21 research outputs found

    Blockchain-based Trust and Reputation Management for Securing IoT

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) brings connectivity to a large number of heterogeneous devices, many of which may not be trustworthy. Classical authorisation schemes can protect the network from adversaries. However, these schemes could not ascertain in situ reliability and trustworthiness of authorised nodes, as these schemes do not monitor nodes’ behaviour over the operational period. IoT nodes can be compromised post-authentication, which could impede the resiliency of the network. Trust and Reputation Managements (TRM) have the potential to overcome these issues. However, conventional centralised TRM have poor transparency and suffer from sin gle point of failures. In recent years, blockchains show promise in addressing these issues, due to the salient features, such as decentralisation, auditability and transparency. This thesis presents decentralised TRM frameworks to address specific trust issues and challenges in three core IoT functionalities. First, a TRM framework for IoT access control is proposed to address issues in conventional authorisation schemes, in which static predefined access policies are continuously enforced. The enforcements of static access policies assume that the access requestors always exhibit benign behaviour. However, in practice some requestors may actually be malicious and attempt to deceive the access policies, which raises an urgency in building an adaptive access control. In this framework, the nodes’ behaviour are progressively evaluated based on their adherence to the access control policies, and quantified into trust and reputation scores, which are then incorporated in the access control to achieve dynamic access control policies. The framework is implemented on a public Ethereum test-network interconnected with a private lab-scale network of Raspberry Pi computers. The experimental results show that the framework achieves consistent processing latencies and is feasible for implementing effective access control in decentralised IoT networks. Second, a TRM framework for blockchain-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems (CIDS) is presented with an emphasis on the importance of building end-to-end trust between CIDS nodes. In a CIDS, each node contributes detection rules aiming to build collective knowledge of new attacks. Here, the TRM framework assigns trust scores to each contribution from various nodes, using which the trust- worthiness of each node is determined. These scores help protect the CIDS network from invalid detection rules, which may degrade the accuracy of attack detection. A proof-of-concept implementation of the framework is developed on a private labscale Ethereum network. The experimental results show that the solution is feasible and performs within the expected benchmarks of the Ethereum platform. Third, a TRM framework for decentralised resource sharing in 6G-enabled IoT networks is proposed, aiming to remove the inherent risks of sharing scarce resources, especially when most nodes in the network are unknown or untrusted. The proposed TRM framework helps manage the matching of resource supply and demand; and evaluates the trustworthiness of each node after the completion of the resource sharing task. The experimental results on a lab-scale proof-of-concept implementation demonstrate the feasibility of the framework as it only incurs insignificant overheads with regards to gas consumption and overall latency

    Trust Management in Decentralized IoT Access Control System

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    Heterogeneous and dynamic IoT environments require a lightweight, scalable, and trustworthy access control system for protection from unauthorized access and for automated detection of compromised nodes. Recent proposals in IoT access control systems have incorporated blockchain to overcome inherent issues in conventional access control schemes. However, the dynamic interaction of IoT networks remains uncaptured. Here, we develop a blockchain based Trust and Reputation System (TRS) for IoT access control, which progressively evaluates and calculates the trust and reputation score of each participating node to achieve a self-adaptive and trustworthy access control system. Trust and reputation are explicitly incorporated in the attribute-based access control policy, so that different nodes can be assigned to different access right levels, resulting in dynamic access control policies. We implement our proposed architecture in a private Ethereum blockchain comprised of a Docker container network. We benchmark our solution using various performance metrics to highlight its applicability for IoT contexts.Comment: Accepted to IEEE ICBC 202

    Poster Abstract: Towards Scalable and Trustworthy Decentralized Collaborative Intrusion Detection System for IoT

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    An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) aims to alert users of incoming attacks by deploying a detector that monitors network traffic continuously. As an effort to increase detection capabilities, a set of independent IDS detectors typically work collaboratively to build intelligence of holistic network representation, which is referred to as Collaborative Intrusion Detection System (CIDS). However, developing an effective CIDS, particularly for the IoT ecosystem raises several challenges. Recent trends and advances in blockchain technology, which provides assurance in distributed trust and secure immutable storage, may contribute towards the design of effective CIDS. In this poster abstract, we present our ongoing work on a decentralized CIDS for IoT, which is based on blockchain technology. We propose an architecture that provides accountable trust establishment, which promotes incentives and penalties, and scalable intrusion information storage by exchanging bloom filters. We are currently implementing a proof-of-concept of our modular architecture in a local test-bed and evaluate its effectiveness in detecting common attacks in IoT networks and the associated overhead.Comment: Accepted to ACM/IEEE IoTDI 202

