25 research outputs found

    Analisa Heat Treatment Pada Aluminium Magnesium Silikon (Al – Mg – Si) Dengan Silikon (Si) (1%, 3%, 5%)Terhadap Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi unsur kimia, struktur mikro, kekuatan impak, kekuatan tarik dan kekerasan bahan spesimen paduan Aluminium Magnesium Silikon (Al-Mg-Si) dengan Silikon (Si) dengan variasi penambahan 1%, 3%, dan 5% dengan perlakuan heat treatment. Metode penelitian meliputi bahan, alat dan proses yang dilakukan selama penelitian. Adapun material atau bahan yang diuji adalah Aluminium (Al) berupa plat aluminium, Magnesium (Mg), berupa serbuk magnesium dan Silikon (Si), berupa serbuk silikon. Komposisi aluminium (Al) masing-masing sama 85% dengan silikon (Si) bervariasi 1%, 3%, 5% dan sisanya magnesium (Mg). Pada perlakuan panas spesimen dikenai perlakuan panas pelarutan (solution heat treatment) 450oC dengan waktu tahan 1 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam kemudian di quenching media air dan terakhir dituakan dengan penuaan buatan (artificial aging) 125oC. Adapun pengujian yan dilakukan adalah uji komposisi, struktur mikro, uji impak charpy, uji tarik an uji kekerasan Vickers. Hasil pengujian komposisi kimia terhadap ketiga paduan tersebut di dapati paduan aluminium (Al) yang kaya akan unsur silikon (Si) adalah pada paduan Al-Mg penambahan Si 5% yaitu, 4,8632%. Dari hasil pengujian impak tampak bahwa harga impak mengalami peningkatan setelah diperlakukan panas dan pada penambahan Si yang lebih banyak material ini mengalami penurunan keuletan material. Hasil pengujian tarik menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan tarik pada paduan Si yang lebih banyak dapat menurunkan kekuatan tarik. Dari pengujian kekerasan diketahui bahwa penambahan Si yang semakin banyak menyebabkan material semakin rapuh

    Analisis Workabilitas dan Durabilitas Material Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Grading 0/11 Pada Gradasi Batas Atas, Batas Bawah dan Batas Tengah

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    commonly said the ideal gradation. But they are not find of the ideal gradation, because they are not have services from stone crushe in the regional area. The solve of the problem could be used of aggregate gradations as almost reached in the lower limit and or upper limit of the specification, the consequency would be have decrease of the quality of the mixture. In the survey of the decrease of quality is show durability and workability are in the asphalt mix implementation. So, the mix design for research is Split Mastic Asphalt mixture (SMA). This research uses optimum asphalt content of 7.06% as base of secondary data and implemented in Laboratory matherial for pavement of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The sample of the specimen had been made to be submers with 5(five) variation of time ,e.a. 24 hours, 96 hours, 168 hours, 240 hours and 336 hours. The Marshall test would be executed after reached of the times,than the durability analysis are be consist of perhitungan Indeks Kekuatan Sisa (IKS), Indeks Durabilitas Pertama (IDP) dan Indeks Durabilitas Kedua (IDK). The magnitude of the value of workability in terms of the value of density factor that decreased from the middle boundary gradation to the gradation of the lower limit. The result of the research “Analysis of Workability and Durability Material Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Grading 0/11 in The Range of The Limits gradation, The Bottom gradation and The Central Limit gradation” shows that 96 hours immersion IKS value is 93.60% for the lower limit gradation, 96.91% for the middle border gradation and 91.52% for the upper limit gradation. From the data seen still meet the minimum requirement of 90% which means the mixture is quite durable based on the value of IKS. IDP value increased until the duration of 336 hours of flooding reached 0.257% for the lower boundary gradation, 0.553% for the middle boundary gradient and 0.375% for the upper limit of all values are still eligible ie <1% so the mixture is said to be durable based on the value of IDP. Total IDK value for 336 hours was 5.38% for lower boundary gradient, 8.60% for middle boundary gradation and 6.27% for upper limit gradient with tolerable limit of each grading of 94.06 hours for lower grade gradation, 98.22 hours for middle boundary gradation, 91.90 hours for upper limit gradation. This indicates that the mixture continues to experience power loss for 336 hours of immersion. The amount of mixed density factor is 105.41% for upper limit gradation, 107.54% for middle border gradation and 94.91% for lower limit gradation

