73 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sari Buah Apel Terhadap Nilai Ph Dan Jumlah Bakteri Asam Laktat Pada Soyghurt

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    Background : Soy milk is a good protein source and can be used as alternatives to cow's milk and can be consumed by individual who experiences intolerance lactose. However, soy milk has unpleasant odors and less desirable favor, to overcome those problems create fermented soy milk soyghurt) that serves as a preservative, adder flavor, and help improve the digestive tract. Objective : Know the effect of adding cider on the pH value and the number of lactic acid bacteria on soyghurt. Research Methods : This was a experimental study .This research is written by adding the percentage of cider as many as 0 % , 15 % and 30 % into soyghurt at two times, then see the ph values and the number of lactic acid bacteria using colony counter and statistic analysis is done by Kruskal wallis. Results : There's a influence between cider with pH value and the number of lactic acid bacteria in soyghurt.The results of the best percentage based on the analysis of ph values and the number of lactic acid bacteria is 15 % . Conclusion : In the next research can be done with sensory test in cider soyghurt that is be useful to know the quality of cider soyghurt cider and by soyghurt sensory test . Keyword :apple cider, pH value, the number of lactic acid bacteria, soyghurt

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) Terhadap Kadar Β-Karoten Dan Daya Terima Apem

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    Introduction : The efforts to reduce the imports of rice in Indonesia is by using other food sources such as pumpkin as an alternative way to reduce the use of rice. Pumpkin contain β-carotene in quite high level, 1569 mg/ 100 grams, an alternative food material to reduce the deficiency of vitamin A. To reduce the use of rice flour is by applying food diversification based on local food sources of pro-vitamin A by making food products like apem cake. Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pumpkin use as the substituents material of rice flour on β-carotene and receptive level of pumpkin apem. Methods : This study is an experimental research. The design applied in this study is complete randomized design with four different treatments, they were: 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% with two replications. The level of Β-carotene was obtained by using a spectrophotometer and the receptive level was obtained by using fondness test with 30 panelists. The statistical test was done by using One Way ANOVA , then followed by LSD (Least signifikant Different). Results : Based on the result of ANOVA test, indicated the value of p β-carotene level is 0.000, and the p-value of apem receptive color is 0.000, flavor 0.005, aroma 0.010, texture 0.569 and overall fondness 0.025. Conclusion : There is an effect of pumpkin flour substitution on the level of β-carotene, color, flavor, aroma and overall fondness of pumpkin apem, and there is no effect on the texture of pumpkin apem. The lowest levels of β-carotene is in the apem without pumpkin flour substitution, 0.037 g/ 100 g and the highest is with subtitution at 15%, 0.157 g/ 100 g. The most preferred apem is the one with pumpkin flour substitution 0%. Suggestion : There should be further research of pumpkin apem making to obtain the color, flavor, aroma, and overall fondness of good apem either by reducing the amount of pumpkin flour substitution and adding vanilla to reduce the typical aroma in pumpkin apem. Keywords : Pumpkin Flour, β-Carotene level, Receptive, and Apem Bibliography : 31 (1997 - 2015

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Kimpul (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) Terhadap Tingkat Pengembangan dan Daya Terima Bolu

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    Utilization of tubers in Indonesia is still low among others is the tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium). One way of processing the tannia so that it can be utilized into various food products is processed into flour. Flour can be utilized into various types of food, one of which is cake. Tannia does not have gluten protein content such as wheat flour that potentially affect the level of cake development and consumer acceptability. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of substitution of tannia flour on the level of the development and acceptibility of cake. The object used in this research is cake with 0% flavor substitution of tannia; 12.5%; 25% and 37.5%. The assessments include the level of spice development and the acceptability of color, flavor, taste, texture and overall. Panelists in this study as much as 33 panelists. The data analysis of cake substitution starch substitution was done using one way Anova test, while for the received power analysis using one way Anova test and Duncan test. The best cake development rate is cake with 12.5% tannia flour substitution with an average of 88.56% followed by 25% substitution with an average of 85.82%. In the overall power-grab test the panelists favored the cake without substitution of tannia flour and followed by a 12.5% tannia flour substitution cake. There is no effect of substitution of tannia flour on cake development rate with p value = 0,058, and there is effect of substitution of tannia flour to cake color with p value = 0.000

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tepung Suweg Terhadap Kadar Lemak dan Total Bakteri Asam Laktat Yoghurt

