28 research outputs found

    Implementasi Joint Economic Lot-Sizing Guna Mengoptimalkan Total Biaya Buyer Dan Vendor

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    PT Mazzoni Top Java Surakarta is a company engaged in the field of food processing specialized in processing spices flavor or seasoning powder. This company is one of the members Gujati Group. One of the products of PT Mazzoni Top Java Surakarta in the form of seasoning powder is the object of studies reviewed. Seasoning powder produced by PT Mazzoni Top Java Surakarta is one product that has a high enough demand. Therefore, it is necessary to do to optimize the total cost of the supply chain system in order products seasoning powder. In the present study developed a model Joint Economic Lot-Sizing Single Set-up Multi Delivery with the purpose of calculating the combined lot size and number of shipments that need to be done within a certain period. In the system that has been implemented in the current number of deliveries in each period (n) is 4 times per month, with a lot size that is sent (Q) is approximately 15240 kg per shipment. With niali Q n and it is known that the total costs (TC) is approximately Rp.13556502, -. With the modeling is then obtained for the number of deliveries in each period (n) is 3 times per month, with a lot size that is sent (Q) is equal to 21 988 kg per shipment. With niali Q n and it is known that the total costs (TC) is approximately Rp.11695273, -. Therefore, the obtained savings of Rp.1861229, -

    Identifikasi Dampak Lingkungan Pada Material Pembuatan Batik Cap Menggunakan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) dengan Software Simapro 8.30

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    Textile industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Indonesia. Indonesia ranked 17th as a world textile supplier and product with a market share of 1.58 percent. One type of textile industry engaged in Indonesia is batik. Kampoeng batik Laweyan is the center of batik making in Solo city. In Kampoeng batik Laweyan batik cloth production process conducted by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The production process of batik making in SMEs mostly use various types of materials (raw materials) because constrained costs and facilities so that the impact on the environment is greater. This study was conducted to identify the type of material in the production process of making batik cap that has the greatest impact on the environment. The analytical method used in this research is Life Cycle Assessment with calculation using ReCiPe Endpoint (H) ReCiPe H / A method in Simapro software. Based on the calculation of material with the greatest impact on the environment is cotton mori fabric on the process of fabric preparation with a value of 3.869924 pt, waterglass in the process of waterglass with value of 1.910975 pt, chlorine and acetic acid on bleaching process with a value of 0.604003 pt, and paraffin on the stamping process with a value of 0.17517 pt. alternative improvements that can be applied to reduce the impact on the environment that is reducing the amount of use of waterglass, changing the type of bleach used, and saving use of paraffin

    Perancangan Strategi Pengadaan Bahan Baku Dengan Model Kraljic’s Portofolio Matriks (Studi Kasus : UMKM MD Collection)

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    UMKM MD Collection is one of the businesses engaged in screen printing cloth, in carrying out each production activity it is necessary to procure items that are quite large in accordance with consumer demand. In the procurement of raw materials, MD Collection does not have a clear contract management mechanism and makes users have to plan procurement strategies every day with changing dynamics. It is necessary to identify the characteristics of each procurement item to design a differentiated procurement strategy. This research aims to design a raw material procurement strategy that is relevant to the conditions of SMEs. There is a method for determining the supply positioning matrix, namely the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix which categorizes procurement items into two dimensions. Assessment of dimensions, attributes and procurement items will be calculated using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Kraljic matrix is formed with two main dimensions, namely market risk (supply risks) and profit impact (profit impact) using multidimensional scaling in SPSS software. The results of the mapping will then become the basis for designing a procurement strategy, starting from supplier characteristics, types of relationships and types of contracts with suppliers. Raw materials in the non-critical quadrant in the form of solvents and softeners are recommended to apply the type of regular trading contract. Raw materials in the leverage quadrant in the form of screen printing reels and gas cylinders are recommended to apply the call off contract type. Raw materials in the bottleneck quadrant in the form of gray cloth and screen printing ink are recommended to apply the call off contract type. Raw materials in the critical quadrant in the form of screen printing and emulsions are recommended to apply the type of partnership contract

    Pendekatan Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm dengan Multiple-Parent untuk Kasus Capacitated Closed Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows

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    Capacitated Closed Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CCVRPTW) is a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) which considers truck capacity and distributor’s working hours constraints. Since CCVRPTW is a NP-Hard problem, designing an effective and efficient algorithm to solve the problem becomes an important task. In this research, a Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA) with multiple parent is designed to address the CCVRPTW. The proposed algorithm is then coded in MATLAB and applied to solve an optimization problem for distributing soft drink. The performance of the algorithm is compared to a heuristic that has been used to solve the same problem. The result shows that: (1) the proposed BRKGA with multiple parent outperforms the heuristic in terms of the obtained total distribution cost, (2) the proposed algorithm further improves the performance of the standard BRKGA, and (3) Obtaining the third parent from the non-elite class population yields a better result compared to if it is taken from the whole population

    Identifikasi Dampak Material Pada Proses Produksi Batik Cap Terhadap Lingkungan Dengan Menggunakan Software Simapro (Studi Kasus: UKM Batik Saud Effendy, Laweyan Surakarta)