    Komposit Skin Hybrid Berpenguat Serat Bambu Acak 50% Dan Serat Rami Anyaman 50% Bermatrik Polyester Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik, Bending Dan Impact

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of reinforcement volume of random bamboo fiber and woven fiber combination to tensile strength, bending and polyester-matrix impact with multiplex comparator. The pattern of failure is observed with macro photos. The main research materials are bamboo fiber and hemp fiber with unsaturated polyester resin 157 BQTN and MEKPO hardener with concentration of 1%. The composite is made by press printing (pressmold). The fraction of hybrid composite skin reinforcement volume is 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The test is tensile test, bending test, impact test and density with reference to ASTM D-3039 standard for tensile test, ASTM D-790 for bending test, ASTM D-6110 for impact test and ASTM C-271 for density test. The results of this study showed that the optimum hybrid composite skin tensile strength was found in the volume fraction of 40% fiber with a value of 31.723 MPa. Optimum hybrid bending skin strength is found in the fraction of 40% fiber with a value of 68.85 MPa. For optimum impact strength is found in the volume fraction of 0.27646 J / mm². The highest density in the volume fraction of 40% fiber is 1,216 gr / cm³. Mechanism of tensile and bend test failure pattern occurs fibre pull out, for impact test occurs fiber fracture failure pattern. For comparative strength of hybrid composite skins with multiplex, hybrid composite skin proved to have higher strength than multiplex, multiplex only has 12,743 MPa tensile strength, for multiplex bending power of 26,60 MPa, for multiplex impact strength 0,01629 j /mm² and multiplex has the lowest density of 0.040 gr / cm³

    Karakteristik Komposit Partikel Ijuk Mesh 100 Menggunakan Matrik Karet Dengan Komposisi 0PHR, 10PHR, 20PHR Terhadap Radiasi Sinar Gamma

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    The purpose of this study is to determine how much gamma ray radiation absorption of the composite particles 100 mesh fibers with a rubber matrix. Composite manufacturing process begins with the preparation of materials to be used, namely: palm fiber, latex soupy with dry rubber content of 60%, ZnO, ZDEC, Ionol, sulfur. Fibers are used as filler, originally from the fibers, the fibers are made into a powder without heat treatment (treatment) that could change the nature ijuknya own. Compound made there are 3 variations for comparison, including the compound without fibers, compound with 10 phr fibers and fibers compound with 20 phr. In the manufacture of compounds, chemicals used previously done dispersion in advance so that the chemicals are homogeneous. Dispersion is carried out 24 hours and 48 hours to sulfur. Mixing of composite materials made on a glass and stirred for 15 minutes then pour in the mold with the dimensions specified. The next process of vulcanization by using an oven and heated at a temperature of 90 ° C within 1 hour. The test results can be concluded composite absorption value of the highest gamma-ray radiation to the composite particles whose composition ijuknya fibers by 20 phr with absorption of 39.71%. While the value of the composite absorption capacity against gamma radiation lowest is in no particle composite fibers, the absorption of 29.27%. Composite rubber composition larger fibers capable of absorbing radiation of gamma rays is greater than the composite rubber composition which fibers that little or no fibers. It can be concluded that the amount of the composition of the fibers is directly proportional to the absorption of gamma ray radiation tehadap, The bigger the composition of the fibers, the greater the absorbency. Conversely the smaller the composition of the fibers getting lower absorbency

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Spindle Proses Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Pada AA-2014 Menggunakan Variasi Sambungan Singleside Dan Doubleside

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    Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a welding process utilizing heat due to rotation of the tool that rubs against the chief metal under large axial pressure in the welding area. This friction stir welding method is generally used to connect aluminum material. The purpose of this thesis research is to determine the effect of tool rotation speed with variations in single side and double side connections to the mechanical properties and microstructure of similar metal joints. The friction stir welding process uses a milling machine for material AA 2014 with a length of 100 mm 50 mm wide and 3 mm thick. The parameters used are feed rate 10 mm / minute and the slope angle of the tool 3o with variations in tool rotation speed 1500 rpm and 915 rpm and variations in the type of continuous single side butt joint and double side butt joint. Test specimens of welding results include, tensile test, micro vickers hardness test, and microstructure test. The results show that the variation of tool rotation speed of 915 rpm and double side junction type have the highest tensile stress of 332.14 MPa. In the hardness testing of micro vickers the nugget weld area has a high hardness value compare to the chief metal and HAZ, this occurs in all variations. The microstructure of the HAZ region has grain growth due to the temperature received, while the weld nugget shows a small microstructure and tight appearance