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    ASHA AULIA. J310140106 THE INFLUENCE OF SUWEG FLOUR CONCENTRATION ON THE FAT CONTENT AND YOGURT TOTAL OF ACID LACTAT BACTERIA Backgound : Yogurt is a fermented beverage from milk by using Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria in the process of making it, so we can get a distinctive smell, taste, and acidity. The addition of suweg flour concentration in yogurt is expected to support the use of suweg tuber flour as a food additive. The less of fat and glycemic index content also high fiber content can control cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood. Objective : The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of suweg flour concentration on fat content and the total of yogurt’s lactic acid bacteria. Reseach Methods : This research was conducted by adding concentrations 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6% of suweg flour into milk which was then fermented into yogurt. Then the fat content and total bacteria from lactate (BAL) was seen by using weighing samples and colony counters, and while the statistical analysis was conducted by using Kruskall Wallis test. Results : The result of this research shows no significant effect on fat content and total yogurt’s lactic acid bacteria which is added by different suweg flour concentration. The highest average fat content of suweg yogurt was found in the addition of suweg flour as much as 6% is 0.875%, and the lowest as much as 0% is 0.250%. The highest total number of lactic acid bacteria was found in the addition of suweg flour as much as 6%, is 3.9 × CFU / ml and the lowest was 4% is 1.6 × CFU / ml

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tepung Suweg (Amorphophallus Campanulatus B1) Terhadap Nilai Total Asam dan Nilai pH Yoghurt

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    Introduction : Fresh cow milk is easily damaged so it needs to be processed into yoghurt. The basic ingredients of making yoghurt are fresh cow milk and probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus). Suweg flour has high carbohydrate and food fiber values. The addition of suweg flour to yoghurt serves as a stabilizer, which will result in the changes of the total acid value and pH value of the yoghurt produced. Objective : The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of suweg flour (Amorphophallus Campanulatus B1) concentration on the total acidic and yoghurt pH value. Research Methods : This research is an experimental study with a completely randomized design that is yoghurt with addition of suweg flour of 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% which later the testing of the acidic and yoghurt pH total value is conducted. Data were analyzed by using Kruskal-Wallis. Result : The highest acidic total value is 6% concentrate which is 0,74% and the lowest is 0% concentrate which is 0,50%. The highest yoghurt pH value is 6% concentrate which is 4,40 and the lowest is 0% concentrate which is 4,25. Conclusion : There is no significant effect of suweg flour of 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% concentration on the total acidic and yoghurt pH value. Suggestion : Further research needs to be done on yoghurt suweg with more than once repeated treatments

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tepung Suweg(Amorphophallus Campanulatus b1) Terhadap Daya Terima dan Viskositas Yogurt

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    Introduction: Yogurt is a processed product from fermented pure cow’s milk. Other bulbs that have the potential to be added to making yogurt are suweg bulbs. Purpose: this purpose is to determine the content of suweg flour on the acceptability and viscosity of yogurt. Methodology: The research this is use an experimental study. The study was conducted to determine the content of suweg flour (Amorphophallus campanulatus B1) on the acceptability and viscosity of yogurt. The concentration of suweg flour that has as much as 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6% of the total volume of fresh milk. Result: Based on the overall acceptance test results, panelists tended to prefer yogurt at a concentration of 4% suweg flour with a total percentage of 13.4%. Based on the results of the viscosity test obtained the highest viscosity of yogurt with a concentration of 6% suweg flour, while the lowest viscosity is yogurt with a concentration of 0% suweg flour. Conclusion: The results of the overall acceptability test of panelists the fastest yogurt is yogurt with 4% suweg flour concentration. The highest viscosity was obtained from yogurt with 6% flour concentration, while the lowest viscosity was yogurt with 0% suweg flour concentration

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Sari Jahe Emprit (Zingiber Officinale Var. Amarum ) Dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Jumlah Mikrobia Pada Susu Sapi

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    Cow's milk contains nutrients such as protein, fat and carbohydrate that are good for growth and development, but makes cow's milk susceptible to damage and causes a relatively short storage time. The pasteurization process can inhibit damage of the cow's milk. Pasteurization temperatures used for this study is 65oC for 30 minutes Gingerol antimicrobial substances contained in ginger may inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ginger extract and storage time on the total microbial and acceptability of milk. This research used experimental method with a completely randomized design. Ginger extract concentration variation were 0%, 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5%. Variations of storage time were 0 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours and 9 hours. Total of microbes calculated using the TPC. Data analysis uses Kruskal-Wallis and the difference results analysis using Duncan test with a confidence level of 5%. The results showed that the highest total number of microbes was found in concentration of ginger extract 2.5% and 3 hours of storage time (8,2x106 cfu / ml). Based on the Kruskal-Wallis test between the concentration of ginger juice with total microbial obtained value of p = 0.082 (p> 0.05) as well as the total storage time with microbes derived value of p = 0.076 (p> 0.05). In acceptability there were a difference in color, aroma, flavor, viscosity and overall. Overall the most preferred is 1.5% concentration of ginger juice with assessment score of 3.3. Based on these studies obtained the best results is ginger extract concentration of 1.5% with storage time 3 hours with the number of microbes 1,2x105 cfu / ml. Keywords: cow's milk, ginger, pasteurization, storage time, number of microbe

