155 research outputs found

    Metaphor in Adele’s Song

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    This study is aimed 1) to find out the type of metaphor contained in Adele's song lyrics and 2) to find out the meaning of the metaphor in Adele's song lyrics. This research is descriptive qualitative. The object of this research are the metaphors found in Adele's song lyrics. The data source of this research are Adele's song lyrics. The method used by researchers is documentation in collecting data and analyzing the data. In analyzing the data, researchers use the type of metaphorical theory Lakoff and Johnson (1980) to determine the type of metaphor in Adele's song lyrics and the theory of Geoffrey Leech (1974) to analyze the meaning of metaphors in the lyrics of Adele's Song. The results of this study show that 1) all kinds of metaphors found in Adele's song lyrics, namely structural metaphor (8.69%), orientational metaphor (39.1%), and ontological metaphor (53.33%) 2) The meaning of the metaphor found are conceptual meaning (31.25), connotative meaning (18.75), affective meaning (18.75), stylized meaning (25), and thematic meaning (12.5)

    Figurative Language In The Poems Of Jalaluddin Rumi : A Sociolinguistic Perspective

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    This research has two major objectives proposed by the researcher, namely (1) to identify the types of figurative language used in the poetries by Jalaluddin Rumi and (2) to explain the meanings of figurative language used in the poems of Jalaluddin Rumi. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data source of this research is taken from the poetries by Jalaluddin Rumi. Techniques of collecting data used are observation and documentation. The data was analyzed by using Leech’s theory to identify the types of figurative language and Hymes’ theory to explain the meaning of figurative language. The result shows that (1) the types of figurative language there are 13.51% of personification, 18.92% of hyperbola, 43.24% of metaphor, 18.92% of simile and 5.41% of litotes. The majority of figurative language types used in poetries by Jalaluddin Rumi is metaphor which has 16 out of 37 (43.24%). Meanwhile, (2) the meanings of figurative language there are 56.76% of suggestion meaning, 10.81% of command meaning and 32.43% of prohibitation meaning. The majority of figurative language meanings used in poetries by Jalaluddin Rumi is suggestion which has 21 out of 37 (56.76%).Keyworsds: gurativelanguage, poetries, Jalaluddin Rumi, types

    A Register Used In Barclays Premier League Official Page Of Instagram By Sociolinguistic Perspective

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    This research aimed (1) to describe the Linguistic Forms of the register in Barclays Premier League official page (2) to describe the meaning of each Register in Barclays Premier League official page in instagram. The type of this research uses descriptive qualitative. The data source of this research is taken from Barclays Premier League of istagram official page. The data of this Research are the comments of the photo of instagram. The researcher collects data using documentation technique. The researcher analyzed data in two steps, classifying data as word, phrase, noun phrase, verb phrase and adjective, determining the meaning of register by Halliday’s “speaking” theory. The results of the study shows that the linguistic forms of the data are (A) Noun (86.6%) (B) Adjective (6,66%) (C) Verb(6,66%) (D) Adverbial Phrase of Time (6,66%) and the researcher found the intention of the register used in Barclays Premier League refers to place, time, cause and purpose

    Figurative Language Used In The Browning's Poems

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    This research has two major objectives proposed by the researcher, they are (1) to identify the types of figurative language used in The Browning’s poems, (2) to find out the implied meaning of figurative language used in The Browning’s poems. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data source of this research is taken from the poems by The Browning. Regarding with the method of collecting the data, the researcher applies observation and documentation by studying deeply on the poems by The Browning and then the researcher clarifies the data using Perrine Lawrence’s theory of figurative language and other scientists that support it. Whilst regarding the implied meaning of the figurative language used in The Browning’s poems, the reasearcher uses the theory of Leech of types of meanings and other scientists’ theories that support it.The result of the study indicates that in The Browning’s poems, there are ten types of figurative language used namely; Symbol, Simile, Metaphor, Synecdoche, Paradox, Metonymy, Personification, Apostrophe, Hyperbole, and Understatement. Closerly related to the implied meanings of figurative language used in the poems, the researcher here finds five types of implied meanings namely; connotative, affective, stylistic, conceptual, and reflective meaning