    Komposit Sandwich Berpenguat Hybrid Serat Bambu Ori Dan Serat Rami Pada Skin Dan Berpenguat Serbuk Kayu Sengon Laut Dan Serbuk Tempurung Kelapa Pada Core Dan Bermatrik Polyester

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    The purpose of the research is to determine the influence of core thickness variation and variation of fraction to increase bending strenght and impact of hybrid composite sandwich combination of hemp fiber and bamboo fiber with combination of core of sengon laut wood powder and coconut shell powder. The fracture mechanism is observed with macro photos. The main material of this research is sengon laut wood powder with 20 mesh and coconut powder powder with 4 mesh, hemp fiber (woven), ori bamboo fiber (random), unsaturated polyester resin 157 BQTN. The hardener used was MEKPO with a concentration of 1%. Composites are made by press molding method. The volume fraction amplifier () core is 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%, while the volume fraction amplifier () skin is 40%. For the thickness of the core is 5 mm, 10 mm, 15 mm and 20 mm, while the skin thickness is 5 mm. Specimens and procedures for bending and impact testing refer to the ASTM C 393-00 and ASTM D 6110 standards. The cross section of the fracture is carried out in a macro photo to identify the pattern of failure. The results of this study indicate that the ability to withstand bending moments and the impact strength of hybrid sandwich composites increases with increasing volume and thickness fractions on the core. The strength of the bending hybrid composite sandwich moment has the most optimum price at powder volume fraction () 40 % with core 20 mm thickness ie 147669,23 N.mm. The optimum impact strength in the volume volume fraction () is 40% with a core thickness of 20 mm which is 0,05640 J / mm². The stages of failure pattern of hybrid sandwich composites are skin press failure, core shear failure and skin lamination with cores.

    Pengaruh Gaya Kompaksi Pada Pembuatan Kampas Rem Dengan Resin Serbuk Sebagai Pengikat

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    Pada penelitian ini pembuatan kampas rem dengan menggunakan variasi kompaksi 2 ton, 2,5 ton dan 3 ton bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat performa dari kampas rem dengan perekat resin paraformaldehyde dibandingkan dengan kampas rem yamahapart. Proses pembuatan diawali dengan mencampur komposisi yang akan digunakan yaitu fiberglass, kuningan,alumunium, kalsium karbonat, barium sulfat, silika, grafit, phenol kristal dan resin paraformaldehyde. Selanjutnya dipres dengan variasi tekanan 2, 2,5, 3 ton disintering dengan suhu 150ºC selama 60 menit. Pengujian spesimen yang dilakukan adalah uji gesek dengan standar alat pengujian CNS(China National Standard) GB5763 dan beberapa pengaruh lingkungan diantaranya uji gesek kering, pengaruh air, air garam, oli dan uji gesek pengaruh minyak rem dengan standar SNI 09-2663-1992 serta diuji kekerasan Brinell dengan gaya 613 Newton dengan mengacu pada standar ASTM E 10-01. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keausan pada pengujian gesek kering, uji air dan uji minyak rem, tingkat keausan yang lebih rendah adalah kampas rem yamahapart sebesar 65,62 mm³/jam, 56,25 mm³/jam dan 28,12 mm³/jam. Untuk pengujian gesek pengaruh air garam dan oli tingkat keausan yang lebih rendah adalah kampas variasi kompaksi yaitu sebesar 59,37 mm³/jam dan 28,12 mm³/jam. Koefisien gesek pada pengujian gesek disemua kondisi kampas variasi gaya kompaksi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kampas yamahapart. Pada pengujian kekerasan brinell kampas rem yamahapart mempunyai nilai kekerasan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kampas rem variasi gaya kompasi yaitu 23,966 BHN dan 21,116 BHN

