13 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Asupan Makanan Bergizi Terhadap Konsumsi Energi Dan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja

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    Tofus were one of nutritional food, cheap and have many consumers. Factory know Al Azhar Caring Ummah (APU) is one factory producing tofu in bulk. In one day factory will produce 500-600 kg of soybeans into tofu. The high request of tofu demands corporation to fulfill these request. Factory know Al Azhar Caring Ummah (APU) is one factory producing tofu in bulk. In one day factory will produce 500-600 kg of soybeans into tofu There were 5 operators working to fulfill the request. The high of request didn’t balance with the labors. The five operators have to put all the power and ability out to fulfill the request. While working the operator often complaining exhaustion. One of the ways to decrease exhaustion was giving nutritional food. A caloric need determined by counting uses Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Caloric needs each operator as follows Mr. Handoko 1697,41 calorie, Mr. Ali 2348,92 calorie, Mr. Ulum 1925,14 calorie, Mr. Yudi 1872,92 calorie, and Mr. Sugeng 1934, 92 calorie. There were 3 trials did in this study. To know whether the trial has an influence or not, it conducted anova test and to know what the trial which has more significant influence, it conducted tukey HSD test. The most significant take effect trial was treatment I. Giving nutritional food could decrease the value of energy consumption and increase labor productivity. Treatment I could decrease the value of energy consumption each labor Mr. Handoko from 4,83 to 4,114; Mr. Ali from 5,506 to 4,194; Mr. Ulum from 5,704 to 4,434; Mr. Yudi from 5,32 to 4,691; and Mr. Sugeng from 4,412 to 4,005. Moreover, nutrious food intake at the treatment I also could increase productivity each labor, Mr. Handoko 12,367%, Mr. Ali 9,09%, Mr. Ulum 12,354%, Mr. Yudi 5,079% and Mr. Sugeng 9,783 % Keywords: Demand, BMR, Energy Consumption, Productivit

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, Disiplin Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pengrajin Batik (Studi Kasus : Batik Laweyan Surakarta)

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    In this study was used to test and analyze the influence of the quality of human resources, labor discipline, motivation to work on the performance of batik artisans in Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta. Research data collection is done through questionnaires, interviews, literature and literature studies conducted on large-scale industry, medium and small number of 58 employees at the Sunnyvale Laweyan Surakarta. In the analysis of the data in this study using SPSS version 17. The sampling Decision is using stratified random sampling method. In the test data using validity, reliability test by looking at the value of Alpha Cronbach, classic assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis is used to test the hypothesis of the study variables. The results of the analysis of large-scale industry show that for most work motivation variable influence on the performance of batik artisans. The results of the analysis of medium-scale industries work motivation have a significant effect on the performance of batik artisans. The results of the analysis of small scale industries show that variables work discipline has a positive influence on the performance of batik artisans. Keywords : The quality of human resources, labor discipline, motivation, employee performance

    Analisis Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Motivasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Serta Kinerja Karyawan Pada Industri Batik (Studi Kasus : Kampung Batik Laweyan)

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    Abstract According to the Head of Handicraft and Clothing Industry Sub-Division of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the number of batik business units in 2005 was 21.600 units, while in 2011 it increased by 39.600 units (Sutanto, 2016). The development of batik is increasingly rapidly making batik business should have a superior ability, so it can compete with another business batik craftsmen. This study aims to determine the influence of organizational culture on motivation, job satisfaction and employee performance in the batik industry (Case study: Kampung Batik Laweyan). In addition, the authors also have a goal to analyze the influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction and employee performance and the influence of motivation on job satisfaction on employee performance. This study used a sample of 133 respondents, where this research using structural equation modelling method using AMOS software. Types of data and data sources in this study using primary data, where the data obtained by the way of distributing questionnaires on batik Laweyan business employess. The characteristics of respondents in the batik business consists of 79 men and 54 women. In addition, the majority of employees working on batik business ranged between the ages of 22-31 as many as 20 people, age 32-41 as many as 41 people, age 42-51 as many as 39 people, and age >51 years as many as 33 people. The result of research by using structural equation modelling model analysis shows that organizational culture variable has influences to employee performance variable, motivation variable affect to employee performance, and job satisfaction variable affect to employee performance. Keywords: Batik, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Organizational Culture, Structural Equation Modelling