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    Batik is one of the Indonesian art works whose existence has been internationally recognized. Now this batik cloth is not only interested by the people of Indonesia but to entertainers and big figures of the world. The increasing demand for batik cloth products makes the production process in SMEs cause problems for the environment. Therefore it is necessary to identify the use of materials in batik production process. The research method used Eco-Indicator 99 Endpoint (H) V2.10 / Europe EI 99 H / A contained in the SimaPro software database. The result of processing obtained three types of impact categories: human health with impact value of 28.26 Pt, ecosystem quality with impact value 29.24 Pt and resources has an impact value of 5.35 Pt. Of the three impacts, the greatest impact is on the ecosystem quality with an impact value of 29.24 Pt. Proposed improvements that can be done to reduce the impact of 68.38% is to replace the cotton fabric into rayon fabric and make savings use of waterglass

    Desain Instrumen Evaluasi Dan Pengukuran Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Keuangan Dan Sarana Prasarana Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Indonesian tertiary institutions need to improve quality in order to be able to compete and prove their quality. The government's efforts to improve the quality of higher education through BAN-PT by establishing nine new accreditation criteria that are oriented towards outputs and outcomes. UMS needs to make adjustments to deal with the latest accreditation instruments by making user satisfaction measurement instruments based on nine accreditation criteria. This study aims to design instruments and measure user satisfaction with finance and infrastructure at UMS. The method used in this study is SERVQUAL with five dimensions of service quality to measure service quality at the Biro Keuangan (BKU), Biro Administrasi Umum (BAU), Biro Teknologi Informasi (BTI), libraries and PESMA. The results of this study are the establishment of an evaluation instrument and measurement of user satisfaction that is valid and reliable. The results of measurements of user satisfaction with BKU, BAU, BTI, library and PESMA services respectively have a gap of -0,556, -1,905, -1,311. -0,583 and -0,495. The negative gap value indicates that the services provided have not been able to meet user expectations so it needs to be done to improve service quality

    Identifikasi Dampak Pada Fase Masa Akhir Produk (End of Life) Pakaian Batik Cap Terhadap Lingkungan

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    Batik cap is a popular batik for the people of Indonesia, because the material is comfortable to use, various types of hues and colors are diverse. In addition to the Indonesian public's interest in wearing batik clothes, there is an impact that is caused by the impact on the environment. The impacts of Indonesian people's behavior can be minimized by the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach where impacts on the environment provide end of life with phases such as reuse, recycle and final disposal Product (landfill). The purpose of this study is expected Indonesian society to know the impact produced by batik clothes cap to the environment. The result of the behavior of Indonesian society in the end of age of batik clothing is obtained 50% reuse phase where Indonesian people prefer to donate stamped batik clothes that have not been reused to people who need more, then the cost of disposing of clothing to the environment is Rp 338

    Penyelesaian Capacitated Closed Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows Menggunakan Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm dengan Populasi Terdegradasi (BRKGA-PD)

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    This research presents a Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm with degraded population (BRKGA-PD) to address the Capacitated Closed Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CCVRPTW) in distributing soft drink. The objective is to determine some closed routes to meet the consumer demand incorporating the time constraint and the capacity constraint of the vehicle used so that the total cost of distribution is minimum. The proposed algorithm adopted an incremental extinction of the population, i.e. the size of population decreases gradually along with iterations on the process of forming the new generation. BRKGA-PD is encoded using the Matlab programming language while the best parameter setting is obtained through extensive numerical tests. The obtained solution of the BRKGA-PD is sub routes with minimum distribution cost. The performance of the algorithm is compared with two other methods, the standard BRKGA and a heuristic. From this research, it is concluded that: (1) in terms of the total distribution cost, the BRKGA-PD is able to improve the standard BRKGA and (2) the BRKGA-PD also outperforms the heuristic method, as it can save the cost by Rp. 92,662.00

    Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Penggunaan Material Pada Produksi Batik Cap Menggunakan Simapro(Studi Kasus: UKM Batik Putra Laweyan, Surakarta)

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    Batik cloth was inaugurated by UNESCO as a heritage of humanity for oral and nonbedawi culture, since then the batik industry began to develop in some of Java island one of them is in Surakarta. Along with these developments, there is an increase in the production of batik cap, but it caused problems for the environment around the area of UKM batik. This problem is caused because the production process is still not environmentally friendly. It is necessary to identify the material used in the production process of batik cap. The study was conducted using SimaPro software recipe endpoint (H) method for categorizing environmental impacts. Results of data processing with SimaPro for 3 types of dyes used in SMEs, obtained environmental impacts results with 3 types of categories of human health, ecosystems and resources. The category value for remasol is for human health of 32.5 Pt, ecosystem of 13.1 Pt, and resources of 16.2 Pt. Indigosol dye for human health of 31.4 Pt, ecosystem of 12.3 Pt, and resources of 15.5 Pt. The salt napthol dye has a category on human health of 32.4 Pt, an ecosystem of 12.2 Pt, and a resource of 15.3 Pt. Of the 3 types of dyes with a total of 3 categories of results that is the effect on the remasol dye