11 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Konsep Ontology Dalam Interaksi Sistem Collaborative Learning

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    In the present time, learning system goes through a period of a paradigm shift from conventional learning model into an interactive learning system with information technology-assisted. During its development, interactive learning model has been proven to have an impact that is good enough from the culture, worldview, and also the media used in the learning process. Nevertheless, not all of its evolution has a acceptable effect, especially on the ability of students in terms of communicating the level of the forum or group. Furthermore, a high intensity in the use of media technology also had been trigger the gap between students with different backgrounds individually. This research has focused on providing the views or perception of the structure and flow of information on each entity involved in the collaborative learning system. Collaborative learning is one of the solutions in which this model can improve the soft skills of learners to be able to interact in contextual, integrated, and able to work together to create a conducive academic atmosphere. The presence of the concept of ontology is used because it can provide equivalence perception of the structure and flow of information to any entity involved in this collaborative learning system. Ontology can be defined as the concept of interconnected or relationship which then can cooperatively build a structure on a domain and limit the interpretation of the term science. Based on the framework created, there are 5 important sub-domains in the design model of Collaborative Learning ie Trigger, Learning Materials, Learning Scenarios, Learning Group, and Collaborative Learning Goal. Contribution of this research is to produce a framework Collaborative Learning Ontology for system developers as a guide to re-design the e-Learning syste

    Towards Privacy by Design on the Internet of Things (IoT) Use: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

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    From remote control and surveillance to energy and health monitoring, IoT devices provide cutting-edge services to improve our lives. Nevertheless, IoT technologies raise complicated, innovative privacy-related issues that might limit their widespread adoption. Due to the passive nature of many IoT devices, it may be challenging for users to understand that their personal information is being gathered. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the Privacy by Design IoT application idea. We adapted the seven principles of Ann Cavoukian's Privacy by Design, which were first developed. In this study's qualitative descriptive methodology with interview sections are used. The results indicate that the majority of IoT users agree with and have high expectations for the Privacy by Design concept to be one of the remedies to the imbalance between concerns about the risks and benefits of using IoT

    Pelatihan Akuntansi Bagi Karang Taruna Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan SDM Dusun Bolu Kecamatan Seyegan

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    Yogyakarta is a province that has many features, both cultural and natural. One of the factors driving the economic growth of a region is the agricultural sector, which can be a promising opportunity, apart from being a producer of economic growth it can also have the opportunity to be a driver of growth in other development sectors in an area. One of them is the expansion of the agro-tourism business from Bolu hamlet, Seyegan sub-district, Yogyakarta, which will empower the younger generation, especially youth organizations, as managerial actors in tourism villages. Improving financial management skills for the community, especially in agro-tourism villages, is one of the solutions to existing problems. Through this community service activity, it is hoped that the community, especially youth organizations, will understand the concept and meaning of a cash book, namely a financial journal that contains notes on cash receipts and payments, and understand the benefits of a cash book, namely being able to know the financial condition of a business based on detailed and consistent recording. , as well as a reference to see which part of the business can be the biggest sales driver or discover what causes the biggest expenses. The result of this community service activity is to add insight to the community, especially youth organizations about the bookkeeping system, recording daily transactions so that the business being carried out can provide the expected benefits


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    Perubahan pola dan tren bisnis UMKM dari metode pemasaran dan transaksi tradisional ke transaksi berbasis daring (online) sejak masa pandemi COVID-19, ditambah dilema dalam mengikuti aturan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PKM) menuntut setiap pelaku UMKM harus memiliki strategi yang tepat dan jitu untuk melangsungkan dan menyelamatkan usahanya. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (KPKM) ini adalah salah satu wujud partisipasi aktif pihak universitas untuk peka dan peduli atas permasalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat utama terkendala pengembangan inovasi teknologi informasi. KPKM ini bertujuan untuk (1) menciptakan inovasi bidang teknologi informasi untuk membantu mitra KPKM dalam memasarkan dan mempromosikan produk fesyen muslim; dan (2) membangun sistem informasi reseller berbasis web untuk mendukung proses transaksi pembelian dan pembayaran produk fesyen muslim secara online. Dari hasil pendampingan dan pengujian terhadap sistem website reseller, dapat dinyatakan bahwa kegiatan ini memiliki dampak dan manfaat terutama bagi mitra KPKM. Beberapa manfaat nyata dari kegiatan ini antara lain: pertama, memberikan solusi yang lebih efektif dan praktis terkait cara promosi produk fesyen muslim pada Fahimashop. Kedua, memudahkan pihak mitra Fahimashop dalam melakukan transaksi khusus reseller. Ketiga, menambah peluang terhadap nilai penjualan untuk jangkauan pelanggan yang lebih luas dengan memanfaatkan website dan fitur-fitur media sosial

    Identifying Perception, Interests and Challenges of Informatics Students on Online Learning During COVID-19 Outbreaks