    Perbaikan Tata Letak Produk Di Assalaam Hypermarket Dengan Metode Market Basket Analysis

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    Customer satisfaction is one of the purpose of retail industry. One of the factors affecting customer satisfaction is managing the product display. Display that draw up into the face of retail company itself. Assalaam Hypermarket is the company retail satisfaction that puts forward to consumers.Has an area of Assalaam Hypermarket at 4000 m2 cause problems of tired to consumers while searching for product who want to buy.But has an area, gap between the intended products by consumers quite far.this troubles that affected consumer decision to the coming back and expenditure, to stop the number of transactions was 1500 every day be 1300. The purpose of doing research is aware of product group and dominating sales to figure out how to design the layout according to consumers in spending habits. This research both market basket analysis (MBA). Information products dominated sales could be referred to know the habit of consumers in purchase. Custom referred to the product whatever bought consumers simultaneously. Apart from using mba also used activity relationship chart (ARC ) as tools to get results the layout according to consumers in spending habits and the government. The research result known that product groups that dominated sales is a snack modern, tissue, and cooking oil. With a value of support each of the 27,71 % , 26,45 % , and 26,20 %. While the purchase of products group toothpaste will affect the purchase group soap products worth 91,55 %. The couple adult milk products and perfume to be laid far apart because it was feared affect the quality of the product even though each mutual influential

    Analisis Penerapan Metode Silver Meal untuk Optimalisasi Persediaan Bahan Baku di Industri Batik (Studi Kasus: UKM Batik Puspa Kencana)

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    Batik Puspa Kencana is a company that produces batik with finished products in the form of semi-finished batik cloth, uniforms, gamis, and so forth. The demand for finished products in SME is fluctuating every month. Supply control problem in SME is the absence of scientific calculation methods that can be used as a reference for the procurement of raw materials, so that often occur shortages and excess raw materials. Silver meal is one method of inventory control with a heuristic approach that can provide near-optimal solutions quickly and easily. Based on this background, the researcher conducts research on the analysis of the application of silver meal method to optimize the procurement of raw materials in batik industry. Based on the research results obtained the number of safety stock for fabric of 89 m2 and night 5 Kg. The ordering of fabrics and night is done each of 12 times the order. Return orders for fabrics are made when fabric inventory has reached 150 m2 and number of nights is 10 Kg in warehouse. The silver meal method is able to make total cost savings of 4.58% or Rp 16.984.066,42

    Evaluasi Kinerja Penerapan SMK3 Berdasarkan PP Nomor 50 Tahun 2012 Di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Soemarmo

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    Based on the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation number 50 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System Article 5 paragraphs 1-4, companies are required to apply SMK3 if the company has at least 100 (one hundred) workers, or has a high level of potential danger. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Soemarmo employs more than 100 workers, therefore companies must implement the K3 Management System. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of the implementation of SMK3 as a benchmark for companies in future audits. The method used is in depth interview and for the analysis of improvements using fishbone diagrams. The results of the conformity of the implementation of SMK3 with PP number 50 of 2012 in the year of 2019 amounted to 78.13% which means it has not been able to reach a satisfactory value (85-100%). Proposed improvements to evaluate the non-conformity of several criteria, one of which is to raise the concern of the leader in supervision to be firm in the operation of the program kerja from the K3 unit

    Analisis Pengelolaan Air Limbah Industri Batik pada Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi Makro (Studi Kasus : Kampung Batik Laweyan)

