28 research outputs found

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Hewan Laut Untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) Tunagrahita Tingkat Sekolah Dasar Kelas V Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB-C) Negeri Sukoharjo

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    The importance of education also applies to children with special needs, so that the teaching and learning process requires a new innovation that makes it easier for teachers to deliver material. Educational games are a solution to facilitate understanding of the material, especially learning about marine animals. Therefore an introduction to Marine Animals is introduced. Through this educational game, it hopefully it will facilitate the Sukoharjo SLB N teachers in the teaching and learning process and it is able to increase students' concentration and understanding of the marine animal. Moreover this educational game has visually interesting for students, compared to the previous learning process where still using picture books, making it boring and difficult to increase the concentration power of Sukoharjo SLB N students in understanding the material delivered by the instructor. Making educational games Introduction to Marine Animals methods for developing applications include needs analysis, data collection, storyboarding, game making, testing and questionnaires to find out the results and benefits of educational games. Making this game uses application construct 2, to change to the android version using the phonegap application, then the Adobephotoshop and CorelDrawX7 software to design and modify assets. Testing will use the blackbox method. It can be seen that this system is valid while the questionnaire can be known that the system is running well as evidenced by the sample conducted by 30 instructors who responded that 81.73% of these applications are easy to use and as needed

    Game Edukasi Merangkai Huruf Hijaiyah Untuk Anak Kelas 2 SD ( Studi Kasus SD IT Al Anis Kartasura)

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    Learning the hijaiyah letters and their harakat to children is very important. Learning hijaiyah letters is more difficult that others because hijaiyah letters are rarely used for everyday language. That childern do not feel bored and more ethusiastic in learning. The teacher applies active learning to learning.This study aims design for learning applications assembling hijaiyah letters. This research was conducted based on the Islam Terpadu (IT)Al-Anis curriculum, namely KTSP. The method used in this study is classroom observation and interviews with teachers. This application simulates how to teach teachers to digital media. This application is operated using an Android smartphone device, the application is made using construct which is then changed to the Android base with software applications Cordova and Cocoon.io and asset creation using CorelDraw. The results of this study are educational game applications "Merangkai huruf hijaiyah" for grade 2 elementary school students. Testing this application by giving the application to students of SD IT Al-Anis and they play the application directly. After trying the students fill out the questionnaire with instruction writer and and the results of the questionnaire can be concluded that 90% of respondents stated that this application is easy to play, 52% of respondents stated that it was interesting and 90% of respondents stated that they could help improve the ability of children to learn stringing letters hijaiya

    Sistem Informasi Penggajian Berbasis Website Pada Toserba Leberty Group

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    A company in Boyolali, namely Leberty, still uses a manual system in employee payroll. Where the data is written in a book so that the management is not optimal. This study aims to develop a Web-based Leberty Company Payroll information system. Its development uses the waterfall method. Made using visual studio code application software, using Code Igniter as well as PHP and MYSQL. Based on the results of the black box testing that has been carried out. This system can run according to the features that have been designed. The system can help the effectiveness of Leberty's department store management in calculating employee salary accumulation. While the results of the SUS test obtained an average value of 76.7 which indicates that the system is in the Acceptable

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Tokoh Pewayangan Untuk Kelas 4 Di Sd N 1 Polan

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    Manual learning methods often make students easily bored and do not pay attention to what is conveyed by the teacher. This makes students lazy to learn. Educational games can be an alternative learning media to restore students' interest in learning. The use of educational games in education and teaching continues to grow. This is because educational games have advantages in terms of visualization of real cases. Not only that, educational games also have a fast, interesting and useful form of teaching. This educational game for the introduction of puppet characters uses the GDLC method. This study aims to introduce students to wayang figures in Indonesia in a fun way and do not make students bored with interesting animations. This game was made using Construct 2 software. Testing this game using black box testing and paired sample t-test with 30 respondents. Based on the tests carried out, the results obtained t-count > t-table of 4.334 > 2.045 so that the conclusion has an influence in increasing student interest in learning so that this puppet game is feasible to be applied as a learning medium

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Anggota Tubuh Untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) Tunagrahita Kelas I Pada Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB-C) Di Negeri Sukoharjo

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    Children with special needs are children under normal children who have mental deficiencies, physical abilities, sensory skills, social behavior, communication skills, and a combination of two or more of the above.One example is class 1 mentally disabled children at the Extraordinary School (SLB-C) in Sukoharjo.In the education system carried out in the usual way, it makes students easily bored in receiving learning materials. Therefore, with this educational game learning method children are more interested in receiving learning materials. Therefore, with this educational game learning menthod children are more interest in receiving learning material. Making this educational game using application contract 2. As software to design objects using coreldraw X5 and paint edit images Methods of interviewing teachers and observations directly in learning process in the classroom, so that problems can be identified when learning takes place. The purpose of this study is to facilitate teacher and delivering learning material to students so that it is easy to understand while of students to increase interest in learning through educational media games. The results of this study are in the form of educational games that contain the introduction of members of the human body. This game can be played on windows-based desktops with files ending in nwjs and android-based mobile smartphone with files ending apk

