6 research outputs found

    Analisis Dampak Relokasi PKL dari Alun-Alun Sragen Ke Stadion Taruna Sragen

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    Abstrak Penataan PKL selalu menimbulkan pro dan kontra, hal ini didasarkan pada lamanya para pedagang menempati tempat tersebut. Pemindahan lokasi berdagang dikhawatirkan akan menurunkan jumlah penghasilan yang akan didapat. PKL di Alun- alun Sragen utamanya di sisi timur dan selatan yang kerap kali dipadati aktivitas jual beli, hal ini menyebabkan kemacetan. Meskipun PKL memberi dampak positif terhadap perekonomian masyarakat, relokasi harus tetap dilaksanakan. Penataan PKL di Stadion Taruna ini sebagai ruang publik bagi warga Sragen. Jumlah PKL yang diboyong sebanyak 116. Maksud Pemkab Sragen memindahkan para PKL dari alun-alun ke komplek Stadion Taruna yakni menjadikan Alun-alun Sragen menjadi icon Kabupaten Sragen dan menjadi area ruang terbuka yang sedap dipandang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu 1.) Menganalisis karakteristik pedagang kaki lima di Stadion Taruna Sragen, 2.) Menganalisis dampak relokasi pedagang kaki lima Alun-alun Sragen ke Stadion Taruna bagi pendapatan PKL, 3.) Menganalisis dampak relokasi pedagang kaki lima Alun-alun Sragen ke Stadion Taruna bagi masyarakat sekitar Stadion Taruna. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus dan metode survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1.) Karakteristik pedagang kaki lima yang berjualan di Stadion Taruna didominasi oleh laki-laki dengan jumlah 13 PKL (61,90%). Rata-rata umur PKL adalah 41 tahun, pedagang kaki lima di Stadion Taruna digolongkan pada usia produktif. Pendidikan terakhir PKL di Stadion Taruna didominasi oleh tamatan SMA dengan jumlah 14 orang (66,67%). Sebelum para pedagang menjadi PKL umumnya mereka bekerja di sektor formal dengan jumlah 11 orang (52,38). 2.) Relokasi terhadap pedagang kaki lima berdampak pada penurunan pendapatan PKL sebesar 81,65%. Sektor yang mengalami penurunan tertinggi adalah PKL makanan/minuman dengan persentase 87,75%. 3.) Dampak relokasi pedagang kaki lima di Stadion taruna terhadap masyarakat adalah lokasi sekitar Stadion Taruna menjadi ramai karena aktivitas PKL terutama di akhir pekan. Pedagang kaki lima memberi dampak dengan mudahnya mendapatkan kebutuhan seperti makanan/minuman. Kata Kunci : Relokasi, PKL, Pendapatan, Lokasi viii Abstract The street vendor arrangement always raises pros and cons, this is based on the length of time the traders occupy the place. The relocation of the trading location is feared to reduce the amount of income that will be obtained. The street vendors in Sragen Square are mainly on the east and south sides which are often crowded with buying and selling activities, this causes congestion. Even though street vendors have a positive impact on the community's economy, relocation must continue. The arrangement of street vendors at Taruna Stadium is a public space for Sragen residents. The number of street vendors brought in was 116. The purpose of the Sragen Regency Government was to move the street vendors from the square to the Taruna Stadium complex which is to make Sragen Square become an icon of Sragen Regency and to become an area of unsightly open space. The objectives of this study are 1.) Analyzing the characteristics of street vendors at Taruna Sragen Stadium, 2.) Analyzing the impact of relocation of street vendors in Sragen Square to Taruna Stadium for street vendors' income, 3.) Analyzing the impact of relocation of street vendors in the Square Sragen to Taruna Stadium for the community around the Taruna Stadium. The research method used in this study uses census methods and survey methods. The results showed that 1.) Characteristics of street vendors who sell at Taruna Stadium are dominated by men with 13 street vendors (61.90%). The average age of street vendors is 41 years, street vendors at Taruna Stadium are classified as productive age. The last education of street vendors in Taruna Stadium was dominated by high school graduates with a total of 14 people (66.67%). Before the traders became street vendors, they generally worked in the formal sector with 11 people (52.38). 2.) Relocation to street vendors has an impact on decreasing street vendor income by 81.65%. The sector that experienced the highest decline was food / beverage street vendors with a percentage of 87.75%. 3.) The impact of the relocation of street vendors at the Taruna Stadium towards the community is that the location around the Taruna Stadium has become crowded due to street vendors activities, especially on weekends. Street vendors make it easy to get needs such as food / drinks. Keywords: Relocation, street vendors, income, locatio

