45 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja, Kedisiplinan Dan Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Kantor Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Bengawan Solo

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    The purpose of this study was to significant effect analysis: 1)work motivation to employee performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office 2) work satisfaction to employee performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. 3) work discipline to employee performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. 4) Leadership to employee performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. Appropriate objectives so this study was using quantitative by survey method approach. This research population was all of employee in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. Sample was taking 120 persons by using simple random sampling technique. The main data collection tool using a questionnaire developed by the researchers and tested for validity and reliability in order to qualify a good measuring tool. Analysis tools used to test this hypothesis using Multiplled Regresion Analysis using SPSS 21.0 for Windows. Results of this study concluded: 1) Excelsior assess the responder perception to work motivation hence excelsior also employees performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. 2) Excelsior assess the responder perception to work satisfaction hence excelsior also employees performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. 3) Excelsior assess the responder perception to work discipline hence excelsior also employees performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. 4) Excelsior assess the responder perception to leadership hence excelsior also employees performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office. 5)work motivation, work satisfaction, work discipline and leadership have an effect simultaneous to employee performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office, was proven from F count value (12,798) > Ftable (2,45). 6) motivation, work satisfaction, work discipline and leadership was giving the effect equal to 30,8% to employee performance in Bengawan Solo River Region Big Hall Office, was proven from coefficient determination value (R2) equal to 0,308

    Pengaruh Promotional Mix Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada Bisnis Waralaba (Studi Kasus Pada Restoran KFC Plaza Singosaren Solo)

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    Persaingan bisnis semakin ketat pada saat ini dan salah satu bisnis yang menjanjikan adalah bisnis waralaba. Bisnis waralaba merupakan bisnis usaha menjalin kerjasama merek dengan perusahaan/pelaku usaha yang sudah memiliki nama untuk menggunakan merek dagang, pemasaran, dan operasional yang sudah mapan dan dikenal luas. Dalam bisnis waralaba mengenal bentuk promosi dan bauran promosi yaitu promotional mix. Penelitian ini membahas promotional mix perpaduan dan merupakan variabel independen antara advertising/periklanan (X1), personal selling/tenaga penjualan(X2), publicity/publisitas (X3), dan sales promotion/promosi penjualan (X4) dengan variabel dependen keputusan pembelian konsumen (Y) pada Restoran kenthucky fried chicken (KFC). Jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pemilihan responden accidental sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara dimana penelitian bertempatkan di Restoran KFC plaza Singosaren Solo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel independen mempunyai pengaruh signifikan ditunjukkan dari hasil uji t yaitu advertising (X1) sebesar 2,564, personal selling (X2) sebesar 3,030, publicity (X3) sebesar 4,894 dan sales promotion (X4) sebesar 2,679. Demikian variabel publicity (X3) mempunyai pengaruh yang paling dominan dengan nilai 4,894 dalam mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen Restoran Kenthucky fried chicken (KFC)

    Analisis Perilaku Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis UMS Dalam Pembelian Helm Ink

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah tingkat harga, kualitas produk, model, promosi akan mempengaruhi keputusan Mahasiswa dalam pembelian Helm INK. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan ini bermanfaat untuk mengetahui faktor apa yang paling dominan diantara fariabel diatas dalam keputusan pembelian helm merk INK dikalangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis UMS. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah chi square. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Adapun sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 100 mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa jenis kelamin, umur, lama menjadi konsumen, jumlah uang saku perbulan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap tingkat harga, kualitas produk, model, promosi, dan keputusan pembelian dalam membentuk keputusan pembelian helm INK dengan 2hitung > 2tabel . Hasil selisih antara nilai C Max dengan koefisien kontingensi menunjukkan bahwa antara umur dan kualitas produk memiliki selisih paling kecil dibandingkan dengan variabel yang lain, yaitu dengan nilai 0,000. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa umur dan kualitas produk paling dominan yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen dalam melakukan keputusan pembelian terhadap helm INK

    Analysis Of The Factors That Affect The Productivity Of Rattan Furniture Craftsmen In The Village Trangsan Kartasura District Sukoharjo Regency