    Game Edukasi Penyesuaian Diri Makhluk Hidup dengan Lingkungan

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    Education in Indonesia, especially Elementary Schools, has used the 2013 curriculum One of the natural science subjects material in the 2013 curriculum for class VI students is the adaptation of living creature to the environment. In this material, explanations and drawings are only available in textbooks. This makes students quickly bored in learning this material. Therefore, an educational game for living creature with the environment was made in accordance with the 2013 curriculum used by SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. This research begins by interviewing class VI teachers on how the game concepts will be made and what features are needed. The purpose of making this game is to make it easier for teachers to deliver material to students , while for students to increase interest in learning. Making this game uses Software construct 2. The results of this study are educational games that contain material adaptation to living creature with the environment. This game can be played on an Android-smartphone with file APK. Testing this game will be done by showing students and teachers of class VI Nur Hidayah Surakarta elementary school to try directly. Based on questionnaire, it can be concluded that this educational game makes it easier for teachers to deliver material to students and makes it easier for students to learn material adaptation to living creature with the environment

    Pengenalan Benda Hidup Dan Tak Hidup Untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) Tunagrahita Kelas Iii Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB-C) Negeri Sukoharjo (Subtema: Pengenalan Hewan)

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    Educational game is a game created and designed specifically to be used as a medium used to teach people through material containing sound, text, images, videos, and animation, which has the purpose of being able to provide better understanding more easily understood.The main factor in the learning process of children with special needs is the difficulty of students to focus on learning. There fore the teacher must deliver the learning material repeatedly. The research was conducted with the aim of designing an educational game that utilizes Android mobile so learning is more effective and students focus more on the subject matter delivered. This research was conducted at the Sukoharjo State Special School (SLB), with reference to the third year elementary school handbook curriculum.The method of interviewing the teacher concerned and observations during the learning process, can be identified problems when learning takes place. This educational game was made using software construct 2, as well as making buttons with CorelDRAW x5 and audacity software for audio sounds. With an attractive appearance, this application helps teachers in the learning process, as well as student guardians in the learning process at home

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Pertumbuhan Hewan dan Tumbuhan pada Anak Tunagrahita Ringan di SLB YPASP Gondangrejo

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    Introduction of the environment to early childhood is very important, as is the introduction of growing animals and plants. Because children today still do not understand the process of growing animals and plants. Especially children with special needs, such as children in general who have the right to education. Children with autism are usually shown with communication problems. In the learning process at schools for children with special needs, teachers are required to be creative in providing material, so that they don't get bored quickly, therefore media is needed to attract their interest in learning, so they can learn while playing. Therefore, the authors make a solution with Android-based educational games media, facilitate the delivery of material and increase interest in learning to students. This research was conducted at the BC Special School, Saestu Putro Gondangrejo Children's Education Foundation, with reference to the basic competencies (KD) in school. Testing is done by conducting interviews with the homeroom teacher and direct storage of how children learn when in class with their teachers. Making games using Construct 2 Software, creating a game description using Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and for processing the audio using Audacity. Testing the application using the Blackbox method shows that the game can run according to its function. For implementation, it is done by direct testing the respondents to fill out the questionnaire used to measure the application. The results obtained from the respondent's data indicate that this application can help 8 users with a percentage of 84%

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Sistem Tata Surya Untuk Kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar

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    In the current technological development, the world of Education continues to experience innovation so that the teaching and learning process can be in line with the development of the times, SD Negeri 11 Ngringo is one of the elementary schools in Karanganyar Regency that continues to innovate and improve the quality of its learning. Educational games become one of the solutions to increase students' learning interests and facilitate the process of delivering materials, through the creation of this educational game is expected that students can understand the learning materials easily. In addition to helping students in understanding learning materials, this educational game also has an attractive interface that makes students do not get saturated quickly in the implementation of learning activities. This android-based educational game is created using Construct 2 software, the design of this educational game uses the Game Development Life Cycle waterfall model method consisting of analysis, design that includes game design, creation, and testing using the Black Box method and the System Usability Scale method. The results of this study based on testing using the Black Box method obtained valid output data and at the time of testing using the System Usability Scale obtained a score of 80.6, thus this system can help students in the learning process

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Tanda Baca Waqaf Dan Washal Untuk Kelas 5 SD IT Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar Gumpang Kartasura

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    SD IT Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar Gumpang Kartasura was an elementary education institution which promotes the knowledge of Islam. The less interactive teaching and learning process makes students bored and the classroom atmosphere will not conducive. As stated by one of the Qur'an and Hadist teachers, traditional teaching learning methods make students getting bored easily and ineffectively. As a result, it takes a learning media which can make students more enthusiastic and interested in these subjects and can also be used by students at home or anywhere to repeat and understand the material. This study aims to create an android-based educational game application as appropriate with the fifth grade curriculum of Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar Elementary School. The research begins with data collection needed in application development, namely by conducting interviews with the teacher and class observation.. The result of the study was an educational game which containing learning materials and some games. The games are matching drawing games and guessing pictures and evaluation in the form of quizzes where students could learn the material of waqaf and washal signs while playing. The game was created by using the Construct 2 application, CorelDraw X7 which is used to make assets in games and operate on Android smartphones. The application is tested by giving the application to students and teachers in order to try the application directly and answer the questionnaire given. Based on the testing that has been done and filling out the questionnaire by students and teachers. The results obtained with calculations using Cronbach alpha theory amounted to 0.743, so it can be concluded that this application is able to improve the ability of students to understand and remember the signs of waqaf. This application can also be operated on all types of android smartphones starting from the Android 4.0 version, namely Ice Cream Sandwich