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Pada Suhu Dingin Terhadap Nilai Ph, Total Asam Dan Jumlah Bakteri Asam Laktat Yoghurt Tepung Suweg (Amorphallus Campanulatus)

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    Yogurt is a product derived from milk that has been fermented with the use of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria, through the stages of the pasterization process with or without the addition of other food ingredients or permitted. The purpose of storage in this study is to determine the effect of storage time on cold temperatures on the pH value, total acid and the total amount of lactic acid bacteria yogurt flour suweg. Type of experimental research. Yogurt added by suweg flour as much as 6% and stored at cold temperatures with a storage time of 0, 7, 14, and 21 days. Data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis. The results showed that there was no effect between the pH value, the total acid level and the amount of lactic acid bacteria yogurt suweg flour stored at cold temperatures. The highest pH value is at 0 day storage of 4.19 and the lowest is at 14th day storage of 4.12. The highest total acid level is at the 21st day storage of 0.6% and the lowest is at the 0th day storage of 0.52%. The average levels of the total yogurt lactic acid bacteria suweg flour with storage time on total lactic acid bacteria in flour suweg yogurt from 0-14 days tend to be stable ie 4.5 x 107 - 3.3 x 107, but on day 21 experienced decrease is 3.3 x 105

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Ubi Ungu dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kadar Air dan Jumlah Total Mikrobia Pada Bolu Kukus

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    Sponge cake is a product made from wheat flour. Wheat flour consumption tends to increase every year, therefore it needs to reduce the dependence on wheat flour consumption by utilizing the purple sweet potato that is converted into flour. Purple sweet potato flour rich in antioxidant, low glycemic index and hygroscopic that can affect the water content and the total microbial count. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of purple sweet potato flour substitution and length storage with water content and total microbial count in the sponge cake. The design of this study was a experimental method with completely randomized and factorial design. Variations substitution of purple sweet potato flour were 0%, 15%, 30% and 45%. Variations of storage time were 0 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours. The water content was tested by thermogravimetry method and the total microbial count were tested with TPC method. The water content and the total microbial count were analyzed using a Kruskal-Wallis and GLM-Univariate. Differences in the results were analyzed using Duncan test at 5% level. The results of the research show that the lowest water content of sponge cake on 15% purple sweet potato flour substitution (23,08%), while the lowest total microbial count of spange cake was on 15% substitution (2,86x106 cfu /ml). Based on the length of storage, the lowest water content was on 48 hours of storage time (23,64%), while the lowest total microbial count was on 0 hours of storage time (1,6x105 cfu/ml). There was the effect of purple sweet potato flour substitution with water content, while there was no effect of length storage on water content. There was no effect of purple sweet potato flour substitution on the total microbial count. However, there was the effect of storage time on the total microbial count on the sponge cake

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sari Buah Naga Merah Terhadap Kekerasan Dan Warna Cookies Substitusi Tepung Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour)

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    Cookies are a snack made from wheat flour. To reduce the use of wheat flour as the main ingredient for making cookies, it can be substituted with mocaf flour. The use of high mocaf flour causes cookies to be increasingly disliked in color by consumers, so it is necessary to improve the color by adding natural dyes such as dragon fruit extract. In this study also conducted research on the hardness and color of cookies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of adding red dragon fruit extract to the hardness and color of cookies with mocaf flour substitution. This type of research is an experimental study that carried out analysis of hardness and color, and then was tested on 15 panelists using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 4 additional treatments of dragon fruit extract 0%, 10%, 20% and 30 %.. Analysis of the research data with the Kruskal Wallis test. and continued with the Man Whitney test. The result obtained were is the higher the addition of dragon fruit extract, the water content increases which will make cookies brittle. The highest hardness value was obtained from the addition of 0% dragon fruit extract of 14.77 N. The highest L color value (brightness) was obtained from the addition of 0% dragon fruit extract of 78.80. The highest value of a (reddish) color was obtained from the addition of 30% dragon fruit extract, which was 23.36. The highest value of b (yellow) color was obtained from the addition of 0% dragon fruit extract of 23.85. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of adding red dragon fruit extract to the hardness and color of cookies substituted with mocaf flour (Modified Cassava Flour)