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    This research is about salary and work experience influences concerning productivity of rattan furniture craftspeople in Trangsan village, Gatak sub district Sukoharjo district has been was worked by 62 of 70 craftspeople. This is research as regard problems in the salary and work experience and their productivity of producing furniture. From the analyze data that was carried on showed that instrument validity test on variable that as salary (X1) and work experience (X2) concerning limited variable that as craftspeople productivity (Y) in Trangsan village of Sukoharjo has showed valid value where were each salary, experience and productivity variables rcount > rtable or rcount > 0,250, whereas reliability test on variables of salary, work experience and productivity showed reliable value where were crombach’s alpha salary 0,767) work experience (0,782) and work productivity (0,721) each > the value of critical (0,70) whereas the resulof classical assumption test for each variables, showed that all of variables was qualified test, consists of multi co-linearity, autocorrelation, heteroskedasitas and normality. For analyze of bifilar linier regression, after known the constant number (a) and regression coefficient each variable (b1 and b2), so the regression equation as Y = 5,280 + 0,336 X1 + 0,366 X2. From this analyze, so the variable that influence dominant concerning craftspeople productivity in Tragan village of Sukoharjo is work experience (X2) because the value of regression coefficient is biggest as 0,366. Significant of salary influence (X1) concerning craftspeople productivity in Tragan village of Sukoharjo has obtained probability value as many 0,003 < 0,05 so Ho was refused that mean there were significant of salary (X1) concerning craftspeople productivity (Y) in Trangsan village of Sukoharjo. Whereas significant test of experience work (X2) concerning craftspeople productivity the probability as many 0,000 < 0,05 so Ho was refused that mean there were significant influence of work experience (X2) in Tragan village of Sukoharjo. For the model constant test was obtained probability value as many 0,000 < 0,05 so Ho was refused that mean the model was used to test the free variable influence as salary (X2) concerning craftspeople productivity limited variable that as craftspeople productivity (Y) in Trangsan village of sukoharjo was correct. The result of determination coefficient was obtained Adjusted R Square value = 0,594 that mean known influence was given by free variable that as salary (X1) and wor experience (X2) concerning limited variable that as craftspeople productivity in Trangsan village of Sukoharjo 59,4% and the other else (100%- 59,4%=40,0% influenced by the else factors example discipline, safety, security and the other else

    Pengaruh Keadilan Distributif, Keadilan Prosedural Dan Keadilan Interaksional Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai Pt. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop 7 Madiun

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    PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) land transportation company located in Java and Sumatra. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) has several branch offices in various cities called DAOP (Regional Operations) and or DIVRE (Regional Division). PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) has 9 (nine) DAOP in Java and 4 (four) DIVR E in Sumatra. In research residing PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) DAOP 7 Madiun whose working area covers Walikukun up to Jombang, Kediri up to Blitar. The purpose of this study is to analyze distributive justice, fairness proceedings and interactional justice to employee job satisfaction. Researchers use cross section data and research methods. The study population is employees of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) DAOP 7 Madiun as many as 1411 employees. Samples with 94 respondents with simple random sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression. The results showed that distributive justice has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Procedural justice has a pos itive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Interactional justice has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Keywords: distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, job satisfactio

    Pengaruh Beban Kerja Dan Iklim Kerja Terhadap Stres Kerja Air Traffic Controller Dalam Sebuah Bandar Udara

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    The objectives of this research is to analyze (1) The influence of workload towards air traffic controllers stress level in an airport, (2) The influence of working climate towards air traffic controllers stress level in an airport, (3) The average level of workload, working climate, and stress of air traffic controllers in an airport. This research uses quantitative method, consists of 62 air traffic controllers of three airports. In the data collecting uses questionnaire. To analyze the data, the researcher uses double regression method and Nasa-TLX S to assess the subjective workload. Based on the data analysis can be concluded that: (1) Workload contributes positive significant towards stress level of air traffic controllers; (2) Working climate contributes negative significant towards stress level of air traffic controllers; (3) The air traffic controllers workload average level is in a heavy level (91,71 percent), the working climate is in a fine level and excellent trend (79,26 percent), and the stress is in a normal level (58,61 percent). Key words: influence, workload, working climate, stress, air traffic controllers, an airport. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk manganalisis (1) Pengaruh beban kerja terhadap tingkat stres para air taffic controller di dalam sebuah bandar udara, (2) Pengaruh iklim kerja terhadap tingkat stres para air taffic controller dalam sebuah bandar udara, (3) Tingkat rata-rata beban kerja, iklim kerja, dan stres kerja para air taffic controller dalam sebuah bandar udara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode kuantitatif dengan responden sebanyak 62 orang air traffic controller dari tiga bandar udara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode regresi berganda dan analisis pengukuran beban kerja subyektif Nasa-TLX. Berdasarkan pada analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1) Beban kerja memberikan pengaruh postif signifikan terhadap tingkat stres para air taffic controller ; (2) Iklim kerja memberikan pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap tingkat stres para air taffic controller; (3) Tingkat beban kerja rata-rata para air taffic controller berada pada tingkat sangat berat (91,71 persen), iklim kerja berada pada tingkat baik berkecenderungan sangat baik (79,26 persen), dan stres kerja berada para tingkat sedang atau wajar (58,61 persen). Kata kunci: pengaruh, beban kerja, iklim kerja, stres kerja, air traffic controller. sebuah bandar udar