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    Since the COVID-19 outbreak is increasingly widespread in Indonesia at the beginning of the year 2020, the government considers taking policies that focus on implementing the learning and teaching process at all levels. This research focuses on identifying the perception, interests, and challenges of online learning for informatics' students at AMIKOM University Yogyakarta during the global pandemic. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach using a survey instrument. This research has succeeded in capturing an overview of the ease, obstacles, and challenges of the informatics' students in joining online learning from the study results. Discussions and contradictions to these results will undoubtedly be different if they are carried out on different student entities and with various subjects. This research contributes to higher education institutions, especially AMIKOM Yogyakarta University, to evaluate the online learning process. Although the case study presented in this research cannot represent other subjects, students' perceptions can be used as essential feedback for educational institutions


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    The role of stakeholders in government agencies in making decisions to disclose dataset in the public domain is very important and fully central. In Indonesia, government institutions are primary data providers and have the authority to determine which types of datasets may be disclosed to the public. Nevertheless, the decision-making process to open datasets carried out by government institutions is cumbersome and faces several challenges. At the same time, stakeholders can have different perspective on data disclosure, and therefore there can be pros and cons between them. Some of the causes of potential disputes in this decision making are because of several factors, such as differences in goal settings, interests, and requirements among stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to map the role of stakeholders in making data disclosure decisions. In order to map roles, this research involves several stakeholders from internal government institutions such as decision-makers, data analysts, and data evangelists. The results of this mapping indicate that each stakeholder proposes a unique blend of expertise, legitimacy, experience, risk-averse culture, as well as potential usefulness in making decisions to disclose data to the public domain. Based on the results of a case study using a semi-structured interview approach, it can be concluded that the decision-maker tends to consider the benefits and risks efficiency factors. Data analysts have an important role in weighing the benefits and risks. Meanwhile, data evangelists also play an essential role in in-depth technical analysis aspects to make stronger evidence-based or reference-based decision-making. This research contributes to providing the level of stakeholder involvement in the form of mapping roles and interests to change the current state of the stakeholder position to the desired state in the government strategic plan.Peran pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) pada instansi pemerintah dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk membuka data pada ranah publik adalah sangat penting dan sentral. Di Indonesia, institusi pemerintah merupakan organisasi penyedia data (data providers) primer sekaligus yang berwenang untuk menentukan jenis kumpulan data (datasets) mana saja yang boleh diungkapkan ke masyarakat. Namun demikian, proses pengambilan keputusan untuk membuka kumpulan data (dataset) yang dilakukan oleh institusi pemerintah bukanlah hal yang sepele dan menghadapi beberapa tantangan. Disaat yang sama, pemangku kepentingan dapat memiliki perbedaan pandangan tentang keterbukaan data, dan karenanya bisa menjadi pro dan kontra sangat mungkin terjadi antara mereka. Beberapa penyebab potensi perselisihan dalam pengambilan keputusan ini karena beberapa hal, seperti perbedaan tujuan, kepentingan, dan kebutuhan diantara pemangku kepentingan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan peran pemangku kepentingan terhadap pengambilan keputusan keterbukaan data. Dalam rangka pemetaan peran, penelitian ini melibatkan beberapa pemangku kepentingan dari internal institusi pemerintah seperti pengambil keputusan (decision-maker), analis data (data analyst), dan penyaji data (data evangelist). Hasil pemetaan ini mengindikasikan bahwa setiap pemangku kepentingan mengusulkan perpaduan unik antara keahlian, legitimasi, pengalaman, budaya menghindari resiko, dan juga potensi kebermanfaatan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk membuka data ke wilayah publik. Berdasarkan hasil studi kasus dengan pendekatan wawancara semi-struktur, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengambil keputusan (decision-maker) cenderung kepada pertimbangan faktor efisiensi manfaat dan risiko. Analis data (data analyst) memiliki peran penting dalam menimbang manfaat dan risiko. Sementara itu, pelayan data (data evangelist) berperan dalam aspek analisis teknis yang mendalam untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan berbasis bukti atau referensi yang kuat. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi untuk memberikan tingkat keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan dalam bentuk pemetaan peran dan minat untuk mengubah keadaan saat ini dari posisi pemangku kepentingan kepada keadaan yang diinginkan dalam agenda masa depan

    K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Partitioning the Openness Levels of Open Government Data Portals

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    More and more local governments in Indonesia are making their data available to the public. This benefits data scientists, researchers, business owners, and other potential users seeking datasets for empirical research and business innovation. However, just because Open Government Data (OGD) portals are accessible does not mean that they necessarily adhere to the established rules and principles of data openness. To evaluate the level of openness of 24 OGD portals in Indonesia, this study used the K-means Clustering algorithm to partition them into three levels: Leaders, Followers, and Beginners. A group of 30 participants, including researchers, data scientists, business enablers, and graduate students, rated the portals on 32 sub-questions related to the eight main principles of data disclosure, focusing on health, population, and education datasets. The study found that eight portals were categorized as Leaders, ten as Followers, and seven as Beginners regarding their level of openness. The study demonstrated that the K-means Clustering algorithm can be effectively used to assess the degree of openness of OGD portals in Indonesia based on eight main principles of data openness. The study recommends increasing the number of OGD portals in eastern territories to supplement the existing case studies in the western and central regions