12 research outputs found

    Peran Kepala Sekolah Sebagai Supervisor dalam Mengembangkan Profesionalisme Guru di SD Negeri 02 Gawanan

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    This research aims to describe about: 1) role of principal as supervisor in developing teacher professionalism in SD Negeri 02 Gawanan, 2) obstacles faced by principal as supervisor in developing teacher professionalism in SD Negeri 02 Gawanan, and 3) effort done principals as supervisors in overcoming various obstacles in developing the professionalism of teachers in SD Negeri 02 Gawanan. Data collection techniques are conducted through interviews, and supported by observation and documentation. The validity of the data using source triangulation. Data analysis techniques performed from the reduction stage, display data, and verification / conclusion. The results of the research indicate that: 1) Principal of SD Negeri 02 Gawanan in improving teacher professionalism by giving motivation and security in working, establishing professional working relationship, self-actualization and self-development of teacher, sharing opinion, cooperation in prevention and improvement and improvement of learning quality; 2) The constraints faced by the principal as a supervisor in developing the professionalism of teachers in SD Negeri 02 Gawanan are facilities and infrastructure that have not been fulfilled in its entirety, the feeling of hesitation towards the senior teacher and the lack of financial condition of the school; 3) The efforts of the principal as a supervisor in overcoming various obstacles in developing the professionalism of teachers in SD Negeri 02 Gawanan is to equip facilities and infrastructure, be flexible and communicate well with teachers and staff and develop funding sources

    Pengelolaan Kelas dalam Membiasakan Tertib di Kelas Rendah Pada Siswa Autis di Sekolah Inklusi SD Al-Firdaus Surakarta

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    This study aims to (1) Describe the implementation of classroom management activities in orderly in low class at students with special needs in the school inclusion Al-Firdaus Surakarta. (2) Describe the obstacles of classroom management activities in orderly in the low grade classroom for the autistic students in the inclusive school of Al-Firdaus Surakarta Elementary School. (3) Describe the effort to overcome the obstacles of classroom management activities in orderly in the low class in the autistic students in the inclusive school of Al-Firdaus Surakarta Elementary School. Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. The validity of the data using technique triangulation and source triangulation. In this study data analysis techniques performed according to Miles and Huberman is through the data reduction stage, display data, and conclusions or verification. The results of this study are: (1) Behavior arrangements of teachers by making class rules and additional rules for students with autism as a precaution of behavior less orderly. Teachers also provide reprimands, advice, guidance and therapeutic rolls with sponges for students with autism who perform unfavorable behavior. The disciplinary arrangements by the teacher to familiarize order are to impose punishment and rewards. Arrangements of interest and passion done by teachers using varied learning media, provide motivation and apply the principles of classroom management so that students can perform their duties in an orderly manner. (2) Obstacles in the implementation of classroom management activities in the habit of low class in the crew of students at Al-Firdaus Elementary School is the lack of active participation of some parents and the noise caused by other students. Efforts are made to overcome the lack of active parent role is to conduct discussions between classroom teachers, companion teachers and parents. (3) While the effort to overcome the students who do not like the sound of the cracking is to quiet the class atmosphere, if it is less then the student will be pulled out into the PUSPA room

    Pengelolaan Full Day School pada SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019

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    The 2013 curriculum applies the Full Day School system. The school is planning a Full Day School system in accordance with Minister of Education and Culture. The management of the Full Day School program at school since morning until afternoon that makes the school more free to arrange their lesson. In fact, SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta carries out full day school management from 7:00 to 15:30. The purpose of this study is to describe the management of full day school system at SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive design. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques use the concepts of Miles and Huberman. The validity of the data is measured using source and data triangulation. The results of the study shows that the concept of implementation are: Planning in the form of a plan needs a coordinator in arranging parallel classes then followed by preparation of work plans. Organizing the project was formed by the committee then there are division of tasks between homerooms teacher and homeroom representatives in completing 5 assignments. Control in the presence of supervision in every 3 months is carried out by school leaders and the Foundation. Then an evaluation of a parts os work programs has been carried out. This activity has constraints, such as teachers’ personal constraints, schools and students. To overcome this, the teacher uses his own creativity to find what is easy to do but in accordance with what the government and school expect. Thus management of the SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta is carried out systematically

