136 research outputs found

    Analisis Keberlangsungan Industri Genteng di Kecamatan Jaten Kabupaten Karanganyar Tahun 2017

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    Kecamatan Jaten is one of the kecamatan located in Kabupaten Karanganyar which is located in roof tile industry. The roof tile industry is working to increase revenue for entrepreneurs and local communities. This study has objectives, by (1) knowing the characteristics of tile industry (2) to know the sustainability factors of the tile industry. The method used in this research is census method. The population is all of the roof tile industry entrepreneurs with a total of 82 entrepreneurs. Data obtained from this research by interview method. The analysis used frequency table analysis and cross table analysis. This research shows the characteristics of roof tile industry entrepreneurs: roof tile industry entrepreneurs are mostly male (85.4%), age of entrepreneurs are mostly productive age who are still able to work. Most entrepreneurs graduate from primary school (57,3%) because roof tile business does not require high education but from habit and skill. Factors affecting the sustainability of the most important tile industry is raw materials. Origin of raw materials obtained by the average businessman from outside kecamatan. Income entrepreneurs on average Rp.1,600,000 - 2,000,000 in one burn. Distribution pattern of roof tile industry in research area is clustering that known from map

    Potensi dan Strategi Pengembangan Obyek Wisata Di Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun 2018

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    Boyolali District is a district that has a number of tourist attraction that is very potential for development. Sightseeing in Boyolali not yet developed and mandapatkan optimal management so that there are still supporting and inhibiting factor. The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing tourism potential in Boyolali regency, to know the strategy of development of tourism in Boyolali district. This research method using descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods such as description of the region and the calculation of scoring figures of the studied object, this method aims to describe the phenomenon of tourist attraction in a systematic, factual, and accurate and the facts that are interconnected between phenomena. The research results show the supporting factors of the existing attractions include beautiful scenery panorama, the openness of the community will visit tourists, good security conditions, easy accessibility facilities and has started complete facilities and infrastructure in every tourist attraction in Boyolali while for factors obstacles include constraints on mining in terms of funds, the level to promote less tourist attractions, lack of public transportation and the availability of land owned by the Boyolali Youth and Sports and Tourism Agency (DISPORAPAR). The results of SWOT analysis for development direction strategy include developing and supporting the well-known and potentially evolving tourism with good planning and management, improving facilities and infrastructures supporting the activities and infrastructure, technology development and information flows advanced and growing rapidly, with the potential of a strong attraction needs to be immediately implemented a program of development and development of the potential contained in each tourist attraction in Boyolali Distric

