21 research outputs found
Analisa Pengaruh Solution Treatment Pada Material Alumunium Terhadap Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis
Perkembangan Alumunium di Indonesia memang sudah cukup baik,
namun perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut lagi mengenai pencampuran logam yang dapat mempengaruhi ketahanan alumunium pada saat aplikasi penggunaannya dikehidupan sehari-hari. Logam alumunium perlu kita kembangkan lagi karena fungsinya yang cukup baik dalam penggunaan
logam yang tidak berat namun berkualitas baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisis dan mekanis
alumunium akibat perbedaan waktu tahan pada solution treatment Hasil akan dikarakterisasi sifat fisis dan mekanisnya, yang meliputi uji kekerasan,uji impak,uji tarik. Selanjutnya material akan diperlakukan dengan
siklus thermal sebesar 450oC, kemudian dievaluasi lagi,sehingga diharapkan didapat campuran dan temperatur yang sesuai
Pengaruh Nilai Sand Equivalent Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall Dan Durabilitas Pada Campuran AC (Asphalt Concrete)
In the selection of materials to be used in the manufacture of asphalt mix is not limited to the source of the material obtained, as long as the material meets the requirements in the testing material. Fine aggregate or sand from sources quarry one another will have a sand equivalent quality and value are different. So it will affect the quality of the pavement. Likewise sand that has been on the suppliers, although it has been tested equivalent sand but sand that has been collected and placed in the room is open will be contaminated with dirt or dust, so that the sand equivalent value will also change. This study aimed to determine the influance of sand equivalent value against Marshall characteristics and durability at a mix of AC (Asphalt Concrete), as well as sand equivalent value can be tolerated within the framework of reviews specification Marshall characteristics and durability.
The method used in this study is an experimental method that is carried out in the Laboratory of Civil Engineering University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta . Variations used bitumen content of 5% , 5.5 % , 6 % , 6.5 % , 7 % of the total weight of the aggregate to determine the optimum bitumen content . Having obtained the optimum bitumen content it created specimens with variations of sand equivalent value of 80% , 60 % , 40 % , 20 % and then soaked for 24 hours and 48 hours . Further testing specimen Marshall and durability .
Based on the results showed that the variation of sand equivalent affect the Marshall characteristics and durability of AC the mixture. At the optimum bitumen content results obtained (5.73%), clay particles contained in the fine aggregates act more as a filler, clay particles contained in the fine aggregates act more as a filler, so that the value of stability actually increases with decreasing value of sand equivalent, flow tends to rise in line with the declining value of sand equivalent, VFWA tends to decrease with increasing sand equivalent value, VIM tends to decrease with decreasing sand equivalent value, MQ tends to decrease with decreasing sand equivalent value, the greater density along with the reduced sand equivalent value. Sand equivalent value that can be tolerated is 48.31% - 80% for a 24-hour immersion and 54.86% - 80% for immersion of 48 hours. Based on the density and VIM parameter values can be seen that the sludge contained in the mixture to act more as filler. All specimens with variations of sand equivalent value indicates the value of r (a decrease in the stability index) ≤ 1%, which means that the resulting durable pavement materials
Analisis Nilai Kepadatan dan CBR Pada Gradasi Batas Atas, Median, dan Bawah Berdasarkan Rumus Cooper
Highway is an infrastructure that is essential to people's lives, because it can affect the economy of a region. The problem of damage that occur each year and rising material prices pushing for road pavement recycling. RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) is the result of the processing of pavement that still contain bitumen. RAP is one alternative that can be used. The purpose of this study to investigate the density and carrying capacity of the RAP has been graded with formula Cooper, then compare it with original RAP with cold mixing methods.