    Figurative Language in One Ok Rock's Song Album

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    This study aims (1) to describe the type of figurative language in the song One Ok Rock and (2) to classify the types of meaning contained in the song One Ok Rock. This research is descriptive qualitative with data taken from the lyrics of the song One Ok Rock. This study uses documentation techniques to collect data. In analyzing data, researchers used the theory of a study of meaning Geoffrey Leech (1974), K. Knickerboard theory & amp; H.Williard Reniger (1963) to present the types of meaning and figurative language types. (1) The result, the researchers found 4 types of figurative language (hyperbole 62.5%, personification 25%, Simile 6.25%, onomatopoeia 6.25%), and the most dominant of the 4 types of figurative language found were hyperbole 62,5% containing excessive meaning. (2) And the researchers also found 4 types of meaning (43,75% connotative meaning, 31.25% affective or emotive meaning, 12.5% conceptual or denotative meaning and 12.5% thematic meaning) and connotative meaning is a type of meaning that dominant of the 4 types of meaning that have been found that contain 43,75%meaning that indirectly exceeds the pure conceptual conten

    Types And Meaning Of Figurative Language In Selected Song Lyrics Of Red Hot Chili Peppers

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    This study aims (1) as explaining the type of figurative language used in the song Red Hot Chili Peppers (2) as finding the type of meaning contained in the song Red Hot Chili Peppers. This research is a descriptive qualitative with data taken from the Red Hot Chili Peppers song. This study uses documentation techniques to collect data. In analyzing the data, researcher used the theory by Keraft Groys (2009) and Geoffrey Leech (1974) to present the types of figurative language and meaning types that used in the lyrics of the song Red Hot Chili Peppers. As a result, (1) the researchers found 6 types of figurative language (metaphor 38.1%,personification 19.05%, hyperbole 19.05%, metonymy 14.3%, pun 4.75%, and paradox 4.75%), and metaphor is the dominant figurative language of the 6 types of figurative language which was found. (2) And the researchers also found 3 types of meaning (connotative meaning 57.15%, reflected meaning 23.8%, and affective meaning 19.05%) and connotative meaning were the dominant meaning types of the 3 meaning types found

    Address Systems Used in Ballerina(2016) Movie Script (Sociolinguistics Perspective)

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    This research is aimed to classify the types of address systems and to determine the social factors which affect the use of address system used by the characters in Ballerina (2016) Movie Script. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher uses Ballerina (2016) Movie Script as the data source and the data were collected through document analysis. The researcher used Wardaugh (2015) and Wardaugh (2006) Theory to analyze the data. The result of the research shows there are nine types of address systems namely (1) adressing by title, (2) addressing by first name, (3) addrssing by title plus last name, (4) addressing by nickname, (5) addessing by kinship name, (6) addressing by mockery name, (7) addressing by full name, (8) addressing by intimacy name and (9) addressing by title plus full name. The research reveals that there are six social factors affect the use of address systems such as rank or social status, occupational status, age, degree of intimacy, family relationship, anger expression and formal situation

    Type and Meaning of Figurative Language of Most Popular Football Anthem Song From English Premier League Club

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    This study aims (1) at identifying the type of figurative language contained in the lyric of anthem songs from selected football clubs in the English premier league, and then (2) finding the type of meaning contained in the lyric of anthem songs from selected football clubs in the English premier league. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data source of this research is the anthem song lyrics from selected football clubs in the English premier league. The method used by researchers is documentation in collecting data. In analyzing the data researchers used the theory of Reaske (1966) and Leech (1981) at finding out the type of figurative language and the type of meaning the lyric of anthem songs from selected football clubs in the English premier league. The results of this research indicate that (1) the researcher found 6 types of figurative language (metaphor 36,36%, repetition 4.45%, hyperbole 31.81%, simile 9.09%, personification 13.66%, and synecdoche 4.54%), and metaphor is the dominant figurative language of the 6 types of figurative language which was found. (2) And the researchers also found 3 types of meaning (connotative meaning 59.10%, affective meaning 36.36%, and reflected meaning 4.54%), and connotative meaning were the dominant meaning type of the 3 meaning types found