    Cost-effective blockchain-based IoT data marketplaces with a credit invariant

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    Billions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices deployed today collect massive amounts of potentially valuable data. To efficiently utilize this data, markets must be developed where data can be traded in real time. Blockchain technology offers a potential platform for these types of markets. However, previous proposals using blockchain technology either require trusted third parties such as data brokers, or necessitate a large number of on-chain transactions to operate, incurring excessive overhead costs. This paper proposes a trustless data trading system that minimizes both the risk of fraud and the number of transactions performed on chain. In this system, data producers and consumers come to binding agreements while trading data off chain and they only settle on chain when a deposit or withdrawal of funds is required. A credit mechanism is also developed to further reduce the incurred fees. Additionally, the proposed marketplace is benchmarked on a private Ethereum network running on a lab-scale testbed and the proposed credit system is simulated so to analyze its risks and benefits

    Trust and Reputation Management for Blockchain-enabled IoT

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in incorporating blockchain for the Internet of Things (IoT) to address the inherent issues of IoT, such as single point of failure and data silos. However, blockchain alone cannot ascertain the authenticity and veracity of the data coming from IoT devices. The append-only nature of blockchain exacerbates this issue, as it would not be possible to alter the data once recorded on-chain. Trust and Reputation Management (TRM) is an effective approach to overcome the aforementioned trust issues. However, designing TRM frameworks for blockchain-enabled IoT applications is a non-trivial task, as each application has its unique trust challenges with their unique features and requirements. In this paper, we present our experiences in designing TRM framework for various blockchain-enabled IoT applications to provide insights and highlight open research challenges for future opportunities.Comment: COMSNETS 2023 Invited Pape

    Enhancing Online Expert System Consultation Service with Short Message Service Interface

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    Short message service (SMS) that has been widely used in various fields could potentially utilized for problemsolving consulting services that are based on expert system, so it takes a kind of application platform to implement this service. This paper proposes an expansion of online expert system services (web and wap based) by adding an application use SMS interface. Knowledge base of the expert system, which employs a decision tree approach, is expressed in the form of a database that can be accessed by the application interfaces, including SMS interface. According to the experiment results, the decision tree has been able to play a role directing the consultation mechanism from an initial question to reach a conclusion interactively. Thus, a problem-solving case that can be expressed in the decision tree allows the implementation of this system


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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) usage for buildings and household has been increasingly popular because it offers various benefits, such as home automation and home surveilliance. Therefore, in order to increase WSN usage flexibility, remote controlling which enables remote administration is needed. In fact, generally WSN is controlled by a coordinator (sink node) that is located closely to the WSN area itself. By utilizing iterative development, which is suitable for main and supporting application development with several iteration, this research proposes WSN and Internet Protocol interoperability that enables remote controlling through Internet. Eventually, this research creates a web-based application which will be implemented to a wireless AP for easier WSN remote controlling

    Toward Blockchain-Based Trust and Reputation Management for Trustworthy 6G Networks

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    6G is envisioned to enable futuristic technologies, which exhibit more complexities than the previous generations, as it aims to bring connectivity to a large number of devices, many of which may not be trustworthy. Proper authentication can protect the network from unauthorized adversaries. However, it cannot guarantee in situ reliability and trustworthiness of authorized network nodes, as they can be compromised post-authentication and impede the reliability and resilience of the network. Trust and reputation management (TRM) is an effective approach to continuously evaluate the trustworthiness of each participant by collecting and processing evidence of their interactions with other nodes and the infrastructure. In this article, we argue that blockchain-based TRM is critical to build trustworthy 6G networks, where blockchain acts as a decentralized platform for collaborativeIy managing and processing interaction evidence with the end goal of quantifying trust. We present a case study of resource management in 6G networks, where blockchain-based TRM quantifies and maintains reputation scores by evaluating fulfillment of a resource owner's obligations and facilitating resource consumers to provide feedback. We also discuss inherent challenges and future directions for the development of blockchain-based TRM for next-generation 6G networks