    Analisis Kesejahteraan Kelompok Industri Tempe Di Tegal Rejo Dan Paulan Barat Kelurahan Paulan Kecamatan Colomadu Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    This research was conducted at Tegal Rejo and Paulan West Village District of Colomadu Paulan Karanganyar. This study aimed to analyze the soybean industry and analyze welfare tempe industry groups in Tegal Rejo and Paulan West Village District Colomadu Paulan of Karanganyar. The method used in this study is a survey method using secondary data obtained from the BKKBN (2014) and primary data obtained through interviews, observation, and recording with the Tegal Rejo and Paulan West Village District of Colomadu Paulan Karanganyar. Geography approach used in this study is the spatial approach. The analysis used in this study is a SWOT analysis (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats). Results of research on the welfare of Tegal Rejo and Paulan West showed the highest initial capital in Tegal Rejo Rp.1.310.000 ie (60%) 6 Paulan respondents and in the west (84%) 5 respondents, the largest source of capital in Tegal Rejo derived from its own capital ie (70%) 7 respondents and Paulan West (50%) 3 respondents, the origin of most workers in Tegal Rejo come from every village each ie (50%) and Paulan West 5 respondents (84%) 5 respenden, the amount of power Most work in Tegal Rejo 1-5 people are (100%) 10 respondents and Paulan West (83%) 5 respondents, most types tegnologi in Tegal Rejo kind of modern technology (80%) 8 respondents and in Paulan West (100%) 6 respondents, the origin of the raw materials in Tegal Rejo from outside Karanganyar ie (50%) 5 respondents and Paulan West (50%) 3 respondents, the type of production in Tegal Rejo tempeh wrap leaf types (80%) 8 respondents and Paulan West (85 %) 5 respondents, the marketing area Tegal rejo out Karanganyar (30%) and Paulan West 3 respondents (41%) 3 respondents, education level in Tegal Rejo high school (90%) 9 respondents and Paulan West (83%) 5 respondents , facilities in Tegal Rejo fan (90%) 9 respondents and Paulan West (100%) 6 respondents, revenue in Tegal Rejo Rp. 1.500.000- Rp. Namely 2,000,000 (70%) 7 respondents and Paulan West (100%) 6 respondents, the ownership of land / house in Tegal Rejo private property (50%) and Paulan West 5 respondents (83%) 5 respondents, vehicle ownership in Tegal Rejo in the form of a car (80%) 8 respondents and Paulan West (83%) 5 respondents selected health facilities in Tegal Rejo are doctors (30%) 3 respondents and Paulan West (49%) 3 respondents, eating tempe whole industry entrepreneurs have ie 3x daily diet (100%) 16 respondents, selected food consumption in Tegal Rejo of meat that (40%) 4 respondents and Paul's West (34%) of 2 respondents while ownership of livestock for Tegal Rejo area in the form of chickens and goats ie (30%) of respondents for Area 3 West Paulan no respondents who have cattle. Conclusions based on the results of the analysis of the welfare group tempe industry in Tegal Rejo and Paulan West Village District of Colornadu Paulan Karanganyar prosperous category

    Analisis Kesesuaian Potensi Dan Produksi Beras Di Kecamatan Delanggu Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2006-2010

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Kesesuaian Potensi Pertanian Padi Terhadap Produksi Beras di Kecamatan Delanggu Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2006-2010” . Penelitian ini didasarkan pada permasalahan menurunnya produksi beras di Kecamatan Delanggu. Yang mana beras adalah komoditas utama di bidang pertanian. Sedangkan masing-masing Desa memiliki potensi pertanian padi yang memadai guna dilakukannya budidaya tanaman padi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) mengetahui potensi pertanian padi di Kecamatan Delanggu tahun 2006- 2010 (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor potensi terhadap produksi (3) menganalisis kesesuaian potensi terhadap produksi Data yang dikumpulkan dan digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder. Data sekunder dikelompokkan per unit Desa antara lain data produksi padi tahun 2006-2010, lahan sawah teririgasi, luas lahan sawah, luas panen, jumlah penduduk petani, luas gangguan hama/bencana, produksi padi pertahun, Sumber data adalah Kelurahan, Kecamatan Delanggu, UPTD Pertanian Delanggu, Dinas Pengairan Umum, Dinas Pertanian dan Tanaman Pangan Kab. Klaten, Bappeda, dan BPS. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif sedangkan analisisnya menggunakan analisis data kuantitatif. Berdasarkan analisa data yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa secara rata-rata antara tahun 2006-2010, hipotesis 1 terbukti yakni potensi pertanian padi dari tahun 2006-2010 adalah bervariasi yaitu memiliki klas rendah, sedang dan tinggi untuk masing-masing Desa. Hipotesis ke 2 tidak terbukti, tidak semuanya klas dari faktor-faktor potensi mempengaruhi produksi, seperti luas sawah hanya mempengaruhi sekitar 18,75%, luas sawah teririgasi 18,75%, luas panen 40 %, luas gangguan hama 40% dan kepadatan penduduk agraris 60,87%. Hipotesis ke-3 terbukti, yakni Tingkat kesesuaian dari tahun 2006-2010 adalah bervariasi, yang mana di tahun 2006 dan 2007 adalah sama yakni 18,75% dengan Desa yang memiliki nilai sesuai yaitu Desa Karang, Sribit dan Kepanjen. Tahun 2008 dan 2009 tambah menjadi 25% yakni Desa Banaran. Sedangkan tahun 2010 meskipun naik menjadi 43,75% namun ada perbedaan dari Desa yang pada tahun 2009 sesuai menjadi tidak sesuai yakni Desa Banaran, Sribit, dan Kepanjen. Desa yang memiliki nilai sesuai adlah Desa Bowan, Jetis, Karang, Krecek, Delanggu, Sabrang, dan Sidmulyo