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    The communal wastewater treatment plant is located at Bandar KabanaranKampung Batik Laweyan Kota Surakarta. The purpose of this study is to determine the variance or problems that occur with the macro ergonomics approach so that it can design a good working system. Macro Ergonomics is a sociotechnical system approach to designing work systems by analyzing from top to bottom level in order to create balance in all work systems that aim to optimize the work system design. According to Hal W. Hendrick and Brian M. Kleiner implementation of macro ergonomics using Macroergonomics Analysis and Design (MEAD) method there are ten steps. The results show that the manager of IPAL does not perform the responsibility in accordance with its duties. Besides the problems that occur is less detailed work standards that exist in the IPAL communal Kampung Batik Laweyan. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a proposed work system design to integrate all related components

    Analisis Swot Untuk Menentukan Strategi Pengembangan Industri Batik (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Laweyan Kota Surakarta)

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    Sentra Batik industry in Surakarta very famous are the District Lawiyan or Laweyan located in the western city of Surakarta. This district is famous for its population many became batik producers and traders, since the beginning until now. The purpose of this study is to identify industry profile Sentra Batik Industry in Sub Laweyan Surakarta and determine the development strategy of the sentra Batik Industry in Sub Laweyan Surakarta. This research using SWOT analysis method. With the SWOT analysis will be able to produce their several alternative strategies in making a good decision to run. So it can determine the batik industry development strategy. The results using SWOT of votes in batik Peacock Sweet IFAs with large batik industry classification of 3.12. IFAS Assessment at Putra Laweyan batik with batik medium industrial classification by 3.13. Rate EFAS at Merak Sweet batik with batik large industrial classification of 2.97. Rate EFAS at Putra Laweyan batik with batik industry classification medium of 3.01. Rate EFAS in Marin batik with batik small industrial classification of 0.82. Based on the results of SWOT analysis, the batik industry in Sub Laweyan namely batik industry Merak Manis, batik industry Putra Laweyan and Marin has been the path he had the right to continue to increase in sales

    Manajemen Risiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Dengan Metode Hazard Identification Risk Assessment And Risk Control (HIRARC)Dalam Upaya Mencapai Zero Accident (Studi Kasus: Part Manufactur Division (PMD) PT. Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia)

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    Every work environment regardless of the danger. Various technologies and equipment in addition to beneficial life also bring harm to use. As problems in the division PMD (Part Manufacture Division) PT. OMI still be accidents. Management of Health and Safety conducted using Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) to achieve zero accident the company. HIRARC is a document that contains the hazard identification, risk assessment and control of risks in order to reduce the occurrence of occupational safety and health disorders. Hazard risks that threaten the health and safety hazards such as electrical machinery, physical, and chemical material. Percentage risk assessment PMD division at negligible levels of 0%, low risk 10%, moderate risk 22%, high risk 37%, and extreme 31%. Control is applied as engineering controls , administrative, and personal protective equipment for operators


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    Inorganic wastes of cloth type to be the result of industrial waste in the form of patchwork pieces. Aan's Collections in treating rags is generally done by combining pieces of patchwork into a product considered less innovative so that innovations are needed to develop a patchwork-based product (green to innovate a totebag bag with Value Enggineering) The purpose of this research is (i) to identify criterion of consumer choice as supporting for totebag bag making (ii) alternative using value engineering (ii) Product proposal of totebag green product bag according to best performance Result obtained from this research is (i) Criteria of consumer desire of new totebag bag is material strong, practical, easy to use, multifunctional, have aesthetic value and economic value, good product design and large pro volume. (i) Alternative 1 totobag converted into small wallet with 205 1 and value 0.00632, Alternative 2 totebag converted into shape small fruit with perfomansi 1445 and value 0,00525, The totebag alternative is converted into a measuring ompet shape with performance 2284 and value 0,0659 (iii) Product of totebag bag that has best performance is alternative product 3