210 research outputs found

    Struktur ekonomi dan sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat 1999-2003

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    ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PENDAPATAN PETANI PADI SAWAH di Kecamatan Sipora Utara Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai Tahun 2011

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    This study on the analysis of the factors affecting rice farmers' income Sipora case study of the northern districts Mentawai Islands regency, 2011. Necessary data in this study were primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through interviews with rice farmers in the district of North Sipora Mentawai Islands District with a list of questions that have been provided. Secondary data was collected from various sources ie offices / agencies. Analysis tool that is used to determine the factors affecting rice farmers' income is the multiple linear regression. Dependent variable is the production of rice, while the independent variable is the land area, number of seeds, labor, fertilizer and pesticides, to know the average income per hectare of land of farmers using a cost function analysis, to determine the factors affecting rice farmers' income used the linear regression Simple. Dependent variable is income, while the independent variable is the production. Subsequently analyzed by the method of Ordinary Least Square (OLS). From the analysis of the factors that affect rice production is obtained that the area of land, seed, labor, fertilizer and pesticides is jointly significant effect (significant) on rice production. That the use of production factors TK and PPK show positive and significant effect on rice production, while the use of production factors PSTD and BBT showed no significant effect. These factors together showed a significant effect on rice production. Average land to expand production at one time the season was 3333.36 kg / ha. Results of data analysis, it is known that the average revenue yield paddy farming Rp15.015.750,00 / ha less variable costs once the season is Rp8.047.650,93 / ha, the net income of rice farmers on a one-time production / planting rice at Rp6.968.099,07 / ha. The results of data analysis the influence of productivity on net income showed a positive and significant impact on net income of rice farmers

    ANALISIS RUMAH TANGGA MUSLIM SASARAN PENERIMA RASKIN TAHUN 2013 (Studi Kasus di Pedukuhan Pogung Kidul, Desa Sinduadi, Kecamatan Mlati) Kabupaten Sleman, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Raskin is one of government assistance program for poor society in Indonesia which often face problem in the collection, the distribution, and the utilitarian. This was justified by Don K. Marut in result research conference by the title �Tinjauan Terhadap Efektifitas Program Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Indonesia� that explained about Raskin is the complicated program in Indonesia. Almost 45% of several assistance program that have given RTM (Rumah Tangga Miskin)by government. The flexible of data receiver became the reason why data receiver Raskin didn�t give exactly for the society who need it. It�s because of unhonesty from candidate receiver while survey of collection was done. Receiver RTS of Raskin is mostly moslem, so the phenomena of Raskin isn�t related with Moslem learning which always learn about the value of Ilahiyah in every step. The purpose of this research is to analyze the profile of moslem RT of raskin target, the fairness of distribution, utilitarian, the behaviour of moslem RT in receiving the assistance, and analyze the awareness of moslem RT for sharing Raskin with RTM who didn�t get it. This research is analysis descriptive. The collection data used questionnairs by interviewing the target. Beside that, to see the relationship between several variable with the explaining of research is used correlation analysis several variable. Based on the analysis, it showed that 78% RTS are productive age. The rate education is elementary school. The rate total of familiy member is four persons. The maximum income is Rp 12.500.000,-, the minimum is Rp 25.000,-, and the rate income is Rp 818.492/month. 89% of RTS is the accuracy distribution of raskin, 91% of raskin is consumed by theirselves directly, 87% society is as receiver of zakat fitrah, 95% of society is disposed to share their Raskin, 3% of moslem RT of Raskin receiver have felt enough of their necessary. Keyword : profile of moslem RT, accuracy target, utilization, effectiveness, honesty, careness of poor people


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    The relationship of economic indicators that important to be highlighted are unemployment, economic growth, and inflation which reveals the social development and deals with efficiently and effectively to contribute increasing prosperity of the society. This study employs trend analysis, stationary test, co-integration test and causality test by using error correction model to examine development and the relationship of the three variables by using the time series annual data during the period 1988-2012 in the Batam economy. The trend analysis shows that Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of the manufacturing sector refers cubic trend, for inflation shows the time variable either on linear, quadratic and cubic trends, the models can not explain well. This is due to the variance of the data during the study period were very diverse. The open unemployment rate during period 1988-2012 shows a trend cubic, in early decade of research refer downward trend, but the next the unemployment rate tends to increasing and reaching the highest level in the period 2001-2006 with an average above 13 percent, in despite of decreasing but not significantly so the unemployment rate is still relatively high. Base on results of unit root test that the data of the GRDP for manufacturing sector, inflation as well as the open unemployment rate through the aplication of Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) suggest that all the variables in the model are stationer. A long-run relationship between the GRDP growth of the manufacturing sector with the open unemployment rate and between inflation with the open unemployment rate occur between of them as confirmed by the co-integration test during the period of study. Lastly, Causality test using Error Correction Model (ECM) is conducted to examine the existence of causation in the series. The result is statistically significant indicating that between the open unemployment rate with the GRDP of the manufacturing sector has negatively unidirectional causality, it confirmed that the Okun's law can be used as a reference for analyzing the causality between of them. As well as the causality test between inflation with the open unemployment rate reveals that there is unidirectional relationship of them, it is consistent with the theoretical rational of the Phillips curve states that between inflation and unemployment occurs trade-off

    Potensi pajak hotel dan pajak restoran kota Bukittinggi

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    OPERATIONAL EVALUATION OF ZAKAT DISTRIBUTION FORMED IN THE MICRO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM in Sleman, Bantul, and Gunungkidul, 2013-2014 Case Study: SAKOFA Program of Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta

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    Zakat microfinance is a strategic alternative to the limitation of zakat institution and microfinance institution in empowerment program. To make sure the zakat microfinance is on the track and to boost its performance and its benefit, evaluation is needed. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of productive zakat program formed in the micro-economic empowerment program named Sakofa (Madrasah Ekonomi Dhuafa) of Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta. Primary data were gathered from 30 respondents who are the beneficiaries of Sakofa Program 2013-2014. They are domiciled in Sleman, Bantul, and Gunungkidul. Analytical tools used to measure the monetary aspects were Headcount index, poverty gap index, poverty severity index, Watts Index, and measure of time to exit poverty. Saving behavior, philanthropy aspect, religiosity, and some entrepreneur aspects were measured to analyze the non-material aspects of mustahiq. The formal statistical test used was Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test. The counseling effectiveness held by Dompet Dhuafa and BMT was analyzed simply using radar chart and phi coefficient. All the monetary aspects show betterment after Sakofa Program. The Headcount index decreased from 74 percent to 63 percent. Poverty gap decreased by 13 percent, poverty severity decreased by 14 percent, and the Watts index decreased by 17 percent. The average time taken to exit poverty with income growth rate at 0.32 decreased by 44 percent. Philanthropy aspect and saving behavior are better after Sakofa Program. Four of six mustahiqs who did not give infaq before Sakofa become munfiq after Sakofa Program. Unfortunately, mustahiqs were lack of discipline and desire to be independent. Coverage of target group was less than 100 percent: 74 percent. The misuse of zakat fund was only found in one mustahiq. The effectiveness of counseling material on spirituality is the lowest. Overall, Sakofa Program has a good performance. Most of respondents, as many as 65 percent, said that the benefit of Sakofa Program is very useful to their life. Moreover, 66 percent of respondents feel that Sakofa Program does takes part in improving their prosperity