    Implementasi Nilai-nilai Religius pada Siswa Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) di SD Negeri Pajang 1 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    The purposes of this study describe: 1) The values of religious instilled in students with ADHD in Primary Schools 1 Pajang of Surakarta, 2) Implementation of religious values in students with ADHD in Primary Schools 1 Pajang of Surakarta, 3) Identifying the obstacles encountered by teachers in implementation process of religious values in students with ADHD in Primary Schools 1 Pajang of Surakarta, 4) The solutions are adopted by the teacher to minimize obstacles in implementation process of religious values on ADHD in Primary Schools 1 Pajang of Surakarta. The method that used in this reseach is descriptive qualitative using case study design. Techniques of data collection are observation, interview and documentation. The validity of the uses triangulation of data sources and methods. The technique of data analysis of this research uses interactive qualitative analysis. The results of this research are: 1) The values instilled in students' religious ADHD in Primary Schools 1 Pajang of Surakarta include BTA as an extracurricular activities, planting, habituation of prayer according to religious learning (except islamic education by reciting Al Fatihah and prayer before learning), tolerant/in harmony with other faiths, saving money every day, teaching properties of prophet likes shidiq, amanah, tabligh, and fathonah, 2) Implementing religious values in students ADHD through habituation, integrating all subject of education, familiarization class policy, as well as exemplary, 3) Constraints that faced to the teachers in implementation religious values in students with ADHD is parenting parents less precise, communication with parents is difficult, and the constraints on students with ADHD (primarily emotional and attention is less focused), 4) Solution that undertaken by the teacher to minimize the constraint is understanding the condition of the students, in collaboration with the teacher assistant special, utilizing book liaison, establishing communication with the parents, facilitating students to answer questions, waiting to calm the students, as well as to communicate with the teacher for private lessons

    Pelaksanaan Strategi Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Bagi Siswa Tunarungu Di SDLB Colomadu

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    This study aims to describe the problems and how to cope with the deaf children: 1) type of service 2) the role of scholl personnel 3) causes of the deaf 4) problem encountered. Guidance and counseling are activities that originate in human life. Reality shows that man in his life always faces alternating problems. Human beings are not equal to each other, both in nature and ability. There are people who can handle problems without the help of others, and not a few people who are not able to overcome problem if not helped others. Children with special needs are children who are significantly impaired (physically, mentally, intellectually, socially, and emotionally) in the process of development compared with other children of their age so they need special services. Guidance counseling for students deaf in school aims that after receiving counseling and guidance services the child can achieve optimal adjustment and development in accordance with the remaining ability, talents, and the values held. Keyword : Counseling guidance, dea

    Analisis Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Dalam Memanfaatkan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Memusatkan Perhatian Siswa Kelas V Di SD Negeri 02 Karangwaru Plupuh

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    This research aims to 1) describe the pedagogic competence of teachers in utilizing mathematics learning media to focus students ' attention. 2) Knowing the obstacles faced by students in utilizing mathematical learning media to focus students 3) overcome the obstacles faced by teachers in utilizing mathematics learning media to focus students ' attention. This type of research is qualitative research. Research subjects are principals, V-class teachers, and V-grade students. Data collection techniques using observations, interviews and documentation. Data is analyzed through steps of data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal of conclusions. Data validity inspection techniques are carried out by triangulating techniques and resources. The results showed that: 1) teachers have not fully used the learning media at the time of study, using media when learning will be better than conventional ones. 2) Teachers do not equip themselves by developing the potential in making learning media, because teachers have difficulty in making learning media to conduct learning activities. 3) Teachers convey lesson materials using learning media that can help teachers during the learning process as a tool or attraction to convey material

    Kontribusi Ketekunan Shalat 5 Waktu Dan Rutinitas Membaca Al-Qur'an Terhadap Kedisiplinan Siswa Kelas Atas Sd Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Nogosari