Research method using a laboratory test from value of density and CBR. The materials used are original RAP without extraction and without the addition of new aggregate. In this research, experiment is used abrasion testing, extraction, density, moisture content, density and CBR. For density testing uses a standard Proctor and CBR tests without submergence (Unsoaked CBR). Number of samples that will be made in this research is 28 samples. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Civil Engineering University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
On research conducted shows results RAP that have been engineered with formula Cooper has better density values than original RAP. Maximum density values obtained 1.733 g / cm3, with the optimum moisture content of 7.8%. While original RAP is 1.55 g / cm3 with optimum moisture content 3.07%. This shows that RAP has been Graded with formula Cooper has better density values. On testing CBR, RAP engineered carrying capacity is also higher at 56.67%. Original RAP value amounted 27.67%
Pemanfaatan Material Daur Ulang pada Campuran Porus Gradasi Belanda Ditinjau dari Stabilitas, Permeabilitas, Ketidakrataan, dan Skid Resistance
Road damage is a common problem so that with road repairs using recycled asphalt plus new asphalt it is expected to reduce the use of natural resources and reduce the level of road damage. By using recycled materials in a Dutch-graded porous asphalt mixture. Dutch-graded porous asphalt mixture is believed to be suitable for use on roads with high rainfall conditions and areas that need calm such as areas of hospitals, schools, and campuses. This study aims to determine the value of porous Dutch gradation pavements, in terms of Stability, Permeability, Unevenness or IRI (International Roughness Index), and Skid Resistance values in KAO conditions using recycled materials. The data used comes from primary data and secondary data. Variations in asphalt content used were 5%, 6%, and 7% with 3 specimens for each variation in asphalt content. Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO) value obtained was 5.75%. After obtaining the KAO value, then the test object is made to obtain stability, permeability, unevenness or IRI (International Roughness Index), and Skid Resistance values. Based on the research results, the use of recycled materials resulted in high stability on test objects 1, 2, and 3 of 912.739 kg, 928.290 kg, and 758.293 kg. The results of the stability values indicated that the pavement was included in the specifications so that it could be used in the field. The flow velocity in the permeability test of specimens 1, 2, and 3 was 0.051 cm/s, 0.052 cm/s, and 0.038 cm/s so it was included in the fair drainage category. The IRI values on specimens 1, 2, and 3 were 12.33 m/km, 14.20 m/km, and 13.83 m/km, from these values it was concluded that the pavement was very uneven/heavily damaged, while the skid values the resistance obtained from the mathematical method is 115.362 BPN and 130.331 BPN. Based on the above results it can be stated that pavements with recycled materials in terms of Stability, Permeability, IRI (International Roughness Index), and skid resistance meet the specifications and some do not meet the specifications
Analisis Kerusakan Perkerasan Kaku Dengan Metode Pavement Condition Index (Pci) , Alternatif Solusi Dan Biaya Perbaikannya (Studi Kasus: Ruas Jalan Boyolali – Musuk STA 0+000 Sampai STA 3+800)
The Boyolali – Musuk road section is a primary local district road with rigid pavement which acts as a liaison between sub-districts and is a Merapi sand extraction route. The load of passing sand trucks is one of the causes of damage to the road segment.Road damage has an impact on the comfort and safety of road users observations need to be made to determine the condition of the road pavement, the method chosen is the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method.. This PCI method can be used as a reference to determine the handling and repair costs. In this study, the required data consists of 2 types, namely secondary datacovering AHSP Boyolali Regency in 2020 and primary datawhich includes data on the type, level and quantity of the damage. How to analyze it by dividing the road segment 5 mx 100 m. Each segment is evaluated by knowing type, level of damage and quantity of damage to get the PCI value. From the PCI value of each segment, it can be seen the quality of the PCI rating unit pavement which is then used as a reference to determine the handling of damage and to calculate the repair budget. Based on the results of the research, the condition of the pavement on the Boyolali – Musuk Road is fairly good based on the PCI rating with a value of 59. There are several types of damage including corner cracks, split slabs, cracks due to traffic loads, longitudinal cracks, shrinkage cracks, damage to joint fillers. , fractures, small patches and surface defects. The dominant damage to this section is the surface defect caused by the large number of sand trucks passing by and the material is not up to standard. The types of repairs carried out are filling cracks and joints, fillings, leveling coatings and re-coating. The total budget required to deal with the damage is IDR 398,991,000.00
Analisis Proporsi Batuan Alami Sebagai Agregat Kasar Pada Asphalt Concrete (AC) Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall Dan Nilai Struktural
Aggregate gradation greatly affect the quality of pavement AC-BC, to control the particles aggregate to conform to spesifikisi then performed with stone crusher aggregate processing. In the treatment process not infrequently encountered an aggregate that has been processed is still mixed with natural rock that does not have a broken field. Natural rock will lower interlocking system, resulting in friction between the granular aggregate, which would degrade the quality of the pavement. Therefore this study aims to determine the effect of natural rock and the maximum proportion of natural rock in the mix AC-BC in terms of characteristics and value Structural Marshall.