    Analisis Pengembangan Karir, Disiplin Kerja, dan Religiusitas Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Surakarta)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze and explain the influence of career development, work discipline, and religiosity on employee performance on Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Surakarta. This study uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to employees. The sample in this study were 50 respondents. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling. Data analysis in this study using IBM computer program Statistics SPSS 20.0 with multiple regression analysis method. The results of this study are career development positive and significant effect on employee performance, work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and religiosty has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Keyword : Development Carrer, Work Discipline, Religiosty and employee performanc

    Pengaruh Keunggulan Kompetitif Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pengunjung Objek Wisata Air “Owabong” Purbalingga

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine and analyze the effects of competitive advantage and service quality to customer satisfaction, and the subsequent impact on the loyalty of Owabong Water Park Purbalingga visitors. This research is a descriptive causal research, using survey method. The population of the research is Owabong Water Park visitors. This research uses a sample of 100 visitors. The sampling is done through convenience sampling technique. Data in this study are collected from questionnaires distributed to the samples, and other secondary data available. The data analysis is done using path analysis. Based on the analysis, the study concludes that: the competitive advantage and service quality have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction either partially and simultaneously; customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty; competitive advantage and service quality do not have a direct effect on customer loyalty; and there are indirect effects of competitive advantage and service quality to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. Keywords: Customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, service quality

    Pengaruh Social Media Marketing, Influencer, Dan Word Of Mouth Terhadap Brand Awareness Produk Scarlett Whitening

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of social media marketing, influencers, and word of mouth on brand awareness of Scarlett Whitening products. This type of research is quantitative research, with a student population of FEB University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This study uses SPSS 21 application data processing with 100 respondents. The sample selection used a non-probability sampling approach or a saturated sample. The data used is primary data through a questionnaire. The analysis used in this study includes instrument testing, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the analysis of the statistical application calculation of SPSS t-test data, it shows that social media marketing and word of mouth have a positive and significant effect on brand awareness. Meanwhile, influencers have a positive but not significant effect on brand awareness. Then, based on the results of the analysis of the SPSS statistical application calculation data, the F test shows that social media marketing, influencers, and word of mouth have a simultaneous influence on brand awareness

    Pengaruh Pelayanan dan Promosi Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Pada Hypermarket Assalaam Sukoharjo

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    Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dengan mengadakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel-variabel Pelayanan dan Promosi Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang yang terdiri dari fokus: fokus pada konsumen. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan perusahaan dalam mengevaluasi tingkat pelayanan dan promosi berpengaruh terhadap minat beli ulang dalam meningkatkan penjualan perusahaan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian berupa deskriptif dan kausal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah 100 orang responden dengan Purposive Sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Uji t variabel Kualitas Pelayanan menunjukan Nilai thitung > ttabel sehingga ada pengaruh signifikan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Minat Beli Ulang dan Uji t variabel Promosi menunjukan Nilai thitung > ttabel sehingga ada pengaruh signifikan Promosi terhadap Minat Beli Ulang, sedangkan Uji F menunjukan Nilai Fhitung > Ftabel sehingga kedua variabel Kualitas Pelayanan dan Promosi signifikan mempengaruhi Minat Beli Ulang, sedangkan Uji R2 secara simultan menunjukan bahwa Kualitas Pelayanan dan Promosi Hypermarket Assalaam memiliki pengaruh terhadap Minat Beli Ulang sebesar 55,7%, sisanya 44,3% dipengaruhi oleh factor-faktor lain. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan, Promosi, Minat Beli Ulang