    Dampak Perkembangan Fisik Kota Terhadap Perubahan Mata Pencaharian Tahun 2009 Dan 2019 Di Kecamatan Kartasura

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    Abstract Physical development of the city is a consequence of increasing population and all its activities in an area of the city. The increase in population and all its activities causes the need for land to increase, increasing land requirements will encourage the physical development of the city which has positive and negative impacts. The study aims to determine the physical development of the city in Kartasura District between 2009 and 2019, namely the change in land use fro agriculture to non agriculture within 10 years. The next goal is to determine the impact of the physical development of the city of Kartasura District on changes in livelihoods. This study uses primary and secondary data, primary data using the interview method, taking samples using propotional random sampling techniques and obtaining a sample of 99 people. Secondary data using Google Earth Imagery in 2009 and 2019, and data from related agencies. All data were further analyzed by temporal analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The result showed that the physical development of the town of Kartasura subdistrict had spread to the edge of the cuty with indicators of built up land, road networks, and socio-economic facilities. The highest physical development rate is in Pucangan Village, characterized by new campus buildings, road improvement and widening, and the growth of large-scale residential areas. Changes in the environment that pccur are a descrease in agricultural land area, increase in bulding density, and changes in the economic environment that is a decrease in the number of farmers and an increase in the welfare of the population. Most of the people’s livelihoods have changed in the from of farmers to non-farmers to casual daily laborers, factory workers and almost no community-orientes farmers. Keywords: Physical Development of cities, Changes in Livelihoods, Changes in Land Use

    Dampak Pembangunan Flyover terhadap Lalu Lintas dan Pelaku Usaha di Kota Surakarta Bagian Timur dan Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    This research was conducted in the Eastern Surakarta City and Karanganyar Regency with the aim of: (1) reviewing the opinions of the people around the flyover regarding traffic conditions befor and after the construction of flyovers, (2) assessing the effect of flyover on traffic around the flyover and, (3) reviewing 2 the business activities of the community surrounding the flyover after the construction of the flyover. This research is a descriptive study, this study uses the technique of “Non Probability” for sampling using “Purposive Sampling” and for samples teken using “Indepth Interview”. Data is collected by survey, observation, and document recording methods. The results of this study indicate that (1) the traffic conditions befor the flyover building are congested and after the flyover building the traffic conditions become smooth, (2) the peak of the traffic volume is at 07.30-08.30 WIB. Most types of vehicles that dominate the three research points are Motorbikes (MC), Light Vehicles (LV) and Heavy Vehicles (HV). On Raya Palur road, MC numbered 1334 vehicles/hour, LV 667 vehicles/hour, and HV 39 vehicles/hour with a total traffic flow volume of 984,5 smp/hour. Solo-Karanganyar road, MC numbered 1336 vehicles/hour, LV 750 vehicles/hour, and HV 48 vehicles/hour with a total traffic flow volume of 1079.6 smp/hour, while the Solo-Sragen road, MC numbered 1340 vehicles/hour, LV 749 vehicles/hour, and HV 49 vehicles/hour with a total traffic flow volume of 1654 smp/hour. The total average speed on the three roads at the study point was 52,54 km/hour. The average degree of saturation obtained at the three research points is 0,59, where the degree of saturation in the three research points is still in a safe level (MKJI 1997), while the level of service (Level of Service) obtained is included in category B which means the traffic flow around the flyover is still at a safe level with a slightly limited vehicle speed, but road users are still free to choose the speed. The business activities that exist around the flyover after the flyover building becomes deserted due to the reduced number of visitors who come as well as the dominant business operators argue that there is a flyover building that has an impact on their business activities