this study used an experimental method based on the guidelines according to SNI 06-2489-1990 and Highways 2010 General Specification Revision III. Begins with an examination of the materials used and compile aggregate grading as the composition of the mixture. Then make Marshall specimens for testing Phase 1 using aggregate as a raw material to determine the optimum bitumen content (OBC) on the variation of bitumen content of 4.5% 5% 5.5% 6.5% 6% 7% of the total aggregate characteristics were evaluated in Marshall , Based KAO then make Marshall specimens for Phase II testing using natural rock as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate with a variation of 10% 20% 30% 40% of the total coarse aggregate, in terms of characteristics and value Structural Marshall.
The results showed that natural rock did lower quality mix AB-BC in terms of characteristics and value Structural Marshall at OBC 5.65%. Only on natural rock variation of 0% and 10%, which meets the specifications of Highways 2010 Revision III. The greater the level of natural rock value stability tends to be down, and the value of VMA further, to the value of Flow and VIM has increased to reach the maximum limit of the specifications of the levels of natural rock 20%, the value VFWA and Marshall Quotient tends to fall to reach the minimum specifications of levels natural rock 30%. For natural rock optimum proportion is 5% of the total coarse aggregate, but up to 10% levels of natural rock can still produce a mixture that meets specifications. For structural value greater levels of natural rock Structural Values getting smalle
Pengaruh Bentuk Butir Agregat Kasar Pada Campuran Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA) Ditinjau Terhadap Nilai Kepadatan Dan Modulus Kekakuan
The density and strength of a pavement layer is very important and must be considered in the construction of highway projects. Good material quality is needed in order to obtain results in accordance with existing requirements. Generally in highway flexible pavement work, the use of flaky and round coarse aggregates is avoided because when receiving large loads it will be easily destroyed, this condition will cause reduced strength and also density on the pavement itself. Therefore this Final Project analyzes the influence of the characteristics of the aggregate grain form on a Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA) mixture.
This research was conducted at the Civil Engineering Highway Laboratory of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta based on experiments on several samples by conducting secondary data analysis, making mix designs, and testing samples, so that the values of density, bitumen stiffness (Sbit), and mix stiffness (Smix) were obtained. Testing is done by making different tests with variations in the shape of coarse, round and flaky aggregate grains and cubes. With an aggregate proportion of 25%, 50%, and 100% of coarse aggregate total. Using Optimum Asphalt Content of 6% (Galang, 2012).
Based on the results of the study showed the shape of coarse grain round shape, flaky, and cube on the values of density and stiffness modulus in the mixture of Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA). Especially in the aggregate the shape of the cube is very real with respect to the value of density and modulus of stiffness, where the value will be higher than the percentage of the shape of the item added. This is because the aggregate cube has excellent interlocking properties between aggregates. Therefore the resulting density increases, and the mixture's stiffness modulus is also higher. The aggregate density results of Cube 25%, round 25%, flaky 50% = 2.013 gr / cm3; cube 25%, round 50%, flaky 25% = 2.093 gr / cm3; cube 50%, round 25%, flaky 25% = 2.107 gr / cm3; cube 100%, round 0%, flaky 0% = 2.115 gr / cm3. Smix results on aggregate Cube 25%, round 25%, flaky 50% = 1.0x109 N / m2, cubes 25%, round 50%, flaky 25% = 1.5x109 N / m2, cubes 50%, round 25%, flaky 25% = 2.5x109 N / m2, cube 100%, round 0%, flaky 0% = 4.7 x 109 N / m2. Based on the results of Marshall Porperties the optimum aggregate content in the rounded Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA) mixture is 42% and flaky aggregate is 40%
Analisis Kerusakan Jalan Dengan Metode PCI Kajian Ekonomis Dan Strategi Penanganannya (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Ponorogo – Pacitan KM 231+000 Sampai Dengan KM 246+000, KM 0+000 Di Surabaya)