    Kajian Hubungan Tingkat Kualitas Permukiman Dengan Kondisi Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta

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    This research aims to (1) Examine the relationship of quality settlements with the public health in Gondokusuman. (2) Examine the distribution of the quality settlements in district Gondokusuman. Examine how the condition of the quality settlements with the methods of digitally interpretation on the satellite worlview image. This interpretation is used to tap the information in the form conditions of settlement density, patterns of the layout of the building, trees patron, the width of the driveway, condition of driveway, and location of the settlement. Ability of digitally Interpretations on image is limited can be assisted with survey methods to get conditions of flood, sanitation, the quality of drink water, landfills, and rain water channels that are present in the field. The results of the quality settlements from overlay all the parameters, then examined relation towards the public health conditions assisted with correlation analysis to strengthen the relations of the two variable how intertwined. The findings of this research is the study of the relationship between two variables, namely the quality settlements and public health conditions are indeed interrelated so it appears a foregone conclusion that public health conditions in District Gondokusuman is influenced by the quality of the neighborhoo

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kunjungan Wisatawan Ke Desa Wisata Pulesari Kecamatan Turi Kabupaten Sleman

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    This study aims to: 1) determine the characteristics of tourists visiting Pulesari Tourism Village: 2) know the dominant factors that attract tourists to visit Pulesari Tourism Village. This research method using survey method with Accidental Quota Sampling technique, this technique is taking quota that is limited with the number of respondents, this technique is done with certain considerations seen from the characteristics of tourists such as gender, age, occupation, education, so the samples taken not randomly but determined by the researchers themselves. Scoring technique is a process of assessing the relative between 1 to 3 on each variable of research in the form of tourist characteristics based on the level of education, work age, and the area of origin of tourists. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the characteristics of tourists visiting the village of Pulesari Tourism seen from the status of the interview result of the average is the student / student (42.85%), they do the tour with the purpose of refreshing and eliminating fatigue, then second the most visited is the employment status of employees / employees (40%), they travel with aims for outbound tours and refreshing to eliminate fatigue after and busy with work activities that confiscate 2). Pulesari Tourism Village has internal potential and different external potential, judging from the scores that have been obtained that is 16 levels of high class based on the quality of tourist attraction and conditions of tourist attraction is very good and has the main attraction of outbound tours and other components, while for the external potential the total score obtained is 19 are in the middle class that affects good accessibility and complementary facilities, and supporting facilities that are available in Pulesari Tourism Village, 3) The dominant factor that attracts tourists to visit that is based on the accessibility is good, easier to access anything needed such as with transportation and road conditions to the point of location. Other dominant factors are the attractions and activities offered

    Analisis Pertumbuahan Penduduk Dan Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana Sosial Ekonomi Di Kecamatan Depok Kabupaten Sleman Tahun 2009 Dan 2013

