of the design are in the form of the
Qur'an learning center building called the Pemalang Qur'an Learning Center which
contains various learning facilities of the Qur'an such as classrooms, galleries / alQur'an museums, libraries, mosques, and so on
Dasar Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Pekalongan Convention Center dengan Konsep Arsitektur Vernakular
Exhibition and conference activities are one of the activities that are useful to improve the level of the economy and the progress of a region. The convention building is one of the things that must exist to facilitate exhibition and conference activities so that it can be facilitated properly. Pekalongan or often called the city of batik is one of the cities in Central Java, known as a city of culture. In addition to locations that are in close contact with the pantura, Pekalongan Regency will host the opening and closing of the International Sufi Ulema Conference or 'Al-Muntada as-Sufy al-Alamy'. The conference is planned to be opened by the Indonesian Minister of Defense, General of the Armed Forces (Ret.) Ryamizard Ryacudu. The conference will be attended by 85 Sufi scholars from abroad and 1,500 from within the country. This area will host the opening of an international Sufi multaqo. This is a gathering of world Sufism scholars. From abroad came 85 Sufi scholars and 1,500 from within the country. This area will host the opening of an international Sufi multaqo. This is a gathering of world Sufism scholars. From abroad came 85 Sufi scholars and 1,500 from within the country. The broad aim of holding this project is to accommodate events that are often or will be held in the city of Pekalongan. Through the comparative descriptive method with two variables as the object of reference, writing and summarizing this concept is expected to produce good planning results
Solo Iconic Islamic Center Dengan Pendekatan Neo Vernacular
Religion in Indonesia has a very important role in people's lives. This is also written in the ideology of the Indonesian people, namely the Pancasila "The Almighty God." In Indonesia there are various religions consisting of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Konghuchu. Indonesia is also the country with the most Muslim population in the world. Surakarta or Sala has a very important role in the development of Islam in Java. Surakarta Sunanate has been established for hundreds of years and has contributed to the spread of Islam. On the other hand the functions of the mosque in the present and the era of the Prophet are very different. Solo Iconic Islamic Center is a center that accommodates all Islamic activities and social aspects of the building with an emphasis on neo-vernacular architecture, which combines modern and traditional elements and is located in the city of Solo. The Islamic Center is expected to be able to accommodate all kinds of religious and community activities to be more efficient and effective in one complex. But still maintaining cultural elements and considering the development of modern technology in its design. It is also hoped that the existence of the Islamic Center will be a stage to re-create an atmosphere like in the time of the Messenger of Allah where the mosque is not only a place of worship rituals but as a center of Muslim activity
Museum Telekomunikasi di Surakarta
Peranan teknologi telekomunikasi dalam kehidupan manusia sangat penting, hal itulah yang terus mendorong kemajuan teknologi komunikasi dan munculnya inovasi perangkat-perangkat telekomunikasi baru seiring dengan kebutuhan manusia yang semakin kompleks. Dengan terus berkembangnya perangkat telekomunikasi dan banyaknya perangkat telekomunikasi baru yang muncul, masyarakat selalu mengikuti perkembangan tersebut. Namun di sisi lain pemakaian yang sangat besar ini tentu memberikan imbas pula pada “setelah pemakaian” yaitu pembuangannya. Maka dari itu diperlukanlah suatu akses yang dapat menyentuh perangkat-perangkat yang sudah tidak lagi dipakai sekarang, peralatan ini dapat dikumpulkan dan kemudian dirawat dan disimpan untuk kemudian dipamerkan agar dapat dilihat oleh masyarakat luas. Museum Telekomunikasi di Surakarta adalah sebuah wadah yang melayani kebutuhan publik dalam kegiatan melestarikan, menyajikan dan merawat alat-alat telekomunikasi yang bertempat di Kota Surakarta. Di sisi lain museum ini diharapkan mampu menjadi salah satu wahana pariwisata dan edukasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara babas oleh masyarakat
Borneo Art And Creative Center Di Palangka Raya Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biophilic
The Palangka Raya City area has a culture of dance, music, vocal arts, craft arts, and has spotted thread cloth which is the hallmark of cultural arts in the city. Currently, Palangka Raya does not have a place that accommodates art as well as a cultural center to preserve regional culture. Considering that infrastructure is important in fulfilling the structure of city growth and development, this will result in the growth of urban social and economic functions. Currently, Palangka Raya City's tourist infrastructure still does not support it. With this problem, the progress of a city can be seen from whether the building infrastructure is developing rapidly or not. Therefore, there is a need to plan for the creation of an arts building accompanied by a place for exhibitions of works that can be called an art and creative center in the Palangka Raya area. To create this building, an interesting and unique design is needed, namely the Borneo Art and Creative Center. The approach used in this building is biophilic architecture where this biophilic design focuses on the strong relationship between nature and the human-made environment because Kalimantan is still closely related to nature, so that nature and humans can be connected. This building is expected to become an icon in Palangkaraya City