Road is an infrastructure that has a very important role in the traffic flow. If a part of a road is damaged, there will be a big impact on the traffic flow. The damage of a road can be analyzed to know the cause of the damage and the solution.This study aims at knowing the types of the road damage and the value of road hardness condition so that it can be determined how to fix it, the cost needed, and it also can be counted the loss because of the increase of the vehicle operational cost. and also correlation analysis between value of PCI with budget. The method employed in this study is Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method. In the PCI method, the level of the hardness damage criticalness is a function of the three main factors, they are: the damage type, the level of the damage criticalness, the damage number or density. PCI is a numeric index that ranges from 0 to 100. 0 value means that the hardness is in badly damaged condition and 100 value means that the hardness is in perfect condition. The results of the survey indicated that the damage on the Ponorogo-Pacitan road segment KM 231+000 to KM 246+000, KM 0+000 in Surabaya were Alligator Cracking , Block cracking, Corrugation, Depression, Paching, and Long and trans. Cracking. The value of PCI on those segment were 45 with fair condition based on the hardness condition rating on Pavement Condition Index (PCI).The maintenance that can be done to fix the road service level based on Bina Marga on those road segments is giving local asphalt, filling the cracks, patching the holes, and flattenning. The work services include latasir/sandsheet, asphalt hardness digging, lace absorption layer, absorption layer, A class aggregat, and hot asphalt mixing.The cost needed to fix those damages is Rp.,00 whereas the loss caused by those road segments based on the value of vehicle operational cost is Rp. 18.852.565,17 per day, and also result of analysis of regresi linear between value of PCI and budget at the joint streets have coefficient of determinasi equal to 0,64 and correlation coefficient equal to - 0,80, meaning both the variable have medium relation and the relation form of is Linear Negativity.
Key words: road damage, PCI, cost, VOC.
Jalan merupakan prasarana transportasi yang sangat berperan penting dalam mengalirkan arus lalu lintas. Saat ada ruas jalan yang terjadi kerusakan, maka akan berdampak yang cukup besar pada arus lalu lintas. Kerusakan jalan dapat dianalisis untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya dan alternatif penyelesainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis kerusakan jalan dan nilai kondisi perkerasan jalan sehingga dapat menentukan cara perbaikannya, menghitung anggaran biaya yang diperlukan dan kerugian akibat meningkatnya biaya operasional kendaraan serta menganalisa korelasi antara nilai PCI dengan anggaran biaya . metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Dalam metode PCI, tingkat keparahan kerusakan perkerasan merupakan fungsi dari 3 faktor utama yaitu: tipe kerusakan, tingkat keparahan kerusakan, dan jumlah atau kerapatan kerusakan. PCI ini merupakan indeks numerik yang nilainya berkisar diantara 0 sampai 100. Nilai 0 menunjukkan perkerasan dalam kondisi sangat rusak dan nilai 100 menunjukkan perkerasan dalam kondisi sangat sempurna. Hasil kerusakan pada ruas jalan Ponorogo – Pacitan KM 231+000 sampai dengan KM 246+000, KM 0+000 di Surabaya adalah retak kulit buaya, retak memanjang, retak kotak, keriting, pelepasan butiran, tambalan dan amblas. Nilai PCI pada ruas tersebut yaitu 45 dengan kondisi sedang berdasarkan rating. Jenis pemeliharaan yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki tingkat layanan jalan sesuai bina marga pada ruas jalan tersebut adalah laburan aspal setempat, mengisi retakan, penambalan lubang, dan perataan, sedangkan untuk jenis pekerjaan meliputi latasir/sandsheet, galian perkerasan aspal, lapis resap pengikat, lapis perekat, aggregat kelas A, dan campuran aspal panas. Jumlah anggaran biaya yang diperlukan untuk menangani kerusakan tersebut adalah Rp.,00 , nilai kerugian yang ditimbulkan pada ruas jalan tersebut berdasarkan nilai biaya operasional kendaraan adalah Rp. 18.852.565,17 perhari, serta hasil analisa regresi linier antara nilai PCI dan anggaran biaya pada ruas jalan tersebut didapat koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,64 dan koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,80, berarti kedua variabel tersebut memiliki hubungan sedang dan bentuk hubungannya adalah Linier Negatif.