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Depok Kabupaten Sleman dengan judul “A NALISIS PERTUMBUHAN PENDUDUK DAN KETERSEDIAAN SARANA PRASARANA SOSIAL EKONOMI DI KECAMATAN DEPOK KABUPATEN SLEMAN TAHUN 2009 DAN 2013” bertujuan : 1. Meng kaji faktor demografi (kelahiran, kematian, dan migrasi) yang paling mempengaruhi pertumbuhan penduduk di Kecamatan Depok ta hun 2009 d an 2013, 2. Mengkaji hubungan faktor non demografi ( fasilitas pendidikan, kesehatan, dan ekonomi ) terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk di Kecamatan Depok tahun 2009 dan 2013. Metode yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah analisis data sekunder, data sekunder y ang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi kelahiran, kematian , migrasi, fasilitas pendidikan, fasilitas kesehatan, dan fasilitas ekonomi. Anali sis data menggunakan tabel freku ensi dan analisis data statistik, sedangkan untuk mencari hubungan dan menyatak an seberapa kuat hubungan antar variabel yaitu tingkat ketersediaan fasilitas sosial ekonomi berhubungan terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk digunakan program SPSS deng an analisis Chi - Square . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan penduduk yang terjadi d i daerah penelitian tahun 2009 dan 2013 masuk dalam kategori tinggi karena memiliki nilai pertumbuhan 0,71%. Faktor demografi yang paling mempengaruhi pertumbuhan penduduk adalah faktor kelahiran, hal ini diketahui dari angka kelahiran yang mengalami penin gkatan dari tahun 2009 dan 2013, sehingga pertumbuhan penduduk yang terja di di daerah penelitian tinggi. Perhitungan pada tahun 2009 mengenai hubungan antara fasilitas pendidikan terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar (0,223) dan perhitungan pada tahun 2013 mengenai hubungan antara fasilitas pendidikan terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar (0,223) , kedua nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan fasilitas pendidikan tahun 2009 dan 2013 memiliki nilai hubungan yang sangat lemah terhadap pertumbuhan pendud uk. Perhitungan pada tahun 2009 mengenai hubungan antara fasilitas kesehatan terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar (0,223) dan perhitungan pada tahun 2013 mengenai hubungan antara fasilitas kesehatan terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar (0,223) , kedua nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan tahun 2009 dan 2013 memiliki nilai hubungan yang sangat lemah terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk . Perhitungan pada tahun 2009 mengenai hubungan antara fasilitas ekonomi terhadap pertu mbuhan pendu duk sebesar (0,199) dan perhitungan pada tahun 2013 mengenai hubungan antara fasilitas ekonomi terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar (0,233), kedua nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan tahun 2009 dan 2013 memiliki nilai hubunga n yang sangat lemah terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk. Kata Kunci: Analisis Pertumbuhan Pendudu

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Penduduk Terhadap Ketersediaan Sarana Dan Prasarana Sosial Ekonomi Di Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun 2008 Dan 2012

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    Tujuan penelitian (1) Mengetahui tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk di Kecamatan Kartasura tahun 2008 dan 2012.(2) Mengetahui faktor demografi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk di kecamatan Kartasura (3) Mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ekonomi di Kecamatan Kartasura. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis data sekunder, data sekunder diambil dari instansi-instansi yang terkait dengan penelitian ini. Data sekunder yang digunakan merupakan data time series dengan perbandingan tahun yaitu dari tahun 2008 dan 2012. Penentuan daerah penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo yang memiliki 12 desa yaitu Desa Ngemplak, Desa Gumpang, Desa Makamhaji, Desa Pabelan, Desa Ngadirejo, Desa Kartasura, Desa Pucangan, Desa Kertonatan, Desa Wirogunan, Desa Ngabeyan, Desa Singopuran, dan Desa Gonilan. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis statistik deskriptif dengan unit analisis terkecil wilayah desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk di Kecamatan Kartasura tahun 2008 dan 2012.Tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk dengan nilai klasifikasi tinggi berada di Desa Ngemplak, Gumpang, Pucangan. Pertumbuhan penduduk dengan nilai klasifikasi sedang berada di Desa Kertonatan, Wiragunan, Singopuran, Gonilan. Pertumbuhan penduduk dengan klasifikasi rendah berada di Desa Makamhaji, Pabelan, Ngadirejo, Kartasura, dan Ngabeyan. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang terjadi di Kecamatan Kartasura tahun 2008 dan 2012 masuk dalam kategori sedang dengan memiliki nilai pertumbuhan sebesar 0,85 %. Faktor demografi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk di kecamatan Kartasura pertumbuhan penduduk dikarenakan oleh tiga faktor yaitu kelahiran, kematian, dan migrasi.Nilai angka kematian meningkat maka dapat mengurangi jumlah penduduk sehingga pertumbuhan penduduk yang terjadi di daerah penelitian dalam kategori sedang. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk di Kecamatan Kartasura pada tahun 2008 dan 2012 adalah faktor kematian. Hubungan antara pertumbuhan penduduk pada tahun 2008 terhadap masing-masing fasilitas sosial ekonomi didapatkan nilai korelasi R pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap fasilitas kesehatan dengan nilai R ( 0,380 ),fasilitas pendidikan dengan nilai R ( 0,452) dan fasilitas ekonomi dengan nilai R ( 0, 543).Pada tahun 2012 didapatkan nilai korelasi R pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap fasilitas kesehatan dengan nilai R ( 0,412 ),fasilitas pendidikan dengan nilai R ( 0,503) dan fasilitas ekonomi dengan nilai R ( 0, 599)