    Analisis Variasi Jaringan Pedagang Sayur Pasar Matesih Di Kecamatan Matesih Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Matesih Market concentrates on activities that consider locations that are very strategic and make it easy for the community in Matesih Subdistrict and surrounding Subdistricts. Matesih Market is able to provide all kinds of household needs, so this market is very crowded and shows interrelated social differences. As one of the markets that has a fairly high trading activity, Matesih Market has a varied vegetable trading network. Variations from traders that will show a complex relationship with traders to buyers or vice versa. Overall activity in the market will form a trading network. This is what will be issued there will be a distribution that is distributed. The population in this study is a vegetable trader in Matesih Market. This research is intended to: (1) definition Characteristics of vegetable traders in Matesih Market, (2) Analyzing variations in the network of vegetable traders on their distribution. The method used uses the census and interview methods. To find out the characteristics and variations of the network is done by recapitating the results of in-depth interviews and classification in the form of frequency tables. For the results of this research are (1) vegetable traders in Matesih Market are traders with female sex, education is relatively low, and are purchased from neighboring regions. (2) Variations in the network of vegetable traders in Matesih Market come from direct farmers and collector

    Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Program KOTAKU dalam Penataan Permukiman Kumuh di Kampung Sangkrah, Kota Surakarta Tahun 2020

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    Presidential Regulation Number 2 Year 2015 concerning the National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2019 mandates the development and development of urban areas through handling the quality of settlements. One step towards realizing the 2015-2019 RPJMN target is a city without slums in 2019, the Directorate General of Cipta Karya initiated the development of a collaboration platform through the City without the Slums Program (KOTAKU). The aim of the KOTAKU program is to improve access to infrastructure and basic services of urban slums to support the realization of habitable, productive and sustainable urban settlements. This study aims to determine the perception of beneficiary communities after the KOTAKU program as an effort to improve and maintain slums, especially in Sangkrah Village. The method used in this research is descriptive method using quantitative analysis. The results of this study produce community perceptions of the KOTAKU Programs which produce moderate perceptions, this is because there are good and bad community evaluations of the environment. Public perception that assesses both aspects of building conditions, environmental roads, drainage, clean water, sanitation, waste management. Whereas the community's poor perception of fire safety and Green Open Space (RTH) aspects. Community perceptions that assess good are in RW 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, and 11, while community perceptions that judge poorly are in RW 12 and 13. The success of the KOTAKU Program has constraints due to limited land, high density, and environmental topography. The existence of variations in community perception is influenced by community knowledge of the environment based on the characteristics of individual respondents

    Analisis Pola Dan Keterjangkauan Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Terhadap Permukiman Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Sukoharjo Regency is administratively located in Central Java, which consists of 12 sub-districts and 17 urban villages with an area of 489.12 km2.The existing population growth is directly proportional to the need for public facilities, one of which is health facilities. The existing health facilities in Sukoharjo Regency are not evenly distributed in terms of distribution and availability of health facilities.The aims of this study are (1) to analysis the distribution pattern of public health service facilities in Sukoharjo Regency. (2) to analysis the affordability of health service areas with residential areas in Sukoharjo RegencyThe method of data collection is done by primary and secondary. The data analysis method used in this study uses Nearest Neighbor analysis and affordability analysis with GIS modeling in the form of a buffer. The results obtained (1) The distribution of available health facilities cannot reach several areas in Sukoharjo Regency.(2) the affordability of existing health facilities, especially hospitals, is very less reaching areas in Sukoharjo Regency. (3) The area of Sukoharjo Regency which borders Wonogiri and Gunung Kidul is not reachable by hospitals in Sukoharjo