Kata kunci: kerusakan jalan, PCI, anggaran biaya, BO
Analisis Tingkat Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas dan Alternatif Solusinya (Studi Kasus: Jalan Raya Solo – Yogyakarta Km 11+100 – Km 17+100)
Jalan raya Solo – Yogyakarta merupakan jalan Nasional dengan kepadatan lalu lintas yang tinggi. Keselamatan berkendara merupakan hal yang utama dan wajib diperhitungkan oleh para pengguna jalan agar tidak terjadi kecelakaan yang dapat mengganggu kenyamanan dan keamanan pengguna jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab kecelakaan dan mengetahui alternatif solusi untuk mengurangi tingkat kecelakaan pada ruas jalan tersebut. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode UCL (Upper Control Limit). Data – data yang diperlukan berupa data primer (kondisi jalan, dan fasilitas pelengkap jalan) dan data sekunder (data Lalu lintas Harian Rata-rata tahun 2016-2018, dan data kecelakaan lalu lintas tahun 2016-2018). Data kecelakaan lalu lintas dianalisis untuk mengetahui angka kecelakaan lalu lintas (Equivalent Accident Number), dari data tersebut dapat digunakan metode Upper Control Limit dengan parameter angka kecelakaan dan tingkat kecelakaan segmen untuk mengetahui nilai Upper Control Limit sebagai batas kendali atas untuk mengetahui daerah rawan kecelakaan. Berdasarkan analisis kecelakaan lalu lintas dan alternatif solusinya didapat hasil untuk menentukan daerah rawan kecelakaan (Blackspot). Penyebab terbesar terjadinya kecelakaan adalah manusia. Tipe kecelakaan yang paling dominan yaitu tabrak depan – samping. Waktu kecelakaan terbanyak pukul 06.00 – 12.00 WIB. Kendaraan yang banyak terlibat kecelakaan adalah sepeda motor. Pada analisis dengan metode Upper Control Limit (UCL) dengan parameter tingkat dan angka kecelakaan terdapat dua segmen daerah rawan yaitu Km 11+600 – Km 12+100 dan Km 12+100 – Km 12+600. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan, penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan lalu lintas pada ruas jalan tersebut disebabkan karena adanya pelanggaran tata tertib lalu lintas dan kelalaian manusia. Alternatif solusi yang diberikan yaitu, pengawasan oleh kepolisian, sosialisasi mengenai keselamatan mengemudi, dan penyuluhan kepada pengemudi tentang patuh rambu lalu lintas
Analisis Karakteristik Kepadatan Dan Nilai Cbr Bahan Rap (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) Bergradasi Ac-Wc
RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) is the material of pavement waste which is taken directly from damaged asphalt pavement road. Its constituent material consist of asphalt and aggregate. Its asphalt tend already hard and brittle, while its aggregate tend already occurred degradation. One way of waste utilization is recycling RAP. Recycling RAP is an effort to fix problem about new aggregate limitation which is used continuously. Purposes of this research are knowing density and bearing capacity characteristic of RAP material and RAP aggregate using AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course).
This Research uses laboratory test method. The material of RAP is from Tegal, Jawa Tengah. Research is started with preparation of apparatus and material in Pavement Material UMS laboratory. The test of research are: RAP identity test, RAP physics test, density test, and CBR test. In density and CBR test, material RAP and aggregate RAP divide into three fraction: grain size > 10 mm, 5-10 mm, dan < 5 mm. Then doing density test to get maximum dry bulk density and optimum moisture content, and CBR test with variation hit 10 times, 35 times, and 65 times.
Depend on analysis of density and CBR characteristic in RAP material using AC – WC gradation, in fact the test result of density and CBR indicate that RAP material and RAP aggregate which already engineered using AC-WC gradation can not be used to wearing course although the value of abrasion still in the specification. Asphalt condition and old RAP aggregate can decrease strength and bearing capacity, it should added new aggregate to get better strength and bearing capacity. It could be seen from the research was obtained value as follows: density test with modified proctor, maximum density of engineered RAP is 1,92 gr/cm3, optimum moisture content is 8,23 %, maximum density of engineered RAP aggregate is 2,01 gr/cm3, optimum moisture content is 7,24 %. The value of CBR RAP is 19,30 % while CBR value in RAP aggregate more bigger: 25,57 %