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pendapatan Petani Tembakau di Kecamatan Sulang Kabupaten Rembang pada Tahun 2017

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    Tobacco harvest in Sulang sub-district continues to increase despite having been hit by climate factor in the previous year. This certainly makes people not willing to switch professions, besides factors such as knowledge and education also affect the lack of people to switch professions. However, the yields and income levels of farmers are not solely influenced by the factors mentioned earlier, but by pest factors, soil types, and fertilizers. This study aims to (1) Know Characteristics of Socio-Economic Community of Tobacco Farmers in Sulang Sub-district of Rembang Regency and (2) To Analyze What Factors Affect Income Level of Tobacco Farmers Community in Sulang Sub-district, Rembang Regency. The method used in this study is Survey Method that is by conducting interviews directly to the respondent with the number of samples 91 using koesioner, and the selection of respondents using Simple Random Sampling (simple random). While the method used to analyze the data is using cross tables and frequency tables. The results of this study indicate that tobacco farmers in the subdistrict sulang dietik by men with age more than 50 years, have an elementary school education, and have the number of dependents 3-4 people. this indicates that not interested in youth in kecamatan sulang to become farmers and choose to migrate because of prestige and assume income from farmers very little. While factors that affect income are capital, climate, pest, soil type, fertilizer and planted area of tobacco plantation. However, although there are factors that affect the income level, tobacco income is more profitable in other tigers such as sugar cane, rice, or corn

    Evaluasi Ketersediaan Fasilitas Pendidikan Tingkat Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kecamatan Grabag Kabupaten Purworejo Tahun 2014

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    Educational services in elementary school (SD) has been set in legislation through the Minimum Service Standard (SPM) basic education to ensure the quality of education that implemented by each educational unit. Differences between regulatory condition in the field may occur in practice. This research was conducted in the District of Grabag for the purpose of : (1) to determine the availability of educational facilities of state elementary school, (2) to identify the quality of education in state elementary school, (3) to identify the number of the real needs for educational facilities of state elementary school, and (4) to evaluate the avalailability of educational facilities in the state elementary school in the District of Grabag. The method used in this research is descriptive moethod with secondary data analisys techniques. Institutional data used are the data number of SD, the number of students, teachers, classrooms, number of tables and chairs and other supporting data. The field survey is used to check the result of image interpretation for land use by purposive sampling method. The result indicate that the elementary educational facilities are available in all villages except in the Tlepok kulon village. The service of SD as many as 37 units have also been able to reach the entire area of this district. Comparisons between data availability facilities with regulations based on SPM in PERMENDIKNAS No 15 tahun 2010, the lack of educational facilities occured in component of : SD units, the number of classrooms, and the possible shortage of tables and chairs, while the number of teachers is sufficient. Quality of service (KP) and the Quality of Absorption (KDS) mostly had a good value. The result of evaluation of the facilities using SPM and the real condition shows that lack of SD occured for Tlepok kulon village and there is a shortage classrooms in 6 villages. Teacher shortage occurs because some teacher who teach is an auxilary teacher or wiyata bhakti teacher. The need for a shortage of tables and chairs can not be known with certainty because of incomplete data