8 research outputs found


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    This research aims to analyzing of political judgment that construct Japan action in carry out their REDD+ political in Indonesia and it formed framework of Japan basis motivation in cooperation IJ-REDD+ toward Indonesia. This is considered from constructive theory based on Reus-Smith, it�s linked to four reason or political judgment underlie step of action by Japan as an actor social, those are ideographic, purposive, ethical and instrumental. Finding of analysis, four reason of political judgment will explain how the ideas able to transform to be norm and then it influencing behavior and structure of Japan nation (government) to formulate environmental policy toward REDD+ in their own country and it started in cooperation REDD+ project form in Indonesia by through JICA organization. Acceptance toward its norm is connected to Japan effort to identification itself then compose their interest in cooperation. This research concludes process of Japan involvement in carry out their REDD+ political in Indonesia can�t be separated from Japan identity as environmental friendly country that composed by social structure and Japanese norm adhered, then compose purposing of Japan motivation related to cooperation implementation itself. In social interaction and in expectation able to explain the dimension connection toward identity, motivation and how relation can be important contributing in international environmental policy stud

    Reformasi Lingkungan Cina Studi Kasus: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

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    China in the few last decades has undergone a rapid economic transformation. Establishment of Special Economic Zones in the late 70 was a major key point in this transformation. A massive industrial progress in those SEZs including Shenzhen, has led the rise of China�s economic power. But it also comes with a prize of environmental degradation. Shenzhen as a lead and model city in environmental protection have to change its regulation and strategy to tackle this new challenge. Using Ecological Modernization Theory we can see how Shenzhen government, enterprise, and civil society together gone through environmental reform toward more sustainable development. Decentralization and flexibility of Shenzhen�s government is important factor in Ecological Modernization Theory, along with technological innovation, and changing role of enterprise & civil society. Environmental reformation in Shenzhen is far from perfect but it is still transforming and developing, despite all of the obstacles


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    After the reform of Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in 2002, the European Union issued fisheries subsidies with the original purpose to keep the water�s environment and European marine resources. However, this policy actually have an impact on the environmental damage such as overfishing that threatens fish stocks in European waters, food security, long-term economic, and political integration of the European Union in the future. Fisheries subsidies become a controversial policy because it proved with the negative impact on the environment. By looking at the political processes in three pillars of the European Union as a supranational state reflection: European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the European Union, resulted a decision that fisheries subsidies will continue with allocate fund 6.5 billion euro start from 2014 until 2020. Some countries support this policy as beneficial subsidies, but the others countries argue that subsidies is a blind spent. Conflicts of the member state�s interest behind the fisheries subsidies and the political dynamics background become focus of the research to find out the reasons and justification of the European Union to still maintain fisheries subsidies


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    Trade facilitation is one of the main components in the wheel of economy of Indonesia and is one of the key factors of economic development of a country, which involves a procedure that governs the movement of international goods and thus more efficiency. In the world of economy and business, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero), is the busiest port in Indonesia as well as the port that has a significant impact on trade flows for both domestic and international. Therefore, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) is required to improve its performance in the conduct of the management and development, in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency to the achievement of the target to the international port. The use of trade facilitation will encourage a roadmap of where investment in infrastructure fields is enlarged, which of course will be directed to national interests. Based on the above description, the research try to find out more about the implementation of trade facilitation in PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) with the problems that will be raised is what domestic and international challenges facing PT. Indonesia Port III (Persero) towards international port


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    This research aims to analyze the reason for rejection of the European Union on Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO), by using the theory of neo-mercantilism. The theory of neo-mercantilism is an outgrowth of mercantilism policies used in the era of liberal trading. The theory of neo-mercantilism explains the tendency of states to use economy to achieve the interests. There are four important things in neo mercantilism, which is used as atool by the state to achieve its interests, that is protectionism, the promotion of �infant industries�, education, and infrastructure. The results of the analysis using the theory of neo-mercantilism descrives how the European Union uses its policies to protect certain industries, which in this case is the industry of energy and energy crops. The conlusion of this research is that the rejection of Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) can not be separated from efforts of the European Union to protect its industry, particularly through protectionism and promotion in the use of renewable energy. Protectionism and promotion policy is contained in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). Both of these policies is the instruments of European Union to protect its energy industry as well as to promote the development of energy crops. During this CPO is a vegetable oil and raw materials in the world�s energy demand. So that, to be able to compete with palm oil, the European Union do a protection for its industry. This research is expected to explain the phenomenon in international relations, regarding the efforts of state or region to maintain its industry to compete in international trade


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    Rapid technology development and globalization in the end make the demand of electronic goods all around the world become higher. With the high demand of electronic goods, the number of electronic waste is increasing too. Electronic waste is regulated within Basel Convention as hazardous waste and that concention forbids first world countries to export their electonic waste to third world countries. Inspite of that regulation, many recycling companies from first world countries export their electronic waste to third world countries illegally. 70% of global illegal trade of electronic waste in the end goes to China. Therefore, this final paper is designed to analyze why illegal trade of electronic waste can happen in Chin

    Analisis Kebijakan Jepang terhadap Perang Irak Tahun 2003

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    This thesis discovers the factors behind the decision by Japanese government to support the United States-led invasion to Iraq in 2003. Despite the failed attempt by the U.S., Britain and Spain to gain multilateral support through the procedures at United Nations Security Council, Japan did not change its decision to support U.S. policy toward Iraq. This support could be seen from the official statements by its government, Japan�s commitment to support financially, the legislation of The Law Concerning the Special Measures on Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance in Iraq, and also from the decision to dispatch Japan�s Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to Iraq. Analysis on Japan�s policy toward Iraq war 2003 in this thesis leads to three arguments: Japan�s commitment fulfilling on Japan-U.S. allianc


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    The serious accident that occurred in Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant caused by the 11 March earthquake has brought Japan into energy policy debate. Crisis dramatically raised public awareness about energy use and sparked strong antinuclear sentiment. More Japanese people have been demanding a phase out of the country�s nuclear power generation programme. Instead, business group which has been taking benefits from nuclear power for long time is stiil supporting the using of nuclear power as a cheap electricity source. Amidst this debate, the government is mulling a new energy plan, which is likely to downsize the nuclear power programme and invest more in renewables. However, business group has been strongly rejecting any actions trying to abolish nuclear power. This research aim to understand the the influence of business group in shaping Japan�s nuclear power policy post Fukushim