    Pengujian Kuat Tarik Terhadap Produk Hasil 3D Printing Dengan Variasi Ketebalan Layer 0,2 MM Dan 0,3 MM Yang Menggunakanan Bahan ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

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    Informasi tentang hasil dari proses 3D printing di Indonesia masih minim seperti berapakah kekuatan benda yang di hasilkan dari proses tersebut, keakurasiannya, dan lain lain. Informasi seperti itu sangatlah penting untuk di ketahui, agar benda/prototype yang akan di buat sesuai dengan apa yang di harapakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapakah kekuatan tarik dari bahan yang digunakan pada printer 3D yaitu ABS. Untuk mengetahui kekuatannya perlu dilakukan sebuah pengujian, salah satunya dengan melakukan pengujian kuat tarik terhadap material. Spesimen yang di uji memiliki 3 variasi yaitu, spesimen dibuat dengan menggunkan printer 3D dengan ketebalan layer 0,2 mm dan 0,3 mm dan juga spesimen yang dibuat secara manual. Dari hasil pengujian tarik di dapat nilai rata-rata tertinggi dari kekuatan tarik pada spesimen dengan variasi ketebalan layer 0,3 mm yaitu sebesar 18,9152 MPa. Untuk variasi ketebalan layer 0,2 mm sebesar 18,5948 MPa dan untuk spesimen pembuatan manual sebesar 10,0042 MPa. Hal ini disebabkan karena susunan layer pada spesimen dengan variasi layer 0,3 mm masih sangat rapi, membentuk sebuah sususan layer lapis demi lapis. Sedangkan untuk spesimen dengan ketebalan 0,2 mm dan pembuatan manual susunannya sudah tidak rapi lagi. Kata kunci : ABS, printer 3D, Prototype

    Pengaru Bahan Terak Aluminium dan Besi Terhadap Pengujian Keausan Pada Pembuatan Batu Gerinda

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    Grindstone is a tool used for process cutting or reduction of a workpiece abrasive through friction between the abrasive material with a workpiece or metal. In addition to cut and reduce the size of the workpiece, grind can also be used for the finishing process (smoothing surface) or as a metal like a knife sharpener and chisel. In this study using a grinding own design slag materials as aluminum and iron powders aimed abrasifnya to know how big the wear rate and impact strength stone grinding millstones specimen itself and the manufacturer in the market LIPPRO brand. Making process begins by preparing a grinding stone materials that will be used are aluminum slag and iron slag with a mesh size of 12 and 40 mesh, epoxy resin and hardener, and fiberglass fibers. After the mixing ingredients for the grinding stone according to the composition specified. Further compacted by machine press with a pressure of 374.9 N / cm2 for 1 hour. Then after compacted further in the sintering process at a temperature of 140o for 1 hour. Testing specimens taken is testing wear with ASTM D3702, and the impact test with standard ASTM E23. The results showed that the impact of wear and values millstones specimen itself by using iron slag better compared with a grinding stone specimens themselves were using aluminum slag as granules asahnya. While millstone manufacturer LIPPRO brands have high levels of wear and impact value better compared with a grinding stone specimens designed by himself. Keywords: grinding stone, aluminum slag, iron sla

    Maintenance Steering Forklift Toyota 2.5 Ton

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    All forklifts have an axle, where the axle is divided into two, namely the front axle and rear axle. Rear axle is an axle located at the back of the forklift as a support for the vehicle load and attached to a rotating wheel. The function of the rear axle on a forklift other than as a support for the vehicle load, it also functions as a steering system or as a regulator of the direction of the forklift so that it can move straight or turn. The starter motor starts the engine, then the engine rotation is continued to turn on the hydraulic pump which functions to increase pressure/pump oil from the hydraulic tank, pressurized oil is forwarded to the control valve, unused oil will flow from the control valve through the return line to return to the hydraulic tank, and the oil used will be passed from the control valve to the steering which will operate the rear axle to turn the forklift. From the repair results of the Toyota 2.5 ton rear axle forklift component, it was found that the damage to the rear axle component occurred in the inner bearing, where the bearing was worn and caused defects in the components, causing friction between components. The repairs made were to replace the damaged bearing with a new bearing