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    This research aims to (1) determine the contribution of perseverance to pray five times towards discipline on the upper grade students in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program). (2) determine the contribution of reading the Qur'an routine towards discipline on the upper grade students in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program). (3) determine the contribution of perseverance to pray 5 times and routine reading the Qur'an routine towards discipline on the upper grade students in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program). This research is quantitative research, the population in this research is upper grade namely IV, V and VI in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program). The sample of this research is 50 students by using Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. Data collection techniques is questionnaires, documentation and observation. The analysis technique is multiple regression analysis that precedes the prerequisite test analysis. The results of the research show that: 1) There is contribution from perseverance of praying five times towards discipline on the upper grade students in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program). Based on T test is obtained: Tcount ˃ Ttable (3,176 ˃ 2.011) and significant value ˂ 0.05 (0003 ˂ 0.05). 2) there is a contribution from routine of reading the Qur'an towards discipline on the upper grade students in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program). Based on T test is obtained: Tcount ˃ Ttable (3,239 ˃ 2.011) and significant value ˂ 0.05 (0002 ˂ 0.05). 3) there is contribution from of reading the Qur'an routine towards discipline on the upper grade students in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program). Based on F test is obtained: Fcount ˃ Ftabel (65 841 ˃ 3.20) and ˂ significance value of 0.05 (0.000 ˂ 0.05). The results of determination test (R2) is 0.737 mean that is from this coefficient is that the contribution is given by a variable combination of perseverance to pray 5 times and routine of reading the Qur'an with discipline on the upper grade students in the Muhammadiyah Primary School of Nogosari (Special Program) is 73.7% while the remnant is 26.3% influenced by other variables. Keywords: praying five times, reading Qur'an, discipline students

    Strategi Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Peminat Dan Daya Tarik Untuk Menyekolahkan Anak Ke SD Muhammadiyah 3 Nusukan Surakarta

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    Along with the development of competition between educational institutions increasingly competitive. But the appeal of the community to send their children to Muhammadiyah Elementary School 3 of Nusukan Surakarta not even recede. Seeing this phenomenon researchers interested in studying more about the marketing strategies of educational services in increasing interest and appeal to send children to Muhammadiyah Elementary School 3 of Nusukan Surakarta. This study aims to investigate the implementation of the marketing strategy of educational services, supporting factors and obstacles in the implementation of marketing strategies in order to increase interest in educational services and public appeal to send their children to Muhammadiyah Elementary School 3 of Nusukan Surakarta. This type of research is research kualiatif. The approach used a qualitative approach with a qualitative research design bersisfat descriptive phenomenology. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data by triangulation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation, and concluded. This study addressed two subjects, namely the implementation of the marketing strategy of educational services, supporting factors and obstacles in the implementation process. The process of implementation of the marketing strategy of educational services performed Muhammadiyah Elementary School 3 of Nusukan Surakarta namely: identification and analysis of market, segmentation and positioning, differentiation, promotion, promotion evaluation. Factors supporting namely Fiduciary community and alumnus still relatively high. Inhibiting factors namely: time and human resources. Keywords: Strategy, Marketing, Education Services, Enthusiasts

    Analisis Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Guna Mengelola Pembelajaran Tematik Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 di MIM PK Kartasura

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    This study aims to describe the pedagogical competence of teachers for the management of thematic learning based on the 2013 curriculum at the MIM PK Kartasura. The type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive research design. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data is analyzed through steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification of data or conclusions. The technique of checking the validity of the data uses triangulation techniques and source triangulation. The informants in this study were the deputy headmaster or guardian angel, class I teacher and fourth grade students. The results showed that the application of pedagogical competencies in thematic learning began from the planning, implementation, and assessment stages which included the teacher must make a lesson plan, master the material, use strategies according to the student's learning style. Aspects that must be mastered by the teacher include mastering the characteristics of students, mastering learning theory and the principle of learning that is educational, curriculum development, educational activities that educate, development of potential students, communication of students

    Penggunaan Alat Peraga Edukatif “Magic Box” Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2016/ 2017

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    The study aims to: (1) describe the use of the magic box educative aids for Mathematics learning of the 5th grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta in 2016/ 2017, (2) identify the problem faced in the implementation the magic box educative for mathematics learning of the 5th grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta in 2016/ 2017, dan (3) to increase the learning outcome for mathematics in the implementation the magic box educative for mathematics learning of the 5th grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta in 2016/ 2017. It was a collaborative class action research. The techniques of the data gathering comprised observation, interview, test, and documentation. The results show that 1) there was an increased Mathematics learning outcome, i.e., from 30.77% into 94.87%. It indicates that the students could achieve KKM ≥75; the students in an average of 66.95 into 82.67 amounted to 35 people, so that the indicator of learning outcome at 75% could be achieved. 2) Constraints encountered in the use of the magic box educative aids for Mathematics learning of the 5th grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta in 2016/ 2017 is student tend to be passive and less confident, less teachers skilled in the use of the magic box educative, conditioning of students in class . 3) There was an increased learning activity, i.e., the lowest score of 1 into 9 and the highest score of 4 into 15. The inactive students into the very active ones in learning activity achieved ≥75% of the previously active students