    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 Di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Delanggu, Kabupaten Klaten

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    This study aims at; 1). Describing the characteristics of the preparation of learning English is based Curriculum 2013 in Class VIII SMP N 1 Delanggu, Klaten regency; 2).Describing the characteristics of the preparation of teachers in the teaching of English based Curriculum 2013 in Class VIII SMP N 1 Delanggu, Klaten regency; 3). Describing the characteristics of the implementation of English language learning based Curriculum 2013 in Class VIII SMP 1 Delanggu, Klaten regency; 4). Describing the characteristics of the evaluation of learning English is based Curriculum 2013 in SMP N 1 Delanggu, Klatenregency. This type of qualitative research methods research design using an ethnographic approach. This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Delanggu as is one of the schools curriculum implementation pilot project in 2013 in the district of Klaten. The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Data analysis technique used in this research is the analysis of interactive model. While data Collenting method uses ; Indepth Interview, Observation, and Documentation.The survey results revealed that, 1). Teacher subjects in English is already preparing a lesson plan curriculum in 2013 before the new school year begins, although not yet complete and perfect. Since 2013 learning curriculum was applied in accordance with the rules of implementation of learning In English that have been enacted; 2). Preparation of teachers of English based Curriculum 2013 in Class VIII SMP N 1 Delanggu, the teacher's role is very important in learning, as manager of the learning objectives will be achieved if managed properly. Teachers should be ready to increase its competence, it is recommended always focus, both in the classroom and MGMPs activities with teachers from the school curriculum piloting 2013; 3). Implementation of learning: (a) all teachers are implementing learning in accordance with the RPP (b) the objectives listed RPP in accordance with the theme, the material in the syllabus and the students' books. (c) material not only based on student and teacher handbooks course, can also be taken from the internet. (d) Approaches, Models, Strategies and learning methods used to use a wide range of variations to suit the purpose of learning materials in 2013 a student-centered curriculum, fun, creative, innovative, scientific approach. (e) the teacher uses Infrastructure and Learning Tools are already available, also take advantage of other learning tools, both of which encountered on his way from home to school. (f) the teacher has conducted an assessment in accordance with curriculum guidelines in 2013, the assessment of aspects of knowledge to aspects of skills and attitudes, 4). The school principal also evaluated by means of administrative supervision and in the classroom. There are three categories of obstacles from the teacher, curriculum polemics, and of student learning. To overcome these obstacles teachers still need continuous training of the competent authorities

    The Contribution of Learning Style, Learning Motivation, and Teacher’s Classroom Management toward Student’s English Writing Achievement

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    This research is aimed to know the contribution of student’s learning style, student’s learning motivation, and teacher’s classroom management toward student’s English writing achievement at the tenth grade students on the second semester of SMA Batik 2 Surakarta. The type of this research is associational quantitative research. The sample of this research was 129 students which are chosen by using cluster random sampling. The techniques of collecting data used questionnaire and test. The questionnaires are dealing with student’s learning style, student’s learning motivation, and teacher’s classroom management, while the test is dealing with student’s English writing achievement. The researcher used SPSS version 21.0 to analyze the data which consist of descriptive statistic, classic assumption test, multiple regressions and hypothesis testing such as t-test (partial), f-test (simulation), coefficient of determination, predictor contributions. The result of this research shows that Fresult is 58,277 with the significant is 0,000. The result of R2 is 58,3%. The result above shows that there are positive and significant contributions of independent variables toward dependent variable individually and simultaneously. Statistically, sensory has the high contribution in student’s learning style, extrinsic motivation has the high contribution in student’s learning motivation, and physical presence has the high contribution in teacher’s classroom management
